import 'dotenv/config'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import fs from 'fs'; import path, { dirname } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import log4js from 'log4js'; import lockfile from 'proper-lockfile'; import dirTree from 'directory-tree'; import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import Reader from '@commaai/log_reader'; import ffprobe from 'ffprobe'; import ffprobeStatic from 'ffprobe-static'; import orm from '../models/index.model'; let lastCleaningTime = 0; let startTime =; log4js.configure({ appenders: { logfile: { type: 'file', filename: 'worker.log' }, out: { type: 'console' } }, categories: { default: { appenders: ['out', 'logfile'], level: 'info' } } }); const logger = log4js.getLogger('default'); const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); global.__basedir = __dirname; function initializeStorage() { const verifiedPath = mkDirByPathSync(process.env.STORAGE_PATH, { isRelativeToScript: (process.env.STORAGE_PATH.indexOf('/') !== 0) }); if (verifiedPath != null) {`Verified storage path ${verifiedPath}`); } else { logger.error(`Unable to verify storage path '${process.env.STORAGE_PATH}', check filesystem / permissions`); process.exit(); } } function mkDirByPathSync(targetDir, { isRelativeToScript = false } = {}) { const { sep } = path; const initDir = path.isAbsolute(targetDir) ? sep : ''; const baseDir = isRelativeToScript ? __dirname : '.'; return targetDir.split(sep) .reduce((parentDir, childDir) => { const curDir = path.resolve(baseDir, parentDir, childDir); try { fs.mkdirSync(curDir); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'EEXIST') { // curDir already exists! return curDir; } // To avoid `EISDIR` error on Mac and `EACCES`-->`ENOENT` and `EPERM` on Windows. if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { // Throw the original parentDir error on curDir `ENOENT` failure. logger.error(`EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '${parentDir}'`); return null; } const caughtErr = ['EACCES', 'EPERM', 'EISDIR'].indexOf(err.code) > -1; if (!caughtErr || (caughtErr && curDir === path.resolve(targetDir))) { logger.error('\'EACCES\', \'EPERM\', \'EISDIR\' during mkdir'); return null; } } return curDir; }, initDir); } function writeFileSync(path, buffer, permission) { let fileDescriptor; try { fileDescriptor = fs.openSync(path, 'w', permission); } catch (e) { fs.chmodSync(path, permission); fileDescriptor = fs.openSync(path, 'w', permission); } if (fileDescriptor) { fs.writeSync(fileDescriptor, buffer, 0, buffer.length, 0); fs.closeSync(fileDescriptor);`writeFileSync wiriting to '${path}' successful`); return true; } logger.error(`writeFileSync writing to '${path}' failed`); return false; } // eslint-disable-next-line function moveUploadedFile(buffer, directory, filename) {`moveUploadedFile called with '${filename}' -> '${directory}'`); if (directory.indexOf('..') >= 0 || filename.indexOf('..') >= 0) { logger.error('moveUploadedFile failed, .. in directory or filename'); return false; } if (process.env.STORAGE_PATH.lastIndexOf('/') !== process.env.STORAGE_PATH.length - 1) { directory = `/${directory}`; } if (directory.lastIndexOf('/') !== directory.length - 1) directory += '/'; const finalPath = mkDirByPathSync(process.env.STORAGE_PATH + directory, { isRelativeToScript: (process.env.STORAGE_PATH.indexOf('/') !== 0) }); if (finalPath && finalPath.length > 0) { if (writeFileSync(`${finalPath}/${filename}`, buffer, 0o660)) {`moveUploadedFile successfully written '${finalPath}/${filename}'`); return `${finalPath}/${filename}`; } logger.error('moveUploadedFile failed to writeFileSync'); return false; } logger.error(`moveUploadedFile invalid final path, check permissions to create / write '${process.env.STORAGE_PATH + directory}'`); return false; } function deleteFolderRecursive(directoryPath) { if (fs.existsSync(directoryPath)) { fs.readdirSync(directoryPath) .forEach((file) => { const curPath = path.join(directoryPath, file); if (fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { deleteFolderRecursive(curPath); } else { fs.unlinkSync(curPath); } }); fs.rmdirSync(directoryPath); } } let segmentProcessQueue = []; let segmentProcessPosition = 0; let affectedDrives = {}; let affectedDriveInitData = {}; let affectedDriveCarParams = {}; let affectedDevices = {}; let rlog_lastTsInternal = 0; let rlog_prevLatInternal = -1000; let rlog_prevLngInternal = -1000; let rlog_totalDistInternal = 0; let rlog_lastTsExternal = 0; let rlog_prevLatExternal = -1000; let rlog_prevLngExternal = -1000; let rlog_totalDistExternal = 0; let rlog_CarParams = null; let rlog_InitData = null; let qcamera_duration = 0; function processSegmentRLog(rLogPath) { rlog_lastTsInternal = 0; rlog_prevLatInternal = -1000; rlog_prevLngInternal = -1000; rlog_totalDistInternal = 0; rlog_lastTsExternal = 0; rlog_prevLatExternal = -1000; rlog_prevLngExternal = -1000; rlog_totalDistExternal = 0; rlog_CarParams = null; rlog_InitData = null; return new Promise( (resolve) => { const temporaryFile = rLogPath.replace('.bz2', ''); try { execSync(`bunzip2 -k -f "${rLogPath}"`); } catch (exception) { // if bunzip2 fails, something was wrong with the file (corrupt / missing) logger.error(exception); try { fs.unlinkSync(temporaryFile); } catch (exception) { } resolve(); return; } let readStream; let reader; try { readStream = fs.createReadStream(temporaryFile); reader = Reader(readStream); } catch (err) { logger.error('314 - logger', err); } readStream.on('close', () => {'processSegmentRLog readStream close event triggered, resolving promise'); try { fs.unlinkSync(temporaryFile); } catch (exception) { } resolve(); }); //const jsonLog = fs.createWriteStream(rLogPath.replace('.bz2', '.json')); try { reader((obj) => { //jsonLog.write(JSON.stringify(obj)); try { if (obj.LogMonoTime !== undefined && obj.LogMonoTime - rlog_lastTsInternal >= 1000000 * 1000 * 0.99 && obj.GpsLocation !== undefined) {`processSegmentRLog GpsLocation @ ${obj.LogMonoTime}: ${obj.GpsLocation.Latitude} ${obj.GpsLocation.Longitude}`); if (rlog_prevLatInternal != -1000) { const lat1 = rlog_prevLatInternal; const lat2 = obj.GpsLocation.Latitude; const lon1 = rlog_prevLngInternal; const lon2 = obj.GpsLocation.Longitude; const p = 0.017453292519943295; // Math.PI / 180 const c = Math.cos; const a = 0.5 - c((lat2 - lat1) * p) / 2 + c(lat1 * p) * c(lat2 * p) * (1 - c((lon2 - lon1) * p)) / 2; let dist_m = 1000 * 12742 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a)); // 2 * R; R = 6371 km if (dist_m > 70) dist_m = 0; // each segment is max. 60s. if the calculated speed would exceed ~250km/h for this segment, we assume the coordinates off / defective and skip it rlog_totalDistInternal += dist_m; } rlog_prevLatInternal = obj.GpsLocation.Latitude; rlog_prevLngInternal = obj.GpsLocation.Longitude; rlog_lastTsInternal = obj.LogMonoTime; } else if (obj.LogMonoTime !== undefined && obj.LogMonoTime - rlog_lastTsExternal >= 1000000 * 1000 * 0.99 && obj.GpsLocationExternal !== undefined) {`processSegmentRLog GpsLocationExternal @ ${obj.LogMonoTime}: ${obj.GpsLocationExternal.Latitude} ${obj.GpsLocationExternal.Longitude}`); if (rlog_prevLatExternal != -1000) { const lat1 = rlog_prevLatExternal; const lat2 = obj.GpsLocationExternal.Latitude; const lon1 = rlog_prevLngExternal; const lon2 = obj.GpsLocationExternal.Longitude; const p = 0.017453292519943295; // Math.PI / 180 const c = Math.cos; const a = 0.5 - c((lat2 - lat1) * p) / 2 + c(lat1 * p) * c(lat2 * p) * (1 - c((lon2 - lon1) * p)) / 2; let dist_m = 1000 * 12742 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a)); // 2 * R; R = 6371 km if (dist_m > 70) dist_m = 0; // each segment is max. 60s. if the calculated speed would exceed ~250km/h for this segment, we assume the coordinates off / defective and skip it rlog_totalDistExternal += dist_m; } rlog_prevLatExternal = obj.GpsLocationExternal.Latitude; rlog_prevLngExternal = obj.GpsLocationExternal.Longitude; rlog_lastTsExternal = obj.LogMonoTime; } else if (obj.LogMonoTime !== undefined && obj.CarParams !== undefined && rlog_CarParams == null) { rlog_CarParams = obj.CarParams; } else if (obj.LogMonoTime !