#define BOOTSTUB #define VERS_TAG 0x53524556 #define MIN_VERSION 2 #include "config.h" #include "obj/gitversion.h" #ifdef STM32F4 #include "stm32f4xx.h" #include "stm32f4xx_hal_gpio_ex.h" #else #include "stm32f2xx.h" #include "stm32f2xx_hal_gpio_ex.h" #endif // ******************** Prototypes ******************** void puts(const char *a){ UNUSED(a); } void puth(unsigned int i){ UNUSED(i); } void puth2(unsigned int i){ UNUSED(i); } typedef struct board board; typedef struct harness_configuration harness_configuration; // No CAN support on bootloader void can_flip_buses(uint8_t bus1, uint8_t bus2){UNUSED(bus1); UNUSED(bus2);} void can_set_obd(int harness_orientation, bool obd){UNUSED(harness_orientation); UNUSED(obd);} // ********************* Globals ********************** int hw_type = 0; const board *current_board; // ********************* Includes ********************* #include "libc.h" #include "provision.h" #include "critical.h" #include "faults.h" #include "drivers/registers.h" #include "drivers/interrupts.h" #include "drivers/clock.h" #include "drivers/llgpio.h" #include "drivers/adc.h" #include "drivers/pwm.h" #include "board.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "drivers/spi.h" #include "drivers/usb.h" //#include "drivers/uart.h" #include "crypto/rsa.h" #include "crypto/sha.h" #include "obj/cert.h" #include "spi_flasher.h" void __initialize_hardware_early(void) { early(); } void fail(void) { soft_flasher_start(); } // know where to sig check extern void *_app_start[]; // FIXME: sometimes your panda will fail flashing and will quickly blink a single Green LED // BOUNTY: $200 coupon on shop.comma.ai or $100 check. int main(void) { // Init interrupt table init_interrupts(true); disable_interrupts(); clock_init(); detect_configuration(); detect_board_type(); if (enter_bootloader_mode == ENTER_SOFTLOADER_MAGIC) { enter_bootloader_mode = 0; soft_flasher_start(); } // validate length int len = (int)_app_start[0]; if ((len < 8) || (len > (0x1000000 - 0x4000 - 4 - RSANUMBYTES))) goto fail; // compute SHA hash uint8_t digest[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE]; SHA_hash(&_app_start[1], len-4, digest); // verify version, last bytes in the signed area uint32_t vers[2] = {0}; memcpy(&vers, ((void*)&_app_start[0]) + len - sizeof(vers), sizeof(vers)); if (vers[0] != VERS_TAG || vers[1] < MIN_VERSION) { goto fail; } // verify RSA signature if (RSA_verify(&release_rsa_key, ((void*)&_app_start[0]) + len, RSANUMBYTES, digest, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE)) { goto good; } // allow debug if built from source #ifdef ALLOW_DEBUG if (RSA_verify(&debug_rsa_key, ((void*)&_app_start[0]) + len, RSANUMBYTES, digest, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE)) { goto good; } #endif // here is a failure fail: fail(); return 0; good: // jump to flash ((void(*)(void)) _app_start[1])(); return 0; }