
112 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

from cereal import log as capnp_log
def write_can_to_msg(data, src, msg):
if not isinstance(data[0], Sequence):
data = [data]
can_msgs = msg.init('can', len(data))
for i, d in enumerate(data):
if d[0] < 0: continue # ios bug
cc = can_msgs[i]
cc.address = d[0]
cc.busTime = 0
cc.dat = hex_to_str(d[2])
if len(d) == 4:
cc.src = d[3]
cc.busTime = d[1]
cc.src = src
def convert_old_pkt_to_new(old_pkt):
m, d = old_pkt
msg = capnp_log.Event.new_message()
if len(m) == 3:
_, pid, t = m
msg.logMonoTime = t
t, pid = m
msg.logMonoTime = int(t * 1e9)
last_velodyne_time = None
if pid == PID_OBD:
write_can_to_msg(d, 0, msg)
elif pid == PID_CAM:
frame = msg.init('frame')
frame.frameId = d[0]
frame.timestampEof = msg.logMonoTime
# iOS
elif pid == PID_IGPS:
loc = msg.init('gpsLocation')
loc.latitude = d[0]
loc.longitude = d[1]
loc.speed = d[2]
loc.timestamp = int(m[0]*1000.0) # on iOS, first number is wall time in seconds
loc.flags = 1 | 4 # has latitude, longitude, and speed.
elif pid == PID_IMOTION:
user_acceleration = d[:3]
gravity = d[3:6]
# iOS separates gravity from linear acceleration, so we recombine them.
# Apple appears to use this constant for the conversion.
g = -9.8
acceleration = [g*(a + b) for a, b in zip(user_acceleration, gravity)]
accel_event = msg.init('sensorEvents', 1)[0]
accel_event.acceleration.v = acceleration
# android
elif pid == PID_GPS:
if len(d) <= 6 or d[-1] == "gps":
loc = msg.init('gpsLocation')
loc.latitude = d[0]
loc.longitude = d[1]
loc.speed = d[2]
if len(d) > 6:
loc.timestamp = d[6]
loc.flags = 1 | 4 # has latitude, longitude, and speed.
elif pid == PID_ACCEL:
val = d[2] if type(d[2]) != type(0.0) else d
accel_event = msg.init('sensorEvents', 1)[0]
accel_event.acceleration.v = val
elif pid == PID_GYRO:
val = d[2] if type(d[2]) != type(0.0) else d
gyro_event = msg.init('sensorEvents', 1)[0]
gyro_event.init('gyro').v = val
elif pid == PID_LIDAR:
lid = msg.init('lidarPts')
lid.idx = d[3]
elif pid == PID_APPLANIX:
loc = msg.init('liveLocation')
loc.status = d[18], loc.lon, loc.alt = d[0:3]
loc.vNED = d[3:6]
loc.roll = d[6]
loc.pitch = d[7]
loc.heading = d[8]
loc.wanderAngle = d[9]
loc.trackAngle = d[10]
loc.speed = d[11]
loc.gyro = d[12:15]
loc.accel = d[15:18]
elif pid == PID_IBAROMETER:
pressure_event = msg.init('sensorEvents', 1)[0]
_, pressure = d[0:2]
pressure_event.init('pressure').v = [pressure] # Kilopascals
elif pid == PID_IINIT and len(d) == 4:
init_event = msg.init('initData')
init_event.deviceType = capnp_log.InitData.DeviceType.chffrIos
build_info = init_event.init('iosBuildInfo')
build_info.appVersion = d[0]
build_info.appBuild = int(d[1])
build_info.osVersion = d[2]
build_info.deviceModel = d[3]
return msg.as_reader()