#include "selfdrive/boardd/panda.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "cereal/messaging/messaging.h" #include "selfdrive/common/gpio.h" #include "selfdrive/common/swaglog.h" #include "selfdrive/common/util.h" Panda::Panda(){ // init libusb int err = libusb_init(&ctx); if (err != 0) { goto fail; } #if LIBUSB_API_VERSION >= 0x01000106 libusb_set_option(ctx, LIBUSB_OPTION_LOG_LEVEL, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO); #else libusb_set_debug(ctx, 3); #endif dev_handle = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(ctx, 0xbbaa, 0xddcc); if (dev_handle == NULL) { goto fail; } if (libusb_kernel_driver_active(dev_handle, 0) == 1) { libusb_detach_kernel_driver(dev_handle, 0); } err = libusb_set_configuration(dev_handle, 1); if (err != 0) { goto fail; } err = libusb_claim_interface(dev_handle, 0); if (err != 0) { goto fail; } hw_type = get_hw_type(); assert((hw_type != cereal::PandaState::PandaType::WHITE_PANDA) && (hw_type != cereal::PandaState::PandaType::GREY_PANDA)); has_rtc = (hw_type == cereal::PandaState::PandaType::UNO) || (hw_type == cereal::PandaState::PandaType::DOS); return; fail: cleanup(); throw std::runtime_error("Error connecting to panda"); } Panda::~Panda(){ std::lock_guard lk(usb_lock); cleanup(); connected = false; } void Panda::cleanup(){ if (dev_handle){ libusb_release_interface(dev_handle, 0); libusb_close(dev_handle); } if (ctx) { libusb_exit(ctx); } } void Panda::handle_usb_issue(int err, const char func[]) { LOGE_100("usb error %d \"%s\" in %s", err, libusb_strerror((enum libusb_error)err), func); if (err == LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE) { LOGE("lost connection"); connected = false; } // TODO: check other errors, is simply retrying okay? } int Panda::usb_write(uint8_t bRequest, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, unsigned int timeout) { int err; const uint8_t bmRequestType = LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT | LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR | LIBUSB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE; if (!connected){ return LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE; } std::lock_guard lk(usb_lock); do { err = libusb_control_transfer(dev_handle, bmRequestType, bRequest, wValue, wIndex, NULL, 0, timeout); if (err < 0) handle_usb_issue(err, __func__); } while (err < 0 && connected); return err; } int Panda::usb_read(uint8_t bRequest, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, unsigned char *data, uint16_t wLength, unsigned int timeout) { int err; const uint8_t bmRequestType = LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN | LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR | LIBUSB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE; if (!connected){ return LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE; } std::lock_guard lk(usb_lock); do { err = libusb_control_transfer(dev_handle, bmRequestType, bRequest, wValue, wIndex, data, wLength, timeout); if (err < 0) handle_usb_issue(err, __func__); } while (err < 0 && connected); return err; } int Panda::usb_bulk_write(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned char* data, int length, unsigned int timeout) { int err; int transferred = 0; if (!connected){ return 0; } std::lock_guard lk(usb_lock); do { // Try sending can messages. If the receive buffer on the panda is full it will NAK // and libusb will try again. After 5ms, it will time out. We will drop the messages. err = libusb_bulk_transfer(dev_handle, endpoint, data, length, &transferred, timeout); if (err == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) { LOGW("Transmit buffer full"); break; } else if (err != 0 || length != transferred) { handle_usb_issue(err, __func__); } } while(err != 0 && connected); return transferred; } int Panda::usb_bulk_read(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned char* data, int length, unsigned int timeout) { int err; int transferred = 0; if (!connected){ return 0; } std::lock_guard lk(usb_lock); do { err = libusb_bulk_transfer(dev_handle, endpoint, data, length, &transferred, timeout); if (err == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) { break; // timeout is okay to exit, recv still happened } else if (err == LIBUSB_ERROR_OVERFLOW) { LOGE_100("overflow