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// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "SnpeUdo/UdoShared.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/** @addtogroup c_plus_plus_apis C++
@{ */
typedef struct _SnpeUdo_OpFactory_t* SnpeUdo_OpFactory_t;
typedef struct _SnpeUdo_Operation_t* SnpeUdo_Operation_t;
* @brief Initialize the shared library's data structures. Calling any other
* library function before this one will result in error.
* @param[in] globalInfrastructure Global core-specific infrastructure to be
* used by operations created in this library. The definition and
* semantics of this object will be defined in the corresponding
* implementation header for the core type.
* @return Error code
SnpeUdo_initImplLibrary(void* globalInfrastructure);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
* @brief A function to query the API version of the UDO implementation library.
* The function populates a SnpeUdo_LibVersion_t struct, which contains a SnpeUdo_Version_t
* struct for API version and library version.
* @param[in, out] version A pointer to struct which contains major, minor, teeny information for
* library and api versions.
* @return Error code
SnpeUdo_getImplVersion(SnpeUdo_LibVersion_t** version);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
(*SnpeUdo_getImplVersion_t)(SnpeUdo_LibVersion_t** version);
* @brief Release the shared library's data structures, and invalidate any
* handles returned by the library. The behavior of any outstanding
* asynchronous calls made to this library when this function is called
* are undefined. All library functions (except SnpeUdo_initImplLibrary) will
* return an error after this function has been successfully called.
* It should be possible to call SnpeUdo_initImplLibrary after calling this
* function, and re-initialize the library.
* @return Error code
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
* @brief A function to query info on the UDO implementation library.
* The function populates a structure which contains information about
* operations that are part of this library
* @param[in, out] implementationInfo A pointer to struct which contains information
* on the operations
* @return error code
SnpeUdo_getImpInfo(SnpeUdo_ImpInfo_t** implementationInfo);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
(*SnpeUdo_GetImpInfoFunction_t)(SnpeUdo_ImpInfo_t** implementationInfo);
* @brief A function to create an operation factory.
* The function receives the operation type, and an array of static parameters,
* and returns operation factory handler
* @param[in] udoCoreType The Core type to create the operation on. An error will
* be returned if this does not match the core type of the library.
* @param[in] perFactoryInfrastructure CreateOpFactory infrastructure appropriate to this
* core type. The definition and semantics of this object will be defined
* in the corresponding implementation header for the core type.
* @param[in] operationType A string containing Operation type. for example "MY_CONV"
* @param[in] numOfStaticParams The number of static parameters.
* @param[in] staticParams Array of static parameters
* @param[in,out] opFactory Handler to Operation Factory, to be used when creating operations
* @return Error Code
SnpeUdo_createOpFactory(SnpeUdo_CoreType_t udoCoreType,
void* perFactoryInfrastructure,
SnpeUdo_String_t operationType,
uint32_t numOfStaticParams,
SnpeUdo_Param_t* staticParams,
SnpeUdo_OpFactory_t* opFactory);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
* @brief A function to release the resources allocated for an operation factory
* created by this library.
* @param[in] factory The operation factory to release. Upon success this handle will be invalidated.
* @return Error Code
SnpeUdo_releaseOpFactory(SnpeUdo_OpFactory_t opFactory);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
* @brief A function to create an operation from the factory.
* The function receives array of inputs and array of outputs, and creates an operation
* instance, returning the operation instance handler.
* @param[in] opFactory OpFactory instance containing the parameters for this operation.
* @param[in] perOpInfrastructure Per-Op infrastructure for this operation. The definition
* and semantics of this object will be defined in the implementation header
* appropriate to this core type.
* @param[in] numOfInputs The number of input tensors this operation will receive.
* @param[in] inputs Array of input tensors, providing both the sizes and initial
* location of the data.
* @param[in] numOfOutputs Number of output tensors this operation will produce.
* @param[in] outputs Array of output tensors, providing both the sizes and
* initial location of the data.
* @param[in,out] operation Handle for newly created operation instance.
