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17 KiB

// Safety-relevant steering constants for Volkswagen
const int VOLKSWAGEN_MAX_STEER = 300; // 3.0 Nm (EPS side max of 3.0Nm with fault if violated)
const int VOLKSWAGEN_MAX_RT_DELTA = 75; // 4 max rate up * 50Hz send rate * 250000 RT interval / 1000000 = 50 ; 50 * 1.5 for safety pad = 75
const uint32_t VOLKSWAGEN_RT_INTERVAL = 250000; // 250ms between real time checks
const int VOLKSWAGEN_MAX_RATE_UP = 4; // 2.0 Nm/s RoC limit (EPS rack has own soft-limit of 5.0 Nm/s)
const int VOLKSWAGEN_MAX_RATE_DOWN = 10; // 5.0 Nm/s RoC limit (EPS rack has own soft-limit of 5.0 Nm/s)
// Safety-relevant CAN messages for the Volkswagen MQB platform
#define MSG_ESP_19 0x0B2 // RX from ABS, for wheel speeds
#define MSG_EPS_01 0x09F // RX from EPS, for driver steering torque
#define MSG_ESP_05 0x106 // RX from ABS, for brake switch state
#define MSG_TSK_06 0x120 // RX from ECU, for ACC status from drivetrain coordinator
#define MSG_MOTOR_20 0x121 // RX from ECU, for driver throttle input
#define MSG_HCA_01 0x126 // TX by OP, Heading Control Assist steering torque
#define MSG_GRA_ACC_01 0x12B // TX by OP, ACC control buttons for cancel/resume
#define MSG_LDW_02 0x397 // TX by OP, Lane line recognition and text alerts
// Transmit of GRA_ACC_01 is allowed on bus 0 and 2 to keep compatibility with gateway and camera integration
const CanMsg VOLKSWAGEN_MQB_TX_MSGS[] = {{MSG_HCA_01, 0, 8}, {MSG_GRA_ACC_01, 0, 8}, {MSG_GRA_ACC_01, 2, 8}, {MSG_LDW_02, 0, 8}};
AddrCheckStruct volkswagen_mqb_rx_checks[] = {
{.msg = {{MSG_ESP_19, 0, 8, .check_checksum = false, .max_counter = 0U, .expected_timestep = 10000U}}},
{.msg = {{MSG_EPS_01, 0, 8, .check_checksum = true, .max_counter = 15U, .expected_timestep = 10000U}}},
{.msg = {{MSG_ESP_05, 0, 8, .check_checksum = true, .max_counter = 15U, .expected_timestep = 20000U}}},
{.msg = {{MSG_TSK_06, 0, 8, .check_checksum = true, .max_counter = 15U, .expected_timestep = 20000U}}},
{.msg = {{MSG_MOTOR_20, 0, 8, .check_checksum = true, .max_counter = 15U, .expected_timestep = 20000U}}},
const int VOLKSWAGEN_MQB_RX_CHECKS_LEN = sizeof(volkswagen_mqb_rx_checks) / sizeof(volkswagen_mqb_rx_checks[0]);
// Safety-relevant CAN messages for the Volkswagen PQ35/PQ46/NMS platforms
#define MSG_LENKHILFE_3 0x0D0 // RX from EPS, for steering angle and driver steering torque
#define MSG_HCA_1 0x0D2 // TX by OP, Heading Control Assist steering torque
#define MSG_MOTOR_2 0x288 // RX from ECU, for CC state and brake switch state
#define MSG_MOTOR_3 0x380 // RX from ECU, for driver throttle input
#define MSG_GRA_NEU 0x38A // TX by OP, ACC control buttons for cancel/resume
#define MSG_BREMSE_3 0x4A0 // RX from ABS, for wheel speeds
#define MSG_LDW_1 0x5BE // TX by OP, Lane line recognition and text alerts
// Transmit of GRA_Neu is allowed on bus 0 and 2 to keep compatibility with gateway and camera integration
const CanMsg VOLKSWAGEN_PQ_TX_MSGS[] = {{MSG_HCA_1, 0, 5}, {MSG_GRA_NEU, 0, 4}, {MSG_GRA_NEU, 2, 4}, {MSG_LDW_1, 0, 8}};
AddrCheckStruct volkswagen_pq_rx_checks[] = {
{.msg = {{MSG_LENKHILFE_3, 0, 6, .check_checksum = true, .max_counter = 15U, .expected_timestep = 10000U}}},
