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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
the terms of the
Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
Please visit for information on other licenses.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// documened after Forward but included here so easy to see
# include <cppad/core/capacity_order.hpp>
# include <cppad/core/num_skip.hpp>
# include <cppad/core/check_for_nan.hpp>
\file forward.hpp
User interface to forward mode computations.
Multiple orders, one direction, forward mode Taylor coefficieints.
\tparam Base
The type used during the forward mode computations; i.e., the corresponding
recording of operations used the type AD<Base>.
\tparam VectorBase
is a Simple Vector class with eleements of type Base.
\param q
is the hightest order for this forward mode computation; i.e.,
after this calculation there will be <code>q+1</code>
Taylor coefficients per variable.
\param xq
contains Taylor coefficients for the independent variables.
The size of xq must either be n or <code>(q+1)*n</code>,
We define <code>p = q + 1 - xq.size()/n</code>.
For <code>j = 0 , ... , n-1</code>,
<code>k = p, ... , q</code>, are
<code>xq[ (q+1-p)*j + k - p ]</code>
is the k-th order coefficient for the j-th independent variable.
\param s
Is the stream where output corresponding to PriOp operations will written.
contains Taylor coefficients for the dependent variables.
The size of the return value y is <code>m*(q+1-p)</code>.
For <code>i = 0, ... , m-1</code>,
<code>k = p, ..., q</code>,
<code>y[(q+1-p)*i + (k-p)]</code>
is the k-th order coefficient for the i-th dependent variable.
\par taylor_
The Taylor coefficients up to order p-1 are inputs
and the coefficents from order p through q are outputs.
Let <code>N = num_var_tape_</code>, and
<code>C = cap_order_taylor_</code>.
Note that for
<code>i = 1 , ..., N-1</code>,
<code>k = 0 , ..., q</code>,
<code>taylor_[ C*i + k ]</code>
is the k-th order cofficent,
for the i-th varaible on the tape.
(The first independent variable has index one on the tape
and there is no variable with index zero.)
template <typename Base>
template <typename VectorBase>
VectorBase ADFun<Base>::Forward(
size_t q ,
const VectorBase& xq ,
std::ostream& s )
{ // temporary indices
size_t i, j, k;
// number of independent variables
size_t n = ind_taddr_.size();
// number of dependent variables
size_t m = dep_taddr_.size();
// check Vector is Simple Vector class with Base type elements
CheckSimpleVector<Base, VectorBase>();
size_t(xq.size()) == n || size_t(xq.size()) == n*(q+1),
"Forward(q, xq): xq.size() is not equal n or n*(q+1)"
// lowest order we are computing
size_t p = q + 1 - size_t(xq.size()) / n;
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( p == 0 || p == q );
q <= num_order_taylor_ || p == 0,
"Forward(q, xq): Number of Taylor coefficient orders stored in this"
" ADFun\nis less than q and xq.size() != n*(q+1)."
p <= 1 || num_direction_taylor_ == 1,
"Forward(q, xq): computing order q >= 2"
" and number of directions is not one."
"\nMust use Forward(q, r, xq) for this case"
// does taylor_ need more orders or fewer directions
if( (cap_order_taylor_ <= q) | (num_direction_taylor_ != 1) )
{ if( p == 0 )
{ // no need to copy old values during capacity_order
num_order_taylor_ = 0;
else num_order_taylor_ = q;
size_t c = std::max(q + 1, cap_order_taylor_);
size_t r = 1;
capacity_order(c, r);
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( cap_order_taylor_ > q );
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( num_direction_taylor_ == 1 );
// short hand notation for order capacity
size_t C = cap_order_taylor_;
// The optimizer may skip a step that does not affect dependent variables.
