/* -Header_File SpiceZpr.h ( CSPICE prototypes ) -Abstract Define prototypes for CSPICE user-interface-level functions. -Disclaimer THIS SOFTWARE AND ANY RELATED MATERIALS WERE CREATED BY THE CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (CALTECH) UNDER A U.S. GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WITH THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA). THE SOFTWARE IS TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE UNDER U.S. EXPORT LAWS AND IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" TO THE RECIPIENT WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF PERFORMANCE OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE (AS SET FORTH IN UNITED STATES UCC SECTIONS 2312-2313) OR FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER, FOR THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED MATERIALS, HOWEVER USED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CALTECH, ITS JET PROPULSION LABORATORY, OR NASA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES AND/OR COSTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ECONOMIC DAMAGE OR INJURY TO PROPERTY AND LOST PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER CALTECH, JPL, OR NASA BE ADVISED, HAVE REASON TO KNOW, OR, IN FACT, SHALL KNOW OF THE POSSIBILITY. RECIPIENT BEARS ALL RISK RELATING TO QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE AND ANY RELATED MATERIALS, AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY CALTECH AND NASA FOR ALL THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS RESULTING FROM THE ACTIONS OF RECIPIENT IN THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE. -Required_Reading None. -Literature_References None. -Particulars This is the header file containing prototypes for CSPICE user-level C routines. Prototypes for the underlying f2c'd SPICELIB routines are contained in the separate header file SpiceZfc. However, those routines are not part of the official CSPICE API. -Author_and_Institution N.J. Bachman (JPL) K.R. Gehringer (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) F.S. Turner (JPL) E.D. Wright (JPL) -Version -CSPICE Version 12.10.0, 30-JAN-2008 (EDW) (NJB) Added prototypes for: ilumin_c pckcov_c pckfrm_c sincpt_c spkacs_c spkaps_c spkltc_c subpnt_c subslr_c wncard_c -CSPICE Version 12.9.0, 16-NOV-2006 (NJB) Bug fix: corrected prototype for vhatg_c. Renamed wnfild_c and wnfltd_c arguments `small' to 'smal' for compatiblity with MS Visual C++. Added prototypes for dafac_c dafdc_c dafec_c dafgda_c dascls_c dasopr_c kclear_c -CSPICE Version 12.8.0, 07-NOV-2005 (NJB) Added prototypes for bodvcd_c qdq2av_c qxq_c srfrec_c -CSPICE Version 12.7.0, 06-JAN-2004 (NJB) Added prototypes for bods2c_c ckcov_c ckobj_c dafopw_c dafrs_c dpgrdr_c drdpgr_c lspcn_c pgrrec_c recpgr_c spkcov_c spkobj_c -CSPICE Version 12.6.0, 24-FEB-2003 (NJB) Added prototype for bodvrd_c deltet_c srfxpt_c -CSPICE Version 12.5.0, 14-MAY-2003 (NJB) Removed prototype for getcml_. -CSPICE Version 12.4.0, 25-FEB-2003 (NJB) Added prototypes for dasac_c dasec_c et2lst_c -CSPICE Version 12.3.0, 03-SEP-2002 (NJB) Added prototypes for appndc_c appndd_c appndi_c bschoc_c bschoi_c bsrchc_c bsrchd_c bsrchi_c card_c ckw05_c copy_c cpos_c cposr_c diff_c elemc_c elemd_c elemi_c esrchc_c insrtc_c insrtd_c insrti_c inter_c isordv_c isrchc_c isrchd_c isrchi_c lparss_c lstlec_c lstled_c lstlei_c lstltc_c lstltd_c lstlti_c lx4dec_c lx4num_c lx4sgn_c lx4uns_c lxqstr_c ncpos_c ncposr_c ordc_c ordd_c ordi_c orderc_c orderd_c orderi_c pos_c posr_c prefix_c remove_c reordc_c reordd_c reordi_c reordl_c removc_c removd_c removi_c repmc_c repmct_c repmd_c repmf_c repmi_c repmot_c scard_c sdiff_c set_c shellc_c shelld_c shelli_c size_c scard_c spkw18_c ssize_c union_c valid_c wncomd_c wncond_c wndifd_c wnelmd_c wnexpd_c wnextd_c wnfetd_c wnfild_c wnfltd_c wnincd_c wninsd_c wnintd_c wnreld_c wnsumd_c wnunid_c wnvald_c zzsynccl_c -CSPICE Version 12.2.0, 23-OCT-2001 (NJB) Added prototypes for badkpv_c dcyldr_c dgeodr_c dlatdr_c drdcyl_c drdgeo_c drdlat_c drdsph_c dsphdr_c ekacec_c ekaced_c ekacei_c ekappr_c ekbseg_c ekccnt_c ekcii_c ekdelr_c ekinsr_c ekntab_c ekrcec_c ekrced_c ekrcei_c ektnam_c ekucec_c ekuced_c ekucei_c inelpl_c invort_c kxtrct_c Added const qualifier to input array arguments of conics_c illum_c pdpool_c prop2b_c q2m_c spkuds_c xposeg_c Added const qualifier to the return value of tkvrsn_c -CSPICE Version 12.1.0, 12-APR-2000 (FST) Added prototype for getfov_c -CSPICE Version 12.0.0, 22-MAR-2000 (NJB) Added prototypes for lparse_c lparsm_c spkw12_c spkw13_c -CSPICE Version 11.1.0, 17-DEC-1999 (WLT) Added prototype for dafrda_c -CSPICE Version 11.0.0, 07-OCT-1999 (NJB) (EDW) Changed ekaclc_c, ekacld_c, ekacli_c prototypes to make input pointers const-qualified where appropriate. Changed prompt_c prototype to accommodate memory leak bug fix. Changed ekpsel_c prototype to be consistent with other interfaces having string array outputs. Added prototypes for axisar_c brcktd_c brckti_c cidfrm_c cgv2el_c clpool_c cmprss_c cnmfrm_c convrt_c cvpool_c dafbbs_c dafbfs_c dafcls_c dafcs_c daffna_c daffpa_c dafgh_c dafgn_c dafgs_c dafopr_c dafps_c dafus_c diags2_c dtpool_c dvdot_c dvhat_c dvpool_c edlimb_c ekops_c ekopw_c eul2xf_c ftncls_c furnsh_c getmsg_c getelm_c gnpool_c ident_c illum_c inedpl_c kdata_c kinfo_c ktotal_c lmpool_c matchi_c matchw_c maxd_c maxi_c mequ_c mind_c mini_c moved_ npedln_c npelpt_c nplnpt_c pcpool_c pdpool_c pipool_c pjelpl_c pxform_c rav2xf_c raxisa_c rquad_c saelgv_c spk14a_c spk14b_c spk14e_c spkapp_c spkapo_c spkcls_c spkezp_c spkgps_c spkopn_c spkpds_c spkpos_c spkssb_c spksub_c spkuds_c spkw02_c spkw03_c spkw05_c spkw08_c spkw09_c spkw10_c spkw15_c spkw17_c stpool_c subpt_c subsol_c swpool_c szpool_c tparse_c trace_c unload_c vaddg_c vhatg_c vlcomg_c vminug_c vrel_c vrelg_c vsepg_c vtmv_c vtmvg_c vzerog_c xf2eul_c xf2rav_c xposeg_c -CSPICE Version 10.0.0, 09-MAR-1999 (NJB) Added prototypes for frame_c inrypl_c nvc2pl_c nvp2pl_c pl2nvc_c pl2nvp_c pl2psv_c psv2pl_c sce2c_c vprjp_c vprjpi_c Now conditionally includes SpiceEll.h and SpicePln.h. -CSPICE Version 9.0.0, 25-FEB-1999 (NJB) Added prototypes for eknseg_c eknelt_c ekpsel_c ekssum_c Now conditionally includes SpiceEK.h. -CSPICE Version 8.0.0, 20-OCT-1998 (NJB) Added const qualifier to all input matrix and vector arguments. Added prototypes for det_c dpmax_c dpmax_ dpmin_c dpmin_ frinfo_c frmnam_c getfat_c intmax_c intmax_ intmin_c intmin_ invert_c namfrm_c vrotv_c vsclg_c -CSPICE Version 7.0.0, 02-APR-1998 (EDW) Added prototypes for mequg_c unormg_g vdistg_c vdotg_c vequg_c vnormg_c -CSPICE Version 6.0.0, 31-MAR-1998 (NJB) Added prototypes for ekaclc_c ekacld_c ekacli_c ekcls_c ekffld_c ekfind_c ekgc_c ekgd_c ekgi_c ekifld_c eklef_c ekopr_c ekopn_c ekuef_c -CSPICE Version 5.0.1, 05-MAR-1998 (EDW) Remove some non printing characters. -CSPICE Version 5.0.0, 03-MAR-1998 (NJB) Added prototypes for etcal_c ltime_c stelab_c tpictr_c twovec_c vsubg_c -CSPICE Version 4.0.0, 11-FEB-1998 (EDW) Added prototypes for timdef_c tsetyr_c -CSPICE Version 3.0.0, 02-FEB-1998 (NJB) Added prototypes for pckuof_c tipbod_c Type SpiceVoid was replaced with void. -CSPICE Version 2.0.0, 06-JAN-1998 (NJB) Changed all input-only character pointers to type ConstSpiceChar. -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 25-OCT-1997 (NJB) (KRG) (EDW) -Index_Entries protoypes of