openpilot in simulator ===================== Needs Ubuntu 16.04 ## Checkout openpilot ``` cd ~/ git clone # Add export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/openpilot to your bashrc # Have a working tensorflow+keras in python3.7.3 (with [packages] in openpilot/Pipfile) ``` ## Install (in tab 1) ``` cd ~/openpilot/tools/sim ./ # install CARLA 0.9.7 and start the server ``` ## openpilot (in tab 2) ``` cd ~/openpilot/selfdrive/ PASSIVE=0 NOBOARD=1 ./ ``` ## bridge (in tab 3) ``` # links carla to openpilot, will "start the car" according to manager cd ~/openpilot/tools/sim ./ ``` ## Controls Now you can control the simulator with the keys: 1: Cruise up 5 mph 2: Cruise down 5 mph 3: Cruise cancel q: Exit all