{.msg = {{MSG_MOTOR_2, 0, 8, .check_checksum = false, .max_counter = 0U, .expected_timestep = 20000U}}},
{.msg = {{MSG_MOTOR_3, 0, 8, .check_checksum = false, .max_counter = 0U, .expected_timestep = 10000U}}},
{.msg = {{MSG_BREMSE_3, 0, 8, .check_checksum = false, .max_counter = 0U, .expected_timestep = 10000U}}},
const int VOLKSWAGEN_PQ_RX_CHECKS_LEN = sizeof(volkswagen_pq_rx_checks) / sizeof(volkswagen_pq_rx_checks[0]);
int volkswagen_torque_msg = 0;
int volkswagen_lane_msg = 0;
uint8_t volkswagen_crc8_lut_8h2f[256]; // Static lookup table for CRC8 poly 0x2F, aka 8H2F/AUTOSAR
static uint8_t volkswagen_get_checksum(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) {
return (uint8_t)GET_BYTE(to_push, 0);
static uint8_t volkswagen_mqb_get_counter(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) {
// MQB message counters are consistently found at LSB 8.
return (uint8_t)GET_BYTE(to_push, 1) & 0xFU;
static uint8_t volkswagen_pq_get_counter(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) {
// Few PQ messages have counters, and their offsets are inconsistent. This
// function works only for Lenkhilfe_3 at this time.
return (uint8_t)(GET_BYTE(to_push, 1) & 0xF0U) >> 4;
static uint8_t volkswagen_mqb_compute_crc(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) {
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_push);
int len = GET_LEN(to_push);
// This is CRC-8H2F/AUTOSAR with a twist. See the OpenDBC implementation
// of this algorithm for a version with explanatory comments.
uint8_t crc = 0xFFU;
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
crc ^= (uint8_t)GET_BYTE(to_push, i);
crc = volkswagen_crc8_lut_8h2f[crc];
uint8_t counter = volkswagen_mqb_get_counter(to_push);
switch(addr) {
case MSG_EPS_01:
crc ^= (uint8_t[]){0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5}[counter];
case MSG_ESP_05:
crc ^= (uint8_t[]){0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07,0x07}[counter];
case MSG_TSK_06:
crc ^= (uint8_t[]){0xC4,0xE2,0x4F,0xE4,0xF8,0x2F,0x56,0x81,0x9F,0xE5,0x83,0x44,0x05,0x3F,0x97,0xDF}[counter];
case MSG_MOTOR_20:
crc ^= (uint8_t[]){0xE9,0x65,0xAE,0x6B,0x7B,0x35,0xE5,0x5F,0x4E,0xC7,0x86,0xA2,0xBB,0xDD,0xEB,0xB4}[counter];
default: // Undefined CAN message, CRC check expected to fail
crc = volkswagen_crc8_lut_8h2f[crc];
return crc ^ 0xFFU;
static uint8_t volkswagen_pq_compute_checksum(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) {
int len = GET_LEN(to_push);
uint8_t checksum = 0U;
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
checksum ^= (uint8_t)GET_BYTE(to_push, i);
return checksum;
static void volkswagen_mqb_init(int16_t param) {
controls_allowed = false;
volkswagen_torque_msg = MSG_HCA_01;
volkswagen_lane_msg = MSG_LDW_02;
gen_crc_lookup_table(0x2F, volkswagen_crc8_lut_8h2f);
static void volkswagen_pq_init(int16_t param) {
controls_allowed = false;
volkswagen_torque_msg = MSG_HCA_1;
volkswagen_lane_msg = MSG_LDW_1;
static int volkswagen_mqb_rx_hook(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) {
bool valid = addr_safety_check(to_push, volkswagen_mqb_rx_checks, VOLKSWAGEN_MQB_RX_CHECKS_LEN,
volkswagen_get_checksum, volkswagen_mqb_compute_crc, volkswagen_mqb_get_counter);
if (valid && (GET_BUS(to_push) == 0)) {
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_push);
