
415 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <thread>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(QCOM) && !defined(QCOM_REPLAY)
#include "cameras/camera_qcom.h"
#elif QCOM2
#include "cameras/camera_qcom2.h"
#elif WEBCAM
#include "cameras/camera_webcam.h"
#include "cameras/camera_frame_stream.h"
#include "camera_common.h"
#include <libyuv.h>
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include "clutil.h"
#include "common/params.h"
#include "common/swaglog.h"
#include "common/util.h"
#include "imgproc/utils.h"
static cl_program build_debayer_program(cl_device_id device_id, cl_context context, const CameraInfo *ci, const CameraBuf *b) {
char args[4096];
snprintf(args, sizeof(args),
"-cl-fast-relaxed-math -cl-denorms-are-zero "
ci->frame_width, ci->frame_height, ci->frame_stride,
b->rgb_width, b->rgb_height, b->rgb_stride,
ci->bayer_flip, ci->hdr);
#ifdef QCOM2
return CLU_LOAD_FROM_FILE(context, device_id, "cameras/", args);
return CLU_LOAD_FROM_FILE(context, device_id, "cameras/", args);
void CameraBuf::init(cl_device_id device_id, cl_context context, CameraState *s, int frame_cnt,
const char *name, release_cb relase_callback) {
const CameraInfo *ci = &s->ci;
camera_state = s;
frame_buf_count = frame_cnt;
frame_size = ci->frame_height * ci->frame_stride;
camera_bufs = std::make_unique<VisionBuf[]>(frame_buf_count);
camera_bufs_metadata = std::make_unique<FrameMetadata[]>(frame_buf_count);
for (int i = 0; i < frame_buf_count; i++) {
camera_bufs[i] = visionbuf_allocate_cl(frame_size, device_id, context);
rgb_width = ci->frame_width;
rgb_height = ci->frame_height;
#ifndef QCOM2
// debayering does a 2x downscale
if (ci->bayer) {
rgb_width = ci->frame_width / 2;
rgb_height = ci->frame_height / 2;
float db_s = 0.5;
float db_s = 1.0;
if (ci->bayer) {
yuv_transform = transform_scale_buffer(s->transform, db_s);
} else {
yuv_transform = s->transform;
for (int i = 0; i < UI_BUF_COUNT; i++) {
VisionImg img = visionimg_alloc_rgb24(device_id, context, rgb_width, rgb_height, &rgb_bufs[i]);
if (i == 0) {
rgb_stride = img.stride;
tbuffer_init(&ui_tb, UI_BUF_COUNT, name);
tbuffer_init2(&camera_tb, frame_buf_count, "frame", relase_callback, s);
// yuv back for recording and orbd
pool_init(&yuv_pool, YUV_COUNT);
yuv_tb = pool_get_tbuffer(&yuv_pool);
yuv_width = rgb_width;
yuv_height = rgb_height;
yuv_buf_size = rgb_width * rgb_height * 3 / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < YUV_COUNT; i++) {
yuv_ion[i] = visionbuf_allocate_cl(yuv_buf_size, device_id, context);
yuv_bufs[i].y = (uint8_t *)yuv_ion[i].addr;
yuv_bufs[i].u = yuv_bufs[i].y + (yuv_width * yuv_height);
yuv_bufs[i].v = yuv_bufs[i].u + (yuv_width / 2 * yuv_height / 2);
int err;
if (ci->bayer) {
cl_program prg_debayer = build_debayer_program(device_id, context, ci, this);
krnl_debayer = clCreateKernel(prg_debayer, "debayer10", &err);
assert(err == 0);
assert(clReleaseProgram(prg_debayer) == 0);
rgb_to_yuv_init(&rgb_to_yuv_state, context, device_id, yuv_width, yuv_height, rgb_stride);
#ifdef __APPLE__
q = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device_id, 0, &err);
const cl_queue_properties props[] = {0}; //CL_QUEUE_PRIORITY_KHR, CL_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH_KHR, 0};
q = clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(context, device_id, props, &err);
assert(err == 0);
CameraBuf::~CameraBuf() {
for (int i = 0; i < frame_buf_count; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < UI_BUF_COUNT; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < YUV_COUNT; i++) {
bool CameraBuf::acquire() {
const int buf_idx = tbuffer_acquire(&camera_tb);
if (buf_idx < 0) {
return false;
const FrameMetadata &frame_data = camera_bufs_metadata[buf_idx];
if (frame_data.frame_id == -1) {
LOGE("no frame data? wtf");
tbuffer_release(&camera_tb, buf_idx);
return false;
cur_frame_data = frame_data;
cur_rgb_idx = tbuffer_select(&ui_tb);
cur_rgb_buf = &rgb_bufs[cur_rgb_idx];
cl_event debayer_event;
cl_mem camrabuf_cl = camera_bufs[buf_idx].buf_cl;
if (camera_state->ci.bayer) {
assert(clSetKernelArg(krnl_debayer, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &camrabuf_cl) == 0);
assert(clSetKernelArg(krnl_debayer, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &cur_rgb_buf->buf_cl) == 0);
#ifdef QCOM2
assert(clSetKernelArg(krnl_debayer, 2, camera_state->debayer_cl_localMemSize, 0) == 0);
assert(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(q, krnl_debayer, 2, NULL,
camera_state->debayer_cl_globalWorkSize, camera_state->debayer_cl_localWorkSize,
0, 0, &debayer_event) == 0);
float digital_gain = camera_state->digital_gain;
if ((int)digital_gain == 0) {
digital_gain = 1.0;
assert(clSetKernelArg(krnl_debayer, 2, sizeof(float), &digital_gain) == 0);
const size_t debayer_work_size = rgb_height; // doesn't divide evenly, is this okay?
