
551 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
from copy import copy
import zmq
from cereal import car, log
from common.numpy_fast import clip
from common.realtime import sec_since_boot, set_realtime_priority, Ratekeeper
from common.profiler import Profiler
from common.params import Params
import selfdrive.messaging as messaging
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from import service_list
from import get_car
from selfdrive.controls.lib.planner import Planner
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import learn_angle_offset, \
get_events, \
create_event, \
EventTypes as ET
from selfdrive.controls.lib.longcontrol import LongControl, STARTING_TARGET_SPEED
from selfdrive.controls.lib.latcontrol import LatControl
from selfdrive.controls.lib.alertmanager import AlertManager
from selfdrive.controls.lib.vehicle_model import VehicleModel
AWARENESS_TIME = 360. # 6 minutes limit without user touching steering wheels
AWARENESS_PRE_TIME = 20. # a first alert is issued 20s before start decelerating the car
State = log.Live100Data.ControlState
class Calibration:
# True when actuators are controlled
def isActive(state):
return state in [State.enabled, State.softDisabling]
# True if system is engaged
def isEnabled(state):
return (isActive(state) or state == State.preEnabled)
def data_sample(CI, CC, thermal, calibration, health, poller, cal_status, overtemp, free_space):
# *** read can and compute car states ***
CS = CI.update(CC)
events = list(
td = None
cal = None
hh = None
for socket, event in poller.poll(0):
if socket is thermal:
td = messaging.recv_one(socket)
elif socket is calibration:
cal = messaging.recv_one(socket)
elif socket is health:
hh = messaging.recv_one(socket)
# *** thermal checking logic ***
# thermal data, checked every second
if td is not None:
# CPU overtemp above 95 deg
overtemp_proc = any(t > 950 for t in
(td.thermal.cpu0, td.thermal.cpu1, td.thermal.cpu2,
td.thermal.cpu3, td.thermal.mem, td.thermal.gpu))
overtemp_bat = td.thermal.bat > 60000 # 60c
overtemp = overtemp_proc or overtemp_bat
# under 15% of space free no enable allowed
free_space = td.thermal.freeSpace < 0.15
if overtemp:
events.append(create_event('overheat', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if free_space:
events.append(create_event('outOfSpace', [ET.NO_ENTRY]))
# *** read calibration status ***
if cal is not None:
cal_status = cal.liveCalibration.calStatus
if cal_status != Calibration.CALIBRATED:
if cal_status == Calibration.UNCALIBRATED:
events.append(create_event('calibrationInProgress', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
events.append(create_event('calibrationInvalid', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
# *** health checking logic ***
if hh is not None:
controls_allowed =
if not controls_allowed:
events.append(create_event('controlsMismatch', [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
return CS, events, cal_status, overtemp, free_space
def calc_plan(CS, events, PL, LoC, v_cruise_kph, awareness_status):
# plan runs always, independently of the state
plan_packet = PL.update(CS, LoC, v_cruise_kph, awareness_status < -0.)