// Update in-motion state by sampling front wheel speeds
// Signal: ESP_19.ESP_VL_Radgeschw_02 (front left) in scaled km/h
// Signal: ESP_19.ESP_VR_Radgeschw_02 (front right) in scaled km/h
if (addr == MSG_ESP_19) {
int wheel_speed_fl = GET_BYTE(to_push, 4) | (GET_BYTE(to_push, 5) << 8);
int wheel_speed_fr = GET_BYTE(to_push, 6) | (GET_BYTE(to_push, 7) << 8);
// Check for average front speed in excess of 0.3m/s, 1.08km/h
// DBC speed scale 0.0075: 0.3m/s = 144, sum both wheels to compare
vehicle_moving = (wheel_speed_fl + wheel_speed_fr) > 288;
// Update driver input torque samples
// Signal: EPS_01.Driver_Strain (absolute torque)
// Signal: EPS_01.Driver_Strain_VZ (direction)
if (addr == MSG_EPS_01) {
int torque_driver_new = GET_BYTE(to_push, 5) | ((GET_BYTE(to_push, 6) & 0x1F) << 8);
int sign = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 6) & 0x80) >> 7;
if (sign == 1) {
torque_driver_new *= -1;
update_sample(&torque_driver, torque_driver_new);
// Update ACC status from drivetrain coordinator for controls-allowed state
// Signal: TSK_06.TSK_Status
if (addr == MSG_TSK_06) {
int acc_status = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 3) & 0x7);
controls_allowed = ((acc_status == 3) || (acc_status == 4) || (acc_status == 5)) ? 1 : 0;
// Exit controls on rising edge of gas press
// Signal: Motor_20.MO_Fahrpedalrohwert_01
if (addr == MSG_MOTOR_20) {
bool gas_pressed = ((GET_BYTES_04(to_push) >> 12) & 0xFF) != 0;
if (gas_pressed && !gas_pressed_prev && !(unsafe_mode & UNSAFE_DISABLE_DISENGAGE_ON_GAS)) {
controls_allowed = 0;
gas_pressed_prev = gas_pressed;
// Exit controls on rising edge of brake press
// Signal: ESP_05.ESP_Fahrer_bremst
if (addr == MSG_ESP_05) {
bool brake_pressed = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 3) & 0x4) >> 2;
if (brake_pressed && (!brake_pressed_prev || vehicle_moving)) {
controls_allowed = 0;
brake_pressed_prev = brake_pressed;
// If there are HCA messages on bus 0 not sent by OP, there's a relay problem
if ((safety_mode_cnt > RELAY_TRNS_TIMEOUT) && (addr == MSG_HCA_01)) {
return valid;
static int volkswagen_pq_rx_hook(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) {
bool valid = addr_safety_check(to_push, volkswagen_pq_rx_checks, VOLKSWAGEN_PQ_RX_CHECKS_LEN,
volkswagen_get_checksum, volkswagen_pq_compute_checksum, volkswagen_pq_get_counter);
if (valid) {
int bus = GET_BUS(to_push);
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_push);
// Update in-motion state by sampling front wheel speeds
// Signal: Bremse_3.Radgeschw__VL_4_1 (front left)
// Signal: Bremse_3.Radgeschw__VR_4_1 (front right)
if ((bus == 0) && (addr == MSG_BREMSE_3)) {
int wheel_speed_fl = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 0) | (GET_BYTE(to_push, 1) << 8)) >> 1;
int wheel_speed_fr = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 2) | (GET_BYTE(to_push, 3) << 8)) >> 1;
// Check for average front speed in excess of 0.3m/s, 1.08km/h
// DBC speed scale 0.01: 0.3m/s = 108, sum both wheels to compare
vehicle_moving = (wheel_speed_fl + wheel_speed_fr) > 216;
// Update driver input torque samples
// Signal: Lenkhilfe_3.LH3_LM (absolute torque)
// Signal: Lenkhilfe_3.LH3_LMSign (direction)
