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This is initial proof of concept port of MicroPython to Zephyr RTOS
http://zephyrproject.org. It only integrates with Zephyr's console
subsystem so far.
Supported out of the box is Zephyr's armv7-m (Cortex-M3) architecture,
with qemu_cortex_m3 being a default target. Supporting others architectures
may require editing makefiles.
To build:
Intstall Zephyr SDK and Zephyr source from the link above. Configure
Zephyr environment as described in its instructions. Then:
To run in QEMU:
make qemu
To build for a real board (see link above for supported Cortex-M boards):
make BOARD=frdm_k64f
For boards with limited FLASH it may be necessary to disable unnecessary
features. For example to run with BOARD=qemu_cortex_m3 try:
make BOARD=qemu_cortex_m3 initconfig
$ZEPHYR_BASE/scripts/config --file outdir/qemu_cortex_m3/.config \
--disable NETWORKING \
--disable MBEDTLS
make BOARD=qemu_cortex_m3
As before we can run this in QEMU too:
make BOARD=qemu_cortex_m3 qemu
The clean targets (clean, pristine, mrproper) all act like their Zephyr
namesakes. In particular a "clean" will causes a full rebuild but will not
remove the .config file.