enable flake8 E231: missing whitespace after comma

Adeeb Shihadeh 2020-05-31 12:37:52 -07:00
parent ddcc78d2d5
commit efd5dffb1e
60 changed files with 228 additions and 228 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ repos:
- id: flake8
exclude: '^(pyextra)|(external)|(cereal)|(rednose)|(panda)|(laika)|(laika_repo)|(rednose_repo)/'
- --ignore=E111,E114,E121,E122,E123,E124,E126,E127,E128,E201,E202,E203,E226,E231,E241,E251,E261,E265,E266,E302,E303,E305,E402,E501,E502,E722,E741,W504
- --ignore=E111,E114,E121,E122,E123,E124,E126,E127,E128,E201,E202,E203,E226,E241,E251,E261,E265,E266,E302,E303,E305,E402,E501,E502,E722,E741,W504
- --statistics
- repo: local

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def get_imei(slot):
if slot not in ("0", "1"):
raise ValueError("SIM slot must be 0 or 1")
ret = parse_service_call_string(service_call(["iphonesubinfo", "3" ,"i32", str(slot)]))
ret = parse_service_call_string(service_call(["iphonesubinfo", "3" , "i32", str(slot)]))
if not ret:
# allow non android to be identified differently
ret = "%015d" % random.randint(0, 1 << 32)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def get_installed_apks():
ret = {}
for x in dat:
if x.startswith("package:"):
v,k = x.split("package:")[1].split("=")
v, k = x.split("package:")[1].split("=")
ret[k] = v
return ret

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def vp_from_ke(m):
The vanishing point is defined as lim x->infinity C (x, 0, 0, 1).T
return (m[0, 0]/m[2,0], m[1,0]/m[2,0])
return (m[0, 0]/m[2, 0], m[1, 0]/m[2, 0])
def vp_from_rpy(rpy):
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ def normalize(img_pts, intrinsics=eon_intrinsics):
img_pts = np.array(img_pts)
input_shape = img_pts.shape
img_pts = np.atleast_2d(img_pts)
img_pts = np.hstack((img_pts, np.ones((img_pts.shape[0],1))))
img_pts = np.hstack((img_pts, np.ones((img_pts.shape[0], 1))))
img_pts_normalized = img_pts.dot(intrinsics_inv.T)
img_pts_normalized[(img_pts < 0).any(axis=1)] = np.nan
return img_pts_normalized[:,:2].reshape(input_shape)
return img_pts_normalized[:, :2].reshape(input_shape)
def denormalize(img_pts, intrinsics=eon_intrinsics):
@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ def denormalize(img_pts, intrinsics=eon_intrinsics):
img_pts = np.array(img_pts)
input_shape = img_pts.shape
img_pts = np.atleast_2d(img_pts)
img_pts = np.hstack((img_pts, np.ones((img_pts.shape[0],1))))
img_pts = np.hstack((img_pts, np.ones((img_pts.shape[0], 1))))
img_pts_denormalized = img_pts.dot(intrinsics.T)
img_pts_denormalized[img_pts_denormalized[:,0] > W] = np.nan
img_pts_denormalized[img_pts_denormalized[:,0] < 0] = np.nan
img_pts_denormalized[img_pts_denormalized[:,1] > H] = np.nan
img_pts_denormalized[img_pts_denormalized[:,1] < 0] = np.nan
return img_pts_denormalized[:,:2].reshape(input_shape)
img_pts_denormalized[img_pts_denormalized[:, 0] > W] = np.nan
img_pts_denormalized[img_pts_denormalized[:, 0] < 0] = np.nan
img_pts_denormalized[img_pts_denormalized[:, 1] > H] = np.nan
img_pts_denormalized[img_pts_denormalized[:, 1] < 0] = np.nan
return img_pts_denormalized[:, :2].reshape(input_shape)
def device_from_ecef(pos_ecef, orientation_ecef, pt_ecef):
@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ def img_from_device(pt_device):
pt_view = np.einsum('jk,ik->ij', view_frame_from_device_frame, pt_device)
# This function should never return negative depths
pt_view[pt_view[:,2] < 0] = np.nan
pt_view[pt_view[:, 2] < 0] = np.nan
pt_img = pt_view/pt_view[:,2:3]
return pt_img.reshape(input_shape)[:,:2]
pt_img = pt_view/pt_view[:, 2:3]
return pt_img.reshape(input_shape)[:, :2]
def get_camera_frame_from_calib_frame(camera_frame_from_road_frame):

View File

@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ def geodetic2ecef(geodetic, radians=False):
geodetic = np.atleast_2d(geodetic)
ratio = 1.0 if radians else (np.pi / 180.0)
lat = ratio*geodetic[:,0]
lon = ratio*geodetic[:,1]
alt = geodetic[:,2]
lat = ratio*geodetic[:, 0]
lon = ratio*geodetic[:, 1]
alt = geodetic[:, 2]
xi = np.sqrt(1 - esq * np.sin(lat)**2)
x = (a / xi + alt) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)

View File

@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ def get_camera_frame_from_bigmodel_frame(camera_frame_from_road_frame):
def get_model_frame(snu_full, camera_frame_from_model_frame, size):
idxs = camera_frame_from_model_frame.dot(np.column_stack([np.tile(np.arange(size[0]), size[1]),
np.tile(np.arange(size[1]), (size[0],1)).T.flatten(),
np.tile(np.arange(size[1]), (size[0], 1)).T.flatten(),
np.ones(size[0] * size[1])]).T).T.astype(int)
calib_flat = snu_full[idxs[:,1], idxs[:,0]]
calib_flat = snu_full[idxs[:, 1], idxs[:, 0]]
if len(snu_full.shape) == 3:
calib = calib_flat.reshape((size[1], size[0], 3))
elif len(snu_full.shape) == 2:

View File

@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ Supports both x2y and y_from_x format (y_from_x preferred!).
def euler2quat(eulers):
eulers = array(eulers)
if len(eulers.shape) > 1:
output_shape = (-1,4)
output_shape = (-1, 4)
output_shape = (4,)
eulers = np.atleast_2d(eulers)
gamma, theta, psi = eulers[:,0], eulers[:,1], eulers[:,2]
gamma, theta, psi = eulers[:, 0], eulers[:, 1], eulers[:, 2]
q0 = np.cos(gamma / 2) * np.cos(theta / 2) * np.cos(psi / 2) + \
np.sin(gamma / 2) * np.sin(theta / 2) * np.sin(psi / 2)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def euler2quat(eulers):
quats = array([q0, q1, q2, q3]).T
for i in range(len(quats)):
if quats[i,0] < 0:
if quats[i, 0] < 0:
quats[i] = -quats[i]
return quats.reshape(output_shape)
@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ def euler2quat(eulers):
def quat2euler(quats):
quats = array(quats)
if len(quats.shape) > 1:
output_shape = (-1,3)
output_shape = (-1, 3)
output_shape = (3,)
quats = np.atleast_2d(quats)
q0, q1, q2, q3 = quats[:,0], quats[:,1], quats[:,2], quats[:,3]
q0, q1, q2, q3 = quats[:, 0], quats[:, 1], quats[:, 2], quats[:, 3]
gamma = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q1**2 + q2**2))
theta = np.arcsin(2 * (q0 * q2 - q3 * q1))
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def rot2quat(rots):
q = np.empty((len(rots), 4))
for i in range(len(rots)):
_, eigvecs = linalg.eigh(K3[i].T)
eigvecs = eigvecs[:,3:]
eigvecs = eigvecs[:, 3:]
q[i, 0] = eigvecs[-1]
q[i, 1:] = -eigvecs[:-1].flatten()
if q[i, 0] < 0:
@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ def rot_matrix(roll, pitch, yaw):
cr, sr = np.cos(roll), np.sin(roll)
cp, sp = np.cos(pitch), np.sin(pitch)
cy, sy = np.cos(yaw), np.sin(yaw)
rr = array([[1,0,0],[0, cr,-sr],[0, sr, cr]])
rp = array([[cp,0,sp],[0, 1,0],[-sp, 0, cp]])
ry = array([[cy,-sy,0],[sy, cy,0],[0, 0, 1]])
rr = array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cr, -sr], [0, sr, cr]])
rp = array([[cp, 0, sp], [0, 1, 0], [-sp, 0, cp]])
ry = array([[cy, -sy, 0], [sy, cy, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
return ry.dot(rp.dot(rr))

