
142 lines
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#pragma once
#include "panda/panda.h"
#include "J2534_v0404.h"
#include "synchronize.h"
#include "J2534Frame.h"
#include "PandaJ2534Device.h"
#include "J2534MessageFilter.h"
#include "MessagePeriodic.h"
class J2534Frame;
class Action;
class PandaJ2534Device;
class J2534MessageFilter;
#define check_bmask(num, mask)(((num) & mask) == mask)
Class representing a generic J2534 Connection created by PassThruConnect,
and is associated with a channelID given to the J2534 API user.
Subclasses implement specific J2534 supported protocols.
class J2534Connection : public std::enable_shared_from_this<J2534Connection> {
friend class PandaJ2534Device;
std::shared_ptr<PandaJ2534Device> panda_dev,
unsigned long ProtocolID,
unsigned long Flags,
unsigned long BaudRate
virtual ~J2534Connection() {};
//J2534 API functions
virtual long PassThruReadMsgs(PASSTHRU_MSG *pMsg, unsigned long *pNumMsgs, unsigned long Timeout);
long PassThruWriteMsgs(PASSTHRU_MSG *pMsg, unsigned long *pNumMsgs, unsigned long Timeout);
virtual long PassThruStartPeriodicMsg(PASSTHRU_MSG *pMsg, unsigned long *pMsgID, unsigned long TimeInterval);
virtual long PassThruStopPeriodicMsg(unsigned long MsgID);
virtual long PassThruStartMsgFilter(unsigned long FilterType, PASSTHRU_MSG *pMaskMsg, PASSTHRU_MSG *pPatternMsg,
PASSTHRU_MSG *pFlowControlMsg, unsigned long *pFilterID);
virtual long PassThruStopMsgFilter(unsigned long FilterID);
virtual long PassThruIoctl(unsigned long IoctlID, void *pInput, void *pOutput);
//Functions for parsing messages to be send with PassThruWriteMsgs.
virtual unsigned long validateTxMsg(PASSTHRU_MSG* msg);
virtual std::shared_ptr<MessageTx> parseMessageTx(PASSTHRU_MSG& msg) { return nullptr; };
//IOCTL functions
long init5b(SBYTE_ARRAY* pInput, SBYTE_ARRAY* pOutput);
long initFast(PASSTHRU_MSG* pInput, PASSTHRU_MSG* pOutput);
long clearTXBuff();
long clearRXBuff();
long clearPeriodicMsgs();
long clearMsgFilters();
virtual void setBaud(unsigned long baud);
unsigned long getBaud() {
return this->BaudRate;
unsigned long getProtocol() {
return this->ProtocolID;
virtual bool isProtoCan() {
return FALSE;
//Port is used in a protocol specific way to differentiate tranceivers.
unsigned long getPort() {
return this->port;
virtual void processIOCTLSetConfig(unsigned long Parameter, unsigned long Value);
virtual unsigned long processIOCTLGetConfig(unsigned long Parameter);
//Called when the passthru device has received a message for this connection
//Loopback messages are processed separately.
virtual void processMessage(const J2534Frame& msg);
//Limitations on message size. Override in every subclass.
virtual unsigned long getMinMsgLen() {
return 1;
virtual unsigned long getMaxMsgLen() {
return 4128;
virtual unsigned long getMaxMsgSingleFrameLen() {
return 12;
//Add an Action to the Task Queue for future processing.
//The task should be set its expire time before being submitted.
void schedultMsgTx(std::shared_ptr<Action> msgout);
void rescheduleExistingTxMsgs();
std::shared_ptr<PandaJ2534Device> getPandaDev() {
if (auto panda_dev_sp = this->panda_dev.lock())
return panda_dev_sp;
return nullptr;
//Add a message to the queue read by PassThruReadMsgs().
void addMsgToRxQueue(const J2534Frame& frame) {
synchronized(messageRxBuff_mutex) {
bool loopback = FALSE;
unsigned long ProtocolID;
unsigned long Flags;
unsigned long BaudRate;
unsigned long port;
std::weak_ptr<PandaJ2534Device> panda_dev;
Mutex messageRxBuff_mutex;
std::queue<J2534Frame> messageRxBuff;
std::array<std::shared_ptr<J2534MessageFilter>, 10> filters;
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<Action>> txbuff;
std::array<std::shared_ptr<MessagePeriodic>, 10> periodicMessages;
Mutex staged_writes_lock;