== undefined && obj.InitData !== undefined && rlog_InitData == null) { rlog_InitData = obj.InitData; } } catch (exception) { } }); } catch (readerERr) { throw new Error('reader Err 385', readerEEr); } } ); } function processSegmentVideo(qcameraPath) { qcamera_duration = 0; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ffprobe(qcameraPath, { path: ffprobeStatic.path }) .then((info) => { if (info.streams !== undefined && info.streams[0] !== undefined && info.streams[0].duration !== undefined) { qcamera_duration = info.streams[0].duration; }`processSegmentVideo duration: ${qcamera_duration}s`); resolve(); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); logger.error(`processSegmentVideo error: ${err}`); resolve(); }); }); } async function processSegmentsRecursive() { if (segmentProcessQueue.length <= segmentProcessPosition) { return updateDrives(); } const { segment, uploadComplete, driveIdentifier, fileStatus, } = segmentProcessQueue[segmentProcessPosition];`processSegmentsRecursive ${segment.dongle_id} ${segment.drive_identifier} ${segment.segment_id} ${JSON.stringify(segment)}`); segment.process_attempts += 1; await orm.query( `UPDATE drive_segments SET process_attempts = ${segment.process_attempts} WHERE id = ${}`, ); if (segment.process_attempts > 5) { logger.error(`FAILING TO PROCESS SEGMENT,${segment.dongle_id} ${segment.drive_identifier} ${segment.segment_id} JSON: ${JSON.stringify(segment)} SKIPPING `); segmentProcessPosition++; } else { Promise.all([ processSegmentRLog(fileStatus['rlog.bz2']), processSegmentVideo(fileStatus['qcamera.ts']), ]) .then(async () => {`processSegmentsRecursive ${segment.dongle_id} ${segment.drive_identifier} ${segment.segment_id} internal gps: ${Math.round(rlog_totalDistInternal * 100) / 100}m, external gps: ${Math.round(rlog_totalDistExternal * 100) / 100}m, duration: ${qcamera_duration}s`); const driveSegmentResult = await orm.models.drive_segments.update({ duration: Math.round(qcamera_duration), distance_meters: Math.round(Math.max(rlog_totalDistInternal, rlog_totalDistExternal) * 10) / 10, is_processed: true, upload_complete: uploadComplete, is_stalled: false }, {where: {id:}}) // if the update failed, stop right here with segment processing and try to update the drives at least if (driveSegmentResult === null) { segmentProcessPosition = segmentProcessQueue.length; } affectedDrives[driveIdentifier] = true; if (rlog_CarParams != null) { affectedDriveCarParams[driveIdentifier] = rlog_CarParams; } if (rlog_InitData != null) { affectedDriveInitData[driveIdentifier] = rlog_InitData; } segmentProcessPosition++; setTimeout(() => { processSegmentsRecursive(); }, 0); }) .catch((error) => { logger.error(error); }); } } async function updateSegments() { segmentProcessQueue = []; segmentProcessPosition = 0; affectedDrives = {}; affectedDriveCarParams = {}; affectedDriveInitData = {}; const [drive_segments] = await orm.query('SELECT * FROM drive_segments WHERE upload_complete = false AND is_stalled = false AND process_attempts < 5 ORDER BY created ASC');'updateSegments - total drive_segments', drive_segments.length); if (drive_segments != null) { for (let t = 0; t < drive_segments.length; t++) { const segment = drive_segments[t]; const dongleIdHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', process.env.APP_SALT) .update(segment.dongle_id) .digest('hex'); const driveIdentifierHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', process.env.APP_SALT) .update(segment.drive_identifier) .digest('hex'); const directoryTreePath = `${process.env.STORAGE_PATH + segment.dongle_id}/${dongleIdHash}/${driveIdentifierHash}/${segment.drive_identifier}/${segment.segment_id}`; const directoryTree = dirTree(directoryTreePath); if (directoryTree == null || directoryTree.children == undefined) { console.log('missing directory', directoryTreePath); continue; // happens if upload in progress (db entity written but directory not yet created) } const fileStatus = { 'fcamera.hevc': false, 'dcamera.hevc': false, 'qcamera.ts': false, 'qlog.bz2': false, 'rlog.bz2': false }; for (let i in directoryTree.children) { fileStatus[directoryTree.children[i].name] = directoryTree.children[i].path; } let uploadComplete = false; if (Object.keys(fileStatus).filter(key => fileStatus[key] === false).length === 0) { uploadComplete = true; } if (fileStatus['qcamera.ts'] !