Sconscript: requires on .o not on .elf

Willem Melching 2021-04-01 16:40:28 +02:00
parent 0716851508
commit d6d928125b
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -137,7 +137,9 @@ panda_env = Environment(
version = f'const uint8_t gitversion[] = "{get_version(BUILDER, BUILD_TYPE)}";'
gitversion = panda_env.Textfile("obj/gitversion.h", [version, ""])
Ignore('bootstub.o', gitversion)
Requires('bootstub.o', gitversion)
Ignore('main.o', gitversion)
Requires('main.o', gitversion)
certs = [get_key_header(n) for n in ["debug", "release"]]
certheader = panda_env.Textfile("obj/cert.h", certs + [""])
@ -148,13 +150,11 @@ startup = panda_env.Object(STARTUP_FILE)
crypto = ["../crypto/rsa.c", "../crypto/sha.c"]
bootstub_elf = panda_env.Program(f"obj/bootstub.{PROJECT}.elf", [startup] + crypto + ["bootstub.c"])
bootstub_bin = panda_env.Objcopy(f"obj/bootstub.{PROJECT}.bin", bootstub_elf)
Requires(bootstub_elf, gitversion)
# Build main
main_elf = panda_env.Program(f"obj/{PROJECT}.elf", [startup, MAIN],
LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,--section-start,.isr_vector=0x8004000"] + flags)
main_bin = panda_env.Objcopy(f"obj/{PROJECT}.bin", main_elf)
Requires(main_elf, gitversion)
# Sign main
sign_py = File("../crypto/").srcnode().abspath