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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
the terms of the
Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
Please visit for information on other licenses.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$begin NearEqualExt$$
$section Compare AD and Base Objects for Nearly Equal$$
$mindex NearEqual with$$
$head Syntax$$
$icode%b% = NearEqual(%x%, %y%, %r%, %a%)%$$
$head Purpose$$
The routine $cref NearEqual$$ determines if two objects of
the same type are nearly.
This routine is extended to the case where one object can have type
$icode Type$$ while the other can have type
$codei%AD<%Type%>%$$ or
$codei%AD< std::complex<%Type%> >%$$.
$head x$$
The arguments $icode x$$
has one of the following possible prototypes:
const %Type% &%x%
const AD<%Type%> &%x%
const AD< std::complex<%Type%> > &%x%
$head y$$
The arguments $icode y$$
has one of the following possible prototypes:
const %Type% &%y%
const AD<%Type%> &%y%
const AD< std::complex<%Type%> > &%x%
$head r$$
The relative error criteria $icode r$$ has prototype
const %Type% &%r%
It must be greater than or equal to zero.
The relative error condition is defined as:
$latex \[
\frac{ | x - y | } { |x| + |y| } \leq r
\] $$
$head a$$
The absolute error criteria $icode a$$ has prototype
const %Type% &%a%
It must be greater than or equal to zero.
The absolute error condition is defined as:
$latex \[
| x - y | \leq a
\] $$
$head b$$
The return value $icode b$$ has prototype
bool %b%
If either $icode x$$ or $icode y$$ is infinite or not a number,
the return value is false.
Otherwise, if either the relative or absolute error
condition (defined above) is satisfied, the return value is true.
Otherwise, the return value is false.
$head Type$$
The type $icode Type$$ must be a
$cref NumericType$$.
The routine $cref CheckNumericType$$ will generate
an error message if this is not the case.
If $icode a$$ and $icode b$$ have type $icode Type$$,
the following operation must be defined
$bold Operation$$ $cnext
$bold Description$$ $rnext
$icode%a% <= %b%$$ $cnext
less that or equal operator (returns a $code bool$$ object)
$head Operation Sequence$$
The result of this operation is not an
$cref/AD of Base/glossary/AD of Base/$$ object.
Thus it will not be recorded as part of an
AD of $icode Base$$
$cref/operation sequence/glossary/Operation/Sequence/$$.
$head Example$$
The file $cref near_equal_ext.cpp$$ contains an example
and test of this extension of $cref NearEqual$$.
It return true if it succeeds and false otherwise.
// BEGIN CppAD namespace
namespace CppAD {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// fold into base type and then use <cppad/near_equal.hpp>
template <class Base>
bool NearEqual(
const AD<Base> &x, const AD<Base> &y, const Base &r, const Base &a)
{ return NearEqual(x.value_, y.value_, r, a);
template <class Base>
bool NearEqual(
const Base &x, const AD<Base> &y, const Base &r, const Base &a)
{ return NearEqual(x, y.value_, r, a);
template <class Base>
bool NearEqual(
const AD<Base> &x, const Base &y, const Base &r, const Base &a)
{ return NearEqual(x.value_, y, r, a);
// fold into AD type and then use cases above
template <class Base>
bool NearEqual(
const VecAD_reference<Base> &x, const VecAD_reference<Base> &y,
const Base &r, const Base &a)
{ return NearEqual(x.ADBase(), y.ADBase(), r, a);
template <class Base>
bool NearEqual(const VecAD_reference<Base> &x, const AD<Base> &y,
const Base &r, const Base &a)
{ return NearEqual(x.ADBase(), y, r, a);
template <class Base>
bool NearEqual(const VecAD_reference<Base> &x, const Base &y,
const Base &r, const Base &a)
{ return NearEqual(x.ADBase(), y, r, a);
template <class Base>
bool NearEqual(const AD<Base> &x, const VecAD_reference<Base> &y,
const Base &r, const Base &a)
{ return NearEqual(x, y.ADBase(), r, a);
template <class Base>
bool NearEqual(const Base &x, const VecAD_reference<Base> &y,
const Base &r, const Base &a)
{ return NearEqual(x, y.ADBase(), r, a);
} // END CppAD namespace
# endif