CSPICE functions */ /* Include Files: */ #ifndef HAVE_SPICEDEFS_H #include "SpiceZdf.h" #endif #ifndef HAVE_SPICE_EK_H #include "SpiceEK.h" #endif #ifndef HAVE_SPICE_PLANES_H #include "SpicePln.h" #endif #ifndef HAVE_SPICE_ELLIPSES_H #include "SpiceEll.h" #endif #ifndef HAVE_SPICE_CELLS_H #include "SpiceCel.h" #endif #ifndef HAVE_SPICE_SPK_H #include "SpiceSPK.h" #endif #ifndef HAVE_SPICEWRAPPERS_H #define HAVE_SPICEWRAPPERS_H /* Function prototypes for CSPICE functions are listed below. Each prototype is accompanied by a function abstract and brief I/O description. See the headers of the C wrappers for detailed descriptions of the routines' interfaces. The list below should be maintained in alphabetical order. */ void appndc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceCell * cell ); void appndd_c ( SpiceDouble item, SpiceCell * cell ); void appndi_c ( SpiceInt item, SpiceCell * cell ); void axisar_c ( ConstSpiceDouble axis [3], SpiceDouble angle, SpiceDouble r [3][3] ); SpiceBoolean badkpv_c ( ConstSpiceChar *caller, ConstSpiceChar *name, ConstSpiceChar *comp, SpiceInt size, SpiceInt divby, SpiceChar type ); void bodc2n_c ( SpiceInt code, SpiceInt namelen, SpiceChar * name, SpiceBoolean * found ); void boddef_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt code ); SpiceBoolean bodfnd_c ( SpiceInt body, ConstSpiceChar * item ); void bodn2c_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt * code, SpiceBoolean * found ); void bods2c_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt * code, SpiceBoolean * found ); void bodvar_c ( SpiceInt body, ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceInt * dim , SpiceDouble * values ); void bodvcd_c ( SpiceInt body, ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceInt maxn, SpiceInt * dim , SpiceDouble * values ); void bodvrd_c ( ConstSpiceChar * body, ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceInt maxn, SpiceInt * dim , SpiceDouble * values ); SpiceDouble brcktd_c ( SpiceDouble number, SpiceDouble end1, SpiceDouble end2 ); SpiceInt brckti_c ( SpiceInt number, SpiceInt end1, SpiceInt end2 ); SpiceInt bschoc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * value, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt lenvals, const void * array, ConstSpiceInt * order ); SpiceInt bschoi_c ( SpiceInt value, SpiceInt ndim, ConstSpiceInt * array, ConstSpiceInt * order ); SpiceInt bsrchc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * value, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt lenvals, const void * array ); SpiceInt bsrchd_c ( SpiceDouble value, SpiceInt ndim, ConstSpiceDouble * array ); SpiceInt bsrchi_c ( SpiceInt value, SpiceInt ndim, ConstSpiceInt * array ); SpiceDouble b1900_c ( void ); SpiceDouble b1950_c ( void ); SpiceInt card_c ( SpiceCell * cell ); void cgv2el_c ( ConstSpiceDouble center[3], ConstSpiceDouble vec1 [3], ConstSpiceDouble vec2 [3], SpiceEllipse * ellipse ); void chkin_c ( ConstSpiceChar * module ); void chkout_c ( ConstSpiceChar * module ); void cidfrm_c ( SpiceInt cent, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceInt * frcode, SpiceChar * frname, SpiceBoolean * found ); void ckcls_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void ckcov_c ( ConstSpiceChar * ck, SpiceInt idcode, SpiceBoolean needav, ConstSpiceChar * level, SpiceDouble tol, ConstSpiceChar * timsys, SpiceCell * cover ); void ckobj_c ( ConstSpiceChar * ck, SpiceCell * ids ); void ckgp_c ( SpiceInt inst, SpiceDouble sclkdp, SpiceDouble tol, ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceDouble cmat[3][3], SpiceDouble * clkout, SpiceBoolean * found ); void ckgpav_c ( SpiceInt inst, SpiceDouble sclkdp, SpiceDouble tol, ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceDouble cmat[3][3], SpiceDouble av[3], SpiceDouble * clkout, SpiceBoolean * found ); void cklpf_c ( ConstSpiceChar * fname, SpiceInt * handle ); void ckopn_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, ConstSpiceChar * ifname, SpiceInt ncomch, SpiceInt * handle ); void ckupf_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void ckw01_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceDouble begtime, SpiceDouble endtime, SpiceInt inst, ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceBoolean avflag, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt nrec, ConstSpiceDouble sclkdp [], ConstSpiceDouble quats [][4], ConstSpiceDouble avvs [][3] ); void ckw02_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceDouble begtim, SpiceDouble endtim, SpiceInt inst, ConstSpiceChar * ref, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt nrec, ConstSpiceDouble start [], ConstSpiceDouble stop [], ConstSpiceDouble quats [][4], ConstSpiceDouble avvs [][3], ConstSpiceDouble rates [] ); void ckw03_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceDouble begtim, SpiceDouble endtim, SpiceInt inst, ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceBoolean avflag, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt nrec, ConstSpiceDouble sclkdp [], ConstSpiceDouble quats [][4], ConstSpiceDouble avvs [][3], SpiceInt nints, ConstSpiceDouble starts [] ); void ckw05_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceCK05Subtype subtyp, SpiceInt degree, SpiceDouble begtim, SpiceDouble endtim, SpiceInt inst, ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceBoolean avflag, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble sclkdp[], const void * packets, SpiceDouble rate, SpiceInt nints, ConstSpiceDouble starts[] ); SpiceDouble clight_c ( void ); void clpool_c ( void ); void cmprss_c ( SpiceChar delim, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceChar * input, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * output ); void cnmfrm_c ( ConstSpiceChar * cname, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceInt * frcode, SpiceChar * frname, SpiceBoolean * found ); void conics_c ( ConstSpiceDouble elts[8], SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble state[6] ); void convrt_c ( SpiceDouble x, ConstSpiceChar * in, ConstSpiceChar * out, SpiceDouble * y ); void copy_c ( SpiceCell * a, SpiceCell * b ); SpiceInt cpos_c ( ConstSpiceChar * str, ConstSpiceChar * chars, SpiceInt start ); SpiceInt cposr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * str, ConstSpiceChar * chars, SpiceInt start ); void cvpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * agent, SpiceBoolean * update ); void cyllat_c ( SpiceDouble r, SpiceDouble lonc, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble * radius, SpiceDouble * lon, SpiceDouble * lat ); void cylrec_c ( SpiceDouble r, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble rectan[3] ); void cylsph_c ( SpiceDouble r, SpiceDouble lonc, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble * radius, SpiceDouble * colat, SpiceDouble * lon ); void dafac_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt n, SpiceInt lenvals, const void * buffer ); void dafbbs_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void dafbfs_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void dafcls_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void dafcs_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void dafdc_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void dafec_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt bufsiz, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceInt * n, void * buffer, SpiceBoolean * done ); void daffna_c ( SpiceBoolean * found ); void daffpa_c ( SpiceBoolean * found ); void dafgda_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt begin, SpiceInt end, SpiceDouble * data ); void dafgh_c ( SpiceInt * handle ); void dafgn_c ( SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * name ); void dafgs_c ( SpiceDouble sum[] ); void dafopr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * fname, SpiceInt * handle ); void dafopw_c ( ConstSpiceChar * fname, SpiceInt * handle ); void dafps_c ( SpiceInt nd, SpiceInt ni, ConstSpiceDouble dc [], ConstSpiceInt ic [], SpiceDouble sum [] ); void dafrda_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt begin, SpiceInt end, SpiceDouble * data ); void dafrs_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * sum ); void dafus_c ( ConstSpiceDouble sum [], SpiceInt nd, SpiceInt ni, SpiceDouble dc [], SpiceInt ic [] ); void dasac_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt n, SpiceInt buflen, const void * buffer ); void dascls_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void dasec_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt bufsiz, SpiceInt buflen, SpiceInt * n, void * buffer, SpiceBoolean * done ); void dasopr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * fname, SpiceInt * handle ); void dcyldr_c ( SpiceDouble x, SpiceDouble y, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); void deltet_c ( SpiceDouble epoch, ConstSpiceChar * eptype, SpiceDouble * delta ); SpiceDouble det_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1[3][3] ); void diags2_c ( ConstSpiceDouble symmat [2][2], SpiceDouble diag [2][2], SpiceDouble rotate [2][2] ); void diff_c ( SpiceCell * a, SpiceCell * b, SpiceCell * c ); void dgeodr_c ( SpiceDouble x, SpiceDouble y, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble re, SpiceDouble f, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); void dlatdr_c ( SpiceDouble x, SpiceDouble y, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); void dpgrdr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * body, SpiceDouble x, SpiceDouble y, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble re, SpiceDouble f, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); SpiceDouble dpmax_c ( void ); SpiceDouble dpmax_ ( void ); SpiceDouble dpmin_c ( void ); SpiceDouble dpmin_ ( void ); SpiceDouble dpr_c ( void ); void drdcyl_c ( SpiceDouble r, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); void drdgeo_c ( SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble lat, SpiceDouble alt, SpiceDouble re, SpiceDouble f, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); void drdlat_c ( SpiceDouble r, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble lat, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); void drdpgr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * body, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble lat, SpiceDouble alt, SpiceDouble re, SpiceDouble f, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); void drdsph_c ( SpiceDouble r, SpiceDouble colat, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); void dsphdr_c ( SpiceDouble x, SpiceDouble y, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble jacobi[3][3] ); void dtpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceBoolean * found, SpiceInt * n, SpiceChar type [1] ); SpiceDouble dvdot_c ( ConstSpiceDouble s1[6], ConstSpiceDouble s2[6] ); void dvhat_c ( ConstSpiceDouble s1[6], SpiceDouble sout[6] ); void dvpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name ); void edlimb_c ( SpiceDouble a, SpiceDouble b, SpiceDouble c, ConstSpiceDouble viewpt[3], SpiceEllipse * limb ); void ekacec_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt nvals, SpiceInt vallen, const void * cvals, SpiceBoolean isnull ); void ekaced_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt nvals, ConstSpiceDouble * dvals, SpiceBoolean isnull ); void ekacei_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt nvals, ConstSpiceInt * ivals, SpiceBoolean isnull ); void ekaclc_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt vallen, const void * cvals, ConstSpiceInt * entszs, ConstSpiceBoolean * nlflgs, ConstSpiceInt * rcptrs, SpiceInt * wkindx ); void ekacld_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, ConstSpiceChar * column, ConstSpiceDouble * dvals, ConstSpiceInt * entszs, ConstSpiceBoolean * nlflgs, ConstSpiceInt * rcptrs, SpiceInt * wkindx ); void ekacli_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, ConstSpiceChar * column, ConstSpiceInt * ivals, ConstSpiceInt * entszs, ConstSpiceBoolean * nlflgs, ConstSpiceInt * rcptrs, SpiceInt * wkindx ); void ekappr_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt * recno ); void ekbseg_c ( SpiceInt handle, ConstSpiceChar * tabnam, SpiceInt ncols, SpiceInt cnmlen, const void * cnames, SpiceInt declen, const void * decls, SpiceInt * segno ); void ekccnt_c ( ConstSpiceChar * table, SpiceInt * ccount ); void ekcii_c ( ConstSpiceChar * table, SpiceInt cindex, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * column, SpiceEKAttDsc * attdsc ); void ekcls_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void ekdelr_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno ); void ekffld_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt * rcptrs ); void ekfind_c ( ConstSpiceChar * query, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceInt * nmrows, SpiceBoolean * error, SpiceChar * errmsg ); void ekgc_c ( SpiceInt selidx, SpiceInt row, SpiceInt elment, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * cdata, SpiceBoolean * null, SpiceBoolean * found ); void ekgd_c ( SpiceInt selidx, SpiceInt row, SpiceInt elment, SpiceDouble * ddata, SpiceBoolean * null, SpiceBoolean * found ); void ekgi_c ( SpiceInt selidx, SpiceInt row, SpiceInt elment, SpiceInt * idata, SpiceBoolean * null, SpiceBoolean * found ); void ekifld_c ( SpiceInt handle, ConstSpiceChar * tabnam, SpiceInt ncols, SpiceInt nrows, SpiceInt cnmlen, const void * cnames, SpiceInt declen, const void * decls, SpiceInt * segno, SpiceInt * rcptrs ); void ekinsr_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno ); void eklef_c ( ConstSpiceChar * fname, SpiceInt * handle ); SpiceInt eknelt_c ( SpiceInt selidx, SpiceInt row ); SpiceInt eknseg_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void ekntab_c ( SpiceInt * n ); void ekopn_c ( ConstSpiceChar * fname, ConstSpiceChar * ifname, SpiceInt ncomch, SpiceInt * handle ); void ekopr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * fname, SpiceInt * handle ); void ekops_c ( SpiceInt * handle ); void ekopw_c ( ConstSpiceChar * fname, SpiceInt * handle ); void ekpsel_c ( ConstSpiceChar * query, SpiceInt msglen, SpiceInt tablen, SpiceInt collen, SpiceInt * n, SpiceInt * xbegs, SpiceInt * xends, SpiceEKDataType * xtypes, SpiceEKExprClass * xclass, void * tabs, void * cols, SpiceBoolean * error, SpiceChar * errmsg ); void ekrcec_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceInt * nvals, void * cvals, SpiceBoolean * isnull ); void ekrced_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt * nvals, SpiceDouble * dvals, SpiceBoolean * isnull ); void ekrcei_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt * nvals, SpiceInt * ivals, SpiceBoolean * isnull ); void