
824 lines
28 KiB

#include "ui.hpp"
#include <assert.h>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "common/util.h"
#include "nanovg_gl.h"
#include "nanovg_gl_utils.h"
extern "C"{
#include "common/glutil.h"
#include "paint.hpp"
#include "sidebar.hpp"
// TODO: this is also hardcoded in common/transformations/
// TODO: choose based on frame input size
#ifdef QCOM2
const float zoom = 1.5;
const mat3 intrinsic_matrix = (mat3){{
2648.0, 0.0, 1928.0/2,
0.0, 2648.0, 1208.0/2,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0
const float zoom = 2.35;
const mat3 intrinsic_matrix = (mat3){{
910., 0., 1164.0/2,
0., 910., 874.0/2,
0., 0., 1.
// Projects a point in car to space to the corresponding point in full frame
// image space.
vec3 car_space_to_full_frame(const UIState *s, vec4 car_space_projective) {
const UIScene *scene = &s->scene;
// We'll call the car space point p.
// First project into normalized image coordinates with the extrinsics matrix.
const vec4 Ep4 = matvecmul(scene->extrinsic_matrix, car_space_projective);
// The last entry is zero because of how we store E (to use matvecmul).
const vec3 Ep = {{Ep4.v[0], Ep4.v[1], Ep4.v[2]}};
const vec3 KEp = matvecmul3(intrinsic_matrix, Ep);
// Project.
const vec3 p_image = {{KEp.v[0] / KEp.v[2], KEp.v[1] / KEp.v[2], 1.}};
return p_image;
// Calculate an interpolation between two numbers at a specific increment
static float lerp(float v0, float v1, float t) {
return (1 - t) * v0 + t * v1;
static void ui_draw_text(NVGcontext *vg, float x, float y, const char* string, float size, NVGcolor color, int font){
nvgFontFaceId(vg, font);
nvgFontSize(vg, size);
nvgFillColor(vg, color);
nvgText(vg, x, y, string, NULL);
static void draw_chevron(UIState *s, float x_in, float y_in, float sz,
NVGcolor fillColor, NVGcolor glowColor) {
const vec4 p_car_space = (vec4){{x_in, y_in, 0., 1.}};
const vec3 p_full_frame = car_space_to_full_frame(s, p_car_space);
float x = p_full_frame.v[0];
float y = p_full_frame.v[1];
if (x < 0 || y < 0.){
sz *= 30;
sz /= (x_in / 3 + 30);
if (sz > 30) sz = 30;
if (sz < 15) sz = 15;
// glow
float g_xo = sz/5;
float g_yo = sz/10;
nvgMoveTo(s->vg, x+(sz*1.35)+g_xo, y+sz+g_yo);
nvgLineTo(s->vg, x, y-g_xo);
nvgLineTo(s->vg, x-(sz*1.35)-g_xo, y+sz+g_yo);
nvgFillColor(s->vg, glowColor);
// chevron
nvgMoveTo(s->vg, x+(sz*1.25), y+sz);
nvgLineTo(s->vg, x, y);
nvgLineTo(s->vg, x-(sz*1.25), y+sz);
nvgFillColor(s->vg, fillColor);
static void ui_draw_circle_image(NVGcontext *vg, float x, float y, int size, int image, NVGcolor color, float img_alpha, int img_y = 0) {
const int img_size = size * 1.5;
nvgCircle(vg, x, y + (bdr_s * 1.5), size);
nvgFillColor(vg, color);
ui_draw_image(vg, x - (img_size / 2), img_y ? img_y : y - (size / 4), img_size, img_size, image, img_alpha);
static void ui_draw_circle_image(NVGcontext *vg, float x, float y, int size, int image, bool active) {
float bg_alpha = active ? 0.3f : 0.1f;
float img_alpha = active ? 1.0f : 0.15f;
ui_draw_circle_image(vg, x, y, size, image, nvgRGBA(0, 0, 0, (255 * bg_alpha)), img_alpha);
static void draw_lead(UIState *s, const cereal::RadarState::LeadData::Reader &lead){
// Draw lead car indicator
float fillAlpha = 0;
