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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
the terms of the
Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
Please visit for information on other licenses.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$begin ad_assign$$
$section AD Assignment Operator$$
$mindex assign Base VecAD$$
$head Syntax$$
$icode%y% = %x%$$
$head Purpose$$
Assigns the value in $icode x$$ to the object $icode y$$.
In either case,
$head x$$
The argument $icode x$$ has prototype
const %Type% &%x%
where $icode Type$$ is
$icode Base$$,
or any type that has an implicit constructor of the form
$head y$$
The target $icode y$$ has prototype
AD<%Base%> %y%
$head Example$$
The file $cref ad_assign.cpp$$ contain examples and tests of these operations.
It test returns true if it succeeds and false otherwise.
\file ad_assign.hpp
AD<Base> constructors and and copy operations.
\page AD_default_assign
Use default assignment operator
because they may be optimized better than the code below:
template <class Base>
inline AD<Base>& AD<Base>::operator=(const AD<Base> &right)
{ value_ = right.value_;
tape_id_ = right.tape_id_;
taddr_ = right.taddr_;
return *this;
Assignment to Base type value.
\tparam Base
Base type for this AD object.
\param b
is the Base type value being assignment to this AD object.
The tape identifier will be an invalid tape identifier,
so this object is initially a parameter.
template <class Base>
inline AD<Base>& AD<Base>::operator=(const Base &b)
{ value_ = b;
tape_id_ = 0;
// check that this is a parameter
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( Parameter(*this) );
return *this;
Assignment to an ADVec<Base> element drops the vector information.
\tparam Base
Base type for this AD object.
template <class Base>
inline AD<Base>& AD<Base>::operator=(const VecAD_reference<Base> &x)
{ return *this = x.ADBase(); }
Assignment from any other type, converts to Base type, and then uses assignment
from Base type.
\tparam Base
Base type for this AD object.
\tparam T
is the the type that is being assigned to AD<Base>.
There must be an assignment for Base from Type.
\param t
is the object that is being assigned to an AD<Base> object.
template <class Base>
template <class T>
inline AD<Base>& AD<Base>::operator=(const T &t)
{ return *this = Base(t); }
# endif