View File

@ -72,16 +72,16 @@ class TestNED(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ecef_geodetic(self):
# testing single
np.testing.assert_allclose(ecef_positions[0], coord.geodetic2ecef(geodetic_positions[0]), rtol=1e-9)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[0,:2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions[0])[:2], rtol=1e-9)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[0,2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions[0])[2], rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[0, :2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions[0])[:2], rtol=1e-9)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[0, 2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions[0])[2], rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[:,:2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions)[:,:2], rtol=1e-9)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[:,2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions)[:,2], rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[:, :2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions)[:, :2], rtol=1e-9)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[:, 2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions)[:, 2], rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(ecef_positions, coord.geodetic2ecef(geodetic_positions), rtol=1e-9)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions_radians[0], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions[0], radians=True), rtol=1e-5)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions_radians[:,:2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions, radians=True)[:,:2], rtol=1e-7)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions_radians[:,2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions, radians=True)[:,2], rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions_radians[:, :2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions, radians=True)[:, :2], rtol=1e-7)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions_radians[:, 2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions, radians=True)[:, 2], rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-4)
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class TestNED(unittest.TestCase):
for geo_pos in geodetic_positions:
converter = coord.LocalCoord.from_geodetic(geo_pos)
geo_pos_moved = geo_pos + np.array([0, 0, 10])
geo_pos_double_converted_moved = converter.ned2geodetic(converter.geodetic2ned(geo_pos) + np.array([0,0,-10]))
geo_pos_double_converted_moved = converter.ned2geodetic(converter.geodetic2ned(geo_pos) + np.array([0, 0, -10]))
np.testing.assert_allclose(geo_pos_moved[:2], geo_pos_double_converted_moved[:2], rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-6)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geo_pos_moved[2], geo_pos_double_converted_moved[2], rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-4)

View File

@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ class Window():
self.double = double
if self.double:
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w*2,h*2))
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w*2, h*2))
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w,h))
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((w, h))
def draw(self, out):
if self.double:
out2 = cv2.resize(out, (self.w*2, self.h*2))
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(self.screen, out2.swapaxes(0,1))
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(self.screen, out2.swapaxes(0, 1))
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(self.screen, out.swapaxes(0,1))
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(self.screen, out.swapaxes(0, 1))
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Window():
if __name__ == "__main__":
import numpy as np
win = Window(200, 200, double=True)
img = np.zeros((200,200,3), np.uint8)
img = np.zeros((200, 200, 3), np.uint8)
while 1:
img += 1

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 73685b609d25cfc8f838d53f69cf78e136c612c2
Subproject commit e92e74311a7ed66922629bec4b8cee7c8db1b9f0

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ def waste(pid):
# set affinity
os.system("taskset -p %d %d" % (1 << pid, os.getpid()))
m1 = np.zeros((200,200)) + 0.8
m2 = np.zeros((200,200)) + 1.2
m1 = np.zeros((200, 200)) + 0.8
m2 = np.zeros((200, 200)) + 1.2
i = 1
st = sec_since_boot()

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ def boardd_test_loop():
cnt = 0
while 1:
can_send_many([[0xbb,0,"\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa",0], [0xaa,0,"\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa"+struct.pack("!I", cnt),1]])
can_send_many([[0xbb, 0, "\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa", 0], [0xaa, 0, "\xaa\xaa\xaa\xaa"+struct.pack("!I", cnt), 1]])
# recv @ 100hz

View File

@ -90,4 +90,4 @@ class VisionIPC():
buf = self.clib.visionstream_get(self.s, ffi.NULL)
pbuf = ffi.buffer(buf.addr, buf.len)
ret = np.frombuffer(pbuf, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((-1, self.buf_info.stride//3, 3))
return ret[:self.buf_info.height, :self.buf_info.width, [2,1,0]]
return ret[:self.buf_info.height, :self.buf_info.width, [2, 1, 0]]

View File

@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ def get_frame(idx):
img[100:400, 100:100+(idx % 10) * 100] = 255
# big number
im2 = Image.new("RGB", (200,200))
im2 = Image.new("RGB", (200, 200))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im2)
draw.text((10, 100), "%02d" % idx, font=font)
img[400:600, 400:600] = np.array(im2.getdata()).reshape((200,200,3))
img[400:600, 400:600] = np.array(im2.getdata()).reshape((200, 200, 3))
return img.tostring()
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
ret.steerRatio = 16.2 # Pacifica Hybrid 2017
ret.mass = 2858. + STD_CARGO_KG # kg curb weight Pacifica Hybrid 2017
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP = [[9., 20.], [9., 20.]]
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.15,0.30], [0.03,0.05]]
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.15, 0.30], [0.03, 0.05]]
ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006 # full torque for 10 deg at 80mph means 0.00007818594
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1
ret.steerRateCost = 0.7

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ FINGERPRINTS = {
55: 8, 179: 8, 181: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 416: 7, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 8, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 650: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 676: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 683: 8, 703: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 754: 8, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 847: 1, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 906: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 962: 8, 969: 4, 973: 8, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1216: 8, 1218: 8, 1220: 8, 1223: 7, 1225: 8, 1235: 8, 1242: 8, 1246: 8, 1250: 8, 1251: 8, 1252: 8, 1284: 8, 1568: 8, 1570:8, 1856: 8, 1858: 8, 1860: 8, 1863: 8, 1865: 8, 1875: 8, 1882: 8, 1886: 8, 1890: 8, 1891: 8, 1892: 8, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ FINGERPRINTS = {
{168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 515: 7, 516: 7, 517: 7, 518: 7, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 542: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 4, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 908: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 969: 4, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1216: 8, 1218: 8, 1220: 8, 1225: 8, 1235: 8, 1242: 8, 1246: 8, 1250: 8, 1251: 8, 1252: 8, 1258: 8, 1259: 8, 1260: 8, 1262: 8, 1284: 8, 1537: 8, 1538: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1856: 8, 1858: 8, 1860: 8, 1865: 8, 1875: 8, 1882: 8, 1886: 8, 1890: 8, 1891: 8, 1892: 8, 1898: 8, 1899: 8, 1900: 8, 1902: 8, 2016: 8, 2018: 8, 2019: 8, 2020: 8, 2023: 8, 2024: 8, 2026: 8, 2027: 8, 2028: 8, 2031: 8},
{168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 515: 7, 516: 7, 517: 7, 518: 7, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 542: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 8, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 703: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 754: 8, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770:8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 906: 8, 908: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 962: 8, 969: 4, 973: 8, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1538: 8},
{168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 515: 7, 516: 7, 517: 7, 518: 7, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 542: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 8, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 703: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 754: 8, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 906: 8, 908: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 962: 8, 969: 4, 973: 8, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1538: 8},
# Based on 0607d2516fc2148f|2019-02-13--23-03-16
168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 8, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 703: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 754: 8, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 906: 8, 908: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 962: 8, 969: 4, 973: 8, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1537: 8

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ def create_steer_command(packer, angle_cmd, enabled, lkas_state, angle_steers, c
"""Creates a CAN message for the Ford Steer Command."""
#if enabled and lkas available:
if enabled and lkas_state in [2,3]: # and (frame % 500) >= 3:
if enabled and lkas_state in [2, 3]: # and (frame % 500) >= 3:
action = lkas_action
action = 0xf