float speedBuff = 10.;
float leadBuff = 40.;
float d_rel = lead.getDRel();
float v_rel = lead.getVRel();
if (d_rel < leadBuff) {
fillAlpha = 255*(1.0-(d_rel/leadBuff));
if (v_rel < 0) {
fillAlpha += 255*(-1*(v_rel/speedBuff));
fillAlpha = (int)(fmin(fillAlpha, 255));
draw_chevron(s, d_rel, lead.getYRel(), 25, nvgRGBA(201, 34, 49, fillAlpha), COLOR_YELLOW);
static void ui_draw_lane_line(UIState *s, const model_path_vertices_data *pvd, NVGcolor color) {
if (pvd->cnt == 0) return;
nvgMoveTo(s->vg, pvd->v[0].x, pvd->v[0].y);
for (int i=1; i<pvd->cnt; i++) {
nvgLineTo(s->vg, pvd->v[i].x, pvd->v[i].y);
nvgFillColor(s->vg, color);
static void update_track_data(UIState *s, bool is_mpc, track_vertices_data *pvd) {
const UIScene *scene = &s->scene;
const float *points = scene->path_points;
const float *mpc_x_coords = &scene->mpc_x[0];
const float *mpc_y_coords = &scene->mpc_y[0];
float off = is_mpc?0.3:0.5;
float lead_d = scene->lead_data[0].getDRel()*2.;
float path_height = is_mpc?(lead_d>5.)?fmin(lead_d, 25.)-fmin(lead_d*0.35, 10.):20.
:(lead_d>0.)?fmin(lead_d, 50.)-fmin(lead_d*0.35, 10.):49.;
path_height = fmin(path_height, scene->model.getPath().getValidLen());
pvd->cnt = 0;
// left side up
for (int i=0; i<=path_height; i++) {
float px, py, mpx;
if (is_mpc) {
mpx = i==0?0.0:mpc_x_coords[i];
px = lerp(mpx+1.0, mpx, i/100.0);
py = mpc_y_coords[i] - off;
} else {
px = lerp(i+1.0, i, i/100.0);
py = points[i] - off;
vec4 p_car_space = (vec4){{px, py, 0., 1.}};
vec3 p_full_frame = car_space_to_full_frame(s, p_car_space);
if (p_full_frame.v[0] < 0. || p_full_frame.v[1] < 0.) {
pvd->v[pvd->cnt].x = p_full_frame.v[0];
pvd->v[pvd->cnt].y = p_full_frame.v[1];
pvd->cnt += 1;
// right side down
for (int i=path_height; i>=0; i--) {
float px, py, mpx;
if (is_mpc) {
mpx = i==0?0.0:mpc_x_coords[i];
px = lerp(mpx+1.0, mpx, i/100.0);
py = mpc_y_coords[i] + off;
} else {
px = lerp(i+1.0, i, i/100.0);
py = points[i] + off;
vec4 p_car_space = (vec4){{px, py, 0., 1.}};
vec3 p_full_frame = car_space_to_full_frame(s, p_car_space);
if (p_full_frame.v[0] < 0. || p_full_frame.v[1] < 0.) {
pvd->v[pvd->cnt].x = p_full_frame.v[0];
pvd->v[pvd->cnt].y = p_full_frame.v[1];
pvd->cnt += 1;
static void update_all_track_data(UIState *s) {
const UIScene *scene = &s->scene;
// Draw vision path
update_track_data(s, false, &s->track_vertices[0]);
if (scene->controls_state.getEnabled()) {
// Draw MPC path when engaged
update_track_data(s, true, &s->track_vertices[1]);
static void ui_draw_track(UIState *s, bool is_mpc, track_vertices_data *pvd) {
if (pvd->cnt == 0) return;
nvgMoveTo(s->vg, pvd->v[0].x, pvd->v[0].y);
for (int i=1; i<pvd->cnt; i++) {
nvgLineTo(s->vg, pvd->v[i].x, pvd->v[i].y);
NVGpaint track_bg;
if (is_mpc) {
// Draw colored MPC track
const NVGcolor clr = bg_colors[s->status];
track_bg = nvgLinearGradient(s->vg, s->fb_w, s->fb_h, s->fb_w, s->fb_h*.4,
nvgRGBA(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b, 255), nvgRGBA(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b, 255/2));
} else {
// Draw white vision track
track_bg = nvgLinearGradient(s->vg, s->fb_w, s->fb_h, s->fb_w, s->fb_h*.4,
nvgFillPaint(s->vg, track_bg);
static void draw_frame(UIState *s) {
mat4 *out_mat;
