NODE_ENV=development APP_SALT=RANDOM_SEED DB_NAME=retro-pilot DB_USER=root DB_PASS=root # If using docker compose, this should match the container service name DB_HOST=db DB_PORT=5432 # Whether or not to DROP all tables and recreate to match the current models DB_FORCE_SYNC=false ALLOW_REGISTRATION=true AUTH_2FA_ISSUER=RetroPilot HTTP_INTERFACE= HTTP_PORT=8080 # Set to false to skip sending mail, all attempted mail is logged under DEBUG CAN_SEND_MAIL=true # credentials for smtp server to send account registration mails. if not filled in, get the generated tokens from the server.log manually SMTP_HOST="localhost" SMTP_PORT=25 SMTP_USER=root SMTP_PASS= SMTP_FROM="" # base url of the retropilot server BASE_URL="" # base url sent to devices for POSTing drives & logs BASE_UPLOAD_URL="" # base download url for drive & log data BASE_DRIVE_DOWNLOAD_URL="" # path mapping of above download url for expressjs, prefix with "/" BASE_DRIVE_DOWNLOAD_PATH_MAPPING="/realdata" # relative or absolute ( "/..." for absolute path ) STORAGE_PATH="realdata/" CABANA_URL="" DEVICE_STORAGE_QUOTA_MB=200000 DEVICE_EXPIRATION_DAYS=30 WELCOME_MESSAGE="<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
2022 RetroPilot" USE_USER_ADMIN_API=0 CLIENT_SOCKET_PORT=81 CLIENT_SOCKET_HOST="" # Enables Athena service ATHENA_ENABLED=1 # Disables crypto on Websocket server - use for testing on local network, change ATHENA_HOST in openpilot to ws:// instead of wss:// ATHENA_SECURE=1 # Maxmium hits to /realtime/* per 30s ATHENA_API_RATE_LIMIT=100 ATHENA_SOCKET_HOST="" ATHENA_SOCKET_PORT=4040 # Higher the number = lower traffic, varies on how many devices are connected ATHENA_SOCKET_HEARTBEAT_FREQ=5000