const int CHRYSLER_MAX_STEER = 261; const int CHRYSLER_MAX_RT_DELTA = 112; // max delta torque allowed for real time checks const uint32_t CHRYSLER_RT_INTERVAL = 250000; // 250ms between real time checks const int CHRYSLER_MAX_RATE_UP = 3; const int CHRYSLER_MAX_RATE_DOWN = 3; const int CHRYSLER_MAX_TORQUE_ERROR = 80; // max torque cmd in excess of torque motor const int CHRYSLER_GAS_THRSLD = 30; // 7% more than 2m/s const int CHRYSLER_STANDSTILL_THRSLD = 10; // about 1m/s const AddrBus CHRYSLER_TX_MSGS[] = {{571, 0}, {658, 0}, {678, 0}}; // TODO: do checksum and counter checks AddrCheckStruct chrysler_rx_checks[] = { {.addr = {544}, .bus = 0, .check_checksum = true, .max_counter = 15U, .expected_timestep = 10000U}, {.addr = {514}, .bus = 0, .check_checksum = false, .max_counter = 0U, .expected_timestep = 10000U}, {.addr = {500}, .bus = 0, .check_checksum = true, .max_counter = 15U, .expected_timestep = 20000U}, {.addr = {308}, .bus = 0, .check_checksum = false, .max_counter = 15U, .expected_timestep = 20000U}, {.addr = {320}, .bus = 0, .check_checksum = true, .max_counter = 15U, .expected_timestep = 20000U}, }; const int CHRYSLER_RX_CHECK_LEN = sizeof(chrysler_rx_checks) / sizeof(chrysler_rx_checks[0]); int chrysler_rt_torque_last = 0; int chrysler_desired_torque_last = 0; int chrysler_cruise_engaged_last = 0; int chrysler_speed = 0; uint32_t chrysler_ts_last = 0; struct sample_t chrysler_torque_meas; // last few torques measured static uint8_t chrysler_get_checksum(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) { int checksum_byte = GET_LEN(to_push) - 1; return (uint8_t)(GET_BYTE(to_push, checksum_byte)); } static uint8_t chrysler_compute_checksum(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) { /* This function does not want the checksum byte in the input data. jeep chrysler canbus checksum from */ uint8_t checksum = 0xFF; int len = GET_LEN(to_push); for (int j = 0; j < (len - 1); j++) { uint8_t shift = 0x80; uint8_t curr = (uint8_t)GET_BYTE(to_push, j); for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { uint8_t bit_sum = curr & shift; uint8_t temp_chk = checksum & 0x80U; if (bit_sum != 0U) { bit_sum = 0x1C; if (temp_chk != 0U) { bit_sum = 1; } checksum = checksum << 1; temp_chk = checksum | 1U; bit_sum ^= temp_chk; } else { if (temp_chk != 0U) { bit_sum = 0x1D; } checksum = checksum << 1; bit_sum ^= checksum; } checksum = bit_sum; shift = shift >> 1; } } return ~checksum; } static uint8_t chrysler_get_counter(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) { // Well defined counter only for 8 bytes messages return (uint8_t)(GET_BYTE(to_push, 6) >> 4); } static int chrysler_rx_hook(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_push) { bool valid = addr_safety_check(to_push, chrysler_rx_checks, CHRYSLER_RX_CHECK_LEN, chrysler_get_checksum, chrysler_compute_checksum, chrysler_get_counter); bool unsafe_allow_gas = unsafe_mode & UNSAFE_DISABLE_DISENGAGE_ON_GAS; if (valid && (GET_BUS(to_push) == 0)) { int addr = GET_ADDR(to_push); // Measured eps torque if (addr == 544) { int torque_meas_new = ((GET_BYTE(to_push, 4) & 0x7U) << 8) + GET_BYTE(to_push, 5) - 1024U; // update array of samples update_sample(&chrysler_torque_meas, torque_meas_new); } // enter controls on rising edge of ACC, exit controls on ACC off if (addr == 500) { int cruise_engaged = ((GET_BYTE(to_push, 2) & 0x38) >> 3) == 7; if (cruise_engaged && !chrysler_cruise_engaged_last) { controls_allowed = 1; } if (!cruise_engaged) { controls_allowed = 0; } chrysler_cruise_engaged_last = cruise_engaged; } // update