if (s->scene.frontview) {
out_mat = &s->front_frame_mat;
} else {
out_mat = &s->rear_frame_mat;
if (s->stream.last_idx >= 0) {
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, s->frame_texs[s->stream.last_idx]);
#ifndef QCOM
// this is handled in ion on QCOM
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, s->stream.bufs_info.width, s->stream.bufs_info.height,
0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, s->priv_hnds[s->stream.last_idx]);
glUniform1i(s->frame_texture_loc, 0);
glUniformMatrix4fv(s->frame_transform_loc, 1, GL_TRUE, out_mat->v);
assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (const void*)0);
static inline bool valid_frame_pt(UIState *s, float x, float y) {
return x >= 0 && x <= s->stream.bufs_info.width && y >= 0 && y <= s->stream.bufs_info.height;
static void update_lane_line_data(UIState *s, const float *points, float off, model_path_vertices_data *pvd, float valid_len) {
pvd->cnt = 0;
int rcount = fmin(MODEL_PATH_MAX_VERTICES_CNT / 2, valid_len);
for (int i = 0; i < rcount; i++) {
float px = (float)i;
float py = points[i] - off;
const vec4 p_car_space = (vec4){{px, py, 0., 1.}};
const vec3 p_full_frame = car_space_to_full_frame(s, p_car_space);
if(!valid_frame_pt(s, p_full_frame.v[0], p_full_frame.v[1]))
pvd->v[pvd->cnt].x = p_full_frame.v[0];
pvd->v[pvd->cnt].y = p_full_frame.v[1];
pvd->cnt += 1;
for (int i = rcount - 1; i > 0; i--) {
float px = (float)i;
float py = points[i] + off;
const vec4 p_car_space = (vec4){{px, py, 0., 1.}};
const vec3 p_full_frame = car_space_to_full_frame(s, p_car_space);
if(!valid_frame_pt(s, p_full_frame.v[0], p_full_frame.v[1]))
pvd->v[pvd->cnt].x = p_full_frame.v[0];
pvd->v[pvd->cnt].y = p_full_frame.v[1];
pvd->cnt += 1;
static void update_all_lane_lines_data(UIState *s, const cereal::ModelData::PathData::Reader &path, const float *points, model_path_vertices_data *pstart) {
update_lane_line_data(s, points, 0.025*path.getProb(), pstart, path.getValidLen());
update_lane_line_data(s, points, fmin(path.getStd(), 0.7), pstart + 1, path.getValidLen());
static void ui_draw_lane(UIState *s, model_path_vertices_data *pstart, NVGcolor color) {
ui_draw_lane_line(s, pstart, color);
color.a /= 25;
ui_draw_lane_line(s, pstart + 1, color);
static void ui_draw_vision_lanes(UIState *s) {
const UIScene *scene = &s->scene;
model_path_vertices_data *pvd = &s->model_path_vertices[0];
if(s->sm->updated("model")) {
update_all_lane_lines_data(s, scene->model.getLeftLane(), scene->left_lane_points, pvd);
update_all_lane_lines_data(s, scene->model.getRightLane(), scene->right_lane_points, pvd + MODEL_LANE_PATH_CNT);
// Draw left lane edge
ui_draw_lane(s, pvd, nvgRGBAf(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, scene->model.getLeftLane().getProb()));
// Draw right lane edge
ui_draw_lane(s, pvd + MODEL_LANE_PATH_CNT, nvgRGBAf(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, scene->model.getRightLane().getProb()));
if(s->sm->updated("radarState")) {
// Draw vision path
ui_draw_track(s, false, &s->track_vertices[0]);
if (scene->controls_state.getEnabled()) {
// Draw MPC path when engaged
ui_draw_track(s, true, &s->track_vertices[1]);
// Draw all world space objects.
