import os import sys import time import subprocess import requests from panda import Panda FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') def _connect_wifi(dongle_id, pw, insecure_okay=False): ssid = "panda-" + dongle_id r =["ping", "-W", "4", "-c", "1", ""], stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if not r: # Can already ping, try connecting on wifi try: p = Panda("WIFI") p.get_serial() print("Already connected") return except: pass print("WIFI: connecting to %s" % ssid) while 1: if sys.platform == "darwin": os.system("networksetup -setairportnetwork en0 %s %s" % (ssid, pw)) else: wlan_interface = subprocess.check_output(["sh", "-c", "iw dev | awk '/Interface/ {print $2}'"]).strip().decode('utf8') cnt = 0 MAX_TRIES = 10 while cnt < MAX_TRIES: print("WIFI: scanning %d" % cnt) os.system("iwlist %s scanning > /dev/null" % wlan_interface) os.system("nmcli device wifi rescan") wifi_networks = [x.decode("utf8") for x in subprocess.check_output(["nmcli", "dev", "wifi", "list"]).split(b"\n")] wifi_scan = [x for x in wifi_networks if ssid in x] if len(wifi_scan) != 0: break time.sleep(0.1) # MAX_TRIES tries, ~10 seconds max cnt += 1 assert cnt < MAX_TRIES if "-pair" in wifi_scan[0]: os.system("nmcli d wifi connect %s-pair" % (ssid)) connect_cnt = 0 MAX_TRIES = 100 while connect_cnt < MAX_TRIES: connect_cnt += 1 r =["ping", "-W", "4", "-c", "1", ""], stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if r: print("Waiting for panda to ping...") time.sleep(0.5) else: break if insecure_okay: break # fetch webpage print("connecting to insecure network to secure") try: r = requests.get("") except requests.ConnectionError: r = requests.get("") assert r.status_code == 200 print("securing") try: r = requests.get("", timeout=0.01) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: print("timeout http request to secure") pass else: ret = os.system("nmcli d wifi connect %s password %s" % (ssid, pw)) if os.WEXITSTATUS(ret) == 0: #check ping too ping_ok = False connect_cnt = 0 MAX_TRIES = 10 while connect_cnt < MAX_TRIES: connect_cnt += 1 r =["ping", "-W", "4", "-c", "1", ""], stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if r: print("Waiting for panda to ping...") time.sleep(0.1) else: ping_ok = True break if ping_ok: break # TODO: confirm that it's connected to the right panda