plan = plan_packet.plan
plan_ts = plan_packet.logMonoTime
# add events from planner
events += list(
# disable if lead isn't close when system is active and brake is pressed to avoid
# unexpected vehicle accelerations
if CS.brakePressed and plan.vTargetFuture >= STARTING_TARGET_SPEED:
events.append(create_event('noTarget', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
return plan, plan_ts
def state_transition(CS, CP, state, events, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, AM):
# compute conditional state transitions and execute actions on state transitions
enabled = isEnabled(state)
# handle button presses. TODO: this should be in state_control, but a decelCruise press
# would have the effect of both enabling and changing speed is checked after the state transition
v_cruise_kph_last = v_cruise_kph
for b in CS.buttonEvents:
if not CP.enableCruise and enabled and not b.pressed:
if b.type == "accelCruise":
v_cruise_kph -= (v_cruise_kph % V_CRUISE_DELTA) - V_CRUISE_DELTA
elif b.type == "decelCruise":
v_cruise_kph -= (v_cruise_kph % V_CRUISE_DELTA) + V_CRUISE_DELTA
v_cruise_kph = clip(v_cruise_kph, V_CRUISE_MIN, V_CRUISE_MAX)
# decrease the soft disable timer at every step, as it's reset on
# entrance in SOFT_DISABLING state
soft_disable_timer = max(0, soft_disable_timer - 1)
# ***** handle state transitions *****
if state == State.disabled:
if get_events(events, [ET.ENABLE]):
if get_events(events, [ET.NO_ENTRY]):
for e in get_events(events, [ET.NO_ENTRY]):
AM.add(str(e) + "NoEntry", enabled)
if get_events(events, [ET.PRE_ENABLE]):
state = State.preEnabled
state = State.enabled
AM.add("enable", enabled)
# on activation, let's always set v_cruise from where we are, even if PCM ACC is active
v_cruise_kph = int(round(max(CS.vEgo * CV.MS_TO_KPH, V_CRUISE_ENABLE_MIN)))
elif state == State.enabled:
if get_events(events, [ET.USER_DISABLE]):
state = State.disabled
AM.add("disable", enabled)
elif get_events(events, [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]):
state = State.disabled
for e in get_events(events, [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]):
AM.add(e, enabled)
elif get_events(events, [ET.SOFT_DISABLE]):
state = State.softDisabling
soft_disable_timer = 300 # 3s TODO: use rate
for e in get_events(events, [ET.SOFT_DISABLE]):
AM.add(e, enabled)
elif state == State.softDisabling:
if get_events(events, [ET.USER_DISABLE]):
state = State.disabled
AM.add("disable", enabled)
elif get_events(events, [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]):
state = State.disabled
for e in get_events(events, [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]):
AM.add(e, enabled)
elif not get_events(events, [ET.SOFT_DISABLE]):
# no more soft disabling condition, so go back to ENABLED
state = State.enabled
elif soft_disable_timer <= 0:
state = State.disabled
elif state == State.preEnabled:
if get_events(events, [ET.USER_DISABLE]):
state = State.disabled
AM.add("disable", enabled)
elif get_events(events, [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]):
state = State.disabled
for e in get_events(events, [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]):
AM.add(e, enabled)
elif not get_events(events, [ET.PRE_ENABLE]):
state = State.enabled
return state, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last
def state_control(plan, CS, CP, state, events, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last, AM, rk,
awareness_status, PL, LaC, LoC, VM, angle_offset, rear_view_allowed, rear_view_toggle):
# Given the state, this function returns the actuators
# reset actuators to zero
actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()
enabled = isEnabled(state)
active = isActive(state)
for b in CS.buttonEvents:
# button presses for rear view
if b.type == "leftBlinker" or b.type == "rightBlinker":
if b.pressed and rear_view_allowed:
rear_view_toggle = True
rear_view_toggle = False
if b.type == "altButton1" and b.pressed:
rear_view_toggle = not rear_view_toggle
# send FCW alert if triggered by planner
if plan.fcw:
AM.add("fcw", enabled)
# ***** state specific actions *****
if state in [State.preEnabled, State.disabled]:
elif state in [State.enabled, State.softDisabling]:
# decrease awareness status
awareness_status -= 0.01/(AWARENESS_TIME)
if awareness_status <= 0.:
AM.add("driverDistracted", enabled)
elif awareness_status <= AWARENESS_PRE_TIME / AWARENESS_TIME and \
awareness_status >= (AWARENESS_PRE_TIME - 4.) / AWARENESS_TIME:
AM.add("preDriverDistracted", enabled)
# parse warnings from car specific interface
for e in get_events(events, [ET.WARNING]):
AM.add(e, enabled)
# *** angle offset learning ***
if rk.frame % 5 == 2 and plan.lateralValid:
# *** run this at 20hz again ***
angle_offset = learn_angle_offset(active, CS.vEgo, angle_offset,
PL.PP.c_poly, PL.PP.c_prob, CS.steeringAngle,
# *** gas/brake PID loop ***
actuators.gas, actuators.brake = LoC.update(active, CS.vEgo, CS.brakePressed, CS.standstill, CS.cruiseState.standstill,
v_cruise_kph, plan.vTarget, plan.vTargetFuture, plan.aTarget,
CP, PL.lead_1)
# *** steering PID loop ***
actuators.steer, actuators.steerAngle = LaC.update(active, CS.vEgo, CS.steeringAngle,
CS.steeringPressed, plan.dPoly, angle_offset, VM, PL)
# send a "steering required alert" if saturation count has reached the limit
if LaC.sat_flag and CP.steerLimitAlert:
AM.add("steerSaturated", enabled)
if CP.enableCruise and CS.cruiseState.enabled:
v_cruise_kph = CS.cruiseState.speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH
# reset conditions for the 6 minutes timout
if CS.buttonEvents or \
v_cruise_kph != v_cruise_kph_last or \
CS.steeringPressed or \
state in [State.preEnabled, State.disabled]:
awareness_status = 1.