// Initilaizing zero order coefficients avoids following valgrind warning:
// "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)".
for(j = 0; j < num_var_tape_; j++)
{ for(k = p; k <= q; k++)
taylor_[C * j + k] = CppAD::numeric_limits<Base>::quiet_NaN();
// set Taylor coefficients for independent variables
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
{ CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( ind_taddr_[j] < num_var_tape_ );
// ind_taddr_[j] is operator taddr for j-th independent variable
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( play_.GetOp( ind_taddr_[j] ) == local::InvOp );
if( p == q )
taylor_[ C * ind_taddr_[j] + q] = xq[j];
{ for(k = 0; k <= q; k++)
taylor_[ C * ind_taddr_[j] + k] = xq[ (q+1)*j + k];
// evaluate the derivatives
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( cskip_op_.size() == play_.num_op_rec() );
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( load_op_.size() == play_.num_load_op_rec() );
if( q == 0 )
{ local::forward0sweep(s, true,
n, num_var_tape_, &play_, C,,, load_op_,
{ local::forward1sweep(s, true, p, q,
n, num_var_tape_, &play_, C,,, load_op_,
// return Taylor coefficients for dependent variables
VectorBase yq;
if( p == q )
{ yq.resize(m);
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
{ CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( dep_taddr_[i] < num_var_tape_ );
yq[i] = taylor_[ C * dep_taddr_[i] + q];
{ yq.resize(m * (q+1) );
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
{ for(k = 0; k <= q; k++)
yq[ (q+1) * i + k] =
taylor_[ C * dep_taddr_[i] + k ];
# ifndef NDEBUG
if( check_for_nan_ )
{ bool ok = true;
size_t index = m;
if( p == 0 )
{ for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
{ // Visual Studio 2012, CppAD required in front of isnan ?
if( CppAD::isnan( yq[ (q+1) * i + 0 ] ) )
{ ok = false;
if( index == m )
index = i;
if( ! ok )
{ CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( index < m );
CppAD::vector<Base> x0(n);
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
x0[j] = taylor_[ C * ind_taddr_[j] + 0 ];
std::string file_name;
put_check_for_nan(x0, file_name);
std::stringstream ss;
ss <<
"yq = f.Forward(q, xq): a zero order Taylor coefficient is nan.\n"
"Corresponding independent variables vector was written "
"to binary a file.\n"
"vector_size = " << n << "\n" <<
"file_name = " << file_name << "\n" <<
"index = " << index << "\n";
// ss.str() returns a string object with a copy of the current
// contents in the stream buffer.
std::string msg_str = ss.str();
// msg_str.c_str() returns a pointer to the c-string
// representation of the string object's value.
const char* msg_char_star = msg_str.c_str();
"if( CppAD::isnan( yq[ (q+1) * index + 0 ] )",
"with the value nan."
if( 0 < q )
{ for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
{ for(k = p; k <= q; k++)
{ // Studio 2012, CppAD required in front of isnan ?
ok &= ! CppAD::isnan( yq[ (q+1-p)*i + k-p ] );
"yq = f.Forward(q, xq): has a non-zero order Taylor coefficient\n"
"with the value nan (but zero order coefficients are not nan)."
# endif
// now we have q + 1 taylor_ coefficient orders per variable
num_order_taylor_ = q + 1;
return yq;
One order, multiple directions, forward mode Taylor coefficieints.
\tparam Base
The type used during the forward mode computations; i.e., the corresponding
recording of operations used the type AD<Base>.
\tparam VectorBase
is a Simple Vector class with eleements of type Base.
\param q
is the order for this forward mode computation,
<code>q > 0</code>.
There must be at least <code>q</code> Taylor coefficients
per variable before this call.
After this call there will be <code>q+1</code>
Taylor coefficients per variable.
\param r
is the number of directions for this calculation.
If <code>q != 1</code>, \c r must be the same as in the previous
call to Forward where \c q was equal to one.
\param xq
contains Taylor coefficients for the independent variables.
The size of xq must either be <code>r*n</code>,
For <code>j = 0 , ... , n-1</code>,
<code>ell = 0, ... , r-1</code>,
<code>xq[ ( r*j + ell ]</code>
is the q-th order coefficient for the j-th independent variable
and the ell-th direction.
contains Taylor coefficients for the dependent variables.
The size of the return value \c y is <code>r*m</code>.
