require "open-uri" # A set of image URLs (thumbs) + Associated meta data. class Image < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :device validates :device, presence: true serialize :meta # after_initialize :set_defaults def set_defaults self.meta ||= {} end PLACEHOLDER = "/placeholder_farmbot.jpg\?text=Processing..." PROTO = ENV["FORCE_SSL"] ? "https:" : "http:" DEFAULT_URL = "#{PROTO}#{$API_URL}#{PLACEHOLDER}" RMAGICK_STYLES = { x1280: "1280x1280>", x640: "640x640>", x320: "320x320>", x160: "160x160>", x80: "80x80>", } MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = 7.megabytes CONFIG = { default_url: DEFAULT_URL, styles: RMAGICK_STYLES, size: { in: 0..MAX_IMAGE_SIZE } } BUCKET = ENV["GCS_BUCKET"] ROOT_PATH = BUCKET ? "https://#{BUCKET}" : "/system" IMAGE_URL_TPL = ROOT_PATH + "/images/attachments/%{chunks}/%{size}/%{filename}?%{timestamp}" CONTENT_TYPES = ["image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif"] GCS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = ENV.fetch("GCS_KEY") { puts "Not using Google Cloud" } GCS_HOST = "http://#{BUCKET}" GCS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = ENV.fetch("GCS_ID") { puts "Not using Google Cloud" } # Worst case scenario for 1280x1280 BMP. GCS_BUCKET_NAME = ENV["GCS_BUCKET"] has_one_attached :attachment def set_attachment_by_url(url) attachment.attach(io:, filename: "image_#{}") self.attachment_processed_at = self end # Scenario: # User clicks "take photo" and "delete" on Image#123 very quickly. # Problem: # Now there's a Delayed::Job pointing to (nonexistent) Image#123, # causing runtime errors in the work queue. # Solution: # Don't retry failed deletions. Users can always click the "delete" # button again if need be. def self.maybe_destroy(id) image = find_by(id: id) image.destroy! if image end def legacy_image? !!self.attachment_file_size # This is a now-unused legacy field. end def regular_image? attachment && attachment.attached? end def regular_url if BUCKET # Not sure why. TODO: Investigate why Rails URL helpers don't work here. "{BUCKET}/#{attachment.key}" else Rails .application .routes .url_helpers .rails_blob_url(attachment) end end def legacy_url(size) url = IMAGE_URL_TPL % { chunks: id.to_s.rjust(9, "0").scan(/.{3}/).join("/"), filename: attachment_file_name, size: size, timestamp: attachment_updated_at.to_i, } return ENV["GCS_KEY"].present? ? url.gsub("http://", "https://") : url end def attachment_url(size = "x640") # Detect legacy attachments by way of # superceded PaperClip-related field. # If it has an `attachment_file_size`, # it was made with paperclip. return regular_url if regular_image? return legacy_url(size) if legacy_image? return DEFAULT_URL end end