ekssum_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceEKSegSum * segsum ); void ektnam_c ( SpiceInt n, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * table ); void ekucec_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt nvals, SpiceInt vallen, const void * cvals, SpiceBoolean isnull ); void ekuced_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt nvals, ConstSpiceDouble * dvals, SpiceBoolean isnull ); void ekucei_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt segno, SpiceInt recno, ConstSpiceChar * column, SpiceInt nvals, ConstSpiceInt * ivals, SpiceBoolean isnull ); void ekuef_c ( SpiceInt handle ); SpiceBoolean elemc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceCell * set ); SpiceBoolean elemd_c ( SpiceDouble item, SpiceCell * set ); SpiceBoolean elemi_c ( SpiceInt item, SpiceCell * set ); SpiceBoolean eqstr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * a, ConstSpiceChar * b ); void el2cgv_c ( ConstSpiceEllipse * ellipse, SpiceDouble center[3], SpiceDouble smajor[3], SpiceDouble sminor[3] ); void erract_c ( ConstSpiceChar * operation, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * action ); void errch_c ( ConstSpiceChar * marker, ConstSpiceChar * string ); void errdev_c ( ConstSpiceChar * operation, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * device ); void errdp_c ( ConstSpiceChar * marker, SpiceDouble number ); void errint_c ( ConstSpiceChar * marker, SpiceInt number ); void errprt_c ( ConstSpiceChar * operation, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * list ); SpiceInt esrchc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * value, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt lenvals, const void * array ); void etcal_c ( SpiceDouble et, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * string ); void et2lst_c ( SpiceDouble et, SpiceInt body, SpiceDouble lon, ConstSpiceChar * type, SpiceInt timlen, SpiceInt ampmlen, SpiceInt * hr, SpiceInt * mn, SpiceInt * sc, SpiceChar * time, SpiceChar * ampm ); void et2utc_c ( SpiceDouble et , ConstSpiceChar * format, SpiceInt prec, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * utcstr ); void eul2m_c ( SpiceDouble angle3, SpiceDouble angle2, SpiceDouble angle1, SpiceInt axis3, SpiceInt axis2, SpiceInt axis1, SpiceDouble r [3][3] ); void eul2xf_c ( ConstSpiceDouble eulang[6], SpiceInt axisa, SpiceInt axisb, SpiceInt axisc, SpiceDouble xform [6][6] ); SpiceBoolean exists_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name ); void expool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceBoolean * found ); SpiceBoolean failed_c ( void ); void frame_c ( SpiceDouble x[3], SpiceDouble y[3], SpiceDouble z[3] ); void frinfo_c ( SpiceInt frcode, SpiceInt * cent, SpiceInt * clss, SpiceInt * clssid, SpiceBoolean * found ); void frmnam_c ( SpiceInt frcode, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * frname ); void ftncls_c ( SpiceInt unit ); void furnsh_c ( ConstSpiceChar * file ); void gcpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt start, SpiceInt room, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceInt * n, void * cvals, SpiceBoolean * found ); void gdpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt start, SpiceInt room, SpiceInt * n, SpiceDouble * values, SpiceBoolean * found ); void georec_c ( SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble lat, SpiceDouble alt, SpiceDouble re, SpiceDouble f, SpiceDouble rectan[3] ); void getcml_c ( SpiceInt * argc, SpiceChar *** argv ); void getelm_c ( SpiceInt frstyr, SpiceInt lineln, const void * lines, SpiceDouble * epoch, SpiceDouble * elems ); void getfat_c ( ConstSpiceChar * file, SpiceInt arclen, SpiceInt typlen, SpiceChar * arch, SpiceChar * type ); void getfov_c ( SpiceInt instid, SpiceInt room, SpiceInt shapelen, SpiceInt framelen, SpiceChar * shape, SpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble bsight [3], SpiceInt * n, SpiceDouble bounds [][3] ); void getmsg_c ( ConstSpiceChar * option, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * msg ); void gipool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt start, SpiceInt room, SpiceInt * n, SpiceInt * ivals, SpiceBoolean * found ); void gnpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt start, SpiceInt room, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceInt * n, void * kvars, SpiceBoolean * found ); SpiceDouble halfpi_c ( void ); void ident_c ( SpiceDouble matrix[3][3] ); void ilumin_c ( ConstSpiceChar * method, ConstSpiceChar * target, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * fixref, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * obsrvr, ConstSpiceDouble spoint [3], SpiceDouble * trgepc, SpiceDouble srfvec [3], SpiceDouble * phase, SpiceDouble * solar, SpiceDouble * emissn ); void illum_c ( ConstSpiceChar * target, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * obsrvr, ConstSpiceDouble spoint [3], SpiceDouble * phase, SpiceDouble * solar, SpiceDouble * emissn ); void inedpl_c ( SpiceDouble a, SpiceDouble b, SpiceDouble c, ConstSpicePlane * plane, SpiceEllipse * ellipse, SpiceBoolean * found ); void inelpl_c ( ConstSpiceEllipse * ellips, ConstSpicePlane * plane, SpiceInt * nxpts, SpiceDouble xpt1[3], SpiceDouble xpt2[3] ); void insrtc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceCell * set ); void insrtd_c ( SpiceDouble item, SpiceCell * set ); void insrti_c ( SpiceInt item, SpiceCell * set ); void inter_c ( SpiceCell * a, SpiceCell * b, SpiceCell * c ); void inrypl_c ( ConstSpiceDouble vertex [3], ConstSpiceDouble dir [3], ConstSpicePlane * plane, SpiceInt * nxpts, SpiceDouble xpt [3] ); SpiceInt intmax_c ( void ); SpiceInt intmax_ ( void ); SpiceInt intmin_c ( void ); SpiceInt intmin_ ( void ); void invert_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1[3][3], SpiceDouble m2[3][3] ); void invort_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m [3][3], SpiceDouble mit[3][3] ); SpiceBoolean isordv_c ( ConstSpiceInt * array, SpiceInt n ); SpiceBoolean isrot_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m [3][3], SpiceDouble ntol, SpiceDouble dtol ); SpiceInt isrchc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * value, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt lenvals, const void * array ); SpiceInt isrchd_c ( SpiceDouble value, SpiceInt ndim, ConstSpiceDouble * array ); SpiceInt isrchi_c ( SpiceInt value, SpiceInt ndim, ConstSpiceInt * array ); SpiceBoolean iswhsp_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string ); SpiceDouble j1900_c ( void ); SpiceDouble j1950_c ( void ); SpiceDouble j2000_c ( void ); SpiceDouble j2100_c ( void ); SpiceDouble jyear_c ( void ); void kclear_c ( void ); void kdata_c ( SpiceInt which, ConstSpiceChar * kind, SpiceInt fillen, SpiceInt typlen, SpiceInt srclen, SpiceChar * file, SpiceChar * filtyp, SpiceChar * source, SpiceInt * handle, SpiceBoolean * found ); void kinfo_c ( ConstSpiceChar * file, SpiceInt typlen, SpiceInt srclen, SpiceChar * filtyp, SpiceChar * source, SpiceInt * handle, SpiceBoolean * found ); void ktotal_c ( ConstSpiceChar * kind, SpiceInt * count ); void kxtrct_c ( ConstSpiceChar * keywd, SpiceInt termlen, const void * terms, SpiceInt nterms, SpiceInt stringlen, SpiceInt substrlen, SpiceChar * string, SpiceBoolean * found, SpiceChar * substr ); SpiceInt lastnb_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string ); void latcyl_c ( SpiceDouble