const size_t debayer_local_work_size = 128;
assert(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(q, krnl_debayer, 1, NULL,
&debayer_work_size, &debayer_local_work_size, 0, 0, &debayer_event) == 0);
} else {
assert(cur_rgb_buf->len >= frame_size);
assert(rgb_stride == camera_state->ci.frame_stride);
assert(clEnqueueCopyBuffer(q, camrabuf_cl, cur_rgb_buf->buf_cl, 0, 0,
cur_rgb_buf->len, 0, 0, &debayer_event) == 0);
clWaitForEvents(1, &debayer_event);
tbuffer_release(&camera_tb, buf_idx);
visionbuf_sync(cur_rgb_buf, VISIONBUF_SYNC_FROM_DEVICE);
cur_yuv_idx = pool_select(&yuv_pool);
yuv_metas[cur_yuv_idx] = frame_data;
rgb_to_yuv_queue(&rgb_to_yuv_state, q, cur_rgb_buf->buf_cl, yuv_ion[cur_yuv_idx].buf_cl);
visionbuf_sync(&yuv_ion[cur_yuv_idx], VISIONBUF_SYNC_FROM_DEVICE);
// keep another reference around till were done processing
pool_acquire(&yuv_pool, cur_yuv_idx);
pool_push(&yuv_pool, cur_yuv_idx);
return true;
void CameraBuf::release() {
tbuffer_dispatch(&ui_tb, cur_rgb_idx);
pool_release(&yuv_pool, cur_yuv_idx);
void CameraBuf::stop() {
// common functions
void fill_frame_data(cereal::FrameData::Builder &framed, const FrameMetadata &frame_data, uint32_t cnt) {
void create_thumbnail(MultiCameraState *s, CameraState *c, uint8_t *bgr_ptr) {
const CameraBuf *b = &c->buf;
uint8_t* thumbnail_buffer = NULL;
unsigned long thumbnail_len = 0;
unsigned char *row = (unsigned char *)malloc(b->rgb_width/4*3);
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
jpeg_mem_dest(&cinfo, &thumbnail_buffer, &thumbnail_len);
cinfo.image_width = b->rgb_width / 4;
cinfo.image_height = b->rgb_height / 4;
cinfo.input_components = 3;
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
#ifndef __APPLE__
jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, 50, true);
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, true);
jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, 50, static_cast<boolean>(true) );
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, static_cast<boolean>(true) );
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
for (int ii = 0; ii < b->rgb_height/4; ii+=1) {
for (int j = 0; j < b->rgb_width*3; j+=12) {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
uint16_t dat = 0;
int i = ii * 4;
dat += bgr_ptr[b->rgb_stride*i + j + k];
dat += bgr_ptr[b->rgb_stride*i + j+3 + k];
dat += bgr_ptr[b->rgb_stride*(i+1) + j + k];
dat += bgr_ptr[b->rgb_stride*(i+1) + j+3 + k];
dat += bgr_ptr[b->rgb_stride*(i+2) + j + k];
dat += bgr_ptr[b->rgb_stride*(i+2) + j+3 + k];
dat += bgr_ptr[b->rgb_stride*(i+3) + j + k];
dat += bgr_ptr[b->rgb_stride*(i+3) + j+3 + k];
row[(j/4) + (2-k)] = dat/8;
row_pointer[0] = row;
jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);
MessageBuilder msg;
auto thumbnaild = msg.initEvent().initThumbnail();
thumbnaild.setThumbnail(kj::arrayPtr((const uint8_t*)thumbnail_buffer, thumbnail_len));
if (s->pm != NULL) {
s->pm->send("thumbnail", msg);
void set_exposure_target(CameraState *c, const uint8_t *pix_ptr, bool front, int x_start, int x_end, int x_skip, int y_start, int y_end, int y_skip) {
const CameraBuf *b = &c->buf;
uint32_t lum_binning[256] = {0};
for (int y = y_start; y < y_end; y += y_skip) {
for (int x = x_start; x < x_end; x += x_skip) {
if (!front) {
uint8_t lum = pix_ptr[(y * b->yuv_width) + x];
} else {
2020-10-26 15:49:28 -06:00
// TODO: should get rid of RGB here