if ((bus == 0) && (addr == MSG_LENKHILFE_3)) {
int torque_driver_new = GET_BYTE(to_push, 2) | ((GET_BYTE(to_push, 3) & 0x3) << 8);
int sign = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 3) & 0x4) >> 2;
if (sign == 1) {
torque_driver_new *= -1;
update_sample(&torque_driver, torque_driver_new);
// Update ACC status from ECU for controls-allowed state
// Signal: Motor_2.GRA_Status
if ((bus == 0) && (addr == MSG_MOTOR_2)) {
int acc_status = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 2) & 0xC0) >> 6;
controls_allowed = ((acc_status == 1) || (acc_status == 2)) ? 1 : 0;
// Exit controls on rising edge of gas press
// Signal: Motor_3.Fahrpedal_Rohsignal
if ((bus == 0) && (addr == MSG_MOTOR_3)) {
int gas_pressed = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 2));
if (gas_pressed && !gas_pressed_prev && !(unsafe_mode & UNSAFE_DISABLE_DISENGAGE_ON_GAS)) {
controls_allowed = 0;
gas_pressed_prev = gas_pressed;
// Exit controls on rising edge of brake press
// Signal: Motor_2.Bremslichtschalter
if ((bus == 0) && (addr == MSG_MOTOR_2)) {
bool brake_pressed = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 2) & 0x1);
if (brake_pressed && (!(brake_pressed_prev) || vehicle_moving)) {
controls_allowed = 0;
brake_pressed_prev = brake_pressed;
// If there are HCA messages on bus 0 not sent by OP, there's a relay problem
if ((safety_mode_cnt > RELAY_TRNS_TIMEOUT) && (bus == 0) && (addr == MSG_HCA_1)) {
return valid;
static bool volkswagen_steering_check(int desired_torque) {
bool violation = false;
uint32_t ts = TIM2->CNT;
if (controls_allowed) {
// *** global torque limit check ***
violation |= max_limit_check(desired_torque, VOLKSWAGEN_MAX_STEER, -VOLKSWAGEN_MAX_STEER);
// *** torque rate limit check ***
violation |= driver_limit_check(desired_torque, desired_torque_last, &torque_driver,
desired_torque_last = desired_torque;
// *** torque real time rate limit check ***
violation |= rt_rate_limit_check(desired_torque, rt_torque_last, VOLKSWAGEN_MAX_RT_DELTA);
// every RT_INTERVAL set the new limits
uint32_t ts_elapsed = get_ts_elapsed(ts, ts_last);
if (ts_elapsed > VOLKSWAGEN_RT_INTERVAL) {
rt_torque_last = desired_torque;
ts_last = ts;
// no torque if controls is not allowed
if (!controls_allowed && (desired_torque != 0)) {
violation = true;
// reset to 0 if either controls is not allowed or there's a violation
if (violation || !controls_allowed) {
desired_torque_last = 0;
rt_torque_last = 0;
ts_last = ts;
return violation;
static int volkswagen_mqb_tx_hook(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_send) {
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_send);
int tx = 1;
if (!msg_allowed(to_send, VOLKSWAGEN_MQB_TX_MSGS, VOLKSWAGEN_MQB_TX_MSGS_LEN) || relay_malfunction) {
tx = 0;
// Safety check for HCA_01 Heading Control Assist torque
// Signal: HCA_01.Assist_Torque (absolute torque)
// Signal: HCA_01.Assist_VZ (direction)
if (addr == MSG_HCA_01) {
int desired_torque = GET_BYTE(to_send, 2) | ((GET_BYTE(to_send, 3) & 0x3F) << 8);
int sign = (GET_BYTE(to_send, 3) & 0x80) >> 7;
if (sign == 1) {
desired_torque *= -1;
if (volkswagen_steering_check(desired_torque)) {
tx = 0;
// FORCE CANCEL: ensuring that only the cancel button press is sent when controls are off.