static void ui_draw_world(UIState *s) {
const UIScene *scene = &s->scene;
// Don't draw on top of sidebar
nvgScissor(s->vg, scene->viz_rect.x, scene->viz_rect.y, scene->viz_rect.w, scene->viz_rect.h);
// Apply transformation such that video pixel coordinates match video
// 1) Put (0, 0) in the middle of the video
nvgTranslate(s->vg, s->video_rect.x + s->video_rect.w / 2, s->video_rect.y + s->video_rect.h / 2);
// 2) Apply same scaling as video
nvgScale(s->vg, zoom, zoom);
// 3) Put (0, 0) in top left corner of video
nvgTranslate(s->vg, -intrinsic_matrix.v[2], -intrinsic_matrix.v[5]);
// Draw lane edges and vision/mpc tracks
// Draw lead indicators if openpilot is handling longitudinal
if (s->longitudinal_control) {
if (scene->lead_data[0].getStatus()) {
draw_lead(s, scene->lead_data[0]);
if (scene->lead_data[1].getStatus() && (std::abs(scene->lead_data[0].getDRel() - scene->lead_data[1].getDRel()) > 3.0)) {
draw_lead(s, scene->lead_data[1]);
static void ui_draw_vision_maxspeed(UIState *s) {
char maxspeed_str[32];
float maxspeed = s->scene.controls_state.getVCruise();
int maxspeed_calc = maxspeed * 0.6225 + 0.5;
if (s->is_metric) {
maxspeed_calc = maxspeed + 0.5;
bool is_cruise_set = (maxspeed != 0 && maxspeed != SET_SPEED_NA);
int viz_maxspeed_w = 184;
int viz_maxspeed_h = 202;
int viz_maxspeed_x = s->scene.viz_rect.x + (bdr_s*2);
int viz_maxspeed_y = s->scene.viz_rect.y + (bdr_s*1.5);
int viz_maxspeed_xo = 180;
viz_maxspeed_xo = 0;
// Draw Background
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, viz_maxspeed_x, viz_maxspeed_y, viz_maxspeed_w, viz_maxspeed_h, COLOR_BLACK_ALPHA(100), 30);
// Draw Border
NVGcolor color = COLOR_WHITE_ALPHA(100);
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, viz_maxspeed_x, viz_maxspeed_y, viz_maxspeed_w, viz_maxspeed_h, color, 20, 10);
const int text_x = viz_maxspeed_x + (viz_maxspeed_xo / 2) + (viz_maxspeed_w / 2);
ui_draw_text(s->vg, text_x, 148, "MAX", 26 * 2.5, COLOR_WHITE_ALPHA(is_cruise_set ? 200 : 100), s->font_sans_regular);
if (is_cruise_set) {
snprintf(maxspeed_str, sizeof(maxspeed_str), "%d", maxspeed_calc);
ui_draw_text(s->vg, text_x, 242, maxspeed_str, 48 * 2.5, COLOR_WHITE, s->font_sans_bold);
} else {
ui_draw_text(s->vg, text_x, 242, "N/A", 42 * 2.5, COLOR_WHITE_ALPHA(100), s->font_sans_semibold);
static void ui_draw_vision_speed(UIState *s) {
const Rect &viz_rect = s->scene.viz_rect;
float v_ego = s->scene.controls_state.getVEgo();
float speed = v_ego * 2.2369363 + 0.5;
if (s->is_metric){
speed = v_ego * 3.6 + 0.5;
const int viz_speed_w = 280;
const int viz_speed_x = viz_rect.centerX() - viz_speed_w/2;
char speed_str[32];
nvgRect(s->vg, viz_speed_x, viz_rect.y, viz_speed_w, header_h);
snprintf(speed_str, sizeof(speed_str), "%d", (int)speed);
ui_draw_text(s->vg, viz_rect.centerX(), 240, speed_str, 96*2.5, COLOR_WHITE, s->font_sans_bold);
ui_draw_text(s->vg, viz_rect.centerX(), 320, s->is_metric?"km/h":"mph", 36*2.5, COLOR_WHITE_ALPHA(200), s->font_sans_regular);
static void ui_draw_vision_event(UIState *s) {
const int viz_event_w = 220;
const int viz_event_x = s->scene.viz_rect.right() - (viz_event_w + bdr_s*2);
const int viz_event_y = s->scene.viz_rect.y + (bdr_s*1.5);
if (s->scene.controls_state.getDecelForModel() && s->scene.controls_state.getEnabled()) {