For <code>i = 0, ... , m-1</code>,
<code>ell = 0, ... , r-1</code>,
<code>y[ r*i + ell ]</code>
is the q-th order coefficient for the i-th dependent variable
and the ell-th direction.
\par taylor_
The Taylor coefficients up to order <code>q-1</code> are inputs
and the coefficents of order \c q are outputs.
Let <code>N = num_var_tape_</code>, and
<code>C = cap_order_taylor_</code>.
Note that for
<code>i = 1 , ..., N-1</code>,
<code>taylor_[ (C-1)*r*i + i + 0 ]</code>
is the zero order cofficent,
for the i-th varaible, and all directions.
For <code>i = 1 , ..., N-1</code>,
<code>k = 1 , ..., q</code>,
<code>ell = 0 , ..., r-1</code>,
<code>taylor_[ (C-1)*r*i + i + (k-1)*r + ell + 1 ]</code>
is the k-th order cofficent,
for the i-th varaible, and ell-th direction.
(The first independent variable has index one on the tape
and there is no variable with index zero.)
template <typename Base>
template <typename VectorBase>
VectorBase ADFun<Base>::Forward(
size_t q ,
size_t r ,
const VectorBase& xq )
{ // temporary indices
size_t i, j, ell;
// number of independent variables
size_t n = ind_taddr_.size();
// number of dependent variables
size_t m = dep_taddr_.size();
// check Vector is Simple Vector class with Base type elements
CheckSimpleVector<Base, VectorBase>();
CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN( q > 0, "Forward(q, r, xq): q == 0" );
size_t(xq.size()) == r * n,
"Forward(q, r, xq): xq.size() is not equal r * n"
q <= num_order_taylor_ ,
"Forward(q, r, xq): Number of Taylor coefficient orders stored in"
" this ADFun is less than q"
q == 1 || num_direction_taylor_ == r ,
"Forward(q, r, xq): q > 1 and number of Taylor directions r"
" is not same as previous Forward(1, r, xq)"
// does taylor_ need more orders or new number of directions
if( cap_order_taylor_ <= q || num_direction_taylor_ != r )
{ if( num_direction_taylor_ != r )
num_order_taylor_ = 1;
size_t c = std::max(q + 1, cap_order_taylor_);
capacity_order(c, r);
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( cap_order_taylor_ > q );
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( num_direction_taylor_ == r )
// short hand notation for order capacity
size_t c = cap_order_taylor_;
// set Taylor coefficients for independent variables
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
{ CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( ind_taddr_[j] < num_var_tape_ );
// ind_taddr_[j] is operator taddr for j-th independent variable
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( play_.GetOp( ind_taddr_[j] ) == local::InvOp );
for(ell = 0; ell < r; ell++)
{ size_t index = ((c-1)*r + 1)*ind_taddr_[j] + (q-1)*r + ell + 1;
taylor_[ index ] = xq[ r * j + ell ];
// evaluate the derivatives
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( cskip_op_.size() == play_.num_op_rec() );
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( load_op_.size() == play_.num_load_op_rec() );
// return Taylor coefficients for dependent variables
VectorBase yq;
yq.resize(r * m);
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
{ CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( dep_taddr_[i] < num_var_tape_ );
for(ell = 0; ell < r; ell++)
{ size_t index = ((c-1)*r + 1)*dep_taddr_[i] + (q-1)*r + ell + 1;
yq[ r * i + ell ] = taylor_[ index ];
# ifndef NDEBUG
if( check_for_nan_ )
{ bool ok = true;
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
{ for(ell = 0; ell < r; ell++)
{ // Studio 2012, CppAD required in front of isnan ?
ok &= ! CppAD::isnan( yq[ r * i + ell ] );
"yq = f.Forward(q, r, xq): has a non-zero order Taylor coefficient\n"
"with the value nan (but zero order coefficients are not nan)."
# endif
// now we have q + 1 taylor_ coefficient orders per variable
num_order_taylor_ = q + 1;
return yq;
# endif