Masahiro Yamada dd88ab325c Makefile: Move some scripts imported from Linux
We have some scripts imported from Linux Kernel:
setlocalversion,,, cleanpatch

They are located under tools/ directory in U-Boot now.
But they were originally located under scripts/ directory
in Linux Kernel.

This commit moves them to the original location.

It is true that and
do not originate in Linux Kernel, but they should
be moved by analogy to

Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <>
2013-12-13 09:18:45 -05:00

259 lines
5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Clean a patch file -- or directory of patch files -- of stealth whitespace.
# WARNING: this can be a highly destructive operation. Use with caution.
use bytes;
use File::Basename;
# Default options
$max_width = 79;
# Clean up space-tab sequences, either by removing spaces or
# replacing them with tabs.
sub clean_space_tabs($)
no bytes; # Tab alignment depends on characters
my($li) = @_;
my($lo) = '';
my $pos = 0;
my $nsp = 0;
my($i, $c);
for ($i = 0; $i < length($li); $i++) {
$c = substr($li, $i, 1);
if ($c eq "\t") {
my $npos = ($pos+$nsp+8) & ~7;
my $ntab = ($npos >> 3) - ($pos >> 3);
$lo .= "\t" x $ntab;
$pos = $npos;
$nsp = 0;
} elsif ($c eq "\n" || $c eq "\r") {
$lo .= " " x $nsp;
$pos += $nsp;
$nsp = 0;
$lo .= $c;
$pos = 0;
} elsif ($c eq " ") {
} else {
$lo .= " " x $nsp;
$pos += $nsp;
$nsp = 0;
$lo .= $c;
$lo .= " " x $nsp;
return $lo;
# Compute the visual width of a string
sub strwidth($) {
no bytes; # Tab alignment depends on characters
my($li) = @_;
my($c, $i);
my $pos = 0;
my $mlen = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < length($li); $i++) {
$c = substr($li,$i,1);
if ($c eq "\t") {
$pos = ($pos+8) & ~7;
} elsif ($c eq "\n") {
$mlen = $pos if ($pos > $mlen);
$pos = 0;
} else {
$mlen = $pos if ($pos > $mlen);
return $mlen;
$name = basename($0);
@files = ();
while (defined($a = shift(@ARGV))) {
if ($a =~ /^-/) {
if ($a eq '-width' || $a eq '-w') {
$max_width = shift(@ARGV)+0;
} else {
print STDERR "Usage: $name [-width #] files...\n";
exit 1;
} else {
push(@files, $a);
foreach $f ( @files ) {
print STDERR "$name: $f\n";
if (! -f $f) {
print STDERR "$f: not a file\n";
if (!open(FILE, '+<', $f)) {
print STDERR "$name: Cannot open file: $f: $!\n";
binmode FILE;
# First, verify that it is not a binary file; consider any file
# with a zero byte to be a binary file. Is there any better, or
# additional, heuristic that should be applied?
$is_binary = 0;
while (read(FILE, $data, 65536) > 0) {
if ($data =~ /\0/) {
$is_binary = 1;
if ($is_binary) {
print STDERR "$name: $f: binary file\n";
seek(FILE, 0, 0);
$in_bytes = 0;
$out_bytes = 0;
$lineno = 0;
@lines = ();
$in_hunk = 0;
$err = 0;
while ( defined($line = <FILE>) ) {
$in_bytes += length($line);
if (!$in_hunk) {
if ($line =~
/^\@\@\s+\-([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\s+\+([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\s\@\@/) {
$minus_lines = $2;
$plus_lines = $4;
if ($minus_lines || $plus_lines) {
$in_hunk = 1;
@hunk_lines = ($line);
} else {
push(@lines, $line);
$out_bytes += length($line);
} else {
# We're in a hunk
if ($line =~ /^\+/) {
$text = substr($line, 1);
$text =~ s/[ \t\r]*$//; # Remove trailing spaces
$text = clean_space_tabs($text);
$l_width = strwidth($text);
if ($max_width && $l_width > $max_width) {
print STDERR
"$f:$lineno: adds line exceeds $max_width ",
"characters ($l_width)\n";
push(@hunk_lines, '+'.$text);
} elsif ($line =~ /^\-/) {
push(@hunk_lines, $line);
} elsif ($line =~ /^ /) {
push(@hunk_lines, $line);
} else {
print STDERR "$name: $f: malformed patch\n";
$err = 1;
if ($plus_lines < 0 || $minus_lines < 0) {
print STDERR "$name: $f: malformed patch\n";
$err = 1;
} elsif ($plus_lines == 0 && $minus_lines == 0) {
# End of a hunk. Process this hunk.
my $i;
my $l;
my @h = ();
my $adj = 0;
my $done = 0;
for ($i = scalar(@hunk_lines)-1; $i > 0; $i--) {
$l = $hunk_lines[$i];
if (!$done && $l eq "+\n") {
$adj++; # Skip this line
} elsif ($l =~ /^[ +]/) {
$done = 1;
unshift(@h, $l);
} else {
unshift(@h, $l);
$l = $hunk_lines[0]; # Hunk header
undef @hunk_lines; # Free memory
if ($adj) {
die unless
($l =~ /^\@\@\s+\-([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\s+\+([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\s\@\@(.*)$/);
my $mstart = $1;
my $mlin = $2;
my $pstart = $3;
my $plin = $4;
my $tail = $5; # doesn't include the final newline
$l = sprintf("@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s\n",
$mstart, $mlin, $pstart, $plin-$adj,
unshift(@h, $l);
# Transfer to the output array
foreach $l (@h) {
$out_bytes += length($l);
push(@lines, $l);
$in_hunk = 0;
if ($in_hunk) {
print STDERR "$name: $f: malformed patch\n";
$err = 1;
if (!$err) {
if ($in_bytes != $out_bytes) {
# Only write to the file if changed
seek(FILE, 0, 0);
print FILE @lines;
if ( !defined($where = tell(FILE)) ||
!truncate(FILE, $where) ) {
die "$name: Failed to truncate modified file: $f: $!\n";