// draw winding road sign
const int img_turn_size = 160*1.5;
ui_draw_image(s->vg, viz_event_x - (img_turn_size / 4), viz_event_y + bdr_s - 25, img_turn_size, img_turn_size, s->img_turn, 1.0f);
} else if (s->scene.controls_state.getEngageable()) {
// draw steering wheel
const int bg_wheel_size = 96;
const int bg_wheel_x = viz_event_x + (viz_event_w-bg_wheel_size);
const int bg_wheel_y = viz_event_y + (bg_wheel_size/2);
const NVGcolor color = bg_colors[s->status];
ui_draw_circle_image(s->vg, bg_wheel_x, bg_wheel_y, bg_wheel_size, s->img_wheel, color, 1.0f, bg_wheel_y - 25);
static void ui_draw_vision_face(UIState *s) {
const int face_size = 96;
const int face_x = (s->scene.viz_rect.x + face_size + (bdr_s * 2));
const int face_y = (s->scene.viz_rect.bottom() - footer_h + ((footer_h - face_size) / 2));
ui_draw_circle_image(s->vg, face_x, face_y, face_size, s->img_face, s->scene.dmonitoring_state.getFaceDetected());
static void ui_draw_driver_view(UIState *s) {
const UIScene *scene = &s->scene;
s->scene.uilayout_sidebarcollapsed = true;
const Rect &viz_rect = s->scene.viz_rect;
const int ff_xoffset = 32;
const int frame_x = viz_rect.x;
const int frame_w = viz_rect.w;
const int valid_frame_w = 4 * viz_rect.h / 3;
const int box_y = viz_rect.y;
const int box_h = viz_rect.h;
const int valid_frame_x = frame_x + (frame_w - valid_frame_w) / 2 + ff_xoffset;
// blackout
NVGpaint gradient = nvgLinearGradient(s->vg, scene->is_rhd ? valid_frame_x : (valid_frame_x + valid_frame_w),
scene->is_rhd ? (valid_frame_w - box_h / 2) : (valid_frame_x + box_h / 2), box_y,
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, scene->is_rhd ? valid_frame_x : (valid_frame_x + box_h / 2), box_y, valid_frame_w - box_h / 2, box_h, gradient);
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, scene->is_rhd ? valid_frame_x : valid_frame_x + box_h / 2, box_y, valid_frame_w - box_h / 2, box_h, COLOR_BLACK_ALPHA(144));
// borders
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, frame_x, box_y, valid_frame_x - frame_x, box_h, nvgRGBA(23, 51, 73, 255));
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, valid_frame_x + valid_frame_w, box_y, frame_w - valid_frame_w - (valid_frame_x - frame_x), box_h, nvgRGBA(23, 51, 73, 255));
// draw face box
if (scene->dmonitoring_state.getFaceDetected()) {
auto fxy_list = scene->driver_state.getFacePosition();
const float face_x = fxy_list[0];
const float face_y = fxy_list[1];
float fbox_x;
float fbox_y = box_y + (face_y + 0.5) * box_h - 0.5 * 0.6 * box_h / 2;;
if (!scene->is_rhd) {
fbox_x = valid_frame_x + (1 - (face_x + 0.5)) * (box_h / 2) - 0.5 * 0.6 * box_h / 2;
} else {
fbox_x = valid_frame_x + valid_frame_w - box_h / 2 + (face_x + 0.5) * (box_h / 2) - 0.5 * 0.6 * box_h / 2;
if (std::abs(face_x) <= 0.35 && std::abs(face_y) <= 0.4) {
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, fbox_x, fbox_y, 0.6 * box_h / 2, 0.6 * box_h / 2,
nvgRGBAf(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8 - ((std::abs(face_x) > std::abs(face_y) ? std::abs(face_x) : std::abs(face_y))) * 0.6 / 0.375),
35, 10);
} else {
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, fbox_x, fbox_y, 0.6 * box_h / 2, 0.6 * box_h / 2, nvgRGBAf(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2), 35, 10);
