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How to set up a new node on an existing Maxwell mesh
where you've changed default SSIDs and passwords.
* Existing mesh node should be powered up and happily sync'd with network.
* Flip power off switch to off on new unit.
* Plug in ethernet port 1 (furthest from power jack, next to USB) from
existing node into new node.
The Ethernet is plugged in port 1 between both devices.
* For outdoor node:
Remove back cover.
* For outdoor node, viewing from back:
"LAN" port is on left, this is for ethernet backhaul.
"WAN" port is on right, this is for LAN clients.
There is no real WAN port, needs to connect to something else.
* For outdoor node:
Make sure ethernet cable is plugged into the left "LAN" port, for backhaul.
* For outdoor node:
Put cover back on.
* For outdoor node:
Plug outdoor node "LAN"/backhaul ethernet into "POE" port on PoE injector.
* Plug PoE injector LAN port into port 1 of existing mesh node, for configuring.
* Plug in power to new unit.
Linksys EA8300, 3-Band Indoor: 12V 2A output
Comfast EW-72, 2-Band Outdoor: PoE 48V output 0.32A, ~15 watt
* Power on new unit.
* Go to master node, e.g.
* Under Haasmesh --> Monitor look for new node.
Note, the new node may temporarily take IP (what does 19th unit do?).
Do not use, wait for it to get next IP, which it will a couple min later.
* Wait 5 minutes or so for it to get sync'd up, with both "Mesh" and "Ping" green
for the new IP.
Note: during this period the node is vuln to attacks as it doesn't have password and
is using a known published (and broadcasted ?) SSID.
* Tag/sharpie new node with new node number, e.g. "8".
* ssh to master node and ping new IP address, e.g.
ssh consumemax1
* ssh over to new unit from master node:
Maybe do something obnoxious like this to ssh in as quick as it becomes available
(from consumemax1):
while true ; do ssh ; sleep 1 ; done
* Check firmware versions.
OS version should output on logging in. Current versions:
Linksys EA8300 Indoor 3-Band node:
OpenWrt 19.07.4, r11208-ce6496d796
Comfast EW-72 Outdoor 2-Band node:
OpenWrt SNAPSHOT, r14229-b52b4afa15
* Set root password.
* Get MAC address and add to ~/network/wifi/consumemax/NETWORK
ip addr show br-lan
* Create a shitty RSA ssh key, ala:
Takes forever on outdoor nodes.
* Set up port forwarding on master node for ssh to new unit.
Network --> Firewall --> Port Forwards
* Name "ssh8" incrementing...
* Uncheck UDP. Make up new random port, used in ~/.ssh/config below.
* For internal IP, use new IP allocated, e.g.
* For internal port use 22. XXX should set new ssh dropbear ports.
* Set up ssh keys on workstation, ala:
Host consumemax1
User root
Port 21055
Identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa-workstation
Host consumemax2
User root
Port 22011
Identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa-workstation
Host consumemax8
User root
Port 49159
Identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa-workstation
The Hostname is the IP of the main router IP that gets forwarded on OPNSense firewall.
Make up a random port number.
Use shitty RSA keys.
* Copy that pub key to workstation, on workstation run:
scp -p consumemax8:.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/network/wifi/consumemax/dot-ssh/id_rsa.pub-8
* Add key to master consumemax authorized hosts:
cat ~/network/wifi/consumemax/dot-ssh/id_rsa.pub-8 >> ~/network/wifi/consumemax/dot-ssh/authorized_keys
chmod og-rwx ~/network/wifi/consumemax/dot-ssh/authorized_keys
* Copy those keys around, meh (using numbers of available nodes...XXX cruft):
for i in 1 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
do echo $i
scp -p ~/network/wifi/consumemax/dot-ssh/authorized_keys consumemax$i:.ssh/authorized_keys
scp -p ~/network/wifi/consumemax/dot-ssh/authorized_keys consumemax$i:/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
* Make sure ssh works from all hosts to new node, and get initial key.
for i in 1 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
do echo $i
ssh consumemax$i ssh exit
* Re-run above and it should run without any error/notice/info.
* Make sure new node can get to all hosts, and get initial key.
First time it runs, it will output like: Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
for i in 1 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
do echo $i
ssh consumemax16 ssh 192.168.2.$i exit
* Re-run above and it should run without any error/notice/info.
* Set up tunnel to node:
cp -p ~/bin/redstone-tunnel-consumemax7 ~/bin/redstone-tunnel-consumemax8
vim ~/bin/redstone-tunnel-consumemax8
ssh -N -C -L 28048:localhost:80 consumemax8
* Go there in browser:
Go to tunneled IP above in workstation browser:
* Add bookmark.
* System --> System, sync time with browser (make sure browser is correct)!
Leave timezone @ UTC.
* NOT YET, CHECK XXX set ntp server to
* Set hostname to "consumemax[num]" e.g. "consumemax8".
XXX this wasn't done on all nodes.
* Go to Hashmesh --> Monitor
* Set Access Point SSID: consumemax
and password
* Hidden Mesh Name: consumemesh
and password
* Note, it will give errors like "Entry not found" for above, but it's ok.
* Disconnect backbone LAN ethernet on port 1 of new node.
Note: on outdoor mode, disconnect "LAN" port on injector, not PoE!
* Wait a few seconds, hoping all above has sync'd.
* Power cycle new node.
* From another node, try to ping it:
ssh consumemax1
* Once it is up, start tunnel script:
* Then go to it in browser:
* Go to System --> backups and back the thing up.
* Add to doc:
vim ~/network/wifi/consumemax/NETWORK
* Power off new node.
* Optionally power back up in new location.
* Backup master node.
* Next plz.
# Misc
# on consumemax1:
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ; do ping -c1 -4 -W 2 192.168.2.$i 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "$i OK" || echo "$i bad" ; done
for i in 1 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ; do ping -c1 -4 -W 2 192.168.2.$i 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "$i OK" || echo "$i bad" ; done
# on workstation
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ; do echo $i; ssh -o "ConnectTimeout 2" consumemax$i date || echo "$i bad" ; done