View File

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ FINGERPRINTS = {
# 2019 Ridgeline
57: 3, 145: 8, 228: 5, 229: 4, 308: 5, 316: 8, 339: 7, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 392: 6, 399: 7, 419: 8, 420: 8, 422:8, 425: 8, 426: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 464: 8, 476: 4, 490: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 545: 5, 546: 3, 597: 8, 660: 8, 773: 7, 777: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 819: 7, 821: 5, 871: 8, 882: 2, 884: 7, 892: 8, 923: 2, 929: 8, 963: 8, 965: 8, 966: 8, 967: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1064: 7, 1088: 8, 1089: 8, 1092: 1, 1108: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1365: 5, 424: 5, 1613: 5, 1616: 5, 1618: 5, 1623: 5, 1668: 5
57: 3, 145: 8, 228: 5, 229: 4, 308: 5, 316: 8, 339: 7, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 392: 6, 399: 7, 419: 8, 420: 8, 422: 8, 425: 8, 426: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 464: 8, 476: 4, 490: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 545: 5, 546: 3, 597: 8, 660: 8, 773: 7, 777: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 819: 7, 821: 5, 871: 8, 882: 2, 884: 7, 892: 8, 923: 2, 929: 8, 963: 8, 965: 8, 966: 8, 967: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1064: 7, 1088: 8, 1089: 8, 1092: 1, 1108: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1365: 5, 424: 5, 1613: 5, 1616: 5, 1618: 5, 1623: 5, 1668: 5
# 2019 Insight

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class CarState(CarStateBase):
def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
ret.doorOpen = any([cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_DrvDrSw'],cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_AstDrSw'],
ret.doorOpen = any([cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_DrvDrSw'], cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_AstDrSw'],
cp.vl["CGW2"]['CF_Gway_RLDrSw'], cp.vl["CGW2"]['CF_Gway_RRDrSw']])
ret.seatbeltUnlatched = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_DrvSeatBeltSw'] == 0
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class CarState(CarStateBase):
elif CP.carFingerprint in FEATURES["use_tcu_gears"]:
signals += [
("CUR_GR", "TCU12",0)
("CUR_GR", "TCU12", 0)
checks += [
("TCU12", 100)
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class CarState(CarStateBase):
checks += [("ELECT_GEAR", 20)]
signals += [
("CF_Lvr_Gear", "LVR12", 0)
checks += [
("LVR12", 100)

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ FINGERPRINTS = {
67: 8, 68: 8, 127: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 358: 6, 359: 8, 544: 8, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 5, 809: 8, 854: 7, 870: 7, 871: 8, 872: 8, 897: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1078: 4, 1107: 5, 1136: 8, 1151: 6, 1162: 4, 1168: 7, 1170: 8, 1173: 8, 1184: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1281: 3, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1345: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1370: 8, 1371: 8, 1378: 4, 1384: 8, 1407: 8, 1419: 8, 1425: 2, 1427: 6, 1434: 2, 1456: 4, 1470: 8, 1988: 8, 2000: 8, 2003: 8, 2004: 8, 2005: 8, 2008: 8, 2011: 8, 2012: 8, 2013: 8
67: 8, 127: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 354: 3, 356: 4, 544: 8, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 5, 809: 8, 832: 8, 854: 7, 870: 7, 871: 8, 872: 8, 897: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 909: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1078: 4, 1107: 5, 1136: 8, 1156: 8, 1170: 8, 1173: 8, 1191: 2, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1287: 4, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1342: 6, 1345: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1384: 8, 1394: 8,1407: 8, 1414: 3, 1419: 8, 1427: 6, 1456: 4, 1470: 8, 2004: 8, 2009: 8, 2012: 8
67: 8, 127: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 354: 3, 356: 4, 544: 8, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 5, 809: 8, 832: 8, 854: 7, 870: 7, 871: 8, 872: 8, 897: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 909: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1078: 4, 1107: 5, 1136: 8, 1156: 8, 1170: 8, 1173: 8, 1191: 2, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1287: 4, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1342: 6, 1345: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1384: 8, 1394: 8, 1407: 8, 1414: 3, 1419: 8, 1427: 6, 1456: 4, 1470: 8, 2004: 8, 2009: 8, 2012: 8
127: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 352: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 549: 8, 593: 8, 688: 5, 832: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 905: 8, 909: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1042: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1078: 4, 1136: 8, 1151: 6, 1168: 7, 1173: 8, 1183: 8, 1186: 2, 1191: 2, 1225: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1291: 8, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1307: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1342: 6, 1345: 8, 1348: 8, 1355: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1378: 4, 1407: 8, 1419: 8, 1426: 8, 1427: 6, 1429: 8, 1430: 8, 1456: 4, 1470: 8, 1473: 8, 1507: 8, 1535: 8, 2000: 8, 2004: 8, 2008: 8, 2012: 8

View File

@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ class CarState(CarStateBase):
("GEAR","GEAR", 0),
("BRAKE_ON", "PEDALS", 0),
("GEAR", "GEAR", 0),
("FL", "DOORS", 0),
("FR", "DOORS", 0),

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def apply(self, c):
can_sends = self.CC.update(c.enabled, self.CS, self.frame, c.actuators,
c.cruiseControl.cancel, c.hudControl.visualAlert,
c.hudControl.leftLaneVisible, c.hudControl.rightLaneVisible,
c.hudControl.leftLaneDepart, c.hudControl.rightLaneDepart)
self.frame += 1
return can_sends

View File

@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ class CAR:
2: 5, 42: 6, 346: 6, 347: 5, 348: 8, 349: 7, 361: 8, 386: 8, 389: 8, 397: 8, 398: 8, 403: 8, 520: 2, 523: 6, 548: 8, 645: 8, 658: 8, 665: 8, 666: 8, 674: 2, 682: 8, 683: 8, 689: 8, 723: 8, 758: 3, 768: 2, 783: 3, 851: 8, 855: 8, 1041: 8, 1055: 2, 1104: 4, 1105: 6, 1107: 4, 1108: 8, 1111: 4, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1247: 4, 1266: 8, 1273: 7, 1342: 1, 1376: 6, 1401: 8, 1474: 2, 1497: 3, 1821: 8, 1823: 8, 1837:8, 2015: 8, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
2: 5, 42: 6, 346: 6, 347: 5, 348: 8, 349: 7, 361: 8, 386: 8, 389: 8, 397: 8, 398: 8, 403: 8, 520: 2, 523: 6, 548: 8, 645: 8, 658: 8, 665: 8, 666: 8, 674: 2, 682: 8, 683: 8, 689: 8, 723: 8, 758: 3, 768: 2, 783: 3, 851: 8, 855: 8, 1041: 8, 1055: 2, 1104: 4, 1105: 6, 1107: 4, 1108: 8, 1111: 4, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1247: 4, 1266: 8, 1273: 7, 1342: 1, 1376: 6, 1401: 8, 1474: 2, 1497: 3, 1821: 8, 1823: 8, 1837: 8, 2015: 8, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
2: 5, 42: 6, 346: 6, 347: 5, 348: 8, 349: 7, 361: 8, 386: 8, 389: 8, 397: 8, 398: 8, 403: 8, 520: 2, 523: 6, 527: 1, 548: 8, 637: 4, 645: 8, 658: 8, 665: 8, 666: 8, 674: 2, 682: 8, 683: 8, 689: 8, 723: 8, 758: 3, 768: 6, 783: 3, 851: 8, 855: 8, 1041: 8, 1055: 2, 1104: 4, 1105: 6, 1107: 4, 1108: 8, 1111: 4, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1247: 4, 1266: 8, 1273: 7, 1342: 1, 1376: 6, 1401: 8, 1474: 8, 1497: 3,1534: 6, 1792: 8, 1821: 8, 1823: 8, 1837: 8, 1872: 8, 1937: 8, 1953: 8, 1968: 8, 2015: 8, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
2: 5, 42: 6, 346: 6, 347: 5, 348: 8, 349: 7, 361: 8, 386: 8, 389: 8, 397: 8, 398: 8, 403: 8, 520: 2, 523: 6, 527: 1, 548: 8, 637: 4, 645: 8, 658: 8, 665: 8, 666: 8, 674: 2, 682: 8, 683: 8, 689: 8, 723: 8, 758: 3, 768: 6, 783: 3, 851: 8, 855: 8, 1041: 8, 1055: 2, 1104: 4, 1105: 6, 1107: 4, 1108: 8, 1111: 4, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1247: 4, 1266: 8, 1273: 7, 1342: 1, 1376: 6, 1401: 8, 1474: 8, 1497: 3, 1534: 6, 1792: 8, 1821: 8, 1823: 8, 1837: 8, 1872: 8, 1937: 8, 1953: 8, 1968: 8, 2015: 8, 2016: 8, 2024: 8

