import Sentry from "./logging/Sentry"; import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import CommaAuth from "@commaai/my-comma-auth"; import { request as Request } from "@commaai/comma-api"; import CanExplorer from "./CanExplorer"; import AcuraDbc from "./acura-dbc"; import { getUrlParameter, modifyQueryParameters } from "./utils/url"; import { GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN_KEY } from "./config"; import { fetchPersistedDbc, fetchPersistedGithubAuthToken, persistGithubAuthToken } from "./api/localstorage"; import "./index.css"; Sentry.init(); const routeFullName = getUrlParameter("route"); let isDemo = !routeFullName; let props = { autoplay: true, isDemo }; let persistedDbc = null; if (routeFullName) { const [dongleId, route] = routeFullName.split("|"); props.dongleId = dongleId; = route; persistedDbc = fetchPersistedDbc(routeFullName); let max = getUrlParameter("max"), url = getUrlParameter("url"); if (max) { props.max = max; } if (url) { props.url = url; } props.isShare = max && url; } else if (getUrlParameter("demo")) { props.max = 12; props.url = ""; = "2017-06-12--18-51-47"; props.dongleId = "cb38263377b873ee"; props.dbc = AcuraDbc; props.isDemo = true; props.dbcFilename = "acura_ilx_2016_can.dbc"; // lots of 404s on this one // props.max = 752; // props.url = ''; // = '2017-09-09--22-00-00'; // props.dongleId = '07e243287e48432a'; // props.dbc = AcuraDbc; // props.dbcFilename = 'acura_ilx_2016_can.dbc'; // really long one with real content // props.max = 597; // props.url = ''; // = '2017-08-11--04-47-54'; // props.dongleId = '0c249898b339e978'; // props.dbc = AcuraDbc; // props.dbcFilename = 'acura_ilx_2016_can.dbc'; } if (persistedDbc) { const { dbcFilename, dbc } = persistedDbc; props.dbc = dbc; props.dbcFilename = dbcFilename; } const authTokenQueryParam = getUrlParameter(GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN_KEY); if (authTokenQueryParam !== null) { props.githubAuthToken = authTokenQueryParam; persistGithubAuthToken(authTokenQueryParam); const urlNoAuthToken = modifyQueryParameters({ remove: [GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN_KEY] }); window.location.href = urlNoAuthToken; } else { props.githubAuthToken = fetchPersistedGithubAuthToken(); } async function init() { const token = await CommaAuth.init(); if (token) { Request.configure(token); } ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById("root")); } if (routeFullName || isDemo) { init(); } else { const img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = process.env.PUBLIC_URL + "/img/cabana.jpg"; = "100%"; const comment = document.createComment("7/6/17"); document.getElementById("root").appendChild(img); document.getElementById("root").appendChild(comment); }