radius, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble lat, SpiceDouble * r, SpiceDouble * lonc, SpiceDouble * z ); void latrec_c ( SpiceDouble radius, SpiceDouble longitude, SpiceDouble latitude, SpiceDouble rectan [3] ); void latsph_c ( SpiceDouble radius, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble lat, SpiceDouble * rho, SpiceDouble * colat, SpiceDouble * lons ); void lcase_c ( SpiceChar * in, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * out ); void ldpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * filename ); void lmpool_c ( const void * cvals, SpiceInt lenvals, SpiceInt n ); void lparse_c ( ConstSpiceChar * list, ConstSpiceChar * delim, SpiceInt nmax, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceInt * n, void * items ); void lparsm_c ( ConstSpiceChar * list, ConstSpiceChar * delims, SpiceInt nmax, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceInt * n, void * items ); void lparss_c ( ConstSpiceChar * list, ConstSpiceChar * delims, SpiceCell * set ); SpiceDouble lspcn_c ( ConstSpiceChar * body, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr ); SpiceInt lstlec_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceInt n, SpiceInt lenvals, const void * array ); SpiceInt lstled_c ( SpiceDouble x, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble * array ); SpiceInt lstlei_c ( SpiceInt x, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceInt * array ); SpiceInt lstltc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceInt n, SpiceInt lenvals, const void * array ); SpiceInt lstltd_c ( SpiceDouble x, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble * array ); SpiceInt lstlti_c ( SpiceInt x, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceInt * array ); void ltime_c ( SpiceDouble etobs, SpiceInt obs, ConstSpiceChar * dir, SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble * ettarg, SpiceDouble * elapsd ); void lx4dec_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceInt first, SpiceInt * last, SpiceInt * nchar ); void lx4num_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceInt first, SpiceInt * last, SpiceInt * nchar ); void lx4sgn_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceInt first, SpiceInt * last, SpiceInt * nchar ); void lx4uns_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceInt first, SpiceInt * last, SpiceInt * nchar ); void lxqstr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceChar qchar, SpiceInt first, SpiceInt * last, SpiceInt * nchar ); void m2eul_c ( ConstSpiceDouble r[3][3], SpiceInt axis3, SpiceInt axis2, SpiceInt axis1, SpiceDouble * angle3, SpiceDouble * angle2, SpiceDouble * angle1 ); void m2q_c ( ConstSpiceDouble r[3][3], SpiceDouble q[4] ); SpiceBoolean matchi_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, ConstSpiceChar * templ, SpiceChar wstr, SpiceChar wchr ); SpiceBoolean matchw_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, ConstSpiceChar * templ, SpiceChar wstr, SpiceChar wchr ); SpiceDouble maxd_c ( SpiceInt n, ... ); SpiceInt maxi_c ( SpiceInt n, ... ); void mequ_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1 [3][3], SpiceDouble mout[3][3] ); void mequg_c ( const void * m1, SpiceInt nr, SpiceInt nc, void * mout ); SpiceDouble mind_c ( SpiceInt n, ... ); SpiceInt mini_c ( SpiceInt n, ... ); int moved_ ( SpiceDouble * arrfrm, SpiceInt * ndim, SpiceDouble * arrto ); void mtxm_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1 [3][3], ConstSpiceDouble m2 [3][3], SpiceDouble mout[3][3] ); void mtxmg_c ( const void * m1, const void * m2, SpiceInt row1, SpiceInt col1, SpiceInt col2, void * mout ); void mtxv_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1 [3][3], ConstSpiceDouble vin [3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ); void mtxvg_c ( const void * m1, const void * v2, SpiceInt ncol1, SpiceInt nr1r2, void * vout ); void mxm_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1 [3][3], ConstSpiceDouble m2 [3][3], SpiceDouble mout[3][3] ); void mxmg_c ( const void * m1, const void * m2, SpiceInt row1, SpiceInt col1, SpiceInt col2, void * mout ); void mxmt_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1 [3][3], ConstSpiceDouble m2 [3][3], SpiceDouble mout[3][3] ); void mxmtg_c ( const void * m1, const void * m2, SpiceInt nrow1, SpiceInt nc1c2, SpiceInt nrow2, void * mout ); void mxv_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1[3][3], ConstSpiceDouble vin[3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ); void mxvg_c ( const void * m1, const void * v2, SpiceInt nrow1, SpiceInt nc1r2, void * vout ); void namfrm_c ( ConstSpiceChar * frname, SpiceInt * frcode ); SpiceInt ncpos_c ( ConstSpiceChar * str, ConstSpiceChar * chars, SpiceInt start ); SpiceInt ncposr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * str, ConstSpiceChar * chars, SpiceInt start ); void nearpt_c ( ConstSpiceDouble positn[3], SpiceDouble a, SpiceDouble b, SpiceDouble c, SpiceDouble npoint[3], SpiceDouble * alt ); void npedln_c ( SpiceDouble a, SpiceDouble b, SpiceDouble c, ConstSpiceDouble linept[3], ConstSpiceDouble linedr[3], SpiceDouble pnear[3], SpiceDouble * dist ); void npelpt_c ( ConstSpiceDouble point[3], ConstSpiceEllipse * ellips, SpiceDouble pnear[3], SpiceDouble * dist ); void nplnpt_c ( ConstSpiceDouble linpt [3], ConstSpiceDouble lindir [3], ConstSpiceDouble point [3], SpiceDouble pnear [3], SpiceDouble * dist ); void nvc2pl_c ( ConstSpiceDouble normal[3], SpiceDouble constant, SpicePlane * plane ); void nvp2pl_c ( ConstSpiceDouble normal[3], ConstSpiceDouble point[3], SpicePlane * plane ); SpiceInt ordc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceCell * set ); SpiceInt ordd_c ( SpiceDouble item, SpiceCell * set ); SpiceInt ordi_c ( SpiceInt item, SpiceCell * set ); void orderc_c ( SpiceInt lenvals, const void * array, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt * iorder ); void orderd_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * array, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt * iorder ); void orderi_c ( ConstSpiceInt * array, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt * iorder ); void oscelt_c ( ConstSpiceDouble state[6], SpiceDouble et , SpiceDouble mu , SpiceDouble elts[8] ); void pckcov_c ( ConstSpiceChar * pck, SpiceInt idcode, SpiceCell * cover ); void pckfrm_c ( ConstSpiceChar * pck, SpiceCell * ids ); void pcklof_c ( ConstSpiceChar * fname, SpiceInt * handle ); void pckuof_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void pcpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt n, SpiceInt lenvals, const void * cvals ); void pdpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble * dvals ); void pgrrec_c ( ConstSpiceChar * body, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble lat, SpiceDouble alt, SpiceDouble re, SpiceDouble f, SpiceDouble rectan[3] ); SpiceDouble pi_c ( void ); void pipool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceInt * ivals ); void pjelpl_c ( ConstSpiceEllipse * elin, ConstSpicePlane * plane, SpiceEllipse * elout ); void pl2nvc_c ( ConstSpicePlane * plane, SpiceDouble normal[3], SpiceDouble * constant ); void pl2nvp_c ( ConstSpicePlane * plane, SpiceDouble normal[3], SpiceDouble point[3] ); void pl2psv_c ( ConstSpicePlane * plane, SpiceDouble point[3], SpiceDouble span1[3], SpiceDouble span2[3] ); SpiceInt pos_c ( ConstSpiceChar * str, ConstSpiceChar * substr, SpiceInt start ); SpiceInt posr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * str, ConstSpiceChar * substr, SpiceInt start ); void prefix_c ( ConstSpiceChar * pref, SpiceInt spaces, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * string ); SpiceChar * prompt_c ( ConstSpiceChar * prmptStr, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * buffer ); void prop2b_c ( SpiceDouble gm, ConstSpiceDouble pvinit[6], SpiceDouble dt, SpiceDouble pvprop[6] ); void prsdp_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceDouble * dpval ); void prsint_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceInt * intval ); void psv2pl_c ( ConstSpiceDouble point[3], ConstSpiceDouble span1[3], ConstSpiceDouble span2[3], SpicePlane * plane ); void putcml_c ( SpiceInt argc , SpiceChar ** argv ); void pxform_c ( ConstSpiceChar * from, ConstSpiceChar * to, SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble rotate[3][3] ); void q2m_c ( ConstSpiceDouble q[4], SpiceDouble r[3][3] ); void qdq2av_c ( ConstSpiceDouble q[4], ConstSpiceDouble dq[4], SpiceDouble av[3] ); void qxq_c ( ConstSpiceDouble q1[4], ConstSpiceDouble q2[4], SpiceDouble qout[4] ); void radrec_c ( SpiceDouble range, SpiceDouble ra, SpiceDouble dec, SpiceDouble rectan[3] ); void rav2xf_c ( ConstSpiceDouble rot [3][3], ConstSpiceDouble av [3], SpiceDouble xform [6][6] ); void raxisa_c ( ConstSpiceDouble matrix[3][3], SpiceDouble axis [3], SpiceDouble * angle ); void rdtext_c ( ConstSpiceChar * file, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * line, SpiceBoolean * eof ); void reccyl_c ( ConstSpiceDouble rectan[3], SpiceDouble * r, SpiceDouble * lon, SpiceDouble * z ); void recgeo_c ( ConstSpiceDouble rectan[3], SpiceDouble re, SpiceDouble f, SpiceDouble * lon, SpiceDouble * lat, SpiceDouble * alt ); void reclat_c ( ConstSpiceDouble rectan[3], SpiceDouble * radius, SpiceDouble * longitude, SpiceDouble * latitude ); void recpgr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * body, SpiceDouble rectan[3], SpiceDouble re, SpiceDouble f, SpiceDouble * lon, SpiceDouble * lat, SpiceDouble * alt ); void recrad_c ( ConstSpiceDouble rectan[3], SpiceDouble * radius, SpiceDouble * ra, SpiceDouble * dec ); void reordc_c ( ConstSpiceInt * iorder, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt lenvals, void * array ); void reordd_c ( ConstSpiceInt * iorder, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceDouble * array ); void reordi_c ( ConstSpiceInt * iorder, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt * array ); void reordl_c ( ConstSpiceInt * iorder, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceBoolean * array ); void removc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceCell * set ); void removd_c ( SpiceDouble item, SpiceCell * set ); void removi_c ( SpiceInt item, SpiceCell * set ); void repmc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * in, ConstSpiceChar * marker, ConstSpiceChar * value, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * out ); void repmct_c ( ConstSpiceChar * in, ConstSpiceChar * marker, SpiceInt value, SpiceChar strCase, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * out ); void repmd_c ( ConstSpiceChar * in, ConstSpiceChar * marker, SpiceDouble value, SpiceInt sigdig, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * out ); void repmf_c ( ConstSpiceChar * in, ConstSpiceChar * marker, SpiceDouble value, SpiceInt sigdig, SpiceChar format, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * out ); void repmi_c ( ConstSpiceChar * in, ConstSpiceChar * marker, SpiceInt value, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * out ); void repmot_c ( ConstSpiceChar * in, ConstSpiceChar * marker, SpiceInt value, SpiceChar strCase, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * out ); void reset_c ( void ); SpiceBoolean return_c ( void ); void recsph_c ( ConstSpiceDouble rectan[3], SpiceDouble * r, SpiceDouble * colat, SpiceDouble * lon ); void rotate_c ( SpiceDouble angle, SpiceInt iaxis, SpiceDouble mout[3][3] ); void rotmat_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1[3][3], SpiceDouble angle, SpiceInt iaxis, SpiceDouble mout[3][3] ); void rotvec_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], SpiceDouble angle, SpiceInt iaxis, SpiceDouble vout[3] ); SpiceDouble rpd_c ( void ); void rquad_c ( SpiceDouble a, SpiceDouble b, SpiceDouble c, SpiceDouble root1[2], SpiceDouble root2[2] ); void saelgv_c ( ConstSpiceDouble vec1 [3], ConstSpiceDouble vec2 [3], SpiceDouble smajor[3], SpiceDouble sminor[3] ); void scard_c ( SpiceInt card, SpiceCell * cell ); void scdecd_c ( SpiceInt sc, SpiceDouble sclkdp, SpiceInt sclklen, SpiceChar * sclkch ); void sce2s_c ( SpiceInt sc, SpiceDouble et, SpiceInt sclklen, SpiceChar * sclkch ); void sce2c_c ( SpiceInt sc, SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble * sclkdp ); void sce2t_c ( SpiceInt sc, SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble * sclkdp ); void scencd_c ( SpiceInt sc, ConstSpiceChar * sclkch, SpiceDouble * sclkdp ); void scfmt_c ( SpiceInt sc, SpiceDouble ticks, SpiceInt clkstrlen, SpiceChar * clkstr ); void scpart_c ( SpiceInt sc, SpiceInt * nparts, SpiceDouble * pstart, SpiceDouble * pstop ); void scs2e_c ( SpiceInt sc, ConstSpiceChar * sclkch, SpiceDouble * et ); void sct2e_c ( SpiceInt sc, SpiceDouble sclkdp, SpiceDouble * et ); void sctiks_c ( SpiceInt sc, ConstSpiceChar * clkstr, SpiceDouble * ticks ); void sdiff_c ( SpiceCell * a, SpiceCell * b, SpiceCell * c ); SpiceBoolean set_c ( SpiceCell * a, ConstSpiceChar * op, SpiceCell * b ); void setmsg_c ( ConstSpiceChar * msg ); void shellc_c ( SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt lenvals, void * array ); void shelld_c ( SpiceInt ndim, SpiceDouble * array ); void shelli_c ( SpiceInt ndim, SpiceInt * array ); void sigerr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * message ); void sincpt_c ( ConstSpiceChar * method, ConstSpiceChar * target, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * fixref, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * obsrvr, ConstSpiceChar * dref, ConstSpiceDouble dvec [3], SpiceDouble spoint [3], SpiceDouble * trgepc, SpiceDouble srfvec [3], SpiceBoolean * found ); SpiceInt size_c ( SpiceCell * size ); SpiceDouble spd_c ( void ); void sphcyl_c ( SpiceDouble radius, SpiceDouble colat, SpiceDouble slon, SpiceDouble * r, SpiceDouble * lon, SpiceDouble * z ); void sphlat_c ( SpiceDouble r, SpiceDouble colat, SpiceDouble lons, SpiceDouble * radius, SpiceDouble * lon, SpiceDouble * lat ); void sphrec_c ( SpiceDouble r, SpiceDouble colat, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble rectan[3] ); void spk14a_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt ncsets, ConstSpiceDouble coeffs [], ConstSpiceDouble epochs [] ); void spk14b_c ( SpiceInt handle, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, SpiceInt chbdeg ); void spk14e_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void spkapo_c ( SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, ConstSpiceDouble sobs[6], ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, SpiceDouble ptarg[3], SpiceDouble * lt ); void spkapp_c ( SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, ConstSpiceDouble sobs [6], ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, SpiceDouble starg [6], SpiceDouble * lt ); void