View File

@ -69,70 +69,70 @@ ECU_FINGERPRINT = {
CAR.RAV4: [{
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 547: 8, 548: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 767:4, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 4, 956: 8, 979: 2, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1596: 8, 1597: 8, 1600: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8, 2015: 8, 2024: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 547: 8, 548: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 767: 4, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 4, 956: 8, 979: 2, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1596: 8, 1597: 8, 1600: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8, 2015: 8, 2024: 8
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# 2020 Prius Prime LE
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#2020 Prius Prime Limited
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#2020 Central Europe Prime
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 713: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 764: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 818: 8, 824: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 863: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 889: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 8, 974: 8, 975: 5, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1084: 8, 1085: 8, 1086: 8, 1114: 8, 1132: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 713: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 764: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 818: 8, 824: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 863: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 889: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 8, 974: 8, 975: 5, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1084: 8, 1085: 8, 1086: 8, 1114: 8, 1132: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8
#2017 German Prius
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296:8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 614: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8,740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 814: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 863: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1084: 8, 1085: 8, 1086: 8, 1114: 8, 1132: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1175: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1792: 8, 1767:4, 1863:8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1984: 8, 1988: 8, 1990: 8, 1992: 8, 1996:8, 1998: 8, 2002: 8, 2010: 8, 2015: 8, 2016: 8, 2018: 8, 2024: 8, 2026: 8, 2030: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 614: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 814: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 863: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1084: 8, 1085: 8, 1086: 8, 1114: 8, 1132: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1175: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1792: 8, 1767: 4, 1863: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1984: 8, 1988: 8, 1990: 8, 1992: 8, 1996: 8, 1998: 8, 2002: 8, 2010: 8, 2015: 8, 2016: 8, 2018: 8, 2024: 8, 2026: 8, 2030: 8
#Corolla w/ added Pedal Support (512L and 513L)
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 547: 8, 548: 8, 552: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 740: 5, 767:4, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 2, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 4, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1196: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1596: 8, 1597: 8, 1600: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8, 2016: 8, 2017: 8, 2018: 8, 2019: 8, 2020: 8, 2021: 8, 2022: 8, 2023: 8, 2024: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 547: 8, 548: 8, 552: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 740: 5, 767: 4, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 2, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 4, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1196: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1596: 8, 1597: 8, 1600: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8, 2016: 8, 2017: 8, 2018: 8, 2019: 8, 2020: 8, 2021: 8, 2022: 8, 2023: 8, 2024: 8
# 2016 Lexus RX 350
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 818: 8, 819: 8, 820: 8, 821: 8, 822: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1349: 8, 1350: 8, 1351: 8, 1413: 8, 1414: 8, 1415: 8, 1416: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8, 2015: 8, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 818: 8, 819: 8, 820: 8, 821: 8, 822: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1349: 8, 1350: 8, 1351: 8, 1413: 8, 1414: 8, 1415: 8, 1416: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8, 2015: 8, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
# 2017 Lexus RX 350
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 658: 8, 705: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 814: 8, 818: 8, 819: 8, 820: 8, 821: 8, 822: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1349: 8, 1350: 8, 1351: 8, 1413: 8, 1414: 8, 1415: 8, 1416: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 658: 8, 705: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 814: 8, 818: 8, 819: 8, 820: 8, 821: 8, 822: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1349: 8, 1350: 8, 1351: 8, 1413: 8, 1414: 8, 1415: 8, 1416: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513:6, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 814: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 863: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 6, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1071: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1808: 8, 1810: 8, 1816: 8, 1818: 8, 1840: 8, 1848: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1940: 8, 1941: 8, 1948: 8, 1949: 8, 1952: 8, 1956: 8, 1960: 8, 1964: 8, 1986: 8, 1990: 8, 1994: 8, 1998: 8, 2004: 8, 2012: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 814: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 863: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 6, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1071: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1808: 8, 1810: 8, 1816: 8, 1818: 8, 1840: 8, 1848: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1940: 8, 1941: 8, 1948: 8, 1949: 8, 1952: 8, 1956: 8, 1960: 8, 1964: 8, 1986: 8, 1990: 8, 1994: 8, 1998: 8, 2004: 8, 2012: 8
# RX450HL
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36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 814: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 863: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 6, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 814: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 863: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 6, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
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# 2017 RX 450h
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# 2020 Lexus RX 350
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# 2020 Lexus RX 450h
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# 2019 Highlander XLE
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# 2017 Highlander Limited
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 355: 5, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 550: 8, 552: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 767:4, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 922: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1207: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1656: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
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# 2018 Highlander Limited Platinum
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 355: 5, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 550: 8, 552: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 767:4, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 922: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1207: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1585: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1656: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1872: 8, 1880: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1988: 8, 1990: 8, 1996: 8, 1998: 8, 2015: 8, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
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# 2020 highlander limited
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 355: 5, 401: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 565: 8, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 705: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 761: 8, 764: 8, 765: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 814: 8, 818: 8, 824: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 877: 8, 881: 8, 885: 8, 889: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 976: 1, 987: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1696: 8, 1775: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1808: 8, 1816: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1952: 8, 1960: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
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# 2019 Highlander Hybrid Limited Platinum
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 713: 8, 740: 5, 767:4, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 3, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1232: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1656: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 713: 8, 740: 5, 767: 4, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 3, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1232: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1656: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
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# 2019 Taiwan Altis Hybrid
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# 2019 Chinese Levin Hybrid
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 401: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 713: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 761: 8, 765: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 877: 8, 881: 8, 885: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 921: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 993: 8, 1002: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1172: 8, 1235: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1600: 8, 1649: 8, 1745: 8, 1775: 8, 1779: 8
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36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 548: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 764: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 824: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 888: 8, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 1, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 6, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1160: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1200: 8, 1201: 8, 1202: 8, 1203: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 548: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 764: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 824: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 888: 8, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 1, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 6, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1160: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1200: 8, 1201: 8, 1202: 8, 1203: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# XLE AWD 2018
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 548: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 764: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 824: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 1, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 6, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1160: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1200: 8, 1201: 8, 1202: 8, 1203: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 548: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 764: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 824: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 1, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 6, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1160: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1200: 8, 1201: 8, 1202: 8, 1203: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# IS300 2018
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 400: 6, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 5, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 740: 5, 767:4, 800: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 913: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1008: 2, 1009: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1168: 1, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1187: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1208: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1590: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1648: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 400: 6, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 5, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 740: 5, 767: 4, 800: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 913: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1008: 2, 1009: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1168: 1, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1187: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1208: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1590: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1648: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# IS300H 2017
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 400: 6, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 713: 8, 740: 5, 767:4, 800: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 913: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 7, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 3, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1009: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1168: 1, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1187: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1208: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1232: 8, 1235: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1728: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 400: 6, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 713: 8, 740: 5, 767: 4, 800: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 913: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 7, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 3, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1009: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1168: 1, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1187: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1208: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1232: 8, 1235: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1728: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
#Hybrid Limited
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 401: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 761: 8, 764: 8, 765: 8, 767:4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 814: 8, 818: 8, 822: 8, 824: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 863: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 877: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8, 885: 8, 889: 8, 891: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913:8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 987: 8, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1084: 8, 1085: 8, 1086: 8, 1114: 8, 1132: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1172: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1696: 8, 1745: 8, 1775: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1808: 8, 1810: 8, 1816: 8, 1818: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 401: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 761: 8, 764: 8, 765: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 814: 8, 818: 8, 822: 8, 824: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 863: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 877: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8, 885: 8, 889: 8, 891: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 987: 8, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1084: 8, 1085: 8, 1086: 8, 1114: 8, 1132: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1172: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1696: 8, 1745: 8, 1775: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1808: 8, 1810: 8, 1816: 8, 1818: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
@ -552,11 +552,11 @@ FW_VERSIONS = {
(Ecu.fwdCamera, 0x750, 0x6d): [b'8646F0E01200\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.eps, 0x7a1, None): [b'8965B48241\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00',],
(Ecu.esp, 0x7b0, None): [b'\x01F15264872300\x00\x00\x00\x00',],
(Ecu.engine, 0x700, None): [b'\x02896630E66000\x00\x00\x00\x00897CF4801001\x00\x00\x00\x00',],
(Ecu.fwdRadar, 0x750, 0xf): [b'\x018821F3301400\x00\x00\x00\x00',],
(Ecu.fwdCamera, 0x750, 0x6d): [b'\x028646F0E02100\x00\x00\x00\x008646G2601200\x00\x00\x00\x00',],
(Ecu.eps, 0x7a1, None): [b'8965B48241\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', ],
(Ecu.esp, 0x7b0, None): [b'\x01F15264872300\x00\x00\x00\x00', ],
(Ecu.engine, 0x700, None): [b'\x02896630E66000\x00\x00\x00\x00897CF4801001\x00\x00\x00\x00', ],
(Ecu.fwdRadar, 0x750, 0xf): [b'\x018821F3301400\x00\x00\x00\x00', ],
(Ecu.fwdCamera, 0x750, 0x6d): [b'\x028646F0E02100\x00\x00\x00\x008646G2601200\x00\x00\x00\x00', ],
(Ecu.engine, 0x700, None): [b'\x018966353Q2300\x00\x00\x00\x00'],

