#!/usr/bin/env python3 import math import os import random import shutil import subprocess import time import unittest from parameterized import parameterized from pathlib import Path from tqdm import trange from common.params import Params from common.timeout import Timeout from selfdrive.hardware import EON, TICI from selfdrive.test.helpers import with_processes from selfdrive.loggerd.config import ROOT, CAMERA_FPS # baseline file sizes for a 2s segment, in bytes FULL_SIZE = 1253786 if EON: CAMERAS = { "fcamera": FULL_SIZE, "dcamera": 770920, "qcamera": 38533, } elif TICI: CAMERAS = {f"{c}camera": FULL_SIZE if c!="q" else 38533 for c in ["f", "e", "d", "q"]} else: CAMERAS = {} ALL_CAMERA_COMBINATIONS = [(cameras,) for cameras in [CAMERAS, {k:CAMERAS[k] for k in CAMERAS if k!='dcamera'}]] FRAME_TOLERANCE = 0 FILE_SIZE_TOLERANCE = 0.5 class TestLoggerd(unittest.TestCase): # TODO: all of loggerd should work on PC @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): if not (EON or TICI): raise unittest.SkipTest def setUp(self): self._clear_logs() self.segment_length = 2 os.environ["LOGGERD_TEST"] = "1" os.environ["LOGGERD_SEGMENT_LENGTH"] = str(self.segment_length) def tearDown(self): self._clear_logs() def _clear_logs(self): if os.path.exists(ROOT): shutil.rmtree(ROOT) def _get_latest_segment_path(self): last_route = sorted(Path(ROOT).iterdir(), key=os.path.getmtime)[-1] return os.path.join(ROOT, last_route) # TODO: this should run faster than real time @parameterized.expand(ALL_CAMERA_COMBINATIONS) @with_processes(['camerad', 'sensord', 'loggerd'], init_time=5) def test_log_rotation(self, cameras): print("checking targets:", cameras) Params().put("RecordFront", "1" if 'dcamera' in cameras else "0") num_segments = random.randint(80, 150) if "CI" in os.environ: num_segments = random.randint(15, 20) # ffprobe is slow on comma two # wait for loggerd to make the dir for first segment time.sleep(10) route_prefix_path = None with Timeout(30): while route_prefix_path is None: try: route_prefix_path = self._get_latest_segment_path().rsplit("--", 1)[0] except Exception: time.sleep(2) continue for i in trange(num_segments): # poll for next segment if i < num_segments - 1: with Timeout(self.segment_length*3, error_msg=f"timed out waiting for segment {i}"): while True: seg_num = int(self._get_latest_segment_path().rsplit("--", 1)[1]) if seg_num > i: break time.sleep(0.1) else: time.sleep(self.segment_length) # check each camera file size for camera, size in cameras.items(): ext = "ts" if camera=='qcamera' else "hevc" file_path = f"{route_prefix_path}--{i}/{camera}.{ext}" # check file size self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(file_path), f"couldn't find {file_path}") file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) self.assertTrue(math.isclose(file_size, size, rel_tol=FILE_SIZE_TOLERANCE), f"{camera} failed size check: expected {size}, got {file_size}") if camera == 'qcamera': continue # check frame count cmd = f"ffprobe -v error -count_frames -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=nb_read_frames \ -of default=nokey=1:noprint_wrappers=1 {file_path}" expected_frames = self.segment_length * CAMERA_FPS // 2 if (EON and camera=='dcamera') else self.segment_length * CAMERA_FPS frame_tolerance = FRAME_TOLERANCE+1 if (EON and camera=='dcamera') or i==0 else FRAME_TOLERANCE frame_count = int(subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, encoding='utf8').strip()) self.assertTrue(abs(expected_frames - frame_count) <= frame_tolerance, f"{camera} failed frame count check: expected {expected_frames}, got {frame_count}") shutil.rmtree(f"{route_prefix_path}--{i}") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()