== false && fileStatus['rlog.bz2'] !== false && !segment.is_processed) { // can process segmentProcessQueue.push({ segment, fileStatus, uploadComplete, driveIdentifier: `${segment.dongle_id}|${segment.drive_identifier}` }); } else if (uploadComplete) {`updateSegments uploadComplete for ${segment.dongle_id} ${segment.drive_identifier} ${segment.segment_id}`); await orm.query( `UPDATE drive_segments SET upload_complete = true, is_stalled = false WHERE id = ${}` ); affectedDrives[`${segment.dongle_id}|${segment.drive_identifier}`] = true; } else if ( - segment.created > 10 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) { // ignore non-uploaded segments after 10 days until a new upload_url is requested (which resets is_stalled)`updateSegments isStalled for ${segment.dongle_id} ${segment.drive_identifier} ${segment.segment_id}`); await orm.query( `UPDATE drive_segments SET is_stalled = true WHERE id = ${}` ); } // we process at most 15 segments per batch if (segmentProcessQueue.length >= 15) { break; } } } if (segmentProcessQueue.length > 0) { processSegmentsRecursive(); } else // if no data is to be collected, call updateDrives to update those where eventually just the last segment completed the upload { updateDrives(); } } async function updateDevices() { // go through all affected devices (with deleted or updated drives) and update them (storage_used)`updateDevices - affected drives: ${JSON.stringify(affectedDevices)}`); for (const dongleId of Object.keys(affectedDevices)) { const [device] = await orm.query(`SELECT * FROM devices WHERE dongle_id = ${dongleId}`); if (device == null) continue; const dongleIdHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', process.env.APP_SALT) .update(device.dongle_id) .digest('hex'); const devicePath = `${process.env.STORAGE_PATH + device.dongle_id}/${dongleIdHash}`; const deviceQuotaMb = Math.round(parseInt(execSync(`du -s ${devicePath} | awk -F'\t' '{print $1;}'`) .toString()) / 1024);`updateDevices device ${dongleId} has an updated storage_used of: ${deviceQuotaMb} MB`); await orm.models.drives.update( { storage_used: deviceQuotaMb }, { where: { dongle_id: device.dongle_id, }, }, ); } affectedDevices = []; } async function updateDrives() { // go through all affected drives and update them / complete and/or build m3u8`updateDrives - affected drives: ${JSON.stringify(affectedDrives)}`); for (const key of Object.keys(affectedDrives)) { const [dongleId, driveIdentifier] = key.split('|'); let drive = await orm.models.drives.findOne({ where: { identifier: driveIdentifier, dongle_id: dongleId } }); if (drive == null) continue; drive = drive.dataValues; const dongleIdHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', process.env.APP_SALT) .update(drive.dongle_id) .digest('hex'); const driveIdentifierHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', process.env.APP_SALT) .update(drive.identifier) .digest('hex'); const driveUrl = `${process.env.BASE_DRIVE_DOWNLOAD_URL + drive.dongle_id}/${dongleIdHash}/${driveIdentifierHash}/${drive.identifier}`; const drivePath = `${process.env.STORAGE_PATH + drive.dongle_id}/${dongleIdHash}/${driveIdentifierHash}/${drive.identifier}`; let uploadComplete = true; let isProcessed = true; let totalDistanceMeters = 0; let totalDurationSeconds = 0; let playlistSegmentStrings = ''; const drive_segments = await orm.models.drive_segments.findAll({ where: { drive_identifier: driveIdentifier, dongle_id: dongleId }, order: [ orm.fn('ASC', orm.col('segment_id')), ] }); if (drive_segments != null) { for (let t = 0; t < drive_segments.length; t++) { if (!drive_segments[t].upload_complete) uploadComplete = false; if (!drive_segments[t].is_processed) { isProcessed = false; } else { totalDistanceMeters += parseFloat(drive_segments[t].distance_meters); totalDurationSeconds += parseFloat(drive_segments[t].duration); playlistSegmentStrings += `#EXTINF:${drive_segments[t].duration},${drive_segments[t].segment_id}\n${driveUrl}/${drive_segments[t].segment_id}/qcamera.ts\n`; } } } let { filesize } = drive; if (uploadComplete) { try { filesize = parseInt(execSync(`du -s ${drivePath} | awk -F'\t' '{print $1;}'`) .toString()); // in kilobytes } catch (exception) { } } let metadata = {}; try { metadata = JSON.parse(drive.metadata); } catch (exception) { logger.error(exception); } if (metadata == null) metadata = {}; if (affectedDriveInitData[key] != undefined && metadata.InitData == undefined) { metadata.InitData = affectedDriveInitData[key]; } if (affectedDriveCarParams[key] != undefined && metadata.CarParams == undefined) { metadata.CarParams = affectedDriveCarParams[key]; }`updateDrives drive ${dongleId} ${driveIdentifier} uploadComplete: ${uploadComplete}`); await orm.models.drives.update( {distance_meters: Math.round(totalDistanceMeters), duration: Math.round(totalDurationSeconds), upload_complete: uploadComplete, is_processed: isProcessed, filesize, metadata:JSON.stringify(metadata) }, {where: {id:}} ); affectedDevices[dongleId] = true; if (isProcessed) { // create the playlist file m3u8 for cabana const playlist = '#EXTM3U\n' + '#EXT-X-VERSION:3\n' + '#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:61\n' + '#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0\n' + `#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD\n${playlistSegmentStrings}\n` + '#EXT-X-ENDLIST'; fs.writeFileSync(`${drivePath}/qcamera.m3u8`, playlist); } } updateDevices(); setTimeout(() => { mainWorkerLoop(); }, 0); } async function deleteExpiredDrives() { const expirationTs = - process.env.DEVICE_EXPIRATION_DAYS * 24 * 3600 * 1000; const [expiredDrives] = await orm.query(`SELECT * FROM drives WHERE is_preserved = false AND is_deleted = false AND created < ${expirationTs}`); if (expiredDrives != null) { for (let t = 0; t < expiredDrives.length; t++) {`deleteExpiredDrives drive ${expiredDrives[t].dongle_id} ${expiredDrives[t].identifier} is older than ${process.env.DEVICE_EXPIRATION_DAYS} days, set is_deleted=true`); await orm.models.drives.update( { is_deleted: true }, {where: {id: expiredDrives[t].id}} ); } } } async function removeDeletedDrivesPhysically() { const [deletedDrives] = await orm.query('SELECT * FROM drives WHERE is_deleted = true AND is_physically_removed = false'); if (deletedDrives == null) { return; } for (let t = 0; t < deletedDrives.length; t++) {`removeDeletedDrivesPhysically drive ${deletedDrives[t].dongle_id} ${deletedDrives[t].identifier} is deleted, remove physical files and clean database`); const dongleIdHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', process.env.APP_SALT) .update(deletedDrives[t].dongle_id) .digest('hex'); const driveIdentifierHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', process.env.APP_SALT) .update(deletedDrives[t].identifier) .digest('hex'); const drivePath = `${process.env.STORAGE_PATH + deletedDrives[t].dongle_id}/${dongleIdHash}/${driveIdentifierHash}`;`removeDeletedDrivesPhysically drive ${deletedDrives[t].dongle_id} ${deletedDrives[t].identifier} storage path is ${drivePath}`); try { const driveResult = await orm.query(`UPDATE drives SET is_physically_removed = true WHERE id = ${deletedDrives[t].id}`); const driveSegmentResult = await orm.query( `DELETE FROM drive_segments WHERE drive_identifier = ${deletedDrives[t].identifier} AND dongle_id = ${deletedDrives[t].dongle_id}` ); if (driveResult != null && driveSegmentResult != null) deleteFolderRecursive(drivePath, { recursive: true }); affectedDevices[deletedDrives[t].dongle_id] = true; } catch (exception) { logger.error(exception); } } } async function deleteOverQuotaDrives() { const [devices] = await orm.query(`SELECT * FROM devices WHERE storage_used > ${process.env.DEVICE_STORAGE_QUOTA_MB}`); if (devices == null) { return; } for (let t = 0; t < devices.length; t++) { let foundDriveToDelete = false; const [driveNormal] = await orm.query(`SELECT * FROM drives