View File

@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ class CarState(CarStateBase):
# Update steering angle, rate, yaw rate, and driver input torque. VW send
# the sign/direction in a separate signal so they must be recombined.
ret.steeringAngle = pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_Lenkradwinkel'] * (1,-1)[int(pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_VZ_Lenkradwinkel'])]
ret.steeringRate = pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_Lenkradw_Geschw'] * (1,-1)[int(pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_VZ_Lenkradwinkel'])]
ret.steeringTorque = pt_cp.vl["EPS_01"]['Driver_Strain'] * (1,-1)[int(pt_cp.vl["EPS_01"]['Driver_Strain_VZ'])]
ret.steeringAngle = pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_Lenkradwinkel'] * (1, -1)[int(pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_VZ_Lenkradwinkel'])]
ret.steeringRate = pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_Lenkradw_Geschw'] * (1, -1)[int(pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_VZ_Lenkradwinkel'])]
ret.steeringTorque = pt_cp.vl["EPS_01"]['Driver_Strain'] * (1, -1)[int(pt_cp.vl["EPS_01"]['Driver_Strain_VZ'])]
ret.steeringPressed = abs(ret.steeringTorque) > CarControllerParams.STEER_DRIVER_ALLOWANCE
ret.yawRate = pt_cp.vl["ESP_02"]['ESP_Gierrate'] * (1,-1)[int(pt_cp.vl["ESP_02"]['ESP_VZ_Gierrate'])] * CV.DEG_TO_RAD
ret.yawRate = pt_cp.vl["ESP_02"]['ESP_Gierrate'] * (1, -1)[int(pt_cp.vl["ESP_02"]['ESP_VZ_Gierrate'])] * CV.DEG_TO_RAD
# Update gas, brakes, and gearshift.
ret.gas = pt_cp.vl["Motor_20"]['MO_Fahrpedalrohwert_01'] / 100.0

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def dmonitoringd_thread(sm=None, pm=None):
sm['carState'].steeringPressed = False
sm['carState'].standstill = True
cal_rpy = [0,0,0]
cal_rpy = [0, 0, 0]
v_cruise_last = 0
driver_engaged = False

View File

@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ class LatControlLQR():
self.scale = CP.lateralTuning.lqr.scale
self.ki = CP.lateralTuning.lqr.ki
self.A = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.a).reshape((2,2))
self.B = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.b).reshape((2,1))
self.C = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.c).reshape((1,2))
self.K = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.k).reshape((1,2))
self.L = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.l).reshape((2,1))
self.A = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.a).reshape((2, 2))
self.B = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.b).reshape((2, 1))
self.C = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.c).reshape((1, 2))
self.K = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.k).reshape((1, 2))
self.L = np.array(CP.lateralTuning.lqr.l).reshape((2, 1))
self.dc_gain = CP.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain
self.x_hat = np.array([[0], [0]])

View File

@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ _UNCERTAIN_SECONDS_TO_GREEN = _HI_STD_TIMEOUT + 0.5
class fake_DM_msg():
def __init__(self, is_face_detected, is_distracted=False, is_model_uncertain=False):
self.faceOrientation = [0.,0.,0.]
self.facePosition = [0.,0.]
self.faceOrientation = [0., 0., 0.]
self.facePosition = [0., 0.]
self.faceProb = 1. * is_face_detected
self.leftEyeProb = 1.
self.rightEyeProb = 1.
self.leftBlinkProb = 1. * is_distracted
self.rightBlinkProb = 1. * is_distracted
self.faceOrientationStd = [1.*is_model_uncertain,1.*is_model_uncertain,1.*is_model_uncertain]
self.facePositionStd = [1.*is_model_uncertain,1.*is_model_uncertain]
self.faceOrientationStd = [1.*is_model_uncertain, 1.*is_model_uncertain, 1.*is_model_uncertain]
self.facePositionStd = [1.*is_model_uncertain, 1.*is_model_uncertain]
# driver state from neural net, 10Hz
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def run_DState_seq(driver_state_msgs, driver_car_interaction, openpilot_status,
events_from_DM = []
for idx in range(len(driver_state_msgs)):
e = Events()
DS.get_pose(driver_state_msgs[idx], [0,0,0], 0, openpilot_status[idx])
DS.get_pose(driver_state_msgs[idx], [0, 0, 0], 0, openpilot_status[idx])
# cal_rpy and car_speed don't matter here
# evaluate events at 10Hz for tests
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class TestMonitoring(unittest.TestCase):
# 5. op engaged, invisible driver, down to orange, driver touches wheel; then down to orange again, driver appears
# - both actions should clear the alert, but momentary appearence should not
def test_sometimes_transparent_commuter(self):
_visible_time = np.random.choice([1,10]) # seconds
_visible_time = np.random.choice([1, 10]) # seconds
# print _visible_time
ds_vector = always_no_face[:]*2
interaction_vector = always_false[:]*2

View File

@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ def can_printer(bus=0, max_msg=None, addr=""):
if sec_since_boot() - lp > 0.1:
dd = chr(27) + "[2J"
dd += "%5.2f\n" % (sec_since_boot() - start)
for k,v in sorted(zip(msgs.keys(), map(lambda x: binascii.hexlify(x[-1]), msgs.values()))):
for k, v in sorted(zip(msgs.keys(), map(lambda x: binascii.hexlify(x[-1]), msgs.values()))):
if max_msg is None or k < max_msg:
dd += "%s(%6d) %s\n" % ("%04X(%4d)" % (k,k),len(msgs[k]), v.decode('ascii'))
dd += "%s(%6d) %s\n" % ("%04X(%4d)" % (k, k), len(msgs[k]), v.decode('ascii'))
lp = sec_since_boot()

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
k = ' '.join(p.cmdline())
print('Add monitored proc:', k)
stats[k] = {'cpu_samples': defaultdict(list), 'min': defaultdict(lambda: None), 'max': defaultdict(lambda: None),
'avg': defaultdict(lambda: 0.0), 'last_cpu_times': None, 'last_sys_time':None}
'avg': defaultdict(lambda: 0.0), 'last_cpu_times': None, 'last_sys_time': None}
stats[k]['last_sys_time'] = timer()
stats[k]['last_cpu_times'] = p.cpu_times()

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ else:
with open('/tmp/dmesg-' + timestr + '.log', 'w') as dmesg_out:
subprocess.call('dmesg', stdout=dmesg_out, shell=False)
with open("/tmp/logcat-" + timestr + '.log', 'w') as logcat_out:
subprocess.call(['logcat','-d'], stdout=logcat_out, shell=False)
subprocess.call(['logcat', '-d'], stdout=logcat_out, shell=False)
text += "Sensor pass history: " + str(data['sensor-pass']) + "\n"
text += "Sensor fail history: " + str(data['sensor-fail']) + "\n"

