// ///////////////////// // // Black Panda + Harness // // ///////////////////// // void black_enable_can_transceiver(uint8_t transceiver, bool enabled) { switch (transceiver){ case 1U: set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 1, !enabled); break; case 2U: set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 13, !enabled); break; case 3U: set_gpio_output(GPIOA, 0, !enabled); break; case 4U: set_gpio_output(GPIOB, 10, !enabled); break; default: puts("Invalid CAN transceiver ("); puth(transceiver); puts("): enabling failed\n"); break; } } void black_enable_can_transceivers(bool enabled) { for(uint8_t i=1U; i<=4U; i++){ // Leave main CAN always on for CAN-based ignition detection if((car_harness_status == HARNESS_STATUS_FLIPPED) ? (i == 3U) : (i == 1U)){ black_enable_can_transceiver(i, true); } else { black_enable_can_transceiver(i, enabled); } } } void black_set_led(uint8_t color, bool enabled) { switch (color){ case LED_RED: set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 9, !enabled); break; case LED_GREEN: set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 7, !enabled); break; case LED_BLUE: set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 6, !enabled); break; default: break; } } void black_set_gps_load_switch(bool enabled) { set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 12, enabled); } void black_set_usb_load_switch(bool enabled) { set_gpio_output(GPIOB, 1, !enabled); } void black_set_usb_power_mode(uint8_t mode) { bool valid = false; switch (mode) { case USB_POWER_CLIENT: black_set_usb_load_switch(false); valid = true; break; case USB_POWER_CDP: black_set_usb_load_switch(true); valid = true; break; default: puts("Invalid USB power mode\n"); break; } if (valid) { usb_power_mode = mode; } } void black_set_gps_mode(uint8_t mode) { switch (mode) { case GPS_DISABLED: // GPS OFF set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 14, 0); set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 5, 0); break; case GPS_ENABLED: // GPS ON set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 14, 1); set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 5, 1); break; case GPS_BOOTMODE: set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 14, 1); set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 5, 0); break; default: puts("Invalid GPS mode\n"); break; } } void black_set_can_mode(uint8_t mode){ switch (mode) { case CAN_MODE_NORMAL: case CAN_MODE_OBD_CAN2: if ((bool)(mode == CAN_MODE_NORMAL) != (bool)(car_harness_status == HARNESS_STATUS_FLIPPED)) { // B12,B13: disable OBD mode set_gpio_mode(GPIOB, 12, MODE_INPUT); set_gpio_mode(GPIOB, 13, MODE_INPUT); // B5,B6: normal CAN2 mode set_gpio_alternate(GPIOB, 5, GPIO_AF9_CAN2); set_gpio_alternate(GPIOB, 6, GPIO_AF9_CAN2); } else { // B5,B6: disable normal CAN2 mode set_gpio_mode(GPIOB, 5, MODE_INPUT); set_gpio_mode(GPIOB, 6, MODE_INPUT); // B12,B13: OBD mode set_gpio_alternate(GPIOB, 12, GPIO_AF9_CAN2); set_gpio_alternate(GPIOB, 13, GPIO_AF9_CAN2); } break; default: puts("Tried to set unsupported CAN mode: "); puth(mode); puts("\n"); break; } } void black_usb_power_mode_tick(uint32_t uptime){ UNUSED(uptime); // Not applicable } bool black_check_ignition(void){ // ignition is checked through harness return harness_check_ignition(); } uint32_t black_read_current(void){ // No current sense on black panda return 0U; } void black_set_ir_power(uint8_t percentage){ UNUSED(percentage); } void black_set_fan_power(uint8_t percentage){ UNUSED(percentage); } void black_set_phone_power(bool enabled){ UNUSED(enabled); } void black_set_clock_source_mode(uint8_t mode){ UNUSED(mode); } void black_set_siren(bool enabled){ UNUSED(enabled); } void black_init(void) { common_init_gpio(); // A8,A15: normal CAN3 mode set_gpio_alternate(GPIOA, 8, GPIO_AF11_CAN3); set_gpio_alternate(GPIOA, 15, GPIO_AF11_CAN3); // C0: OBD_SBU1 (orientation detection) // C3: OBD_SBU2 (orientation detection) set_gpio_mode(GPIOC, 0, MODE_ANALOG); set_gpio_mode(GPIOC, 3, MODE_ANALOG); // Set default state of GPS current_board->set_gps_mode(GPS_ENABLED); // C10: OBD_SBU1_RELAY (harness relay driving output) // C11: OBD_SBU2_RELAY (harness relay driving output) set_gpio_mode(GPIOC, 10, MODE_OUTPUT); set_gpio_mode(GPIOC, 11, MODE_OUTPUT); set_gpio_output_type(GPIOC, 10, OUTPUT_TYPE_OPEN_DRAIN); set_gpio_output_type(GPIOC, 11, OUTPUT_TYPE_OPEN_DRAIN); set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 10, 1); set_gpio_output(GPIOC, 11, 1); // Turn on GPS load switch. black_set_gps_load_switch(true); // Turn on USB load switch. black_set_usb_load_switch(true); // Set right power mode black_set_usb_power_mode(USB_POWER_CDP); // Initialize harness harness_init(); // Enable CAN transceivers black_enable_can_transceivers(true); // Disable LEDs black_set_led(LED_RED, false); black_set_led(LED_GREEN, false); black_set_led(LED_BLUE, false); // Set normal CAN mode black_set_can_mode(CAN_MODE_NORMAL); // flip CAN0 and CAN2 if we are flipped if (car_harness_status == HARNESS_STATUS_FLIPPED) { can_flip_buses(0, 2); } // init multiplexer can_set_obd(car_harness_status, false); } const harness_configuration black_harness_config = { .has_harness = true, .GPIO_SBU1 = GPIOC, .GPIO_SBU2 = GPIOC, .GPIO_relay_SBU1 = GPIOC, .GPIO_relay_SBU2 = GPIOC, .pin_SBU1 = 0, .pin_SBU2 = 3, .pin_relay_SBU1 = 10, .pin_relay_SBU2 = 11, .adc_channel_SBU1 = 10, .adc_channel_SBU2 = 13 }; const board board_black = { .board_type = "Black", .harness_config = &black_harness_config, .init = black_init, .enable_can_transceiver = black_enable_can_transceiver, .enable_can_transceivers = black_enable_can_transceivers, .set_led = black_set_led, .set_usb_power_mode = black_set_usb_power_mode, .set_gps_mode = black_set_gps_mode, .set_can_mode = black_set_can_mode, .usb_power_mode_tick = black_usb_power_mode_tick, .check_ignition = black_check_ignition, .read_current = black_read_current, .set_fan_power = black_set_fan_power, .set_ir_power = black_set_ir_power, .set_phone_power = black_set_phone_power, .set_clock_source_mode = black_set_clock_source_mode, .set_siren = black_set_siren };