speed if (addr == 514) { int speed_l = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 0) << 4) + (GET_BYTE(to_push, 1) >> 4); int speed_r = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 2) << 4) + (GET_BYTE(to_push, 3) >> 4); chrysler_speed = (speed_l + speed_r) / 2; } // exit controls on rising edge of gas press if (addr == 308) { bool gas_pressed = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 5) & 0x7F) != 0; if (!unsafe_allow_gas && gas_pressed && !gas_pressed_prev && (chrysler_speed > CHRYSLER_GAS_THRSLD)) { controls_allowed = 0; } gas_pressed_prev = gas_pressed; } // exit controls on rising edge of brake press if (addr == 320) { bool brake_pressed = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 0) & 0x7) == 5; if (brake_pressed && (!brake_pressed_prev || (chrysler_speed > CHRYSLER_STANDSTILL_THRSLD))) { controls_allowed = 0; } brake_pressed_prev = brake_pressed; } // check if stock camera ECU is on bus 0 if ((safety_mode_cnt > RELAY_TRNS_TIMEOUT) && (addr == 0x292)) { relay_malfunction_set(); } } return valid; } static int chrysler_tx_hook(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_send) { int tx = 1; int addr = GET_ADDR(to_send); int bus = GET_BUS(to_send); if (!msg_allowed(addr, bus, CHRYSLER_TX_MSGS, sizeof(CHRYSLER_TX_MSGS) / sizeof(CHRYSLER_TX_MSGS[0]))) { tx = 0; } if (relay_malfunction) { tx = 0; } // LKA STEER if (addr == 0x292) { int desired_torque = ((GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) & 0x7U) << 8) + GET_BYTE(to_send, 1) - 1024U; uint32_t ts = TIM2->CNT; bool violation = 0; if (controls_allowed) { // *** global torque limit check *** violation |= max_limit_check(desired_torque, CHRYSLER_MAX_STEER, -CHRYSLER_MAX_STEER); // *** torque rate limit check *** violation |= dist_to_meas_check(desired_torque, chrysler_desired_torque_last, &chrysler_torque_meas, CHRYSLER_MAX_RATE_UP, CHRYSLER_MAX_RATE_DOWN, CHRYSLER_MAX_TORQUE_ERROR); // used next time chrysler_desired_torque_last = desired_torque; // *** torque real time rate limit check *** violation |= rt_rate_limit_check(desired_torque, chrysler_rt_torque_last, CHRYSLER_MAX_RT_DELTA); // every RT_INTERVAL set the new limits uint32_t ts_elapsed = get_ts_elapsed(ts, chrysler_ts_last); if (ts_elapsed > CHRYSLER_RT_INTERVAL) { chrysler_rt_torque_last = desired_torque; chrysler_ts_last = ts; } } // no torque if controls is not allowed if (!controls_allowed && (desired_torque != 0)) { violation = 1; } // reset to 0 if either controls is not allowed or there's a violation if (violation || !controls_allowed) { chrysler_desired_torque_last = 0; chrysler_rt_torque_last = 0; chrysler_ts_last = ts; } if (violation) { tx = 0; } } // FORCE CANCEL: only the cancel button press is allowed if (addr == 571) { if (GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) != 1) { tx = 0; } } return tx; } static int chrysler_fwd_hook(int bus_num, CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_fwd) { int bus_fwd = -1; int addr = GET_ADDR(to_fwd); if (!relay_malfunction) { // forward CAN 0 -> 2 so stock LKAS camera sees messages if (bus_num == 0) { bus_fwd = 2; } // forward all messages from camera except LKAS_COMMAND and LKAS_HUD if ((bus_num == 2) && (addr != 658) && (addr != 678)) { bus_fwd = 0; } } return bus_fwd; } const safety_hooks chrysler_hooks = { .init = nooutput_init, .rx = chrysler_rx_hook, .tx = chrysler_tx_hook, .tx_lin = nooutput_tx_lin_hook, .fwd = chrysler_fwd_hook, .addr_check = chrysler_rx_checks, .addr_check_len = sizeof(chrysler_rx_checks) / sizeof(chrysler_rx_checks[0]), };