#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import binascii from panda import Panda def tesla_tester(): try: print("Trying to connect to Panda over USB...") p = Panda() except AssertionError: print("USB connection failed. Trying WiFi...") try: p = Panda("WIFI") except: print("WiFi connection timed out. Please make sure your Panda is connected and try again.") sys.exit(0) body_bus_speed = 125 # Tesla Body busses (B, BF) are 125kbps, rest are 500kbps body_bus_num = 1 # My TDC to OBD adapter has PT on bus0 BDY on bus1 and CH on bus2 p.set_can_speed_kbps(body_bus_num, body_bus_speed) # Now set the panda from its default of SAFETY_SILENT (read only) to SAFETY_ALLOUTPUT # Careful, as this will let us send any CAN messages we want (which could be very bad!) print("Setting Panda to output mode...") p.set_safety_mode(Panda.SAFETY_ALLOUTPUT) # BDY 0x248 is the MCU_commands message, which includes folding mirrors, opening the trunk, frunk, setting the cars lock state and more. For our test, we will edit the 3rd byte, which is MCU_lockRequest. 0x01 will lock, 0x02 will unlock: print("Unlocking Tesla...") p.can_send(0x248, b"\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", body_bus_num) #Or, we can set the first byte, MCU_frontHoodCommand + MCU_liftgateSwitch, to 0x01 to pop the frunk, or 0x04 to open/close the trunk (0x05 should open both) print("Opening Frunk...") p.can_send(0x248, b"\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", body_bus_num) #Back to safety... print("Disabling output on Panda...") p.set_safety_mode(Panda.SAFETY_SILENT) print("Reading VIN from 0x568. This is painfully slow and can take up to 3 minutes (1 minute per message; 3 messages needed for full VIN)...") vin = {} while True: #Read the VIN can_recv = p.can_recv() for address, _, dat, src in can_recv: if src == body_bus_num: if address == 1384: #0x568 is VIN vin_index = int(binascii.hexlify(dat)[:2]) #first byte is the index, 00, 01, 02 vin_string = binascii.hexlify(dat)[2:] #rest of the string is the actual VIN data vin[vin_index] = vin_string.decode("hex") print("Got VIN index " + str(vin_index) + " data " + vin[vin_index]) #if we have all 3 parts of the VIN, print it and break out of our while loop if 0 in vin and 1 in vin and 2 in vin: print("VIN: " + vin[0] + vin[1] + vin[2][:3]) break if __name__ == "__main__": tesla_tester()