# parse permanent warnings to display constantly
for e in get_events(events, [ET.PERMANENT]):
AM.add(str(e) + "Permanent", enabled)
# *** process alerts ***
return actuators, v_cruise_kph, awareness_status, angle_offset, rear_view_toggle
def data_send(plan, plan_ts, CS, CI, CP, VM, state, events, actuators, v_cruise_kph, rk, carstate,
carcontrol, live100, livempc, AM, rear_view_allowed, rear_view_toggle, awareness_status,
LaC, LoC, angle_offset, passive):
# ***** control the car *****
CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
if not passive:
CC.enabled = isEnabled(state)
CC.actuators = actuators
CC.cruiseControl.override = True
# always cancel if we have an interceptor
CC.cruiseControl.cancel = not CP.enableCruise or (not isEnabled(state) and CS.cruiseState.enabled)
# brake discount removes a sharp nonlinearity
brake_discount = (1.0 - clip(actuators.brake*3., 0.0, 1.0))
CC.cruiseControl.speedOverride = float(max(0.0, (LoC.v_pid + CS.cruiseState.speedOffset) * brake_discount) if CP.enableCruise else 0.0)
CC.cruiseControl.accelOverride = CI.calc_accel_override(CS.aEgo, plan.aTarget, CS.vEgo, plan.vTarget)
CC.hudControl.setSpeed = float(v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS)
CC.hudControl.speedVisible = isEnabled(state)
CC.hudControl.lanesVisible = isEnabled(state)
CC.hudControl.leadVisible = plan.hasLead
CC.hudControl.visualAlert = AM.visual_alert
CC.hudControl.audibleAlert = AM.audible_alert
# send car controls over can
# ***** publish state to logger *****
# publish controls state at 100Hz
dat = messaging.new_message()
# show rear view camera on phone if in reverse gear or when button is pressed
dat.live100.rearViewCam = ('reverseGear' in [ for e in events] and rear_view_allowed) or rear_view_toggle
dat.live100.alertText1 = AM.alert_text_1
dat.live100.alertText2 = AM.alert_text_2
dat.live100.alertSize = AM.alert_size
dat.live100.alertStatus = AM.alert_status
dat.live100.awarenessStatus = max(awareness_status, 0.0) if isEnabled(state) else 0.0
# what packets were used to process
dat.live100.canMonoTimes = list(CS.canMonoTimes)
dat.live100.planMonoTime = plan_ts
# if controls is enabled
dat.live100.enabled = isEnabled(state) = isActive(state)
# car state
dat.live100.vEgo = CS.vEgo
dat.live100.vEgoRaw = CS.vEgoRaw
dat.live100.angleSteers = CS.steeringAngle
dat.live100.curvature = VM.calc_curvature(CS.steeringAngle * CV.DEG_TO_RAD, CS.vEgo)
dat.live100.steerOverride = CS.steeringPressed
# high level control state
dat.live100.state = state
# longitudinal control state
dat.live100.longControlState = LoC.long_control_state
dat.live100.vPid = float(LoC.v_pid)
dat.live100.vCruise = float(v_cruise_kph)
dat.live100.upAccelCmd = float(
dat.live100.uiAccelCmd = float(
dat.live100.ufAccelCmd = float(
# lateral control state
dat.live100.angleSteersDes = float(LaC.angle_steers_des)
dat.live100.upSteer = float(
dat.live100.uiSteer = float(
dat.live100.ufSteer = float(
# processed radar state, should add a_pcm?
dat.live100.vTargetLead = float(plan.vTarget)
dat.live100.aTarget = float(plan.aTarget)
dat.live100.jerkFactor = float(plan.jerkFactor)
# log learned angle offset
dat.live100.angleOffset = float(angle_offset)
# Save GPS planner status
dat.live100.gpsPlannerActive = plan.gpsPlannerActive
# lag
dat.live100.cumLagMs = -rk.remaining*1000.