// draw face icon
const int face_size = 85;
const int x = (valid_frame_x + face_size + (bdr_s * 2)) + (scene->is_rhd ? valid_frame_w - box_h / 2:0);
const int y = (box_y + box_h - face_size - bdr_s - (bdr_s * 1.5));
ui_draw_circle_image(s->vg, x, y, face_size, s->img_face, scene->dmonitoring_state.getFaceDetected());
static void ui_draw_vision_header(UIState *s) {
const Rect &viz_rect = s->scene.viz_rect;
NVGpaint gradient = nvgLinearGradient(s->vg, viz_rect.x,
viz_rect.x, viz_rect.y+header_h,
nvgRGBAf(0,0,0,0.45), nvgRGBAf(0,0,0,0));
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, viz_rect.x, viz_rect.y, viz_rect.w, header_h, gradient);
static void ui_draw_vision_footer(UIState *s) {
void ui_draw_vision_alert(UIState *s, cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize va_size, UIStatus va_color,
const char* va_text1, const char* va_text2) {
static std::map<cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize, const int> alert_size_map = {
{cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::NONE, 0},
{cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::SMALL, 241},
{cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::MID, 390},
{cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::FULL, s->fb_h}};
const UIScene *scene = &s->scene;
bool longAlert1 = strlen(va_text1) > 15;
NVGcolor color = bg_colors[va_color];
color.a *= s->alert_blinking_alpha;
int alr_s = alert_size_map[va_size];
const int alr_x = scene->viz_rect.x - bdr_s;
const int alr_w = scene->viz_rect.w + (bdr_s*2);
const int alr_h = alr_s+(va_size==cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::NONE?0:bdr_s);
const int alr_y = s->fb_h-alr_h;
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, alr_x, alr_y, alr_w, alr_h, color);
NVGpaint gradient = nvgLinearGradient(s->vg, alr_x, alr_y, alr_x, alr_y+alr_h,
nvgRGBAf(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.05), nvgRGBAf(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.35));
ui_draw_rect(s->vg, alr_x, alr_y, alr_w, alr_h, gradient);
nvgFillColor(s->vg, COLOR_WHITE);
if (va_size == cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::SMALL) {
ui_draw_text(s->vg, alr_x+alr_w/2, alr_y+alr_h/2+15, va_text1, 40*2.5, COLOR_WHITE, s->font_sans_semibold);
} else if (va_size == cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::MID) {
ui_draw_text(s->vg, alr_x+alr_w/2, alr_y+alr_h/2-45, va_text1, 48*2.5, COLOR_WHITE, s->font_sans_bold);
ui_draw_text(s->vg, alr_x+alr_w/2, alr_y+alr_h/2+75, va_text2, 36*2.5, COLOR_WHITE, s->font_sans_regular);
} else if (va_size == cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::FULL) {
nvgFontSize(s->vg, (longAlert1?72:96)*2.5);
nvgFontFaceId(s->vg, s->font_sans_bold);
nvgTextBox(s->vg, alr_x, alr_y+(longAlert1?360:420), alr_w-60, va_text1, NULL);
nvgFontSize(s->vg, 48*2.5);
nvgFontFaceId(s->vg, s->font_sans_regular);
nvgTextBox(s->vg, alr_x, alr_h-(longAlert1?300:360), alr_w-60, va_text2, NULL);
static void ui_draw_vision(UIState *s) {
const UIScene *scene = &s->scene;
const Rect &viz_rect = scene->viz_rect;
// Draw video frames
glViewport(s->video_rect.x, s->video_rect.y, s->video_rect.w, s->video_rect.h);
glScissor(viz_rect.x, viz_rect.y, viz_rect.w, viz_rect.h);
