
84 lines
1.8 KiB

import os
import binascii
import itertools
import re
import struct
import subprocess
ANDROID = os.path.isfile('/EON')
def getprop(key):
if not ANDROID:
return ""
return subprocess.check_output(["getprop", key], encoding='utf8').strip()
def get_imei():
ret = getprop("oem.device.imeicache")
if ret == "":
ret = "000000000000000"
return ret
def get_serial():
ret = getprop("ro.serialno")
if ret == "":
ret = "cccccccc"
return ret
def get_subscriber_info():
ret = parse_service_call_string(["iphonesubinfo", "7"])
if ret is None or len(ret) < 8:
return ""
return ret
def reboot(reason=None):
if reason is None:
reason_args = ["null"]
reason_args = ["s16", reason]
"service", "call", "power", "16", # IPowerManager.reboot
"i32", "0", # no confirmation,
"i32", "1" # wait
def parse_service_call_unpack(call, fmt):
r = parse_service_call_bytes(call)
return struct.unpack(fmt, r)[0]
except Exception:
return None
def parse_service_call_string(call):
r = parse_service_call_bytes(call)
r = r[8:] # Cut off length field
r = r.decode('utf_16_be')
# All pairs of two characters seem to be swapped. Not sure why
result = ""
for a, b, in itertools.zip_longest(r[::2], r[1::2], fillvalue='\x00'):
result += b + a
result = result.replace('\x00', '')
return result
except Exception:
return None
def parse_service_call_bytes(call):
if not ANDROID:
return None
ret = subprocess.check_output(["service", "call", *call], encoding='utf8').strip()
if 'Parcel' not in ret:
return None
r = b""
for hex_part in re.findall(r'[ (]([0-9a-f]{8})', ret):
r += binascii.unhexlify(hex_part)
return r
except Exception:
return None