
181 lines
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# TODO: these port numbers are hardcoded in c, fix this
# LogRotate: 8001 is a PUSH PULL socket between loggerd and visiond
# all ZMQ pub sub: port, should_log, frequency, (qlog_decimation)
# frame syncing packet
frame: [8002, true, 20., 1]
# accel, gyro, and compass
sensorEvents: [8003, true, 100., 100]
# GPS data, also global timestamp
gpsNMEA: [8004, true, 9.] # 9 msgs each sec
thermal: [8005, true, 2., 1]
# List(CanData), list of can messages
can: [8006, true, 100.]
controlsState: [8007, true, 100., 100]
#liveEvent: [8008, true, 0.]
model: [8009, true, 20., 5]
features: [8010, true, 0.]
health: [8011, true, 2., 1]
radarState: [8012, true, 20., 5]
#liveUI: [8014, true, 0.]
encodeIdx: [8015, true, 20.]
liveTracks: [8016, true, 20.]
sendcan: [8017, true, 100.]
logMessage: [8018, true, 0.]
liveCalibration: [8019, true, 4., 4]
androidLog: [8020, true, 0.]
carState: [8021, true, 100., 10]
# 8022 is reserved for sshd
carControl: [8023, true, 100., 10]
plan: [8024, true, 20., 2]
liveLocation: [8025, true, 0., 1]
gpsLocation: [8026, true, 1., 1]
ethernetData: [8027, true, 0.]
navUpdate: [8028, true, 0.]
qcomGnss: [8029, true, 0.]
lidarPts: [8030, true, 0.]
procLog: [8031, true, 0.5]
gpsLocationExternal: [8032, true, 10., 1]
ubloxGnss: [8033, true, 10.]
clocks: [8034, true, 1., 1]
liveMpc: [8035, false, 20.]
liveLongitudinalMpc: [8036, false, 20.]
navStatus: [8038, true, 0.]
gpsLocationTrimble: [8039, true, 0.]
trimbleGnss: [8041, true, 0.]
ubloxRaw: [8042, true, 20.]
gpsPlannerPoints: [8043, true, 0.]
gpsPlannerPlan: [8044, true, 0.]
applanixRaw: [8046, true, 0.]
orbLocation: [8047, true, 0.]
trafficEvents: [8048, true, 0.]
liveLocationTiming: [8049, true, 0.]
orbslamCorrection: [8050, true, 0.]
liveLocationCorrected: [8051, true, 0.]
orbObservation: [8052, true, 0.]
applanixLocation: [8053, true, 0.]
liveLocationKalman: [8054, true, 20., 2]
uiNavigationEvent: [8055, true, 0.]
orbOdometry: [8057, true, 0.]
orbFeatures: [8058, false, 0.]
orbKeyFrame: [8059, true, 0.]
uiLayoutState: [8060, true, 0.]
frontEncodeIdx: [8061, true, 5.] # should be 20fps on tici
orbFeaturesSummary: [8062, true, 0.]
driverState: [8063, true, 5., 1]
liveParameters: [8064, true, 20., 2]
liveMapData: [8065, true, 0.]
cameraOdometry: [8066, true, 20., 5]
pathPlan: [8067, true, 20., 2]
kalmanOdometry: [8068, true, 0.]
thumbnail: [8069, true, 0.2, 1]
carEvents: [8070, true, 1., 1]
carParams: [8071, true, 0.02, 1]
frontFrame: [8072, true, 10.]
dMonitoringState: [8073, true, 5., 1]
offroadLayout: [8074, false, 0.]
wideEncodeIdx: [8075, true, 20.]
wideFrame: [8076, true, 20.]
modelV2: [8077, true, 20., 20]
testModel: [8040, false, 0.]
testLiveLocation: [8045, false, 0.]
testJoystick: [8056, false, 0.]
# 8080 is reserved for slave testing daemon
# 8762 is reserved for logserver
# manager -- base process to manage starting and stopping of all others
# subscribes: thermal
# **** processes that communicate with the outside world ****
# thermald -- decides when to start and stop onroad
# subscribes: health, location
# publishes: thermal
# boardd -- communicates with the car
# subscribes: sendcan
# publishes: can, health, ubloxRaw
# sensord -- publishes IMU and Magnetometer
# publishes: sensorEvents
# gpsd -- publishes EON's gps
# publishes: gpsNMEA
# camerad -- publishes camera frames
# publishes: frame, frontFrame, thumbnail
# subscribes: driverState
# dmonitoringmodeld -- runs face detection on camera frames
# publishes: driverState
# **** stateful data transformers ****
# modeld -- runs & publishes the model
# publishes: model, cameraOdometry
# subscribes: liveCalibration, pathPlan
# plannerd -- decides where to drive the car
# subscribes: carState, model, radarState, controlsState, liveParameters
# publishes: plan, pathPlan, liveMpc, liveLongitudinalMpc
# controlsd -- drives the car by sending CAN messages to panda
# subscribes: can, thermal, health, plan, pathPlan, dMonitoringState, liveCalibration, model
# publishes: carState, carControl, sendcan, controlsState, carEvents, carParams
# dmonitoringd -- processes driver monitoring data and publishes driver awareness
# subscribes: driverState, liveCalibration, carState, model, gpsLocation
# publishes: dMonitoringState
# radard -- processes the radar and vision data
# subscribes: can, controlsState, model, liveParameters
# publishes: radarState, liveTracks
# params_learner -- learns vehicle params by observing the vehicle dynamics
# subscribes: controlsState, sensorEvents, cameraOdometry
# publishes: liveParameters
# calibrationd -- reads posenet and applies a temporal filter on the frame region to look at
# subscribes: cameraOdometry
# publishes: liveCalibration
# ubloxd -- read raw ublox data and converts them in readable format
# subscribes: ubloxRaw
# publishes: ubloxGnss
# loggerd
# subscribes: EVERYTHING
# ui
# subscribes: thermal, model, controlsState, uiLayout, liveCalibration, radarState, liveMpc, plusFrame, liveMapData
# uploader
# communicates through file system with loggerd
# deleter
# communicates through file system with loggerd and uploader
# logmessaged -- central logging service, can log to cloud
# publishes: logMessage
# logcatd -- fetches logcat info from android
# publishes: androidLog
# proclogd -- fetches process information
# publishes: procLog
# tombstoned -- reports native crashes
# athenad -- on request, open a sub socket and return the value
# updated -- waits for network access and tries to update every hour