
355 lines
16 KiB

import DeleteIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Delete';
import FavoriteBorderIcon from '@mui/icons-material/FavoriteBorder';
import OpenInNewIcon from '@mui/icons-material/OpenInNew';
import { Skeleton } from '@mui/material';
import Box from '@mui/material/Box';
import IconButton from '@mui/material/IconButton';
import Paper from '@mui/material/Paper';
import Table from '@mui/material/Table';
import TableBody from '@mui/material/TableBody';
import TableCell from '@mui/material/TableCell';
import TableContainer from '@mui/material/TableContainer';
import TableHead from '@mui/material/TableHead';
import TableRow from '@mui/material/TableRow';
import Tooltip from '@mui/material/Tooltip';
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { context as DeviceContext } from "./../../../context/devices";
import { context as SnackbarContext } from "./../../../context/toast";
import * as deviceController from "./../../../controllers/devices";
import * as helpers from "./../../../controllers/helpers"
import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"
export default function EnhancedTable(props) {
const [deviceState, dispatch] = useContext(DeviceContext)
const [notifState, notifdispatch] = useContext(SnackbarContext)
const [state, setState] = useState({ loading: true, firstReqSent: false, segment: null, drive: null })
if ( === null) {
setState({...state, drive:})
if ( !== {
setState({...state, loading: true, firstReqSent: false, segment: null, drive:})
const dongle_id = props.dongleId;
const drive_id =;
const dongle = deviceState.dongles[dongle_id];
console.log("view drive", dongle)
console.log("drives", dongle.drives)
if (!dongle || !dongle.drives) return (<p>loading</p>)
if (state.segment === null) {
// TODO Make this not run multiple times
deviceController.getDriveSegments(dongle_id, dongle.drives[drive_id].identifier).then((res) => {
console.log("my res",
if ( === null) {
setState({ ...state, loading: false, firstReqSent: true, segment: [] })
} else {
setState({ ...state, loading: false, firstReqSent: true, segment: })
const drive = dongle.drives[drive_id];
let vehicle = "";
let version = "";
let gitRemote = "";
let gitBranch = "";
let gitCommit = "";
let metadata = {};
let response = ""
try {
metadata = JSON.parse(drive.metadata);
if (metadata['InitData']) {
version = metadata['InitData']['Version'] || "Unknown";
gitRemote = metadata['InitData']['GitRemote'] || "Unknown";
gitBranch = metadata['InitData']['GitBranch'] || "Unknown";
gitCommit = metadata['InitData']['GitCommit'] || "Unknown";
if (metadata['CarParams']) {
if (metadata['CarParams']['CarName'] !== undefined) vehicle += (metadata['CarParams']['CarName'].toUpperCase()) + " ";
if (metadata['CarParams']['CarFingerprint'] !== undefined) vehicle += (metadata['CarParams']['CarFingerprint'].toUpperCase())
} catch (exception) { console.log(exception) }
//const directoryTree = dirTree(config.storagePath + device.dongle_id + "/" + dongleIdHash + "/" + driveIdentifierHash + "/" + drive.identifier);
const directoryTree = state.segment;
const driveUrl = "driveurl"
var directorySegments = {};
if (directoryTree) {
for (var i in directoryTree.children) {
// skip any non-directory entries (for example m3u8 file in the drive directory)
if (directoryTree.children[i].type != 'directory') continue;
var segment = directoryTree.children[i].name;
let logSegment = {}
for (var c in directoryTree.children[i].children) {
logSegment[directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name] = {
url: `${driveUrl}/${segment}/${directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name}`,
name: directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name,
fileSize: directoryTree.children[i].children[c].size
directorySegments[segment] = logSegment;
console.log("output is", directorySegments)
return (
<Box sx={{ width: '100%' }}>
<Paper sx={{ width: '100%', mb: 2, padding: '20px' }}>
<Typography variant="body1"><b>Vehicle:</b> {vehicle}</Typography>
<Typography variant="body1"><b>Version:</b> {version}</Typography>
<Typography variant="body1"><b>gitRemote:</b> {gitRemote}</Typography>
<Typography variant="body1"><b>gitBranch:</b> {gitBranch}</Typography>
<Typography variant="body1"><b>gitCommit:</b> {gitCommit}</Typography>
<Typography variant="body2"><b>Fingerprint: </b></Typography>
sx={{ minWidth: 750 }}
<TableCell >Segment ID</TableCell>
<TableCell >File</TableCell>
<TableCell >File size</TableCell>
<TableCell >Actions</TableCell>
directorySegments ? Object.keys(directorySegments).map((key, index) => {
return Object.keys(directorySegments[key]).map((key1, index1) => (
<TableRow hover>
<TableCell >{key}</TableCell>
<TableCell >{directorySegments[key][key1].name}</TableCell>
<TableCell>{Math.round(directorySegments[key][key1].fileSize / 1024) + ' MiB'}</TableCell>
<Tooltip title="Open in new window">
<IconButton size="small" onClick={() =>[key][key1].url, "_blank")}>
<OpenInNewIcon fontSize="inherit" />
}) : null
</Box >
var dongleIdHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', config.applicationSalt).update(device.dongle_id).digest('hex');
var driveIdentifierHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', config.applicationSalt).update(drive.identifier).digest('hex');
var driveUrl = config.baseDriveDownloadUrl + device.dongle_id + "/" + dongleIdHash + "/" + driveIdentifierHash + "/" + drive.identifier + "/";
var cabanaUrl = null;
if (drive.is_processed) {
cabanaUrl = config.cabanaUrl + '?retropilotIdentifier=' + device.dongle_id + '|' + dongleIdHash + '|' + drive.identifier + '|' + driveIdentifierHash + '&retropilotHost=' + encodeURIComponent(config.baseUrl) + '&demo=1"';