* @return Error Code
SnpeUdo_createOperation(SnpeUdo_OpFactory_t opFactory,
void* perOpInfrastructure,
uint32_t numOfInputs,
SnpeUdo_TensorParam_t* inputs,
uint32_t numOfOutputs,
SnpeUdo_TensorParam_t* outputs,
SnpeUdo_Operation_t* operation);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
* @brief A pointer to notification function.
* The notification function supports the non-blocking (e.g. asynchronous) execution use-case.
* In case an "executeUdoOp" function is called with "blocking" set to zero, and a
* notify function, this function will be called by the implementation library at the
* end of execution. The implementation library will pass the notify function the ID
* that was provided to it when "executeUdoOp" was called.
* @param[in] ID 32-bit value, that was provided to executeUdoOp by the calling entity.
* Can be used to track the notifications, in case of multiple execute calls issued.
* @return Error code
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
(*SnpeUdo_ExternalNotify_t)(const uint32_t ID);
* @brief Operation execution function.
* Calling this function will run the operation on set of inputs, generating a set of outputs.
* The call can be blocking (synchronous) or non-blocking (asynchronous). To support the
* non-blocking mode, the calling entity can pass an ID and a notification function.
* At the end of the execution this notification function would be called, passing it the ID.
* <b> NOTE: Asynchronous execution mode not supported in this release. </b>
* @param[in] operation handle to the operation on which execute is invoked
* @param[in] blocking flag to indicate execution mode.
* If set, execution is blocking,
* e.g SnpeUdo_executeOp call does not return until execution is done.
* If not set, SnpeUdo_executeOp returns immediately, and the
* library will call the notification function (if set) when execution is done.
* @param[in] ID 32-bit number that can be used by the calling entity to track execution
* in case of non-blocking execution.
* For example, it can be a sequence number, increased by one on each call.
* @param[in] notifyFunc Pointer to notification function. if the pointer is set, and execution is
* non-blocking, the library will call this function at end of execution,
* passing the number provided as ID
* @return Error code
SnpeUdo_executeOp(SnpeUdo_Operation_t operation,
bool blocking,
const uint32_t ID,
SnpeUdo_ExternalNotify_t notifyFunc);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
const uint32_t,
* @brief A function to setting the inputs & outputs. part of SnpeUdo_Operation struct,
* returned from creation of a new operation instance.
* <b> Not supported in this release. </b>
* This function allows the calling entity to change some of the inputs and outputs
* between calls to execute.
* Note that the change is limited to changing the <b> pointer </b> to the tensor data only.
* Any other change may be rejected by the implementation library, causing
* immediate invalidation of the operation instance
* @param[in] operation Operation on which IO tensors are set
* @param[in] inputs array of tensor parameters. The calling entity may provide a subset of the
* operation inputs, providing only those that it wants to change.
* @param[in] outputs array of tensor parameters. The calling entity may provide a subset of the
* operation outputs, providing only those that it wants to change.
* @return Error code
SnpeUdo_setOpIO(SnpeUdo_Operation_t operation,
SnpeUdo_TensorParam_t* inputs,
SnpeUdo_TensorParam_t* outputs);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
* @brief A function to return execution times.
* This function can be called to query the operation execution times on the IP core
* on which the operation is run. The time is provided in micro-seconds
* @param[in] operation Handle to operation whose execution time is being profiled
* @param[in,out] executionTime pointer to a uint32 value.This function writes the operation
* execution time in usec into this value.
* @return Error code
SnpeUdo_profileOp(SnpeUdo_Operation_t operation, uint32_t *executionTime);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
(*SnpeUdo_ProfileOpFunction_t)(SnpeUdo_Operation_t, uint32_t*);
* @brief A function to release the operation instance
* \n When it is called, the implementation library needs to release all resources
* allocated for this operation instance.
* \n Note that all function pointers which are part of SnpeUdo_Operation become
* <b> invalid </b> once releaseUdoOp call returns.
* @param[in] operation Handle to operation to be released
* @return Error code
SnpeUdo_releaseOp(SnpeUdo_Operation_t operation);
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t
/** @} */ /* end_addtogroup c_plus_plus_apis C++ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif //SNPE_UDO_IMPL_H