got 0x%x", transferred); } else if (err != 0) { handle_usb_issue(err, __func__); } } while(err != 0 && connected); return transferred; } void Panda::set_safety_model(cereal::CarParams::SafetyModel safety_model, int safety_param){ usb_write(0xdc, (uint16_t)safety_model, safety_param); } void Panda::set_unsafe_mode(uint16_t unsafe_mode) { usb_write(0xdf, unsafe_mode, 0); } cereal::PandaState::PandaType Panda::get_hw_type() { unsigned char hw_query[1] = {0}; usb_read(0xc1, 0, 0, hw_query, 1); return (cereal::PandaState::PandaType)(hw_query[0]); } void Panda::set_rtc(struct tm sys_time){ // tm struct has year defined as years since 1900 usb_write(0xa1, (uint16_t)(1900 + sys_time.tm_year), 0); usb_write(0xa2, (uint16_t)(1 + sys_time.tm_mon), 0); usb_write(0xa3, (uint16_t)sys_time.tm_mday, 0); // usb_write(0xa4, (uint16_t)(1 + sys_time.tm_wday), 0); usb_write(0xa5, (uint16_t)sys_time.tm_hour, 0); usb_write(0xa6, (uint16_t)sys_time.tm_min, 0); usb_write(0xa7, (uint16_t)sys_time.tm_sec, 0); } struct tm Panda::get_rtc(){ struct __attribute__((packed)) timestamp_t { uint16_t year; // Starts at 0 uint8_t month; uint8_t day; uint8_t weekday; uint8_t hour; uint8_t minute; uint8_t second; } rtc_time = {0}; usb_read(0xa0, 0, 0, (unsigned char*)&rtc_time, sizeof(rtc_time)); struct tm new_time = { 0 }; new_time.tm_year = rtc_time.year - 1900; // tm struct has year defined as years since 1900 new_time.tm_mon = rtc_time.month - 1; new_time.tm_mday = rtc_time.day; new_time.tm_hour = rtc_time.hour; new_time.tm_min = rtc_time.minute; new_time.tm_sec = rtc_time.second; return new_time; } void Panda::set_fan_speed(uint16_t fan_speed){ usb_write(0xb1, fan_speed, 0); } uint16_t Panda::get_fan_speed(){ uint16_t fan_speed_rpm = 0; usb_read(0xb2, 0, 0, (unsigned char*)&fan_speed_rpm, sizeof(fan_speed_rpm)); return fan_speed_rpm; } void Panda::set_ir_pwr(uint16_t ir_pwr) { usb_write(0xb0, ir_pwr, 0); } health_t Panda::get_state(){ health_t health {0}; usb_read(0xd2, 0, 0, (unsigned char*)&health, sizeof(health)); return health; } void Panda::set_loopback(bool loopback){ usb_write(0xe5, loopback, 0); } std::optional> Panda::get_firmware_version(){ std::vector fw_sig_buf(128); int read_1 = usb_read(0xd3, 0, 0, &fw_sig_buf[0], 64); int read_2 = usb_read(0xd4, 0, 0, &fw_sig_buf[64], 64); return ((read_1 == 64) && (read_2 == 64)) ? std::make_optional(fw_sig_buf) : std::nullopt; } std::optional Panda::get_serial() { char serial_buf[17] = {'\0'}; int err = usb_read(0xd0, 0, 0, (uint8_t*)serial_buf, 16); return err >= 0 ? std::make_optional(serial_buf) : std::nullopt; } void Panda::set_power_saving(bool power_saving){ usb_write(0xe7, power_saving, 0); } void Panda::set_usb_power_mode(cereal::PandaState::UsbPowerMode power_mode){ usb_write(0xe6, (uint16_t)power_mode, 0); } void Panda::send_heartbeat(){ usb_write(0xf3, 1, 0); } void Panda::can_send(capnp::List::Reader can_data_list){ static std::vector send; const int msg_count = can_data_list.size(); send.resize(msg_count*0x10); for (int i = 0; i < msg_count; i++) { auto cmsg = can_data_list[i]; if (cmsg.getAddress() >= 0x800) { // extended send[i*4] = (cmsg.getAddress() << 3) | 5; } else { // normal send[i*4] = (cmsg.getAddress() << 21) | 1; } auto can_data = cmsg.getDat(); assert(can_data.size() <= 8); send[i*4+1] = can_data.size() | (cmsg.getSrc() << 4); memcpy(&send[i*4+2], can_data.begin(), can_data.size()); } usb_bulk_write(3, (unsigned char*)send.data(), send.size(), 5); } int Panda::can_receive(kj::Array& out_buf) { uint32_t data[RECV_SIZE/4]; int recv = usb_bulk_read(0x81, (unsigned char*)data, RECV_SIZE); // Not sure if this can happen if (recv < 0) recv = 0; if (recv == RECV_SIZE) { LOGW("Receive buffer full"); } size_t num_msg = recv / 0x10; MessageBuilder msg; auto canData = msg.initEvent().initCan(num_msg); // populate message for (int i = 0; i < num_msg; i++) { if (data[i*4] & 4) { // extended canData[i].setAddress(data[i*4] >> 3); //printf("got extended: %x\n", data[i*4] >> 3); } else { // normal canData[i].setAddress(data[i*4] >> 21); } canData[i].setBusTime(data[i*4+1] >> 16); int len = data[i*4+1]&0xF; canData[i].setDat(kj::arrayPtr((uint8_t*)&data[i*4+2], len)); canData[i].setSrc((data[i*4+1] >> 4) & 0xff); } out_buf = capnp::messageToFlatArray(msg); return recv; }