View File

@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG") is not None
def is_calibration_valid(vp):
return vp[0] > VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[0,0] and vp[0] < VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[1,0] and \
vp[1] > VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[0,1] and vp[1] < VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[1,1]
return vp[0] > VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[0, 0] and vp[0] < VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[1, 0] and \
vp[1] > VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[0, 1] and vp[1] < VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[1, 1]
def sanity_clip(vp):
if np.isnan(vp).any():
vp = VP_INIT
return np.array([np.clip(vp[0], VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[0,0] - 5, VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[1,0] + 5),
np.clip(vp[1], VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[0,1] - 5, VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[1,1] + 5)])
return np.array([np.clip(vp[0], VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[0, 0] - 5, VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[1, 0] + 5),
np.clip(vp[1], VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[0, 1] - 5, VP_VALIDITY_CORNERS[1, 1] + 5)])
def intrinsics_from_vp(vp):

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Localizer():
vel_device = device_from_ecef.dot(vel_ecef)
device_from_ecef_eul = euler_from_quat(predicted_state[States.ECEF_ORIENTATION]).T
idxs = list(range(States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR.start, States.ECEF_ORIENTATION_ERR.stop)) + list(range(States.ECEF_VELOCITY_ERR.start, States.ECEF_VELOCITY_ERR.stop))
condensed_cov = predicted_cov[idxs][:,idxs]
condensed_cov = predicted_cov[idxs][:, idxs]
HH = H(*list(np.concatenate([device_from_ecef_eul, vel_ecef])))
vel_device_cov = HH.dot(condensed_cov).dot(HH.T)
vel_device_std = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(vel_device_cov))

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class LiveKalman():
omega = state[States.ANGULAR_VELOCITY, :]
vroll, vpitch, vyaw = omega
roll_bias, pitch_bias, yaw_bias = state[States.GYRO_BIAS, :]
odo_scale = state[States.ODO_SCALE, :][0,:]
odo_scale = state[States.ODO_SCALE, :][0, :]
acceleration = state[States.ACCELERATION, :]
imu_angles = state[States.IMU_OFFSET, :]

View File

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class LocKalman():
state_dot[13, 0] = cd
state_dot[14, 0] = ca
#state_dot[States.CLOCK_BIAS, 0][0,0] = cd
state_dot[States.CLOCK_DRIFT, 0][0,0] = ca
state_dot[States.CLOCK_DRIFT, 0][0, 0] = ca
# Basic descretization, 1st order intergrator
# Can be pretty bad if dt is big
@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ class LocKalman():
state_err_dot[States.ECEF_VELOCITY_ERR, :] = quat_err_matrix * quat_rot * (acceleration + acceleration_err)
#state_err_dot[States.CLOCK_BIAS_ERR, :][0,:] = cd_err
#state_err_dot[States.CLOCK_DRIFT_ERR, :][0,:] = ca_err
state_err_dot[12, :][0,:] = cd_err
state_err_dot[13, :][0,:] = ca_err
state_err_dot[12, :][0, :] = cd_err
state_err_dot[13, :][0, :] = ca_err
f_err_sym = state_err + dt * state_err_dot
# convenient indexing

View File

@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ class UBlox:
self.dev = PandaSerial(self.panda, 1, self.baudrate)
self.baudrate = 460800
print("upping baud:",self.baudrate)
print("upping baud:", self.baudrate)
self.send_nmea("$PUBX,41,1,0007,0003,%u,0" % self.baudrate)

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ print_dB = os.getenv("PRINT_DB") is not None # print antenna dB
timeout = 1
dyn_model = 4 # auto model
baudrate = 460800
ports = ["/dev/ttyACM0","/dev/ttyACM1"]
ports = ["/dev/ttyACM0", "/dev/ttyACM1"]
rate = 100 # send new data every 100ms
# which SV IDs we have seen and when we got iono
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ def gen_solution(msg):
msg_data['sec']) -
datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds())*1e+03 +
datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())*1e+03 +
gps_fix = {'bearing': msg_data['headMot']*1e-05, # heading of motion in degrees
'altitude': msg_data['height']*1e-03, # altitude above ellipsoid
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def main():
global gpsLocationExternal, ubloxGnss
nav_frame_buffer = {}
nav_frame_buffer[0] = {}
for i in range(1,33):
for i in range(1, 33):
nav_frame_buffer[0][i] = {}

View File

@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ class TestUploader(UploaderTestCase):
keys = [f"{self.seg_format.format(i)}/qlog.bz2" for i in seg1]
keys += [f"{self.seg_format2.format(i)}/qlog.bz2" for i in seg2]
for i in seg1:
keys += [f"{self.seg_format.format(i)}/{f}" for f in ['rlog.bz2','fcamera.hevc','dcamera.hevc']]
keys += [f"{self.seg_format.format(i)}/{f}" for f in ['rlog.bz2', 'fcamera.hevc', 'dcamera.hevc']]
for i in seg2:
keys += [f"{self.seg_format2.format(i)}/{f}" for f in ['rlog.bz2','fcamera.hevc','dcamera.hevc']]
keys += [f"{self.seg_format2.format(i)}/{f}" for f in ['rlog.bz2', 'fcamera.hevc', 'dcamera.hevc']]
keys += [f"{self.seg_format.format(i)}/bootlog.bz2" for i in seg1]
keys += [f"{self.seg_format2.format(i)}/bootlog.bz2" for i in seg2]
return keys
@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ class TestUploader(UploaderTestCase):
def test_upload_files_in_create_order(self):
f_paths = list()
seg1_nums = [0,1,2,10,20]
seg1_nums = [0, 1, 2, 10, 20]
for i in seg1_nums:
self.seg_dir = self.seg_format.format(i)
f_paths += self.gen_files()
seg2_nums = [5,50,51]
seg2_nums = [5, 50, 51]
for i in seg2_nums:
self.seg_dir = self.seg_format2.format(i)
f_paths += self.gen_files()

View File

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ if not prebuilt:
if retry:
print("scons build failed, cleaning in")
for i in range(3,-1,-1):
for i in range(3, -1, -1):
print("....%d" % i)
subprocess.check_call(["scons", "-c"], cwd=BASEDIR, env=env)

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
acc = 0
for i, ii in enumerate(m.inputs):
print(ii, file=sys.stderr)
ti = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[:,acc:acc+bs[i]], output_shape=(1, bs[i]))(ri)
ti = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[:, acc:acc+bs[i]], output_shape=(1, bs[i]))(ri)
acc += bs[i]
tr = keras.layers.Reshape(ii.shape[1:])(ti)

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def register():
# late import
import jwt
register_token = jwt.encode({'register':True, 'exp': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)}, private_key, algorithm='RS256')
register_token = jwt.encode({'register': True, 'exp': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)}, private_key, algorithm='RS256')
cloudlog.info("getting pilotauth")

View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class Plant():
self.esp_disabled = 0
self.main_on = 1
self.user_gas = 0
self.computer_brake,self.user_brake = 0,0
self.computer_brake, self.user_brake = 0, 0
self.brake_pressed = 0
self.angle_steer_rate = 0
self.distance, self.distance_prev = 0., 0.

View File

@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ maneuvers = [
speed_lead_breakpoints=[0., 6., 8., 12.,16.,20.,24.],
speed_lead_values=[30., 30., 29., 31., 29., 31., 29.],
speed_lead_breakpoints=[0., 6., 8., 12., 16., 20., 24.],
cruise_button_presses = [(CB.DECEL_SET, 1.2), (0, 1.3),
(CB.RES_ACCEL, 1.4), (0.0, 1.5),
(CB.RES_ACCEL, 1.6), (0.0, 1.7)],
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ maneuvers = [
speed_lead_values=[10., 0., 0., 10., 0.,10.],
speed_lead_values=[10., 0., 0., 10., 0., 10.],
speed_lead_breakpoints=[10., 20., 30., 40., 50., 60.],
cruise_button_presses = [(CB.DECEL_SET, 1.2), (0, 1.3),
(CB.RES_ACCEL, 1.4), (0.0, 1.5),

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def regen_model(msgs, pm, frame_reader, model_sock):
if w == 'frame':
msg = msg.as_builder()
img = frame_reader.get(fidx, pix_fmt="rgb24")[0][:,::-1]
img = frame_reader.get(fidx, pix_fmt="rgb24")[0][:, ::-1]
msg.frame.image = img.flatten().tobytes()

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ def setup_leon_fan():
bus = SMBus(7, force=True)
# http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tusb320.pdf
for i in [0,1,2,3]:
for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
print("FAN SPEED", i)
if i == 0:
bus.write_i2c_block_data(0x67, 0xa, [0])

