import * as React from "react"; import { TaggedSequence } from "farmbot"; import { SequenceBodyItem } from "farmbot/dist"; import { DropArea } from "../draggable/drop_area"; import { StepDragger } from "../draggable/step_dragger"; import { renderCeleryNode } from "./step_tiles/index"; import { ResourceIndex } from "../resources/interfaces"; import { getStepTag } from "../resources/sequence_tagging"; import { HardwareFlags, FarmwareData } from "./interfaces"; import { ShouldDisplay } from "../devices/interfaces"; import { AddCommandButton } from "./sequence_editor_middle_active"; import { ErrorBoundary } from "../error_boundary"; import { TileUnknown } from "./step_tiles/tile_unknown"; export interface AllStepsProps { sequence: TaggedSequence; onDrop(index: number, key: string): void; dispatch: Function; resources: ResourceIndex; hardwareFlags?: HardwareFlags; farmwareData?: FarmwareData; shouldDisplay?: ShouldDisplay; confirmStepDeletion: boolean; showPins?: boolean; expandStepOptions?: boolean; } export class AllSteps extends React.Component { render() { const { sequence, dispatch } = this.props; const items = (sequence.body.body || []) .map((currentStep: SequenceBodyItem, index) => { /** HACK: React's diff algorithm (probably?) can't keep track of steps * via `index` alone- the content is too dynamic (copy/splice/pop/push) * To get around this, we add a `uuid` property to Steps that * is guaranteed to be unique no matter where the step gets moved and * allows React to diff the list correctly. */ const readThatCommentAbove = getStepTag(currentStep); const stepProps = { currentStep, index, dispatch, currentSequence: sequence, resources: this.props.resources, hardwareFlags: this.props.hardwareFlags, farmwareData: this.props.farmwareData, shouldDisplay: this.props.shouldDisplay, confirmStepDeletion: this.props.confirmStepDeletion, showPins: this.props.showPins, expandStepOptions: this.props.expandStepOptions, }; return
this.props.onDrop(index, key)} />
}> {renderCeleryNode(stepProps)}
; }); return
; } }