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// $Id$
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-16 Bradley M. Bell
CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
the terms of the
Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
Please visit for information on other licenses.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$begin ad_to_string$$
$section Convert An AD or Base Type to String$$
$head Syntax$$
$icode%s% = to_string(%value%)%$$.
$head See Also$$
$cref to_string$$, $cref base_to_string$$
$head value$$
The argument $icode value$$ has prototype
const AD<%Base%>& %value%
const %Base%& %value%
where $icode Base$$ is a type that supports the
$cref base_to_string$$ type requirement.
$head s$$
The return value has prototype
std::string %s%
and contains a representation of the specified $icode value$$.
If $icode value$$ is an AD type,
the result has the same precision as for the $icode Base$$ type.
$head Example$$
The file $cref to_string.cpp$$
includes an example and test of $code to_string$$ with AD types.
It returns true if it succeeds and false otherwise.
# include <cppad/utility/to_string.hpp>
# include <cppad/core/ad.hpp>
namespace CppAD {
// Template definition is in cppad/utility/to_string.hpp.
// Partial specialzation for AD<Base> types
template<class Base>
struct to_string_struct< CppAD::AD<Base> >
{ std::string operator()(const CppAD::AD<Base>& value)
{ to_string_struct<Base> ts;
return ts( Value( Var2Par( value ) ) ); }
# endif