
265 lines
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import os
import sys
import platform
import numpy as np
from common.numpy_fast import clip, interp
from common.kalman.simple_kalman import KF1D
NO_FUSION_SCORE = 100 # bad default fusion score
# radar tracks
SPEED, ACCEL = 0, 1 # Kalman filter states enum
rate, ratev = 20., 20. # model and radar are both at 20Hz
ts = 1./rate
freq_v_lat = 0.2 # Hz
k_v_lat = 2*np.pi*freq_v_lat*ts / (1 + 2*np.pi*freq_v_lat*ts)
freq_a_lead = .5 # Hz
k_a_lead = 2*np.pi*freq_a_lead*ts / (1 + 2*np.pi*freq_a_lead*ts)
# stationary qualification parameters
v_stationary_thr = 4. # objects moving below this speed are classified as stationary
v_oncoming_thr = -3.9 # needs to be a bit lower in abs value than v_stationary_thr to not leave "holes"
v_ego_stationary = 4. # no stationary object flag below this speed
# Lead Kalman Filter params
_VLEAD_A = np.matrix([[1.0, ts], [0.0, 1.0]])
_VLEAD_C = np.matrix([1.0, 0.0])
#_VLEAD_Q = np.matrix([[10., 0.0], [0.0, 100.]])
#_VLEAD_R = 1e3
#_VLEAD_K = np.matrix([[ 0.05705578], [ 0.03073241]])
_VLEAD_K = np.matrix([[ 0.1988689 ], [ 0.28555364]])
class Track(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ekf = None
self.stationary = True
self.initted = False
def update(self, d_rel, y_rel, v_rel, d_path, v_ego_t_aligned, measured, steer_override):
if self.initted:
self.dPathPrev = self.dPath
self.vLeadPrev = self.vLead
self.vRelPrev = self.vRel
# relative values, copy
self.dRel = d_rel # LONG_DIST
self.yRel = y_rel # -LAT_DIST
self.vRel = v_rel # REL_SPEED
self.measured = measured # measured or estimate
# compute distance to path
self.dPath = d_path
# computed velocity and accelerations
self.vLead = self.vRel + v_ego_t_aligned
if not self.initted:
self.initted = True
self.cnt = 1
self.vision_cnt = 0 = False
self.aRel = 0. # nidec gives no information about this
self.vLat = 0.
self.kf = KF1D(np.matrix([[self.vLead], [0.0]]), _VLEAD_A, _VLEAD_C, _VLEAD_K)
# estimate acceleration
# TODO: use Kalman filter
a_rel_unfilt = (self.vRel - self.vRelPrev) / ts
a_rel_unfilt = clip(a_rel_unfilt, -10., 10.)
self.aRel = k_a_lead * a_rel_unfilt + (1 - k_a_lead) * self.aRel
# TODO: use Kalman filter
# neglect steer override cases as dPath is too noisy
v_lat_unfilt = 0. if steer_override else (self.dPath - self.dPathPrev) / ts
self.vLat = k_v_lat * v_lat_unfilt + (1 - k_v_lat) * self.vLat
self.cnt += 1
self.vLeadK = float(self.kf.x[SPEED])
self.aLeadK = float(self.kf.x[ACCEL])
if self.stationary:
# stationary objects can become non stationary, but not the other way around
self.stationary = v_ego_t_aligned > v_ego_stationary and abs(self.vLead) < v_stationary_thr
self.oncoming = self.vLead < v_oncoming_thr
self.vision_score = NO_FUSION_SCORE
def update_vision_score(self, dist_to_vision, rel_speed_diff):
# rel speed is very hard to estimate from vision
if dist_to_vision < 4.0 and rel_speed_diff < 10.:
self.vision_score = dist_to_vision + rel_speed_diff
self.vision_score = NO_FUSION_SCORE
def update_vision_fusion(self):
# vision point is never stationary
# don't trust 1 or 2 fusions until model quality is much better
if self.vision_cnt >= 3: = True
self.stationary = False
def get_key_for_cluster(self):
# Weigh y higher since radar is inaccurate in this dimension
return [self.dRel, self.yRel*2, self.vRel]
# ******************* Cluster *******************
if platform.machine() == 'aarch64':
for x in sys.path:
pp = os.path.join(x, "phonelibs/hierarchy/lib")
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pp, "")):