const uint8_t *pix = &pix_ptr[y * b->rgb_stride + x * 3];
unsigned int lum = (unsigned int)(pix[0] + pix[1] + pix[2]);
lum_binning[std::min(lum / 3, 255u)]++;
unsigned int lum_total = (y_end - y_start) * (x_end - x_start) / x_skip / y_skip;
unsigned int lum_cur = 0;
int lum_med = 0;
int lum_med_alt = 0;
for (lum_med=255; lum_med>=0; lum_med--) {
lum_cur += lum_binning[lum_med];
#ifdef QCOM2
bool reach_hlc_perc = false;
if (c->camera_num == 0) { // wide
reach_hlc_perc = lum_cur > 2*lum_total / (3*HLC_A);
} else {
reach_hlc_perc = lum_cur > lum_total / HLC_A;
if (reach_hlc_perc && lum_med > HLC_THRESH) {
lum_med_alt = 86;
if (lum_cur >= lum_total / 2) {
lum_med = lum_med_alt>lum_med?lum_med_alt:lum_med;
camera_autoexposure(c, lum_med / 256.0);
extern volatile sig_atomic_t do_exit;
void *processing_thread(MultiCameraState *cameras, const char *tname,
CameraState *cs, int priority, process_thread_cb callback) {
int err = set_realtime_priority(priority);
LOG("%s start! setpriority returns %d", tname, err);
for (int cnt = 0; !do_exit; cnt++) {
if (!cs->buf.acquire()) continue;
callback(cameras, cs, cnt);
return NULL;
std::thread start_process_thread(MultiCameraState *cameras, const char *tname,
CameraState *cs, int priority, process_thread_cb callback) {
return std::thread(processing_thread, cameras, tname, cs, priority, callback);
void common_camera_process_front(SubMaster *sm, PubMaster *pm, CameraState *c, int cnt) {
const CameraBuf *b = &c->buf;
static int meteringbox_xmin = 0, meteringbox_xmax = 0;
static int meteringbox_ymin = 0, meteringbox_ymax = 0;
static const bool rhd_front = Params().read_db_bool("IsRHD");
if (sm->updated("driverState")) {
auto state = (*sm)["driverState"].getDriverState();
float face_prob = state.getFaceProb();
float face_position[2];
face_position[0] = state.getFacePosition()[0];
face_position[1] = state.getFacePosition()[1];
// set front camera metering target
if (face_prob > 0.4) {
int x_offset = rhd_front ? 0:b->rgb_width - 0.5 * b->rgb_height;
meteringbox_xmin = x_offset + (face_position[0] + 0.5) * (0.5 * b->rgb_height) - 72;
meteringbox_xmax = x_offset + (face_position[0] + 0.5) * (0.5 * b->rgb_height) + 72;
meteringbox_ymin = (face_position[1] + 0.5) * (b->rgb_height) - 72;
meteringbox_ymax = (face_position[1] + 0.5) * (b->rgb_height) + 72;
} else { // use default setting if no face
meteringbox_ymin = b->rgb_height * 1 / 3;
meteringbox_ymax = b->rgb_height * 1;
meteringbox_xmin = rhd_front ? 0:b->rgb_width * 3 / 5;
meteringbox_xmax = rhd_front ? b->rgb_width * 2 / 5:b->rgb_width;
// auto exposure
if (cnt % 3 == 0) {
// use driver face crop for AE
int x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end;
int skip = 1;
if (meteringbox_xmax > 0) {
x_start = std::max(0, meteringbox_xmin);
x_end = std::min(b->rgb_width - 1, meteringbox_xmax);
y_start = std::max(0, meteringbox_ymin);
y_end = std::min(b->rgb_height - 1, meteringbox_ymax);
} else {
y_start = b->rgb_height * 1 / 3;
y_end = b->rgb_height * 1;
x_start = rhd_front ? 0 : b->rgb_width * 3 / 5;
x_end = rhd_front ? b->rgb_width * 2 / 5 : b->rgb_width;
#ifdef QCOM2
x_start = 96;
x_end = 1832;
y_start = 242;
y_end = 1148;
skip = 4;
set_exposure_target(c, (const uint8_t *)b->cur_rgb_buf->addr, 1, x_start, x_end, 2, y_start, y_end, skip);
MessageBuilder msg;
auto framed = msg.initEvent().initFrontFrame();
fill_frame_data(framed, b->cur_frame_data, cnt);
pm->send("frontFrame", msg);