import numpy as np from import (FULL_FRAME_SIZE, eon_focal_length, get_view_frame_from_road_frame, vp_from_ke) # segnet SEGNET_SIZE = (512, 384) segnet_frame_from_camera_frame = np.array([ [float(SEGNET_SIZE[0])/FULL_FRAME_SIZE[0], 0., ], [ 0., float(SEGNET_SIZE[1])/FULL_FRAME_SIZE[1]]]) # model MODEL_INPUT_SIZE = (320, 160) MODEL_YUV_SIZE = (MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1] * 3 // 2) MODEL_CX = MODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0]/2. MODEL_CY = 21. model_zoom = 1.25 model_height = 1.22 # canonical model transform model_intrinsics = np.array( [[ eon_focal_length / model_zoom, 0. , MODEL_CX], [ 0. , eon_focal_length / model_zoom, MODEL_CY], [ 0. , 0. , 1.]]) # MED model MEDMODEL_INPUT_SIZE = (512, 256) MEDMODEL_YUV_SIZE = (MEDMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], MEDMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1] * 3 // 2) MEDMODEL_CY = 47.6 medmodel_zoom = 1. medmodel_intrinsics = np.array( [[ eon_focal_length / medmodel_zoom, 0. , 0.5 * MEDMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0]], [ 0. , eon_focal_length / medmodel_zoom, MEDMODEL_CY], [ 0. , 0. , 1.]]) # BIG model BIGMODEL_INPUT_SIZE = (864, 288) BIGMODEL_YUV_SIZE = (BIGMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], BIGMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1] * 3 // 2) bigmodel_zoom = 1. bigmodel_intrinsics = np.array( [[ eon_focal_length / bigmodel_zoom, 0. , 0.5 * BIGMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0]], [ 0. , eon_focal_length / bigmodel_zoom, 0.2 * BIGMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1]], [ 0. , 0. , 1.]]) bigmodel_border = np.array([ [0,0,1], [BIGMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], 0, 1], [BIGMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[0], BIGMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1], 1], [0, BIGMODEL_INPUT_SIZE[1], 1], ]) model_frame_from_road_frame =, get_view_frame_from_road_frame(0, 0, 0, model_height)) bigmodel_frame_from_road_frame =, get_view_frame_from_road_frame(0, 0, 0, model_height)) medmodel_frame_from_road_frame =, get_view_frame_from_road_frame(0, 0, 0, model_height)) model_frame_from_bigmodel_frame =, np.linalg.inv(bigmodel_intrinsics)) # 'camera from model camera' def get_model_height_transform(camera_frame_from_road_frame, height): camera_frame_from_road_ground =, np.array([ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], ])) camera_frame_from_road_high =, np.array([ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, height - model_height], [0, 0, 1], ])) road_high_from_camera_frame = np.linalg.inv(camera_frame_from_road_high) high_camera_from_low_camera =, road_high_from_camera_frame) return high_camera_from_low_camera # camera_frame_from_model_frame aka 'warp matrix' # was: calibration.h/CalibrationTransform def get_camera_frame_from_model_frame(camera_frame_from_road_frame, height=model_height): vp = vp_from_ke(camera_frame_from_road_frame) model_camera_from_model_frame = np.array([ [model_zoom, 0., vp[0] - MODEL_CX * model_zoom], [ 0., model_zoom, vp[1] - MODEL_CY * model_zoom], [ 0., 0., 1.], ]) # This function is super slow, so skip it if height is very close to canonical # TODO: speed it up! if abs(height - model_height) > 0.001: # camera_from_model_camera = get_model_height_transform(camera_frame_from_road_frame, height) else: camera_from_model_camera = np.eye(3) return, model_camera_from_model_frame) def get_camera_frame_from_medmodel_frame(camera_frame_from_road_frame): camera_frame_from_ground = camera_frame_from_road_frame[:, (0, 1, 3)] medmodel_frame_from_ground = medmodel_frame_from_road_frame[:, (0, 1, 3)] ground_from_medmodel_frame = np.linalg.inv(medmodel_frame_from_ground) camera_frame_from_medmodel_frame =, ground_from_medmodel_frame) return camera_frame_from_medmodel_frame def get_camera_frame_from_bigmodel_frame(camera_frame_from_road_frame): camera_frame_from_ground = camera_frame_from_road_frame[:, (0, 1, 3)] bigmodel_frame_from_ground = bigmodel_frame_from_road_frame[:, (0, 1, 3)] ground_from_bigmodel_frame = np.linalg.inv(bigmodel_frame_from_ground) camera_frame_from_bigmodel_frame =, ground_from_bigmodel_frame) return camera_frame_from_bigmodel_frame def get_model_frame(snu_full, camera_frame_from_model_frame, size): idxs =[np.tile(np.arange(size[0]), size[1]), np.tile(np.arange(size[1]), (size[0],1)).T.flatten(), np.ones(size[0] * size[1])]).T).T.astype(int) calib_flat = snu_full[idxs[:,1], idxs[:,0]] if len(snu_full.shape) == 3: calib = calib_flat.reshape((size[1], size[0], 3)) elif len(snu_full.shape) == 2: calib = calib_flat.reshape((size[1], size[0])) else: raise ValueError("shape of input img is weird") return calib