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ while not done:
for i in range( buttons ):
button = joystick.get_button( i )
textPrint.printf(screen, "Button {:>2} value: {}".format(i,button) )
textPrint.printf(screen, "Button {:>2} value: {}".format(i, button) )

View File

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ def rgb24toyuv420(rgb):
yuv420[y_len:y_len + uv_len] = us.reshape(-1)
yuv420[y_len + uv_len:y_len + 2 * uv_len] = vs.reshape(-1)
return yuv420.clip(0,255).astype('uint8')
return yuv420.clip(0, 255).astype('uint8')
def decompress_video_data(rawdat, vid_fmt, w, h, pix_fmt):

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class KBHit:
def kbhit(self):
''' Returns True if keyboard character was hit, False otherwise.
dr,dw,de = select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)
dr, dw, de = select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)
return dr != []

View File

@ -5,25 +5,25 @@ def rot_matrix(roll, pitch, yaw):
cr, sr = np.cos(roll), np.sin(roll)
cp, sp = np.cos(pitch), np.sin(pitch)
cy, sy = np.cos(yaw), np.sin(yaw)
rr = np.array([[1,0,0],[0, cr,-sr],[0, sr, cr]])
rp = np.array([[cp,0,sp],[0, 1,0],[-sp, 0, cp]])
ry = np.array([[cy,-sy,0],[sy, cy,0],[0, 0, 1]])
rr = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cr, -sr], [0, sr, cr]])
rp = np.array([[cp, 0, sp], [0, 1, 0], [-sp, 0, cp]])
ry = np.array([[cy, -sy, 0], [sy, cy, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
return ry.dot(rp.dot(rr))
def draw_pose(img, pose, loc, W=160, H=320, xyoffset=(0,0), faceprob=0):
rcmat = np.zeros((3,4))
rcmat[:,:3] = rot_matrix(*pose[0:3]) * 0.5
rcmat[0,3] = (loc[0]+0.5) * W
rcmat[1,3] = (loc[1]+0.5) * H
rcmat[2,3] = 1.0
def draw_pose(img, pose, loc, W=160, H=320, xyoffset=(0, 0), faceprob=0):
rcmat = np.zeros((3, 4))
rcmat[:, :3] = rot_matrix(*pose[0:3]) * 0.5
rcmat[0, 3] = (loc[0]+0.5) * W
rcmat[1, 3] = (loc[1]+0.5) * H
rcmat[2, 3] = 1.0
# draw nose
p1 = np.dot(rcmat, [0,0,0,1])[0:2]
p2 = np.dot(rcmat, [0,0,100,1])[0:2]
tr = tuple([int(round(x + xyoffset[i])) for i,x in enumerate(p1)])
pr = tuple([int(round(x + xyoffset[i])) for i,x in enumerate(p2)])
p1 = np.dot(rcmat, [0, 0, 0, 1])[0:2]
p2 = np.dot(rcmat, [0, 0, 100, 1])[0:2]
tr = tuple([int(round(x + xyoffset[i])) for i, x in enumerate(p1)])
pr = tuple([int(round(x + xyoffset[i])) for i, x in enumerate(p2)])
if faceprob > 0.4:
color = (255,255,0)
cv2.line(img, tr, pr, color=(255,255,0), thickness=3)
color = (255, 255, 0)
cv2.line(img, tr, pr, color=(255, 255, 0), thickness=3)
color = (64,64,64)
color = (64, 64, 64)
cv2.circle(img, tr, 7, color=color)

View File

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((320,640), pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((160,320), 0, 24).convert()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((320, 640), pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((160, 320), 0, 24).convert()
while 1:
polld = poller.poll(1000)
@ -46,34 +46,34 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
faceOrientation[1] *= -1
facePosition[0] *= -1
img = np.zeros((320,160,3))
img = np.zeros((320, 160, 3))
if faceProb > 0.4:
cv2.putText(img, 'you', (int(facePosition[0]*160+40), int(facePosition[1]*320+110)), cv2.FONT_ITALIC, 0.5, (255,255,0))
cv2.putText(img, 'you', (int(facePosition[0]*160+40), int(facePosition[1]*320+110)), cv2.FONT_ITALIC, 0.5, (255, 255, 0))
cv2.rectangle(img, (int(facePosition[0]*160+40), int(facePosition[1]*320+120)),\
(int(facePosition[0]*160+120), int(facePosition[1]*320+200)), (255,255,0), 1)
(int(facePosition[0]*160+120), int(facePosition[1]*320+200)), (255, 255, 0), 1)
not_blink = evt.driverMonitoring.leftBlinkProb + evt.driverMonitoring.rightBlinkProb < 1
if evt.driverMonitoring.leftEyeProb > 0.6:
cv2.line(img, (int(facePosition[0]*160+95), int(facePosition[1]*320+140)),\
(int(facePosition[0]*160+105), int(facePosition[1]*320+140)), (255,255,0), 2)
(int(facePosition[0]*160+105), int(facePosition[1]*320+140)), (255, 255, 0), 2)
if not_blink:
cv2.line(img, (int(facePosition[0]*160+99), int(facePosition[1]*320+143)),\
(int(facePosition[0]*160+101), int(facePosition[1]*320+143)), (255,255,0), 2)
(int(facePosition[0]*160+101), int(facePosition[1]*320+143)), (255, 255, 0), 2)
if evt.driverMonitoring.rightEyeProb > 0.6:
cv2.line(img, (int(facePosition[0]*160+55), int(facePosition[1]*320+140)),\
(int(facePosition[0]*160+65), int(facePosition[1]*320+140)), (255,255,0), 2)
(int(facePosition[0]*160+65), int(facePosition[1]*320+140)), (255, 255, 0), 2)
if not_blink:
cv2.line(img, (int(facePosition[0]*160+59), int(facePosition[1]*320+143)),\
(int(facePosition[0]*160+61), int(facePosition[1]*320+143)), (255,255,0), 2)
(int(facePosition[0]*160+61), int(facePosition[1]*320+143)), (255, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.putText(img, 'you not found', (int(facePosition[0]*160+40), int(facePosition[1]*320+110)), cv2.FONT_ITALIC, 0.5, (64,64,64))
cv2.putText(img, 'you not found', (int(facePosition[0]*160+40), int(facePosition[1]*320+110)), cv2.FONT_ITALIC, 0.5, (64, 64, 64))
draw_pose(img, faceOrientation, facePosition,
W = 160, H = 320, xyoffset = (0, 0), faceprob=faceProb)
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, img.swapaxes(0,1))
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, img.swapaxes(0, 1))
camera_surface_2x = pygame.transform.scale2x(camera_surface)
screen.blit(camera_surface_2x, (0, 0))

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ from tools.lib.route import Route
route_name = sys.argv[1]
routes = Route(route_name)
data_dump = {
"camera": routes.camera_paths(),
"logs": routes.log_paths()
json.dump(data_dump, open("routes.json", "w"))

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ _PATH_X = np.arange(192.)
_PATH_XD = np.arange(192.)
_PATH_PINV = compute_path_pinv(50)
#_BB_OFFSET = 290, 332
_BB_OFFSET = 0,0
_BB_OFFSET = 0, 0
_BB_SCALE = 1164/640.
_BB_TO_FULL_FRAME = np.asarray([
[_BB_SCALE, 0., _BB_OFFSET[0]],
@ -110,24 +110,24 @@ def draw_lead_on(img, closest_x_m, closest_y_m, calibration, color, sz=10, img_o
def init_plots(arr, name_to_arr_idx, plot_xlims, plot_ylims, plot_names, plot_colors, plot_styles, bigplots=False):
color_palette = { "r": (1,0,0),
"g": (0,1,0),
"b": (0,0,1),
"k": (0,0,0),
"y": (1,1,0),
"p": (0,1,1),
"m": (1,0,1) }
color_palette = { "r": (1, 0, 0),
"g": (0, 1, 0),
"b": (0, 0, 1),
"k": (0, 0, 0),
"y": (1, 1, 0),
"p": (0, 1, 1),
"m": (1, 0, 1) }
if bigplots:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.4, 7.0))
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_facecolor((0.2, 0.2, 0.2))
axs = []
for pn in range(len(plot_ylims)):
ax = fig.add_subplot(len(plot_ylims),1,len(axs)+1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(len(plot_ylims), 1, len(axs)+1)
ax.set_xlim(plot_xlims[pn][0], plot_xlims[pn][1])
ax.set_ylim(plot_ylims[pn][0], plot_ylims[pn][1])
ax.patch.set_facecolor((0.4, 0.4, 0.4))

