#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="Vehicle Researcher" export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="user@comma.ai" export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Vehicle Researcher" export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="user@comma.ai" export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i /data/gitkey" # set CLEAN to build outside of CI if [ ! -z "$CLEAN" ]; then # Create folders rm -rf /data/openpilot mkdir -p /data/openpilot cd /data/openpilot # Create git repo git init git remote add origin git@github.com:commaai/openpilot.git git fetch origin devel-staging else cd /data/openpilot git clean -xdf git branch -D release2-staging || true fi git fetch origin release2-staging git fetch origin dashcam-staging # Create release2 with no history if [ ! -z "$CLEAN" ]; then git checkout --orphan release2-staging origin/devel-staging else git checkout --orphan release2-staging fi VERSION=$(cat selfdrive/common/version.h | awk -F[\"-] '{print $2}') echo "#define COMMA_VERSION \"$VERSION-release\"" > selfdrive/common/version.h git commit -m "openpilot v$VERSION" # Build signed panda firmware pushd panda/board/ cp -r /tmp/pandaextra /data/openpilot/ RELEASE=1 make obj/panda.bin mv obj/panda.bin /tmp/panda.bin make clean mv /tmp/panda.bin obj/panda.bin.signed rm -rf /data/openpilot/pandaextra popd # Build stuff ln -sfn /data/openpilot /data/pythonpath export PYTHONPATH="/data/openpilot:/data/openpilot/pyextra" SCONS_CACHE=1 scons -j3 # Run tests python selfdrive/test/test_manager.py selfdrive/car/tests/test_car_interfaces.py # Cleanup find . -name '*.a' -delete find . -name '*.o' -delete find . -name '*.os' -delete find . -name '*.pyc' -delete find . -name '__pycache__' -delete rm -rf .sconsign.dblite Jenkinsfile release/ # Restore phonelibs git checkout phonelibs/ # Mark as prebuilt release touch prebuilt # Add built files to git git add -f . git commit --amend -m "openpilot v$VERSION" # Print committed files that are normally gitignored #git status --ignored if [ ! -z "$PUSH" ]; then git remote set-url origin git@github.com:commaai/openpilot.git # Push to release2-staging git push -f origin release2-staging # Create dashcam release git rm selfdrive/car/*/carcontroller.py git commit -m "create dashcam release from release2" git push -f origin release2-staging:dashcam-staging fi