glViewport(0, 0, s->fb_w, s->fb_h);
// Draw augmented elements
if (!scene->frontview && scene->world_objects_visible) {
// Set Speed, Current Speed, Status/Events
if (!scene->frontview) {
} else {
if (scene->alert_size != cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::NONE) {
ui_draw_vision_alert(s, scene->alert_size, s->status,
scene->alert_text1.c_str(), scene->alert_text2.c_str());
} else if (!scene->frontview) {
static void ui_draw_background(UIState *s) {
const NVGcolor color = bg_colors[s->status];
glClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, 1.0);
void ui_draw(UIState *s) {
s->scene.viz_rect = Rect{bdr_s * 3, bdr_s, s->fb_w - 4 * bdr_s, s->fb_h - 2 * bdr_s};
s->scene.ui_viz_ro = 0;
if (!s->scene.uilayout_sidebarcollapsed) {
s->scene.viz_rect.x = sbr_w + bdr_s;
s->scene.viz_rect.w = s->fb_w - s->scene.viz_rect.x - bdr_s;
s->scene.ui_viz_ro = -(sbr_w - 6 * bdr_s);
glViewport(0, 0, s->fb_w, s->fb_h);
nvgBeginFrame(s->vg, s->fb_w, s->fb_h, 1.0f);
if (s->started && s->active_app == cereal::UiLayoutState::App::NONE &&
s->status != STATUS_OFFROAD && s->vision_connected) {
void ui_draw_image(NVGcontext *vg, float x, float y, float w, float h, int image, float alpha){
NVGpaint imgPaint = nvgImagePattern(vg, x, y, w, h, 0, image, alpha);
nvgRect(vg, x, y, w, h);
nvgFillPaint(vg, imgPaint);
void ui_draw_rect(NVGcontext *vg, float x, float y, float w, float h, NVGcolor color, float r, int width) {
r > 0 ? nvgRoundedRect(vg, x, y, w, h, r) : nvgRect(vg, x, y, w, h);
if (width) {
nvgStrokeColor(vg, color);
nvgStrokeWidth(vg, width);
} else {
nvgFillColor(vg, color);
void ui_draw_rect(NVGcontext *vg, float x, float y, float w, float h, NVGpaint &paint, float r){
r > 0? nvgRoundedRect(vg, x, y, w, h, r) : nvgRect(vg, x, y, w, h);
nvgFillPaint(vg, paint);
static const char frame_vertex_shader[] =
"#version 150 core\n"
"#version 300 es\n"
"in vec4 aPosition;\n"
"in vec4 aTexCoord;\n"
"uniform mat4 uTransform;\n"
"out vec4 vTexCoord;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_Position = uTransform * aPosition;\n"
" vTexCoord = aTexCoord;\n"
static const char frame_fragment_shader[] =
"#version 150 core\n"
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform sampler2D uTexture;\n"
"in vec4 vTexCoord;\n"
"out vec4 colorOut;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" colorOut = texture(uTexture, vTexCoord.xy);\n"
static const mat4 device_transform = {{
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
// frame from 4/3 to 16/9 display
static const mat4 full_to_wide_frame_transform = {{
.75, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
void ui_nvg_init(UIState *s) {
// init drawing
#ifdef QCOM
// on QCOM, we enable MSAA
s->vg = nvgCreate(0);
s->font_sans_regular = nvgCreateFont(s->vg, "sans-regular", "../assets/fonts/opensans_regular.ttf");
assert(s->font_sans_regular >= 0);
s->font_sans_semibold = nvgCreateFont(s->vg, "sans-semibold", "../assets/fonts/opensans_semibold.ttf");
assert(s->font_sans_semibold >= 0);
s->font_sans_bold = nvgCreateFont(s->vg, "sans-bold", "../assets/fonts/opensans_bold.ttf");
assert(s->font_sans_bold >= 0);
s->img_wheel = nvgCreateImage(s->vg, "../assets/img_chffr_wheel.png", 1);
assert(s->img_wheel != 0);