WHERE dongle_id = ${devices[t].dongle_id} AND is_preserved = false AND is_deleted = false ORDER BY created ASC LIMIT 1`); if (driveNormal != null) {`deleteOverQuotaDrives drive ${driveNormal.dongle_id} ${driveNormal.identifier} (normal) is deleted for over-quota`); const [driveResult] = await orm.query( `UPDATE drives SET is_deleted = true WHERE id = ${}`, ); foundDriveToDelete = true; } if (!foundDriveToDelete) { const [drivePreserved] = await orm.query(`SELECT * FROM drives WHERE dongle_id = devices[t].dongle_id AND is_preserved = true AND is_deleted = false ORDER BY created ASC LIMIT 1`); if (drivePreserved != null) {`deleteOverQuotaDrives drive ${drivePreserved.dongle_id} ${drivePreserved.identifier} (preserved!) is deleted for over-quota`); const [driveResult] = await orm.query( `UPDATE drives SET is_deleted = ? WHERE id = ${}` ); foundDriveToDelete = true; } } } } async function deleteBootAndCrashLogs() { const [devices] = await orm.query('SELECT * FROM devices'); if (devices == null) { return; } for (let t = 0; t < devices.length; t++) { const device = devices[t]; const dongleIdHash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', process.env.APP_SALT) .update(device.dongle_id) .digest('hex'); const bootlogDirectoryTree = dirTree(`${process.env.STORAGE_PATH + device.dongle_id}/${dongleIdHash}/boot/`, { attributes: ['size'] }); const bootlogFiles = []; if (bootlogDirectoryTree != undefined) { for (let i = 0; i < bootlogDirectoryTree.children.length; i++) { const timeSplit = bootlogDirectoryTree.children[i].name.replace('boot-', '') .replace('crash-', '') .replace('\.bz2', '') .split('--'); const timeString = `${timeSplit[0]} ${timeSplit[1].replace(/-/g, ':')}`; bootlogFiles.push({ name: bootlogDirectoryTree.children[i].name, size: bootlogDirectoryTree.children[i].size, date: Date.parse(timeString), path: bootlogDirectoryTree.children[i].path }); } bootlogFiles.sort((a, b) => (( < ? 1 : -1)); for (let c = 5; c < bootlogFiles.length; c++) {`deleteBootAndCrashLogs deleting boot log ${bootlogFiles[c].path}`); try { fs.unlinkSync(bootlogFiles[c].path); affectedDevices[device.dongle_id] = true; } catch (exception) { logger.error(exception); } } } const crashlogDirectoryTree = dirTree(`${process.env.STORAGE_PATH + device.dongle_id}/${dongleIdHash}/crash/`, { attributes: ['size'] }); const crashlogFiles = []; if (crashlogDirectoryTree != undefined) { for (let i = 0; i < crashlogDirectoryTree.children.length; i++) { const timeSplit = crashlogDirectoryTree.children[i].name.replace('boot-', '') .replace('crash-', '') .replace('\.bz2', '') .split('--'); const timeString = `${timeSplit[0]} ${timeSplit[1].replace(/-/g, ':')}`; crashlogFiles.push({ name: crashlogDirectoryTree.children[i].name, size: crashlogDirectoryTree.children[i].size, date: Date.parse(timeString), path: crashlogDirectoryTree.children[i].path }); } crashlogFiles.sort((a, b) => (( < ? 1 : -1)); for (let c = 5; c < crashlogFiles.length; c++) {`deleteBootAndCrashLogs deleting crash log ${crashlogFiles[c].path}`); try { fs.unlinkSync(crashlogFiles[c].path); affectedDevices[device.dongle_id] = true; } catch (exception) { logger.error(exception); } } } } } async function mainWorkerLoop() { if ( - startTime > 60 * 60 * 1000) {'EXIT WORKER AFTER 1 HOUR TO PREVENT MEMORY LEAKS...'); process.exit(); } try { if ( - lastCleaningTime > 20 * 60 * 1000) { await deleteBootAndCrashLogs(); await deleteExpiredDrives(); await deleteOverQuotaDrives(); await removeDeletedDrivesPhysically(); lastCleaningTime =; } setTimeout(() => { updateSegments(); }, 5000); } catch (e) { logger.error(e); } } // make sure bunzip2 is available try { //execSync('bunzip2 --help'); } catch (exception) { logger.error('bunzip2 is not installed or not available in environment path'); process.exit(); } lockfile.lock('retropilot_worker', { realpath: false, stale: 90000, update: 2000 }) .then((release) => {'STARTING WORKER...'); (async () => { initializeStorage(); setTimeout(() => { mainWorkerLoop(); }, 0); })(); }) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); process.exit(); });