import _hierarchy
from scipy.cluster import _hierarchy
def fcluster(Z, t, criterion='inconsistent', depth=2, R=None, monocrit=None):
# supersimplified function to get fast clustering. Got it from scipy
Z = np.asarray(Z, order='c')
n = Z.shape[0] + 1
T = np.zeros((n,), dtype='i')
_hierarchy.cluster_dist(Z, T, float(t), int(n))
return T
RDR_TO_LDR = 2.7
def mean(l):
return sum(l)/len(l)
class Cluster(object):
def __init__(self):
self.tracks = set()
def add(self, t):
# add the first track
# TODO: make generic
def dRel(self):
return mean([t.dRel for t in self.tracks])
def yRel(self):
return mean([t.yRel for t in self.tracks])
def vRel(self):
return mean([t.vRel for t in self.tracks])
def aRel(self):
return mean([t.aRel for t in self.tracks])
def vLead(self):
return mean([t.vLead for t in self.tracks])
def dPath(self):
return mean([t.dPath for t in self.tracks])
def vLat(self):
return mean([t.vLat for t in self.tracks])
def vLeadK(self):
return mean([t.vLeadK for t in self.tracks])
def aLeadK(self):
return mean([t.aLeadK for t in self.tracks])
def vision(self):
return any([ for t in self.tracks])
def measured(self):
return any([t.measured for t in self.tracks])
def vision_cnt(self):
return max([t.vision_cnt for t in self.tracks])
def stationary(self):
return all([t.stationary for t in self.tracks])
def oncoming(self):
return all([t.oncoming for t in self.tracks])
def toLive20(self, lead):
lead.dRel = float(self.dRel) - RDR_TO_LDR
lead.yRel = float(self.yRel)
lead.vRel = float(self.vRel)
lead.aRel = float(self.aRel)
lead.vLead = float(self.vLead)
lead.dPath = float(self.dPath)
lead.vLat = float(self.vLat)
lead.vLeadK = float(self.vLeadK)
lead.aLeadK = float(self.aLeadK)
lead.status = True
lead.fcw = self.is_potential_fcw()
def __str__(self):
ret = "x: %4.1f y: %4.1f v: %4.1f a: %4.1f d: %4.2f" % (self.dRel, self.yRel, self.vRel, self.aLeadK, self.dPath)
if self.stationary:
ret += " stationary"
ret += " vision"
if self.oncoming:
ret += " oncoming"
if self.vision_cnt > 0:
ret += " vision_cnt: %6.0f" % self.vision_cnt
return ret
def is_potential_lead(self, v_ego):
# predict cut-ins by extrapolating lateral speed by a lookahead time
# lookahead time depends on cut-in distance. more attentive for close cut-ins
# also, above 50 meters the predicted path isn't very reliable
# the distance at which v_lat matters is higher at higher speed
lookahead_dist = 40. + v_ego/1.2 #40m at 0mph, ~70m at 80mph
t_lookahead_v = [1., 0.]
t_lookahead_bp = [10., lookahead_dist]
# average dist
d_path = self.dPath
# lat_corr used to be gated on enabled, now always running
t_lookahead = interp(self.dRel, t_lookahead_bp, t_lookahead_v)
# correct d_path for lookahead time, considering only cut-ins and no more than 1m impact.
lat_corr = clip(t_lookahead * self.vLat, -1., 1.) if self.measured else 0.
# consider only cut-ins
d_path = clip(d_path + lat_corr, min(0., d_path), max(0.,d_path))
return abs(d_path) < 1.5 and not self.stationary and not self.oncoming
def is_potential_lead2(self, lead_clusters):
if len(lead_clusters) > 0:
lead_cluster = lead_clusters[0]
# check if the new lead is too close and roughly at the same speed of the first lead:
# it might just be the second axle of the same vehicle
return (self.dRel - lead_cluster.dRel) > 8. or abs(self.vRel - lead_cluster.vRel) > 1.
return False
def is_potential_fcw(self):
# is this cluster trustrable enough for triggering fcw?
# fcw can trigger only on clusters that have been fused vision model for at least 20 frames
return self.vision_cnt >= 20