spkcls_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void spkcov_c ( ConstSpiceChar * spk, SpiceInt idcode, SpiceCell * cover ); void spkacs_c ( SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, SpiceInt obs, SpiceDouble starg[6], SpiceDouble * lt, SpiceDouble * dlt ); void spkaps_c ( SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceDouble stobs[6], ConstSpiceDouble accobs[6], SpiceDouble starg[6], SpiceDouble * lt, SpiceDouble * dlt ); void spkez_c ( SpiceInt target, SpiceDouble epoch, ConstSpiceChar * frame, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, SpiceInt observer, SpiceDouble state[6], SpiceDouble * lt ); void spkezp_c ( SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, SpiceInt obs, SpiceDouble ptarg[3], SpiceDouble * lt ); void spkezr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * target, SpiceDouble epoch, ConstSpiceChar * frame, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * observer, SpiceDouble state[6], SpiceDouble * lt ); void spkgeo_c ( SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceInt obs, SpiceDouble state[6], SpiceDouble * lt ); void spkgps_c ( SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceInt obs, SpiceDouble pos[3], SpiceDouble * lt ); void spklef_c ( ConstSpiceChar * filename, SpiceInt * handle ); void spkltc_c ( SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceDouble stobs[6], SpiceDouble starg[6], SpiceDouble * lt, SpiceDouble * dlt ); void spkobj_c ( ConstSpiceChar * spk, SpiceCell * ids ); void spkopa_c ( ConstSpiceChar * file, SpiceInt * handle ); void spkopn_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, ConstSpiceChar * ifname, SpiceInt ncomch, SpiceInt * handle ); void spkpds_c ( SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceInt type, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, SpiceDouble descr[5] ); void spkpos_c ( ConstSpiceChar * targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * obs, SpiceDouble ptarg[3], SpiceDouble * lt ); void spkssb_c ( SpiceInt targ, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceDouble starg[6] ); void spksub_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceDouble descr[5], ConstSpiceChar * ident, SpiceDouble begin, SpiceDouble end, SpiceInt newh ); void spkuds_c ( ConstSpiceDouble descr [5], SpiceInt * body, SpiceInt * center, SpiceInt * frame, SpiceInt * type, SpiceDouble * first, SpiceDouble * last, SpiceInt * begin, SpiceInt * end ); void spkuef_c ( SpiceInt handle ); void spkw02_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceDouble intlen, SpiceInt n, SpiceInt polydg, ConstSpiceDouble cdata [], SpiceDouble btime ); void spkw03_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceDouble intlen, SpiceInt n, SpiceInt polydg, ConstSpiceDouble cdata [], SpiceDouble btime ); void spkw05_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceDouble gm, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble states [][6], ConstSpiceDouble epochs [] ); void spkw08_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt degree, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble states[][6], SpiceDouble epoch1, SpiceDouble step ); void spkw09_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt degree, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble states[][6], ConstSpiceDouble epochs[] ); void spkw10_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, ConstSpiceDouble consts [8], SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble elems [], ConstSpiceDouble epochs [] ); void spkw12_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt degree, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble states[][6], SpiceDouble epoch0, SpiceDouble step ); void spkw13_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt degree, SpiceInt n, ConstSpiceDouble states[][6], ConstSpiceDouble epochs[] ); void spkw15_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceDouble epoch, ConstSpiceDouble tp [3], ConstSpiceDouble pa [3], SpiceDouble p, SpiceDouble ecc, SpiceDouble j2flg, ConstSpiceDouble pv [3], SpiceDouble gm, SpiceDouble j2, SpiceDouble radius ); void spkw17_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceDouble epoch, ConstSpiceDouble eqel [9], SpiceDouble rapol, SpiceDouble decpol ); void spkw18_c ( SpiceInt handle, SpiceSPK18Subtype subtyp, SpiceInt body, SpiceInt center, ConstSpiceChar * frame, SpiceDouble first, SpiceDouble last, ConstSpiceChar * segid, SpiceInt degree, SpiceInt n, const void * packts, ConstSpiceDouble epochs[] ); void srfrec_c ( SpiceInt body, SpiceDouble lon, SpiceDouble lat, SpiceDouble rectan[3] ); void srfxpt_c ( ConstSpiceChar * method, ConstSpiceChar * target, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * obsrvr, ConstSpiceChar * dref, ConstSpiceDouble dvec [3], SpiceDouble spoint [3], SpiceDouble * dist, SpiceDouble * trgepc, SpiceDouble obspos [3], SpiceBoolean * found ); void ssize_c ( SpiceInt size, SpiceCell * cell ); void stelab_c ( ConstSpiceDouble pobj[3], ConstSpiceDouble vobs[3], SpiceDouble appobj[3] ); void stpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceInt nth, ConstSpiceChar * contin, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * string, SpiceInt * size, SpiceBoolean * found ); void str2et_c ( ConstSpiceChar * date, SpiceDouble * et ); void subpnt_c ( ConstSpiceChar * method, ConstSpiceChar * target, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * fixref, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * obsrvr, SpiceDouble spoint [3], SpiceDouble * trgepc, SpiceDouble srfvec [3] ); void subpt_c ( ConstSpiceChar * method, ConstSpiceChar * target, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * obsrvr, SpiceDouble spoint [3], SpiceDouble * alt ); void subslr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * method, ConstSpiceChar * target, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * fixref, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * obsrvr, SpiceDouble spoint [3], SpiceDouble * trgepc, SpiceDouble srfvec [3] ); void subsol_c ( ConstSpiceChar * method, ConstSpiceChar * target, SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * abcorr, ConstSpiceChar * obsrvr, SpiceDouble spoint[3] ); SpiceDouble sumad_c ( ConstSpiceDouble array[], SpiceInt n ); SpiceInt sumai_c ( ConstSpiceInt array[], SpiceInt n ); void surfnm_c ( SpiceDouble a, SpiceDouble b, SpiceDouble c, ConstSpiceDouble point[3], SpiceDouble normal[3] ); void surfpt_c ( ConstSpiceDouble positn[3], ConstSpiceDouble u[3], SpiceDouble a, SpiceDouble b, SpiceDouble c, SpiceDouble point[3], SpiceBoolean * found ); void swpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * agent, SpiceInt nnames, SpiceInt lenvals, const void * names ); void sxform_c ( ConstSpiceChar * from, ConstSpiceChar * to, SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble xform[6][6] ); void szpool_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name, SpiceInt * n, SpiceBoolean * found ); void timdef_c ( ConstSpiceChar * action, ConstSpiceChar * item, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * value ); void timout_c ( SpiceDouble et, ConstSpiceChar * pictur, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * output ); void tipbod_c ( ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceInt body, SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble tipm[3][3] ); void tisbod_c ( ConstSpiceChar * ref, SpiceInt body, SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble tsipm[6][6] ); ConstSpiceChar * tkvrsn_c ( ConstSpiceChar * item ); void tparse_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceDouble * sp2000, SpiceChar * errmsg ); void tpictr_c ( ConstSpiceChar * sample, SpiceInt lenpictur, SpiceInt lenerror, SpiceChar * pictur, SpiceBoolean * ok, SpiceChar * error ); SpiceDouble trace_c ( ConstSpiceDouble matrix[3][3] ); void trcoff_c ( void ); void tsetyr_c ( SpiceInt year ); SpiceDouble twopi_c ( void ); void twovec_c ( ConstSpiceDouble axdef [3], SpiceInt indexa, ConstSpiceDouble plndef [3], SpiceInt indexp, SpiceDouble mout [3][3] ); SpiceDouble tyear_c ( void ); void ucase_c ( SpiceChar * in, SpiceInt lenout, SpiceChar * out ); void ucrss_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], ConstSpiceDouble v2[3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ); void union_c ( SpiceCell * a, SpiceCell * b, SpiceCell * c ); SpiceDouble unitim_c ( SpiceDouble epoch, ConstSpiceChar * insys, ConstSpiceChar * outsys ); void unload_c ( ConstSpiceChar * file ); void unorm_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], SpiceDouble vout[3], SpiceDouble * vmag ); void unormg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceDouble * vout, SpiceDouble * vmag ); void utc2et_c ( ConstSpiceChar * utcstr, SpiceDouble * et ); void vadd_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], ConstSpiceDouble v2[3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ) ; void vaddg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1, ConstSpiceDouble * v2, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceDouble * vout ); void valid_c ( SpiceInt size, SpiceInt n, SpiceCell * a ); void vcrss_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], ConstSpiceDouble v2[3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ); SpiceDouble vdist_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], ConstSpiceDouble v2[3] ); SpiceDouble vdistg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1, ConstSpiceDouble * v2, SpiceInt ndim ); SpiceDouble vdot_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], ConstSpiceDouble v2[3] ); SpiceDouble vdotg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1, ConstSpiceDouble * v2, SpiceInt ndim ); void vequ_c ( ConstSpiceDouble vin[3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ); void vequg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * vin, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceDouble * vout ); void vhat_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1 [3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ); void vhatg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceDouble * vout ); void vlcom_c ( SpiceDouble a, ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], SpiceDouble b, ConstSpiceDouble v2[3], SpiceDouble sum[3] ); void vlcom3_c ( SpiceDouble a, ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], SpiceDouble b, ConstSpiceDouble v2[3], SpiceDouble c, ConstSpiceDouble v3[3], SpiceDouble sum[3] ); void vlcomg_c ( SpiceInt n, SpiceDouble a, ConstSpiceDouble * v1, SpiceDouble b, ConstSpiceDouble * v2, SpiceDouble * sum ); void vminug_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * vin, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceDouble * vout ); void vminus_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ); SpiceDouble vnorm_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3] ); SpiceDouble vnormg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1, SpiceInt ndim ); void vpack_c ( SpiceDouble x, SpiceDouble y, SpiceDouble z, SpiceDouble v[3] ); void vperp_c ( ConstSpiceDouble a[3], ConstSpiceDouble b[3], SpiceDouble p[3] ); void vprjp_c ( ConstSpiceDouble vin [3], ConstSpicePlane * plane, SpiceDouble vout [3] ); void vprjpi_c ( ConstSpiceDouble vin [3], ConstSpicePlane * projpl, ConstSpicePlane * invpl, SpiceDouble vout [3], SpiceBoolean * found ); void vproj_c ( ConstSpiceDouble a[3], ConstSpiceDouble b[3], SpiceDouble p[3] ); SpiceDouble vrel_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], ConstSpiceDouble v2[3] ); SpiceDouble vrelg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1, ConstSpiceDouble * v2, SpiceInt ndim ); void vrotv_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v[3], ConstSpiceDouble axis[3], SpiceDouble theta, SpiceDouble r[3] ); void vscl_c ( SpiceDouble s, ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ); void vsclg_c ( SpiceDouble s, ConstSpiceDouble * v1, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceDouble * vout ); SpiceDouble vsep_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], ConstSpiceDouble v2[3] ); void vsub_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1[3], ConstSpiceDouble v2[3], SpiceDouble vout[3] ); void vsubg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1, ConstSpiceDouble * v2, SpiceInt ndim, SpiceDouble * vout ); SpiceDouble vsepg_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v1, ConstSpiceDouble * v2, SpiceInt ndim ); SpiceDouble vtmv_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v1 [3], ConstSpiceDouble matrix [3][3], ConstSpiceDouble v2 [3] ); SpiceDouble vtmvg_c ( const void * v1, const void * matrix, const void * v2, SpiceInt nrow, SpiceInt ncol ); void vupack_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v[3], SpiceDouble * x, SpiceDouble * y, SpiceDouble * z ); SpiceBoolean vzero_c ( ConstSpiceDouble v[3] ); SpiceBoolean vzerog_c ( ConstSpiceDouble * v, SpiceInt ndim ); SpiceInt wncard_c ( SpiceCell * window ); void wncomd_c ( SpiceDouble left, SpiceDouble right, SpiceCell * window, SpiceCell * result ); void wncond_c ( SpiceDouble left, SpiceDouble right, SpiceCell * window ); void wndifd_c ( SpiceCell * a, SpiceCell * b, SpiceCell * c ); SpiceBoolean wnelmd_c ( SpiceDouble point, SpiceCell * window ); void wnexpd_c ( SpiceDouble left, SpiceDouble right, SpiceCell * window ); void wnextd_c ( SpiceChar side, SpiceCell * window ); void wnfetd_c ( SpiceCell * window, SpiceInt n, SpiceDouble * left, SpiceDouble * right ); void wnfild_c ( SpiceDouble sml, SpiceCell * window ); void wnfltd_c ( SpiceDouble sml, SpiceCell * window ); SpiceBoolean wnincd_c ( SpiceDouble left, SpiceDouble right, SpiceCell * window ); void wninsd_c ( SpiceDouble left, SpiceDouble right, SpiceCell * window ); void wnintd_c ( SpiceCell * a, SpiceCell * b, SpiceCell * c ); SpiceBoolean wnreld_c ( SpiceCell * a, ConstSpiceChar * op, SpiceCell * b ); void wnsumd_c ( SpiceCell * window, SpiceDouble * meas, SpiceDouble * avg, SpiceDouble * stddev, SpiceInt * shortest, SpiceInt * longest ); void wnunid_c ( SpiceCell * a, SpiceCell * b, SpiceCell * c ); void wnvald_c ( SpiceInt size, SpiceInt n, SpiceCell * window ); void xf2eul_c ( ConstSpiceDouble xform [6][6], SpiceInt axisa, SpiceInt axisb, SpiceInt axisc, SpiceDouble eulang [6], SpiceBoolean * unique ); void xf2rav_c ( ConstSpiceDouble xform [6][6], SpiceDouble rot [3][3], SpiceDouble av [3] ); void xpose_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1 [3][3], SpiceDouble mout[3][3] ); void xpose6_c ( ConstSpiceDouble m1 [6][6], SpiceDouble mout[6][6] ); void xposeg_c ( const void * matrix, SpiceInt nrow, SpiceInt ncol, void * xposem ); void zzgetcml_c( SpiceInt * argc, SpiceChar *** argv, SpiceBoolean init ); void zzsynccl_c( SpiceTransDir xdir, SpiceCell * cell ); #endif