from common.numpy_fast import clip, interp from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV # kph V_CRUISE_MAX = 144 V_CRUISE_MIN = 8 V_CRUISE_DELTA = 8 V_CRUISE_ENABLE_MIN = 40 class MPC_COST_LAT: PATH = 1.0 LANE = 3.0 HEADING = 1.0 STEER_RATE = 1.0 class MPC_COST_LONG: TTC = 5.0 DISTANCE = 0.1 ACCELERATION = 10.0 JERK = 20.0 def rate_limit(new_value, last_value, dw_step, up_step): return clip(new_value, last_value + dw_step, last_value + up_step) def get_steer_max(CP, v_ego): return interp(v_ego, CP.steerMaxBP, CP.steerMaxV) def update_v_cruise(v_cruise_kph, buttonEvents, enabled): # handle button presses. TODO: this should be in state_control, but a decelCruise press # would have the effect of both enabling and changing speed is checked after the state transition for b in buttonEvents: if enabled and not b.pressed: if b.type == "accelCruise": v_cruise_kph += V_CRUISE_DELTA - (v_cruise_kph % V_CRUISE_DELTA) elif b.type == "decelCruise": v_cruise_kph -= V_CRUISE_DELTA - ((V_CRUISE_DELTA - v_cruise_kph) % V_CRUISE_DELTA) v_cruise_kph = clip(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MIN, V_CRUISE_MAX) return v_cruise_kph def initialize_v_cruise(v_ego, buttonEvents, v_cruise_last): for b in buttonEvents: # 250kph or above probably means we never had a set speed if b.type == "accelCruise" and v_cruise_last < 250: return v_cruise_last return int(round(clip(v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH, V_CRUISE_ENABLE_MIN, V_CRUISE_MAX)))