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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under
the terms of the
Eclipse Public License Version 1.0.
A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution.
Please visit for information on other licenses.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$begin RevTwo$$
$section Reverse Mode Second Partial Derivative Driver$$
$mindex order easy$$
$head Syntax$$
$icode%ddw% = %f%.RevTwo(%x%, %i%, %j%)%$$
$head Purpose$$
We use $latex F : B^n \rightarrow B^m$$ to denote the
$cref/AD function/glossary/AD Function/$$ corresponding to $icode f$$.
The syntax above sets
$latex \[
ddw [ k * p + \ell ]
\DD{ F_{i[ \ell ]} }{ x_{j[ \ell ]} }{ x_k } (x)
\] $$
for $latex k = 0 , \ldots , n-1$$
and $latex \ell = 0 , \ldots , p$$,
where $latex p$$ is the size of the vectors $icode i$$ and $icode j$$.
$head f$$
The object $icode f$$ has prototype
ADFun<%Base%> %f%
Note that the $cref ADFun$$ object $icode f$$ is not $code const$$
(see $cref/RevTwo Uses Forward/RevTwo/RevTwo Uses Forward/$$ below).
$head x$$
The argument $icode x$$ has prototype
const %VectorBase% &%x%
(see $cref/VectorBase/RevTwo/VectorBase/$$ below)
and its size
must be equal to $icode n$$, the dimension of the
$cref/domain/seq_property/Domain/$$ space for $icode f$$.
It specifies
that point at which to evaluate the partial derivatives listed above.
$head i$$
The argument $icode i$$ has prototype
const %VectorSize_t% &%i%
(see $cref/VectorSize_t/RevTwo/VectorSize_t/$$ below)
We use $icode p$$ to denote the size of the vector $icode i$$.
All of the indices in $icode i$$
must be less than $icode m$$, the dimension of the
$cref/range/seq_property/Range/$$ space for $icode f$$; i.e.,
for $latex \ell = 0 , \ldots , p-1$$, $latex i[ \ell ] < m$$.
$head j$$
The argument $icode j$$ has prototype
const %VectorSize_t% &%j%
(see $cref/VectorSize_t/RevTwo/VectorSize_t/$$ below)
and its size must be equal to $icode p$$,
the size of the vector $icode i$$.
All of the indices in $icode j$$
must be less than $icode n$$; i.e.,
for $latex \ell = 0 , \ldots , p-1$$, $latex j[ \ell ] < n$$.
$head ddw$$
The result $icode ddw$$ has prototype
%VectorBase% %ddw%
(see $cref/VectorBase/RevTwo/VectorBase/$$ below)
and its size is $latex n * p$$.
It contains the requested partial derivatives; to be specific,
for $latex k = 0 , \ldots , n - 1 $$
and $latex \ell = 0 , \ldots , p - 1$$
$latex \[
ddw [ k * p + \ell ]
\DD{ F_{i[ \ell ]} }{ x_{j[ \ell ]} }{ x_k } (x)
\] $$
$head VectorBase$$
The type $icode VectorBase$$ must be a $cref SimpleVector$$ class with
$cref/elements of type Base/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/$$.
The routine $cref CheckSimpleVector$$ will generate an error message
if this is not the case.
$head VectorSize_t$$
The type $icode VectorSize_t$$ must be a $cref SimpleVector$$ class with
$cref/elements of type size_t/SimpleVector/Elements of Specified Type/$$.
The routine $cref CheckSimpleVector$$ will generate an error message
if this is not the case.
$head RevTwo Uses Forward$$
After each call to $cref Forward$$,
the object $icode f$$ contains the corresponding
$cref/Taylor coefficients/glossary/Taylor Coefficient/$$.
After a call to $code RevTwo$$,
the zero order Taylor coefficients correspond to
$icode%f%.Forward(0, %x%)%$$
and the other coefficients are unspecified.
$head Examples$$
The routine
$cref/RevTwo/rev_two.cpp/$$ is both an example and test.
It returns $code true$$, if it succeeds and $code false$$ otherwise.
// BEGIN CppAD namespace
namespace CppAD {
template <typename Base>
template <typename VectorBase, typename VectorSize_t>
VectorBase ADFun<Base>::RevTwo(
const VectorBase &x,
const VectorSize_t &i,
const VectorSize_t &j)
{ size_t i1;
size_t j1;
size_t k;
size_t l;
size_t n = Domain();
size_t m = Range();
size_t p = i.size();
// check VectorBase is Simple Vector class with Base elements
CheckSimpleVector<Base, VectorBase>();
// check VectorSize_t is Simple Vector class with size_t elements
CheckSimpleVector<size_t, VectorSize_t>();
x.size() == n,
"RevTwo: Length of x not equal domain dimension for f."
i.size() == j.size(),
"RevTwo: Lenght of the i and j vectors are not equal."
// point at which we are evaluating the second partials
Forward(0, x);
// dimension the return value
VectorBase ddw(n * p);
// direction vector in argument space
VectorBase dx(n);
for(j1 = 0; j1 < n; j1++)
dx[j1] = Base(0.0);
// direction vector in range space
VectorBase w(m);
for(i1 = 0; i1 < m; i1++)
w[i1] = Base(0.0);
// place to hold the results of a reverse calculation
VectorBase r(n * 2);
// check the indices in i and j
for(l = 0; l < p; l++)
{ i1 = i[l];
j1 = j[l];
i1 < m,
"RevTwo: an eleemnt of i not less than range dimension for f."
j1 < n,
"RevTwo: an element of j not less than domain dimension for f."
// loop over all forward directions
for(j1 = 0; j1 < n; j1++)
{ // first order forward mode calculation done
bool first_done = false;
for(l = 0; l < p; l++) if( j[l] == j1 )
{ if( ! first_done )
{ first_done = true;
// first order forward mode in j1 direction
dx[j1] = Base(1.0);
Forward(1, dx);
dx[j1] = Base(0.0);
// execute a reverse in this component direction
i1 = i[l];
w[i1] = Base(1.0);
r = Reverse(2, w);
w[i1] = Base(0.0);
// place the reverse result in return value
for(k = 0; k < n; k++)
ddw[k * p + l] = r[k * 2 + 1];
return ddw;
} // END CppAD namespace
# endif