import Bitarray from "../bitarray"; import leftPad from "left-pad"; import CloudLog from "../../logging/CloudLog"; import Signal from "./signal"; import Frame from "./frame"; import BoardUnit from "./BoardUnit"; import DbcUtils from "../../utils/dbc"; const UINT64 = require("cuint").UINT64; require("core-js/fn/array/from"); require("core-js/fn/number/is-integer"); require("core-js/es6/map"); require("core-js/es6/symbol"); require("core-js/fn/symbol/iterator"); const DBC_COMMENT_RE = /^CM_ *"(.*)";/; const DBC_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_RE = /^CM_ *"(.*)/; const MSG_RE = /^BO_ (\w+) (\w+) *: (\w+) (\w+)/; const SIGNAL_RE = /^SG_ (\w+) : (\d+)\|(\d+)@(\d+)([+|-]) \(([0-9.+-eE]+),([0-9.+-eE]+)\) \[([0-9.+-eE]+)\|([0-9.+-eE]+)\] "(.*)" (.*)/; // Multiplexed signal const MP_SIGNAL_RE = /^SG_ (\w+) (\w+) *: (\d+)\|(\d+)@(\d+)([+|-]) \(([0-9.+-eE]+),([0-9.+-eE]+)\) \[([0-9.+-eE]+)\|([0-9.+-eE]+)\] "(.*)" (.*)/; const VAL_RE = /^VAL_ (\w+) (\w+) (.*);/; const VAL_TABLE_RE = /^VAL_TABLE_ (\w+) (.*);/; const MSG_TRANSMITTER_RE = /^BO_TX_BU_ ([0-9]+) *: *(.+);/; const SIGNAL_COMMENT_RE = /^CM_ SG_ *(\w+) *(\w+) *"(.*)";/; const SIGNAL_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_RE = /^CM_ SG_ *(\w+) *(\w+) *"(.*)/; // Message Comments (CM_ BO_ ) const MESSAGE_COMMENT_RE = /^CM_ BO_ *(\w+) *"(.*)";/; const MESSAGE_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_RE = /^CM_ BO_ *(\w+) *"(.*)/; const BOARD_UNIT_RE = /^BU_:(.*)/; const BOARD_UNIT_COMMENT_RE = /^CM_ BU_ *(\w+) *"(.*)";/; const BOARD_UNIT_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_RE = /^CM_ BU_ *(\w+) *"(.*)/; // Follow ups are used to parse multi-line comment definitions const FOLLOW_UP_DBC_COMMENT = "FollowUpDbcComment"; const FOLLOW_UP_SIGNAL_COMMENT = "FollowUpSignalComment"; const FOLLOW_UP_MSG_COMMENT = "FollowUpMsgComment"; const FOLLOW_UP_BOARD_UNIT_COMMENT = "FollowUpBoardUnitComment"; function floatOrInt(numericStr) { if (Number.isInteger(numericStr)) { return parseInt(numericStr, 10); } else { return parseFloat(numericStr); } } export function swapOrder(arr, wordSize, gSize) { const swappedWords = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += wordSize) { const word = arr.slice(i, i + wordSize); for (let j = wordSize - gSize; j > -gSize; j -= gSize) { swappedWords.push(word.slice(j, j + gSize)); } } return swappedWords.join(""); } export default class DBC { constructor(dbcString) { this.boardUnits = []; this.comments = []; this.messages = new Map(); if (dbcString !== undefined) { this.dbcText = dbcString; this.importDbcString(dbcString); } } nextNewFrameName() { const messageNames = []; for (let msg of this.messages.values()) { messageNames.push(; } let msgNum = 1, msgName; do { msgName = "NEW_MSG_" + msgNum; msgNum++; } while (messageNames.indexOf(msgName) !== -1); return msgName; } updateBoardUnits() { const boardUnitNames = =>; const missingBoardUnits = Array.from(this.messages.entries()) .map(([msgId, frame]) => Object.values(frame.signals)) .reduce((arr, signals) => arr.concat(signals), []) .map(signal => signal.receiver) .reduce((arr, receivers) => arr.concat(receivers), []) .filter((recv, idx, array) => array.indexOf(recv) === idx) .filter(recv => boardUnitNames.indexOf(recv) === -1) .map(recv => new BoardUnit(recv)); this.boardUnits = this.boardUnits.concat(missingBoardUnits); } text() { this.updateBoardUnits(); let txt = 'VERSION ""\n\n\n'; txt += "NS_ :" + this._newSymbols(); txt += "\n\nBS_:\n"; const boardUnitsText = => bu.text()).join(" "); txt += "\nBU_: " + boardUnitsText + "\n\n\n"; const frames = []; for (let frame of this.messages.values()) { frames.push(frame); } txt += => f.text()).join("\n\n") + "\n\n"; const messageTxs = frames .map(f => [, f.transmitters.slice(1)]) .filter(([addr, txs]) => txs.length > 0); txt += messageTxs .map(([addr, txs]) => `BO_TX_BU_ ${addr} : ${txs.join(",")};`) .join("\n") + "\n\n\n"; txt += this.boardUnits .filter(bu => bu.comment !== null) .map(bu => `CM_ BU_ ${} "${bu.comment}";`) .join("\n"); txt += frames .filter(f => f.comment !