# broadcast carState
cs_send = messaging.new_message()
# TODO: override with all the cumulated events
cs_send.carState = copy(CS)
# broadcast carControl
cc_send = messaging.new_message()
cc_send.carControl = copy(CC)
#print [ for i in events]
# publish mpc state at 20Hz
if hasattr(LaC, 'mpc_updated') and LaC.mpc_updated:
dat = messaging.new_message()
dat.liveMpc.x = list(LaC.mpc_solution[0].x)
dat.liveMpc.y = list(LaC.mpc_solution[0].y)
dat.liveMpc.psi = list(LaC.mpc_solution[0].psi) = list(LaC.mpc_solution[0].delta)
return CC
def controlsd_thread(gctx, rate=100):
# start the loop
context = zmq.Context()
params = Params()
# pub
live100 = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['live100'].port)
carstate = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carState'].port)
carcontrol = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carControl'].port)
livempc = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['liveMpc'].port)
passive = params.get("Passive") != "0"
if not passive:
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['sendcan'].port)
sendcan = None
# sub
poller = zmq.Poller()
thermal = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['thermal'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
health = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['health'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
cal = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['liveCalibration'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
logcan = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['can'].port)
CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
CI, CP = get_car(logcan, sendcan, 1.0 if passive else None)
# if stock camera is connected, then force passive behavior
if not CP.enableCamera:
passive = True
sendcan = None
if CI is None:
raise Exception("unsupported car")
if passive:
CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModels.noOutput
fcw_enabled = params.get("IsFcwEnabled") == "1"
PL = Planner(CP, fcw_enabled)
LoC = LongControl(CP, CI.compute_gb)
VM = VehicleModel(CP)
LaC = LatControl(VM)
AM = AlertManager()
if not passive:
AM.add("startup", False)
# write CarParams
params.put("CarParams", CP.to_bytes())
state = State.disabled
soft_disable_timer = 0
v_cruise_kph = 255
overtemp = False
free_space = False
cal_status = Calibration.UNCALIBRATED
rear_view_toggle = False
rear_view_allowed = params.get("IsRearViewMirror") == "1"
# 0.0 - 1.0
awareness_status = 1.
v_cruise_kph_last = 0
rk = Ratekeeper(rate, print_delay_threshold=2./1000)
# learned angle offset
angle_offset = 1.5 # Default model bias
calibration_params = params.get("CalibrationParams")
if calibration_params:
calibration_params = json.loads(calibration_params)
angle_offset = calibration_params["angle_offset"]
except (ValueError, KeyError):
prof = Profiler(False) # off by default
while 1:
prof.checkpoint("Ratekeeper", ignore=True) # rk is here
# sample data and compute car events
CS, events, cal_status, overtemp, free_space = data_sample(CI, CC, thermal, cal, health, poller, cal_status,
overtemp, free_space)
# define plan
plan, plan_ts = calc_plan(CS, events, PL, LoC, v_cruise_kph, awareness_status)
if not passive:
# update control state
state, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last = state_transition(CS, CP, state, events, soft_disable_timer,
v_cruise_kph, AM)
prof.checkpoint("State transition")
# compute actuators
actuators, v_cruise_kph, awareness_status, angle_offset, rear_view_toggle = state_control(plan, CS, CP, state, events, v_cruise_kph,
v_cruise_kph_last, AM, rk, awareness_status, PL, LaC, LoC, VM,
angle_offset, rear_view_allowed, rear_view_toggle)
prof.checkpoint("State Control")
# publish data
CC = data_send(plan, plan_ts, CS, CI, CP, VM, state, events, actuators, v_cruise_kph,
rk, carstate, carcontrol, live100, livempc, AM, rear_view_allowed,
rear_view_toggle, awareness_status, LaC, LoC, angle_offset, passive)
# *** run loop at fixed rate ***
def main(gctx=None):
controlsd_thread(gctx, 100)
if __name__ == "__main__":