
160 lines
5.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
import numpy as np
import common.transformations.orientation as orient
from selfdrive.locationd.kalman.helpers.sympy_helpers import quat_matrix_l
from selfdrive.locationd.kalman.helpers import TEMPLATE_DIR, write_code, load_code
def sane(track):
img_pos = track[1:,2:4]
diffs_x = abs(img_pos[1:,0] - img_pos[:-1,0])
diffs_y = abs(img_pos[1:,1] - img_pos[:-1,1])
for i in range(1, len(diffs_x)):
if ((diffs_x[i] > 0.05 or diffs_x[i-1] > 0.05) and \
(diffs_x[i] > 2*diffs_x[i-1] or \
diffs_x[i] < .5*diffs_x[i-1])) or \
((diffs_y[i] > 0.05 or diffs_y[i-1] > 0.05) and \
(diffs_y[i] > 2*diffs_y[i-1] or \
diffs_y[i] < .5*diffs_y[i-1])):
return False
return True
class FeatureHandler():
name = 'feature_handler'
def generate_code(K=5):
# Wrap c code for slow matching
c_header = "\nvoid merge_features(double *tracks, double *features, long long *empty_idxs);"
c_code = "#include <math.h>\n"
c_code += "#include <string.h>\n"
c_code += "#define K %d\n" % K
c_code += "\n" + open(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "feature_handler.c")).read()
filename = f"{}_{K}"
write_code(filename, c_code, c_header)
def __init__(self, K=5):
self.MAX_TRACKS = 6000
self.K = K
#Array of tracks, each track
#has K 5D features preceded
#by 5 params that inidicate
#[f_idx, last_idx, updated, complete, valid]
# f_idx: idx of current last feature in track
# idx of of last feature in frame
# bool for whether this track has been update
# bool for whether this track is complete
# bool for whether this track is valid
self.tracks = np.zeros((self.MAX_TRACKS, K+1, 5))
self.tracks[:] = np.nan
name = f"{}_{K}"
ffi, lib = load_code(name)
def merge_features_c(tracks, features, empty_idxs):
lib.merge_features(ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("long long *",
#self.merge_features = self.merge_features_python
self.merge_features = merge_features_c
def reset(self):
self.tracks[:] = np.nan
def merge_features_python(self, tracks, features, empty_idxs):
empty_idx = 0
for f in features:
match_idx = int(f[4])
if tracks[match_idx, 0, 1] == match_idx and tracks[match_idx, 0 ,2] == 0:
tracks[match_idx, 0, 0] += 1
tracks[match_idx, 0, 1] = f[1]
tracks[match_idx, 0, 2] = 1
tracks[match_idx, int(tracks[match_idx, 0, 0])] = f
if tracks[match_idx, 0, 0] == self.K:
tracks[match_idx, 0, 3] = 1
if sane(tracks[match_idx]):
tracks[match_idx, 0, 4] = 1
if empty_idx == len(empty_idxs):
print('need more empty space')
tracks[empty_idxs[empty_idx], 0, 0] = 1
tracks[empty_idxs[empty_idx], 0, 1] = f[1]
tracks[empty_idxs[empty_idx], 0, 2] = 1
tracks[empty_idxs[empty_idx], 1] = f
empty_idx += 1
def update_tracks(self, features):
t0 = time.time()
last_idxs = np.copy(self.tracks[:,0,1])
real = np.isfinite(last_idxs)
self.tracks[last_idxs[real].astype(int)] = self.tracks[real]
mask = np.ones(self.MAX_TRACKS, np.bool)
mask[last_idxs[real].astype(int)] = 0
empty_idxs = np.arange(self.MAX_TRACKS)[mask]
self.tracks[empty_idxs] = np.nan
self.tracks[:,0,2] = 0
self.merge_features(self.tracks, features, empty_idxs)
def handle_features(self, features):
valid_idxs = self.tracks[:,0,4] == 1
complete_idxs = self.tracks[:,0,3] == 1
stale_idxs = self.tracks[:,0,2] == 0
valid_tracks = self.tracks[valid_idxs]
self.tracks[complete_idxs] = np.nan
self.tracks[stale_idxs] = np.nan
return valid_tracks[:,1:,:4].reshape((len(valid_tracks), self.K*4))
def generate_orient_error_jac(K):
import sympy as sp
from common.sympy_helpers import quat_rotate
x_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('abr', 3,1)
dtheta = sp.MatrixSymbol('dtheta', 3,1)
delta_quat = sp.Matrix(np.ones(4))
delta_quat[1:,:] = sp.Matrix(0.5*dtheta[0:3,:])
poses_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('poses', 7*K,1)
img_pos_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('img_positions', 2*K,1)
alpha, beta, rho = x_sym
to_c = sp.Matrix(orient.rot_matrix(-np.pi/2, -np.pi/2, 0))
pos_0 = sp.Matrix(np.array(poses_sym[K*7-7:K*7-4])[:,0])
q = quat_matrix_l(poses_sym[K*7-4:K*7])*delta_quat
quat_rot = quat_rotate(*q)
rot_g_to_0 = to_c*quat_rot.T
rows = []
for i in range(K):
pos_i = sp.Matrix(np.array(poses_sym[i*7:i*7+3])[:,0])
q = quat_matrix_l(poses_sym[7*i+3:7*i+7])*delta_quat
quat_rot = quat_rotate(*q)
rot_g_to_i = to_c*quat_rot.T
rot_0_to_i = rot_g_to_i*(rot_g_to_0.T)
trans_0_to_i = rot_g_to_i*(pos_0 - pos_i)
funct_vec = rot_0_to_i*sp.Matrix([alpha, beta, 1]) + rho*trans_0_to_i
h1, h2, h3 = funct_vec
rows.append(h1/h3 - img_pos_sym[i*2 +0])
rows.append(h2/h3 - img_pos_sym[i*2 + 1])
img_pos_residual_sym = sp.Matrix(rows)
# sympy into c
sympy_functions = []
sympy_functions.append(('orient_error_jac', img_pos_residual_sym.jacobian(dtheta), [x_sym, poses_sym, img_pos_sym, dtheta]))
return sympy_functions
if __name__ == "__main__":
# TODO: get K from argparse