
258 lines
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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
the terms of the
Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
Please visit for information on other licenses.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$begin pow$$
$section The AD Power Function$$
$mindex pow exponent$$
$head Syntax$$
$icode%z% = pow(%x%, %y%)%$$
$head See Also$$
$cref pow_int$$
$head Purpose$$
Determines the value of the power function which is defined by
$latex \[
{\rm pow} (x, y) = x^y
\] $$
This version of the $code pow$$ function may use
logarithms and exponentiation to compute derivatives.
This will not work if $icode x$$ is less than or equal zero.
If the value of $icode y$$ is an integer,
the $cref pow_int$$ function is used to compute this value
using only multiplication (and division if $icode y$$ is negative).
(This will work even if $icode x$$ is less than or equal zero.)
$head x$$
The argument $icode x$$ has one of the following prototypes
const %Base%& %x%
const AD<%Base%>& %x%
const VecAD<%Base%>::reference& %x%
$head y$$
The argument $icode y$$ has one of the following prototypes
const %Base%& %y%
const AD<%Base%>& %y%
const VecAD<%Base%>::reference& %y%
$head z$$
If both $icode x$$ and $icode y$$ are $icode Base$$ objects,
the result $icode z$$ is also a $icode Base$$ object.
Otherwise, it has prototype
AD<%Base%> %z%
$head Operation Sequence$$
This is an AD of $icode Base$$
$cref/atomic operation/glossary/Operation/Atomic/$$
and hence is part of the current
AD of $icode Base$$
$cref/operation sequence/glossary/Operation/Sequence/$$.
$head Example$$
The file
$cref pow.cpp$$
is an examples and tests of this function.
It returns true if it succeeds and false otherwise.
// BEGIN CppAD namespace
namespace CppAD {
// case where x and y are AD<Base> -----------------------------------------
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const AD<Base>& x, const AD<Base>& y)
// compute the Base part
AD<Base> result;
result.value_ = pow(x.value_, y.value_);
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( Parameter(result) );
// check if there is a recording in progress
local::ADTape<Base>* tape = AD<Base>::tape_ptr();
if( tape == CPPAD_NULL )
return result;
tape_id_t tape_id = tape->id_;
// tape_id cannot match the default value for tape_id_; i.e., 0
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( tape_id > 0 );
bool var_x = x.tape_id_ == tape_id;
bool var_y = y.tape_id_ == tape_id;
if( var_x )
{ if( var_y )
{ // result = variable^variable
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( local::NumRes(local::PowvvOp) == 3 );
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( local::NumArg(local::PowvvOp) == 2 );
// put operand addresses in tape
tape->Rec_.PutArg(x.taddr_, y.taddr_);
// put operator in the tape
result.taddr_ = tape->Rec_.PutOp(local::PowvvOp);
// make result a variable
result.tape_id_ = tape_id;
else if( IdenticalZero( y.value_ ) )
{ // result = variable^0
{ // result = variable^parameter
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( local::NumRes(local::PowvpOp) == 3 );
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( local::NumArg(local::PowvpOp) == 2 );
// put operand addresses in tape
addr_t p = tape->Rec_.PutPar(y.value_);
tape->Rec_.PutArg(x.taddr_, p);
// put operator in the tape
result.taddr_ = tape->Rec_.PutOp(local::PowvpOp);
// make result a variable
result.tape_id_ = tape_id;
else if( var_y )
{ if( IdenticalZero(x.value_) )
{ // result = 0^variable
{ // result = parameter^variable
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( local::NumRes(local::PowpvOp) == 3 );
CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( local::NumArg(local::PowpvOp) == 2 );
// put operand addresses in tape
addr_t p = tape->Rec_.PutPar(x.value_);
tape->Rec_.PutArg(p, y.taddr_);
// put operator in the tape
result.taddr_ = tape->Rec_.PutOp(local::PowpvOp);
// make result a variable
result.tape_id_ = tape_id;
return result;
// =========================================================================
// Fold operations in same way as CPPAD_FOLD_AD_VALUED_BINARY_OPERATOR(Op)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Operations with VecAD_reference<Base> and AD<Base> only
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const AD<Base>& x, const VecAD_reference<Base>& y)
{ return pow(x, y.ADBase()); }
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const VecAD_reference<Base>& x, const VecAD_reference<Base>& y)
{ return pow(x.ADBase(), y.ADBase()); }
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const VecAD_reference<Base>& x, const AD<Base>& y)
{ return pow(x.ADBase(), y); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Operations with Base
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const Base& x, const AD<Base>& y)
{ return pow(AD<Base>(x), y); }
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const Base& x, const VecAD_reference<Base>& y)
{ return pow(AD<Base>(x), y.ADBase()); }
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const AD<Base>& x, const Base& y)
{ return pow(x, AD<Base>(y)); }
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const VecAD_reference<Base>& x, const Base& y)
{ return pow(x.ADBase(), AD<Base>(y)); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Operations with double
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const double& x, const AD<Base>& y)
{ return pow(AD<Base>(x), y); }
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const double& x, const VecAD_reference<Base>& y)
{ return pow(AD<Base>(x), y.ADBase()); }
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const AD<Base>& x, const double& y)
{ return pow(x, AD<Base>(y)); }
template <class Base> AD<Base>
pow(const VecAD_reference<Base>& x, const double& y)
{ return pow(x.ADBase(), AD<Base>(y)); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Special case to avoid ambuigity when Base is double
inline AD<double>
pow(const double& x, const AD<double>& y)
{ return pow(AD<double>(x), y); }
inline AD<double>
pow(const double& x, const VecAD_reference<double>& y)
{ return pow(AD<double>(x), y.ADBase()); }
inline AD<double>
pow(const AD<double>& x, const double& y)
{ return pow(x, AD<double>(y)); }
inline AD<double>
pow(const VecAD_reference<double>& x, const double& y)
{ return pow(x.ADBase(), AD<double>(y)); }
// =========================================================================
// Fold operations for the cases where x is an int,
// but let cppad/utility/pow_int.hpp handle the cases where y is an int.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class Base> AD<Base> pow
(const int& x, const VecAD_reference<Base>& y)
{ return pow(AD<Base>(x), y.ADBase()); }
template <class Base> AD<Base> pow
(const int& x, const AD<Base>& y)
{ return pow(AD<Base>(x), y); }
} // END CppAD namespace
# endif