s->img_turn = nvgCreateImage(s->vg, "../assets/img_trafficSign_turn.png", 1);
assert(s->img_turn != 0);
s->img_face = nvgCreateImage(s->vg, "../assets/img_driver_face.png", 1);
assert(s->img_face != 0);
s->img_button_settings = nvgCreateImage(s->vg, "../assets/images/button_settings.png", 1);
assert(s->img_button_settings != 0);
s->img_button_home = nvgCreateImage(s->vg, "../assets/images/button_home.png", 1);
assert(s->img_button_home != 0);
s->img_battery = nvgCreateImage(s->vg, "../assets/images/battery.png", 1);
assert(s->img_battery != 0);
s->img_battery_charging = nvgCreateImage(s->vg, "../assets/images/battery_charging.png", 1);
assert(s->img_battery_charging != 0);
for(int i=0;i<=5;++i) {
char network_asset[32];
snprintf(network_asset, sizeof(network_asset), "../assets/images/network_%d.png", i);
s->img_network[i] = nvgCreateImage(s->vg, network_asset, 1);
assert(s->img_network[i] != 0);
// init gl
s->frame_program = load_program(frame_vertex_shader, frame_fragment_shader);
s->frame_pos_loc = glGetAttribLocation(s->frame_program, "aPosition");
s->frame_texcoord_loc = glGetAttribLocation(s->frame_program, "aTexCoord");
s->frame_texture_loc = glGetUniformLocation(s->frame_program, "uTexture");
s->frame_transform_loc = glGetUniformLocation(s->frame_program, "uTransform");
glViewport(0, 0, s->fb_w, s->fb_h);
assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR);
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
float x1, x2, y1, y2;
if (i == 1) {
// flip horizontally so it looks like a mirror
x1 = 0.0;
x2 = 1.0;
y1 = 1.0;
y2 = 0.0;
} else {
x1 = 1.0;
x2 = 0.0;
y1 = 1.0;
y2 = 0.0;
const uint8_t frame_indicies[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};
const float frame_coords[4][4] = {
{-1.0, -1.0, x2, y1}, //bl
{-1.0, 1.0, x2, y2}, //tl
{ 1.0, 1.0, x1, y2}, //tr
{ 1.0, -1.0, x1, y1}, //br
glGenVertexArrays(1, &s->frame_vao[i]);
glGenBuffers(1, &s->frame_vbo[i]);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->frame_vbo[i]);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(frame_coords), frame_coords, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glVertexAttribPointer(s->frame_pos_loc, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
sizeof(frame_coords[0]), (const void *)0);
glVertexAttribPointer(s->frame_texcoord_loc, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
sizeof(frame_coords[0]), (const void *)(sizeof(float) * 2));
glGenBuffers(1, &s->frame_ibo[i]);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, s->frame_ibo[i]);
glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(frame_indicies), frame_indicies, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
s->video_rect = Rect{bdr_s * 3, bdr_s, s->fb_w - 4 * bdr_s, s->fb_h - 2 * bdr_s};
float zx = zoom * 2 * intrinsic_matrix.v[2] / s->video_rect.w;
float zy = zoom * 2 * intrinsic_matrix.v[5] / s->video_rect.h;
const mat4 frame_transform = {{
zx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, zy, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
s->front_frame_mat = matmul(device_transform, full_to_wide_frame_transform);
s->rear_frame_mat = matmul(device_transform, frame_transform);
for(int i = 0; i < UI_BUF_COUNT; i++) {
s->khr[i] = 0;
s->priv_hnds[i] = NULL;