
149 lines
6.0 KiB

import DeleteIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Delete';
import FavoriteBorderIcon from '@mui/icons-material/FavoriteBorder';
import OpenInNewIcon from '@mui/icons-material/OpenInNew';
import { Skeleton } from '@mui/material';
import Box from '@mui/material/Box';
import IconButton from '@mui/material/IconButton';
import Paper from '@mui/material/Paper';
import Table from '@mui/material/Table';
import TableBody from '@mui/material/TableBody';
import TableCell from '@mui/material/TableCell';
import TableContainer from '@mui/material/TableContainer';
import TableHead from '@mui/material/TableHead';
import TableRow from '@mui/material/TableRow';
import Tooltip from '@mui/material/Tooltip';
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { context as DeviceContext } from "./../../../context/devices";
import { context as SnackbarContext } from "./../../../context/toast";
import * as deviceController from "./../../../controllers/devices";
import * as helpers from "./../../../controllers/helpers"
import ViewDrive from "./view_drive"
export default function EnhancedTable(props) {
const [deviceState, dispatch] = useContext(DeviceContext)
const [, notifDispatch] = useContext(SnackbarContext)
const [state, setState] = useState({selectedSegment: null})
useEffect(() => {
deviceController.getDrives(props.dongleId).then((res) => {
setTimeout(() => {
dispatch({ type: "update_dongle_drive", dongle_id: props.dongleId, drives: })
}, 1)
}).catch(() => {
notifDispatch({type: "NEW_TOAST", msg: 'Failed to load drives'})
}, [dispatch, notifDispatch, props.dongleId])
return (
<Box sx={{ width: '100%' }}>
<Paper sx={{ width: '100%', mb: 2 }}>
sx={{ minWidth: 750 }}
<TableCell>File size</TableCell>
{/* if you don't need to support IE11, you can replace the `stableSort` call with:
rows.slice().sort(getComparator(order, orderBy)) */}
{deviceState.dongles[props.dongleId].drives ? deviceState.dongles[props.dongleId], index) => {
let metadata;
try {
metadata = JSON.parse(row.metadata)
} catch (err) { metadata = {} }
return (
onClick={()=>{state.selectedSegment === index ? setState({...state, selectedSegment: null }) : setState({...state, selectedSegment: index })}}
<TableCell >{metadata.hasOwnProperty('CarParams1') ? metadata.CarParams['CarName'] : "Glorious Skoda"}</TableCell>
<TableCell >{metadata.hasOwnProperty('InitData1') ? metadata.InitData['Version'] : "Lemon boy"}</TableCell>
<TableCell >{Math.round(row.filesize / 1024) + ' MiB'}</TableCell>
<TableCell >{helpers.formatDuration(row.duration)}</TableCell>
<TableCell >{Math.round(row.distance_meters / 1000)}</TableCell>
<TableCell >{row.upload_complete.toString()}</TableCell>
<TableCell >{row.is_processed.toString()}</TableCell>
<TableCell >{helpers.formatDate(row.drive_date)}</TableCell>
<Tooltip title="Open in new window">
<IconButton size="small">
<OpenInNewIcon fontSize="inherit" />
<Tooltip title="Preserve">
<IconButton size="small">
<FavoriteBorderIcon fontSize="inherit" />
<Tooltip title="Delete">
<IconButton size="small">
<DeleteIcon fontSize="inherit" />
}) :
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1].map((v) => (
<TableCell padding="checkbox">
<Skeleton animation="wave" />
<Skeleton animation="wave" />
<TableCell ><Skeleton animation="wave" /></TableCell>
<TableCell ><Skeleton animation="wave" /></TableCell>
<TableCell ><Skeleton animation="wave" /></TableCell>
<TableCell ><Skeleton animation="wave" /></TableCell>
<TableCell ><Skeleton animation="wave" /></TableCell>
<TableCell ><Skeleton animation="wave" /></TableCell>
<TableCell ><Skeleton animation="wave" /></TableCell>
<TableCell ><Skeleton animation="wave" /></TableCell>
{state.selectedSegment ? <ViewDrive dongleId={props.dongleId} drive={state.selectedSegment} /> : null }