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if sm.updated['liveCalibration']:
intrinsic_matrix = eon_intrinsics
img_transform = np.array(fpkt.frame.transform).reshape(3,3)
img_transform = np.array(fpkt.frame.transform).reshape(3, 3)
extrinsic_matrix = np.asarray(sm['liveCalibration'].extrinsicMatrix).reshape(3, 4)
ke = intrinsic_matrix.dot(extrinsic_matrix)
warp_matrix = get_camera_frame_from_medmodel_frame(ke)

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def ui_thread(addr, frame_address):
camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((640, 480), 0, 24).convert()
cameraw_surface = pygame.surface.Surface(MODEL_INPUT_SIZE, 0, 24).convert()
top_down_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((UP.lidar_x, UP.lidar_y),0,8)
top_down_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((UP.lidar_x, UP.lidar_y), 0, 8)
frame = messaging.sub_sock('frame', addr=addr, conflate=True)
sm = messaging.SubMaster(['carState', 'plan', 'carControl', 'radarState', 'liveCalibration', 'controlsState', 'liveTracks', 'model', 'liveMpc', 'liveParameters', 'pathPlan'], addr=addr)
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def ui_thread(addr, frame_address):
while 1:
screen.fill((64, 64, 64))
lid_overlay = lid_overlay_blank.copy()
top_down = top_down_surface, lid_overlay
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def ui_thread(addr, frame_address):
rgb_img_raw = fpkt.frame.image
if fpkt.frame.transform:
img_transform = np.array(fpkt.frame.transform).reshape(3,3)
img_transform = np.array(fpkt.frame.transform).reshape(3, 3)
# assume frame is flipped
img_transform = np.array([
@ -200,17 +200,17 @@ def ui_thread(addr, frame_address):
for lead in [sm['radarState'].leadOne, sm['radarState'].leadTwo]:
if lead.status:
if calibration is not None:
draw_lead_on(img, lead.dRel, lead.yRel, calibration, color=(192,0,0))
draw_lead_on(img, lead.dRel, lead.yRel, calibration, color=(192, 0, 0))
draw_lead_car(lead.dRel, top_down)
# *** blits ***
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, img.swapaxes(0,1))
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, img.swapaxes(0, 1))
screen.blit(camera_surface, (0, 0))
# display alerts
alert_line1 = alert1_font.render(sm['controlsState'].alertText1, True, (255,0,0))
alert_line2 = alert2_font.render(sm['controlsState'].alertText2, True, (255,0,0))
alert_line1 = alert1_font.render(sm['controlsState'].alertText1, True, (255, 0, 0))
alert_line2 = alert2_font.render(sm['controlsState'].alertText2, True, (255, 0, 0))
screen.blit(alert_line1, (180, 150))
screen.blit(alert_line2, (180, 190))
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ def ui_thread(addr, frame_address):
screen.blit(cameraw_surface, (320, 480))
screen.blit(top_down[0], (640,0))
screen.blit(top_down[0], (640, 0))
i = 0

View File

@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ args = parser.parse_args()
pm = messaging.PubMaster(['frame', 'sensorEvents', 'can'])
W,H = 1164, 874
W, H = 1164, 874
def cam_callback(image):
img = np.frombuffer(image.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype("uint8"))
img = np.reshape(img, (H, W, 4))
img = img[:, :, [0,1,2]].copy()
img = img[:, :, [0, 1, 2]].copy()
dat = messaging.new_message('frame')
dat.frame = {

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def can_function(pm, speed, angle, idx, cruise_button=0, is_engaged=False):
msg.append(packer.make_can_msg("GAS_PEDAL_2", 0, {}, idx))
msg.append(packer.make_can_msg("SEATBELT_STATUS", 0, {"SEATBELT_DRIVER_LATCHED": 1}, idx))
msg.append(packer.make_can_msg("STEER_STATUS", 0, {}, idx))
msg.append(packer.make_can_msg("STEERING_SENSORS", 0, {"STEER_ANGLE":angle_to_sangle(angle)}, idx))
msg.append(packer.make_can_msg("STEERING_SENSORS", 0, {"STEER_ANGLE": angle_to_sangle(angle)}, idx))
msg.append(packer.make_can_msg("POWERTRAIN_DATA", 0, {}, idx))
msg.append(packer.make_can_msg("VSA_STATUS", 0, {}, idx))
msg.append(packer.make_can_msg("STANDSTILL", 0, {}, idx))
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def can_function(pm, speed, angle, idx, cruise_button=0, is_engaged=False):
# fill in the rest for fingerprint
done = set([x[0] for x in msg])
for k,v in FINGERPRINTS[CAR.CIVIC][0].items():
for k, v in FINGERPRINTS[CAR.CIVIC][0].items():
if k not in done and k not in [0xE4, 0x194]:
msg.append([k, 0, b'\x00'*v, 0])
pm.send('can', can_list_to_can_capnp(msg))

View File

@ -167,19 +167,19 @@ def wheel_poll_thread(q):
q.put(str("steer_%f" % normalized))
if mtype & 0x01: # buttons
if number in [0,19]: # X
if number in [0, 19]: # X
if value == 1: # press down
if number in [3,18]: # triangle
if number in [3, 18]: # triangle
if value == 1: # press down
if number in [1,6]: # square
if number in [1, 6]: # square
if value == 1: # press down
if number in [10,21]: # R3
if number in [10, 21]: # R3
if value == 1: # press down

View File

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ def receiver_thread():
pygame.display.set_caption("vnet debug UI")
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1164,874), pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((1164,874), 0, 24).convert()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1164, 874), pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((1164, 874), 0, 24).convert()
addr = ""
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def receiver_thread():
#scipy.misc.imsave("tmp.png", imgff)
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, imgff.swapaxes(0,1))
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, imgff.swapaxes(0, 1))
screen.blit(camera_surface, (0, 0))

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ cam_id = 2
if __name__ == "__main__":
import cv2 # pylint: disable=import-error
trans_webcam_to_eon_front = np.dot(eon_dcam_intrinsics,np.linalg.inv(webcam_intrinsics))
trans_webcam_to_eon_front = np.dot(eon_dcam_intrinsics, np.linalg.inv(webcam_intrinsics))
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cam_id)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
while (True):
ret, img = cap.read()
if ret:
img = cv2.warpPerspective(img, trans_webcam_to_eon_front, (1152,864), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=0)
img = img[:,-864//2:,:]
img = cv2.warpPerspective(img, trans_webcam_to_eon_front, (1152, 864), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=0)
img = img[:, -864//2:, :]
cv2.imshow('preview', img)

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ webcam_intrinsics = np.array([
if __name__ == "__main__":
import cv2 # pylint: disable=import-error
trans_webcam_to_eon_rear = np.dot(eon_intrinsics,np.linalg.inv(webcam_intrinsics))
trans_webcam_to_eon_front = np.dot(eon_dcam_intrinsics,np.linalg.inv(webcam_intrinsics))
trans_webcam_to_eon_rear = np.dot(eon_intrinsics, np.linalg.inv(webcam_intrinsics))
trans_webcam_to_eon_front = np.dot(eon_dcam_intrinsics, np.linalg.inv(webcam_intrinsics))
print("trans_webcam_to_eon_rear:\n", trans_webcam_to_eon_rear)
print("trans_webcam_to_eon_front:\n", trans_webcam_to_eon_front)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
ret, img = cap.read()
if ret:
# img = cv2.warpPerspective(img, trans_webcam_to_eon_rear, (1164,874), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=0)
img = cv2.warpPerspective(img, trans_webcam_to_eon_front, (1164,874), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=0)
img = cv2.warpPerspective(img, trans_webcam_to_eon_front, (1164, 874), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=0)
print(img.shape, end='\r')
cv2.imshow('preview', img)