import * as React from "react"; import { Session } from "./session"; import { ExternalUrl } from "./external_urls"; const OUTER_STYLE: React.CSSProperties = { borderRadius: "10px", background: "repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg," + "#ffff55, #ffff55 20px," + "#ff5555 20px, #ff5555 40px)", fontSize: "100%", color: "black", display: "block", overflow: "auto", padding: "1rem", margin: "1rem", }; const INNER_STYLE: React.CSSProperties = { borderRadius: "10px", background: "#ffffffdd", padding: "1rem", }; export function Apology(_: {}) { return

Page Error

We can't render this part of the page due to an unrecoverable error. Here are some things you can try:
  1. Refresh the page.
  2. Perform a "hard refresh" (CTRL + SHIFT + R on most machines).
  3. Session.clear()}> Restart the app by clicking here.  (You will be logged out of your account.)
  4. Send a report to our developer team via the  FarmBot software forum. Including additional information (such as steps leading up to the error) helps us identify solutions more quickly.
; }