// This avoids unintended engagements while still allowing resume spam
if ((addr == MSG_GRA_ACC_01) && !controls_allowed) {
// disallow resume and set: bits 16 and 19
if ((GET_BYTE(to_send, 2) & 0x9) != 0) {
tx = 0;
// 1 allows the message through
return tx;
static int volkswagen_pq_tx_hook(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_send) {
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_send);
int tx = 1;
if (!msg_allowed(to_send, VOLKSWAGEN_PQ_TX_MSGS, VOLKSWAGEN_PQ_TX_MSGS_LEN) || relay_malfunction) {
tx = 0;
// Safety check for HCA_1 Heading Control Assist torque
// Signal: HCA_1.LM_Offset (absolute torque)
// Signal: HCA_1.LM_Offsign (direction)
if (addr == MSG_HCA_1) {
int desired_torque = GET_BYTE(to_send, 2) | ((GET_BYTE(to_send, 3) & 0x7F) << 8);
desired_torque = desired_torque / 32; // DBC scale from PQ network to centi-Nm
int sign = (GET_BYTE(to_send, 3) & 0x80) >> 7;
if (sign == 1) {
desired_torque *= -1;
if (volkswagen_steering_check(desired_torque)) {
tx = 0;
// FORCE CANCEL: ensuring that only the cancel button press is sent when controls are off.
// This avoids unintended engagements while still allowing resume spam
if ((addr == MSG_GRA_NEU) && !controls_allowed) {
// disallow resume and set: bits 16 and 17
if ((GET_BYTE(to_send, 2) & 0x3) != 0) {
tx = 0;
// 1 allows the message through
return tx;
static int volkswagen_fwd_hook(int bus_num, CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_fwd) {
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_fwd);
int bus_fwd = -1;
if (!relay_malfunction) {
switch (bus_num) {
case 0:
// Forward all traffic from the Extended CAN onward
bus_fwd = 2;
case 2:
if ((addr == volkswagen_torque_msg) || (addr == volkswagen_lane_msg)) {
// OP takes control of the Heading Control Assist and Lane Departure Warning messages from the camera
bus_fwd = -1;
} else {
// Forward all remaining traffic from Extended CAN devices to J533 gateway
bus_fwd = 0;
// No other buses should be in use; fallback to do-not-forward
bus_fwd = -1;
return bus_fwd;
// Volkswagen MQB platform
const safety_hooks volkswagen_mqb_hooks = {
.init = volkswagen_mqb_init,
.rx = volkswagen_mqb_rx_hook,
.tx = volkswagen_mqb_tx_hook,
.tx_lin = nooutput_tx_lin_hook,
.fwd = volkswagen_fwd_hook,
.addr_check = volkswagen_mqb_rx_checks,
.addr_check_len = sizeof(volkswagen_mqb_rx_checks) / sizeof(volkswagen_mqb_rx_checks[0]),
// Volkswagen PQ35/PQ46/NMS platforms
const safety_hooks volkswagen_pq_hooks = {
.init = volkswagen_pq_init,
.rx = volkswagen_pq_rx_hook,
.tx = volkswagen_pq_tx_hook,
.tx_lin = nooutput_tx_lin_hook,
.fwd = volkswagen_fwd_hook,
.addr_check = volkswagen_pq_rx_checks,
.addr_check_len = sizeof(volkswagen_pq_rx_checks) / sizeof(volkswagen_pq_rx_checks[0]),