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// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
// Header to be used by a GPU UDO Implementation library
#include "CL/cl.h"
#include "SnpeUdo/UdoBase.h"
/** @addtogroup c_plus_plus_apis C++
@{ */
* This header defines version 0.0.0 of the GPU UDO Infrastructure.
* It defines the interpretation of the global and per-OpFactory infrastructure pointers
* as well as the interpretation of tensorData pointers.
* The per-Operation infrastructure pointer is defined to be null, and should not be used.
* The SnpeUdoTensorParam_t struct below provides the interpretation for
* the tensorData opaque pointer for SnpeUdoTensorParams representing inputs or outputs.
* The tensorData opaque pointer populated in SnpeUdoScalarParam_t structs should be interpreted
* as a host-readable data pointer.
* @brief Function to retrieve opencl program from Program Cache repository.
* @param programCache is opaque pointer to Program Cache repository provided by
* SNPE GPU UDO runtime.
* @param programName is name associated with opencl program for UDO.
* @param program is pointer to opencl program which will be populated with
* valid opencl program if found in Program Cache repository.
* @return SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t is error type returned. SNPE_UDO_NO_ERROR is returned
* on success.
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t (*SnpeUdo_getProgram_t)
(void* programCache, const char* programName, cl_program* program);
* @brief Function to store valid opencl program in Program Cache repository.
* @param programCache is opaque pointer to Program Cache repository provided by
* SNPE GPU UDO runtime.
* @param programName is name associated with opencl program for UDO.
* @param program is valid opencl program after program is built.
* @return SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t is error type returned. SNPE_UDO_NO_ERROR is returned
* on success.
* */
typedef SnpeUdo_ErrorType_t (*SnpeUdo_storeProgram_t)
(void* programCache, const char * programName, cl_program program);
* @brief Global Infrastructure Definition for GPU UDO Implementations.
typedef struct {
// Infrastructure definition version. This header is 0.0.0
SnpeUdo_Version_t gpuInfraVersion;
SnpeUdo_getProgram_t SnpeUdo_getProgram;
SnpeUdo_storeProgram_t SnpeUdo_storeProgram;
} SnpeUdo_GpuInfrastructure_t;
* @brief Per OpFactory Infrastructure Definition for GPU UDO Implementations.
* @note This version of the infrastructure definition guarantees that the same
* Per OpFactory infrastructure pointer will be provided to all OpFactories
* in the same network.
typedef struct
cl_context context;
cl_command_queue commandQueue;
void* programCache;
} SnpeUdo_GpuOpFactoryInfrastructure_t;
* @brief Opaque tensorData definition for operation inputs and outputs.
* The following is a list of all SnpeUdoTensorLayout_t values supported by the
* GPU UDO implementation, and how the parameters of the struct should be
* interpreted in each case:
* mem shall be single-element array, pointing to a cl buffer memory object.
* the dimensions of this object match the dimensions specified in the encompassing
* SnpeUdoTensorParam_t's currDimensions.
* memCount shall be 1.
* paddedRank and paddedDimensions are undefined and shall be ignored by the UDO
* implementation.
typedef struct
cl_mem* mem;
uint32_t memCount;
uint32_t paddedRank;
uint32_t* paddedDimensions;
} SnpeUdo_GpuTensorData_t;
/** @} */ /* end_addtogroup c_plus_plus_apis C++ */