== null) .map(msg => `CM_ BO_ ${msg.address} "${msg.comment}";`) .join("\n"); const signalsByMsgId = frames .map(f => Object.values(f.signals).map(sig => [, sig])) .reduce((s1, s2) => s1.concat(s2), []); txt += signalsByMsgId .filter(([msgAddr, sig]) => sig.comment !== null) .map( ([msgAddr, sig]) => `CM_ SG_ ${msgAddr} ${} "${sig.comment}";` ) .join("\n") + "\n"; txt += signalsByMsgId .filter(([msgAddr, sig]) => sig.valueDescriptions.size > 0) .map(([msgAddr, sig]) => sig.valueDescriptionText(msgAddr)) .join("\n") + "\n"; txt += => `CM_ "${comment}";`).join("\n"); return txt.trim() + "\n"; } getMessageName(msgId) { const msg = this.messages.get(msgId); if (msg && msg.frame) return; return null; } getSignals(msgId) { const msg = this.messages.get(msgId); if (msg) return msg.signals; return {}; } createFrame(msgId) { const msg = new Frame({ name: this.nextNewFrameName(), id: msgId, size: 8 }); this.messages.set(msgId, msg); return msg; } setSignals(msgId, signals) { const msg = this.messages.get(msgId); if (msg) { const newMsg = Object.assign(Object.create(msg), msg); newMsg.signals = signals; this.messages.set(msgId, newMsg); } else { const msg = this.createFrame(msgId); msg.signals = signals; this.messages.set(msgId, msg); this.updateBoardUnits(); } } addSignal(msgId, signal) { const msg = this.messages.get(msgId); if (msg) { msg.signals[] = signal; this.updateBoardUnits(); } } importDbcString(dbcString) { const warnings = []; const messages = new Map(); let boardUnits = []; let valueTables = new Map(); let id = 0; let followUp = null; const lines = dbcString.split("\n"); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { let line = lines[i].trim(); if (line.length === 0) continue; if (followUp != null) { const { type, data } = followUp; line = line.replace(/\" *;/, ""); let followUpLine = `\n${line.substr(0, line.length)}`; if (line.indexOf('"') !== -1) { followUp = null; followUpLine = followUpLine.substr(0, followUpLine.length - 1); } if (type === FOLLOW_UP_SIGNAL_COMMENT) { const signal = data; signal.comment += followUpLine; } else if (type === FOLLOW_UP_MSG_COMMENT) { const msg = data; msg.comment += followUpLine; } else if (type === FOLLOW_UP_BOARD_UNIT_COMMENT) { const boardUnit = data; boardUnit.comment += followUpLine; } else if (type === FOLLOW_UP_DBC_COMMENT) { const comment = data; const partialComment = this.comments[this.comments.length - 1]; this.comments[this.comments.length - 1] = partialComment + followUpLine; } } if (line.indexOf("BO_ ") === 0) { let matches = line.match(MSG_RE); if (matches === null) { warnings.push( `failed to parse message definition on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); continue; } let [idString, name, size, transmitter] = matches.slice(1); id = parseInt(idString, 0); // 0 radix parses hex or dec size = parseInt(size, 10); const frame = new Frame({ name, id, size, transmitters: [transmitter] }); messages.set(id, frame); } else if (line.indexOf("SG_") === 0) { let matches = line.match(SIGNAL_RE); if (matches === null) { matches = line.match(MP_SIGNAL_RE); if (matches === null) { warnings.push( `failed to parse signal definition on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); continue; } // for now, ignore multiplex which is matches[1] matches = matches[1] + matches.slice(3); } else { matches = matches.slice(1); } let [ name, startBit, size, isLittleEndian, isSigned, factor, offset, min, max, unit, receiverStr ] = matches; startBit = parseInt(startBit, 10); size = parseInt(size, 10); isLittleEndian = parseInt(isLittleEndian, 10) === 1; isSigned = isSigned === "-"; factor = floatOrInt(factor); offset = floatOrInt(offset); min = floatOrInt(min); max = floatOrInt(max); const receiver = receiverStr.split(",").map(s => s.trim()); const signalProperties = { name, startBit, size, isLittleEndian, isSigned, factor, offset, unit, min, max, receiver }; const signal = new Signal(signalProperties); if (messages.get(id) !== undefined) { messages.get(id).signals[name] = signal; } else { CloudLog.warn( "importDbcString: could not add signal: " + name + " due to missing message: " + id ); } } else if (line.indexOf("VAL_ ") === 0) { let matches = line.match(VAL_RE); if (matches !