var response = `<html style="font-family: monospace">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
.video-js .vjs-current-time,
.vjs-no-flex .vjs-current-time {
display: block;
.vjs-default-skin.vjs-paused .vjs-big-play-button {display: none;}
<h2>Welcome To The RetroPilot Server Dashboard!</h2>
<a href="/useradmin/device/` + device.dongle_id + `">< < < Back To Device ` + device.dongle_id + `</a>
<b>Car Parameters:</b>
<a id="show-button" href="#" onclick="
document.getElementById('hide-button').style.display = 'inline';
document.getElementById('show-button').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('car-parameter-div').style.display = 'block';
return false;">Show</a>
<a id="hide-button" style="display: none;" href="#" onclick="
document.getElementById('hide-button').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('show-button').style.display = 'inline';
document.getElementById('car-parameter-div').style.display = 'none';
return false;">Hide</a>
<br><pre id="car-parameter-div" style="display: none; font-size: 0.8em">` + JSON.stringify(metadata!=undefined && metadata['CarParams']!=undefined ? metadata['CarParams'] : {}, null, 2).replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, "<br>") + `</pre>
<b>Preview <span id="current_preview_segment"></span>:</b>
cabanaUrl ? `
<video id="drive_preview" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls width="480" height="386">
<source src="`+driveUrl+`/qcamera.m3u8" type='application/x-mpegURL'>
var player = videojs('drive_preview',
"controls": true, "autoplay": false, "preload": "auto",
"controlBar": {
"remainingTimeDisplay": false
player.on('timeupdate', function () {
var segment = get_current_segment_info(this);
document.getElementById('current_preview_segment').textContent='(Segment: '+segment[0]+' | '+segment[1]+'% - Timestamp: '+segment[2]+')';
function get_current_segment_info(obj, old_segment = null) {
var target_media =;
if (!target_media) {
return [0, 0, 0];
var snapshot_time = obj.currentTime();
var segment;
var segment_time;
for (var i = 0, l = target_media.segments.length; i < l; i++) {
if (snapshot_time < target_media.segments[i].end) {
segment = target_media.segments[i];
if (segment) {
segment_time = Math.max(0, snapshot_time - (segment.end - segment.duration));
} else {
segment = target_media.segments[0];
segment_time = 0;
if (segment) {
var uri_arr = segment.uri.split("/");
return [uri_arr[uri_arr.length-2], Math.round(100/segment.duration*segment_time), Math.round(snapshot_time)];
return [0, 0, Math.round(snapshot_time)];
` : `(avaiable after processing)`)
` + (cabanaUrl ? '<a href="' + cabanaUrl + '" target=_blank><b>View Drive in CABANA</b></a>' : 'View Drive in CABANA') + `
<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2>
var directorySegments = {};
for (var i in directoryTree.children) {
// skip any non-directory entries (for example m3u8 file in the drive directory)
if (directoryTree.children[i].type != 'directory') continue;
var segment = directoryTree.children[i].name;
var qcamera = '--';
var fcamera = '--';
var dcamera = '--';
var qlog = '--';
var rlog = '--';
for (var c in directoryTree.children[i].children) {
if (directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name == 'fcamera.hevc') fcamera = '<a target="_blank" href="' + driveUrl + segment + '/' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '">' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '</a>';
if (directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name == 'dcamera.hevc') fcamera = '<a target="_blank" href="' + driveUrl + segment + '/' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '">' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '</a>';
if (directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name == 'qcamera.ts') qcamera = '<a target="_blank" href="' + driveUrl + segment + '/' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '">' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '</a>';
if (directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name == 'qlog.bz2') qlog = '<a target="_blank" href="' + driveUrl + segment + '/' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '">' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '</a>';
if (directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name == 'rlog.bz2') rlog = '<a target="_blank" href="' + driveUrl + segment + '/' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '">' + directoryTree.children[i].children[c].name + '</a>';
var isProcessed = '?';
var isStalled = '?';
const drive_segment = await models.__db.get('SELECT * FROM drive_segments WHERE segment_id = ? AND drive_identifier = ? AND dongle_id = ?', parseInt(segment), drive.identifier, device.dongle_id);
if (drive_segment) {
isProcessed = drive_segment.is_processed;
isStalled = drive_segment.is_stalled;
directorySegments["seg-" + segment] = '<tr><td>' + segment + '</td><td>' + qcamera + '</td><td>' + qlog + '</td><td>' + fcamera + '</td><td>' + rlog + '</td><td>' + dcamera + '</td><td>' + isProcessed + '</td><td>' + isStalled + '</td></tr>';
var qcamera = '--';
var fcamera = '--';
var dcamera = '--';
var qlog = '--';
var rlog = '--';
var isProcessed = '?';
var isStalled = '?';
for (var i = 0; i <= drive.max_segment; i++) {
if (directorySegments["seg-" + i] == undefined) {
response += '<tr><td>' + i + '</td><td>' + qcamera + '</td><td>' + qlog + '</td><td>' + fcamera + '</td><td>' + rlog + '</td><td>' + dcamera + '</td><td>' + isProcessed + '</td><td>' + isStalled + '</td></tr>';
} else
response += directorySegments["seg-" + i];
response += `</table>
<a href="/useradmin/signout">Sign Out</a></body></html>`;