== null) { let [messageId, signalName, vals] = matches.slice(1); vals = vals .split('"') .map(s => s.trim()) .filter(s => s.length > 0); messageId = parseInt(messageId, 10); const msg = messages.get(messageId); const signal = msg.signals[signalName]; if (signal === undefined) { warnings.push( `could not find signal for value description on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); continue; } for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i += 2) { const value = vals[i].trim(), description = vals[i + 1].trim(); signal.valueDescriptions.set(value, description); } } else { warnings.push( `failed to parse value description on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); } } else if (line.indexOf("VAL_TABLE_ ") === 0) { let matches = line.match(VAL_TABLE_RE); if (matches !== null) { const table = new Map(); let [tableName, items] = matches.slice(1); items = items .split('"') .map(s => s.trim()) .filter(s => s.length > 0); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) { const key = items[i], value = items[i + 1]; table.set(key, value); } valueTables.set(tableName, table); } else { warnings.push( `failed to parse value table on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); } } else if (line.indexOf("BO_TX_BU_ ") === 0) { let matches = line.match(MSG_TRANSMITTER_RE); if (matches !== null) { let [messageId, transmitter] = matches.slice(1); messageId = parseInt(messageId, 10); const msg = messages.get(messageId); msg.transmitters.push(transmitter); messages.set(messageId, msg); } else { warnings.push( `failed to parse message transmitter definition on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); } } else if (line.indexOf("CM_ SG_ ") === 0) { let matches = line.match(SIGNAL_COMMENT_RE); let hasFollowUp = false; if (matches === null) { matches = line.match(SIGNAL_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_RE); hasFollowUp = true; } if (matches === null) { warnings.push( `failed to parse signal comment on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); continue; } let [messageId, signalName, comment] = matches.slice(1); messageId = parseInt(messageId, 10); const msg = messages.get(messageId); if (msg === undefined) { warnings.push(`failed to parse signal comment on line ${i + 1} -- ${ line }: message id ${ messageId } does not exist prior to this line`); continue; } const signal = msg.signals[signalName]; if (signal === undefined) { warnings.push( `failed to parse signal comment on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); continue; } else { signal.comment = comment; messages.set(messageId, msg); } if (hasFollowUp) { followUp = { type: FOLLOW_UP_SIGNAL_COMMENT, data: signal }; } } else if (line.indexOf("CM_ BO_ ") === 0) { let matches = line.match(MESSAGE_COMMENT_RE); let hasFollowUp = false; if (matches === null) { matches = line.match(MESSAGE_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_RE); hasFollowUp = true; if (matches === null) { warnings.push( `failed to message comment on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); continue; } } let [messageId, comment] = matches.slice(1); messageId = parseInt(messageId, 10); const msg = messages.get(messageId); msg.comment = comment; if (hasFollowUp) { followUp = { type: FOLLOW_UP_MSG_COMMENT, data: msg }; } } else if (line.indexOf("BU_: ") === 0) { let matches = line.match(BOARD_UNIT_RE); if (matches !== null) { const [boardUnitNameStr] = matches.slice(1); const newBoardUnits = boardUnitNameStr .split(" ") .map(s => s.trim()) .filter(s => s.length > 0) .map(name => new BoardUnit(name)); boardUnits = boardUnits.concat(newBoardUnits); } else { warnings.push( `failed to parse board unit definition on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); continue; } } else if (line.indexOf("CM_ BU_ ") === 0) { let matches = line.match(BOARD_UNIT_COMMENT_RE); let hasFollowUp = false; if (matches === null) { matches = line.match(BOARD_UNIT_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_RE); hasFollowUp = true; if (matches === null) { warnings.push( `failed to parse board unit comment on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); continue; } } let [boardUnitName, comment] = matches.slice(1); let boardUnit = boardUnits.find(bu => === boardUnitName); if (boardUnit) { boardUnit.comment = comment; } if (hasFollowUp) { followUp = { type: FOLLOW_UP_BOARD_UNIT_COMMENT, data: boardUnit }; } } else if (line.indexOf("CM_ ") === 0) { let matches = line.match(DBC_COMMENT_RE); let hasFollowUp = false; if (matches === null) { matches = line.match(DBC_COMMENT_MULTI_LINE_RE); if (matches === null) { warnings.push( `failed to parse dbc comment on line ${i + 1} -- ${line}` ); continue; } else { hasFollowUp = true; } } let [comment] = matches.slice(1); this.comments.push(comment); if (hasFollowUp) { followUp = { type: FOLLOW_UP_DBC_COMMENT, data: comment }; } } } // Disabled b/c live mode frequently calls this function // and executes way too many network requests if (warnings.length > 0) { // warnings.forEach((warning) => CloudLog.warn('importDbcString: ' + warning)); // warnings.forEach((warning) => console.log('importDbcString: ' + warning)); } this.messages = messages; this.boardUnits = boardUnits; this.valueTables = valueTables; } valueForInt64Signal(signalSpec, hexData) { const blen = hexData.length * 4; let value, startBit, dataBitPos; if (signalSpec.isLittleEndian) { value = UINT64(swapOrder(hexData, 16, 2), 16); startBit = signalSpec.startBit; dataBitPos = UINT64(startBit); } else { // big endian value = UINT64(hexData, 16); startBit = DbcUtils.bigEndianBitIndex(signalSpec.startBit); dataBitPos = UINT64(blen - (startBit + signalSpec.size)); } if (dataBitPos < 0) { return null; } let rightHandAnd = UINT64((1 << signalSpec.size) - 1); let ival = value .shiftr(dataBitPos) .and(rightHandAnd) .toNumber(); if (signalSpec.isSigned && ival & (1 << (signalSpec.size - 1))) { ival -= 1 << signalSpec.size; } ival = ival * signalSpec.factor + signalSpec.offset; return ival; } valueForInt32Signal(signalSpec, bits, bitsSwapped) { let startBit, bitArr; if (signalSpec.isLittleEndian) { bitArr = bitsSwapped; startBit = 64 - signalSpec.startBit - signalSpec.size; } else { bitArr = bits; startBit = DbcUtils.bigEndianBitIndex(signalSpec.startBit); } let ival = Bitarray.extract(bitArr, startBit, signalSpec.size); if (signalSpec.isSigned && ival & (1 << (signalSpec.size - 1))) { ival -= 1 << signalSpec.size; } ival = ival * signalSpec.factor + signalSpec.offset; return ival; } getSignalValues(messageId, data) { let buffer = Buffer.from(data); if (data.length % 8 !== 0) { // pad data it's 64 bits long const paddedDataHex = leftPad(buffer.toString("hex"), 16, "0"); buffer = Buffer.from(paddedDataHex); } const hexData = buffer.toString("hex"); const bufferSwapped = Buffer.from(buffer).swap64(); const bits = Bitarray.fromBytes(data); const bitsSwapped = Bitarray.fromBytes(bufferSwapped); if (!this.messages.has(messageId)) { return {}; } const { signals } = this.messages.get(messageId); const signalValuesByName = {}; Object.values(signals).forEach(signalSpec => { let value; if (signalSpec.size > 32) { value = this.valueForInt64Signal(signalSpec, hexData); } else { value = this.valueForInt32Signal(signalSpec, bits, bitsSwapped); } signalValuesByName[] = value; }); return signalValuesByName; } getChffrMetricMappings() { const metricComment = this.comments.find( comment => comment.indexOf("CHFFR_METRIC") === 0 ); if (!metricComment) { return null; } return metricComment .split(";") .map(metric => metric.trim().split(" ")) .reduce( (metrics, [_, messageId, signalName, metricName, factor, offset]) => { metrics[metricName] = { messageId: parseInt(messageId), signalName, factor: parseFloat(factor), offset: parseFloat(offset) }; return metrics; }, {} ); } _newSymbols() { return ` NS_DESC_ CM_ BA_DEF_ BA_ VAL_ CAT_DEF_ CAT_ FILTER BA_DEF_DEF_ EV_DATA_ ENVVAR_DATA_ SGTYPE_ SGTYPE_VAL_ BA_DEF_SGTYPE_ BA_SGTYPE_ SIG_TYPE_REF_ VAL_TABLE_ SIG_GROUP_ SIG_VALTYPE_ SIGTYPE_VALTYPE_ BO_TX_BU_ BA_DEF_REL_ BA_REL_ BA_DEF_DEF_REL_ BU_SG_REL_ BU_EV_REL_ BU_BO_REL_ SG_MUL_VAL_`; } }