import { TaggedResource, SpecialStatus, ResourceName, TaggedSequence, } from "farmbot"; import { isTaggedResource, } from "../resources/tagged_resources"; import { GetState, ReduxAction } from "../redux/interfaces"; import { API } from "./index"; import axios from "axios"; import { updateNO, destroyOK, destroyNO, GeneralizedError, saveOK, } from "../resources/actions"; import { UnsafeError } from "../interfaces"; import { defensiveClone, unpackUUID } from "../util"; import { EditResourceParams } from "./interfaces"; import { ResourceIndex } from "../resources/interfaces"; import { SequenceBodyItem } from "farmbot/dist"; import { Actions } from "../constants"; import { maybeStartTracking } from "./maybe_start_tracking"; import { newTaggedResource } from "../sync/actions"; import { arrayUnwrap } from "../resources/util"; import { findByUuid } from "../resources/reducer_support"; import { assign, noop } from "lodash"; import { t } from "../i18next_wrapper"; import { appIsReadonly } from "../read_only_mode/app_is_read_only"; export function edit(tr: TaggedResource, changes: Partial): ReduxAction { return { type: Actions.EDIT_RESOURCE, payload: { uuid: tr.uuid, update: changes, specialStatus: SpecialStatus.DIRTY } }; } /** Rather than update (patch) a TaggedResource, this method will overwrite * everything within the `.body` property. */ export function overwrite(tr: T, changeset: T["body"], specialStatus = SpecialStatus.DIRTY): ReduxAction { return { type: Actions.OVERWRITE_RESOURCE, payload: { uuid: tr.uuid, update: changeset, specialStatus } }; } export interface EditStepProps { step: Readonly; sequence: Readonly; index: number; /** Callback provides a fresh, defensively cloned copy of the * original step. Perform modifications to the resource within this * callback */ executor(stepCopy: SequenceBodyItem): void; } /** Editing sequence steps is a tedious process. Use this function in place * of `edit()` or `overwrite`. */ export function editStep({ step, sequence, index, executor }: EditStepProps) { // const nextStep = defensiveClone(step); const nextSeq = defensiveClone(sequence); // Let the developer safely perform mutations here: executor(nextStep); nextSeq.body.body = nextSeq.body.body || []; nextSeq.body.body[index] = nextStep; return overwrite(sequence, nextSeq.body); } /** Initialize (but don't save) an indexed / tagged resource. */ export function init(kind: T["kind"], body: T["body"], /** Set to "true" when you want an `undefined` SpecialStatus. */ clean = false): ReduxAction { const resource = arrayUnwrap(newTaggedResource(kind, body)); resource.specialStatus = SpecialStatus[clean ? "SAVED" : "DIRTY"]; return { type: Actions.INIT_RESOURCE, payload: resource }; } /** Initialize and save a new resource, returning the `id`. * If you don't need the `id` returned, use `initSave` instead. */ export const initSaveGetId = (kind: T["kind"], body: T["body"]) => (dispatch: Function) => { const resource = arrayUnwrap(newTaggedResource(kind, body)); resource.specialStatus = SpecialStatus.DIRTY; dispatch({ type: Actions.INIT_RESOURCE, payload: resource }); dispatch({ type: Actions.SAVE_RESOURCE_START, payload: resource }); maybeStartTracking(resource.uuid); return urlFor(resource.kind), resource.body) .then(resp => { dispatch(saveOK(resource)); return; }) .catch((err: UnsafeError) => { dispatch(updateNO({ err, uuid: resource.uuid, statusBeforeError: resource.specialStatus })); return Promise.reject(err); }); }; export function initSave(kind: T["kind"], body: T["body"]) { return function (dispatch: Function) { const action = init(kind, body); dispatch(action); return dispatch(save(action.payload.uuid)); }; } export function save(uuid: string) { return function (dispatch: Function, getState: GetState) { const resource = findByUuid(getState().resources.index, uuid); const oldStatus = resource.specialStatus; dispatch({ type: Actions.SAVE_RESOURCE_START, payload: resource }); return dispatch(update(uuid, oldStatus)); }; } export function refresh(resource: TaggedResource, urlNeedsId = false) { return function (dispatch: Function) { dispatch(refreshStart(resource.uuid)); const endPart = "" + urlNeedsId ? : ""; const statusBeforeError = resource.specialStatus; axios .get(urlFor(resource.kind) + endPart) .then(resp => { const r1 = defensiveClone(resource); const r2 = { body: defensiveClone( }; const newTR = assign({}, r1, r2); if (isTaggedResource(newTR)) { dispatch(refreshOK(newTR)); } else { const action = refreshNO({ err: { message: "Unable to refresh" }, uuid: resource.uuid, statusBeforeError }); dispatch(action); } }); }; } export function refreshStart(uuid: string): ReduxAction { return { type: Actions.REFRESH_RESOURCE_START, payload: uuid }; } export function refreshOK(payload: TaggedResource): ReduxAction { return { type: Actions.REFRESH_RESOURCE_OK, payload }; } export function refreshNO(payload: GeneralizedError): ReduxAction { return { type: Actions.REFRESH_RESOURCE_NO, payload }; } interface AjaxUpdatePayload { index: ResourceIndex; uuid: string; dispatch: Function; statusBeforeError: SpecialStatus; } function update(uuid: string, statusBeforeError: SpecialStatus) { return function (dispatch: Function, getState: GetState) { const { index } = getState().resources; const payl: AjaxUpdatePayload = { index, uuid, dispatch, statusBeforeError }; return updateViaAjax(payl); }; } interface DestroyNoProps { uuid: string; statusBeforeError: SpecialStatus; dispatch: Function; } export const destroyCatch = (p: DestroyNoProps) => (err: UnsafeError) => { p.dispatch(destroyNO({ err, uuid: p.uuid, statusBeforeError: p.statusBeforeError })); return Promise.reject(err); }; /** We need this to detect read-only deletion attempts */ function destroyStart() { return { type: Actions.DESTROY_RESOURCE_START, payload: {} }; } export function destroy(uuid: string, force = false) { return function (dispatch: Function, getState: GetState) { dispatch(destroyStart()); /** Stop user from deleting resources if app is read only. */ if (appIsReadonly(getState().resources.index)) { return Promise.reject("Application is in read-only mode."); } const resource = findByUuid(getState().resources.index, uuid); const maybeProceed = confirmationChecker(resource.kind, force); return maybeProceed(() => { const statusBeforeError = resource.specialStatus; if ( { maybeStartTracking(uuid); return axios .delete(urlFor(resource.kind) + .then(function () { dispatch(destroyOK(resource)); }) .catch(destroyCatch({ dispatch, uuid, statusBeforeError })); } else { dispatch(destroyOK(resource)); return Promise.resolve(""); } }) || Promise.reject("User pressed cancel"); }; } export function destroyAll(resourceName: ResourceName, force = false) { if (force || confirm(t("Are you sure you want to delete all items?"))) { return axios.delete(urlFor(resourceName) + "all"); } else { return Promise.reject("User pressed cancel"); } } export function saveAll(input: TaggedResource[], callback: () => void = noop, errBack: (err: UnsafeError) => void = noop) { return function (dispatch: Function) { const p = input .filter(x => x.specialStatus === SpecialStatus.DIRTY) .map(tts => tts.uuid) .map(uuid => { maybeStartTracking(uuid); return dispatch(save(uuid)); }); return Promise.all(p).then(callback, errBack); }; } export function urlFor(tag: ResourceName) { const OPTIONS: Partial> = { Alert: API.current.alertPath, Device: API.current.devicePath, FarmEvent: API.current.farmEventsPath, FarmwareEnv: API.current.farmwareEnvPath, FarmwareInstallation: API.current.farmwareInstallationPath, FbosConfig: API.current.fbosConfigPath, FirmwareConfig: API.current.firmwareConfigPath, Image: API.current.imagesPath, Log: API.current.logsPath, Peripheral: API.current.peripheralsPath, PinBinding: API.current.pinBindingPath, PlantTemplate: API.current.plantTemplatePath, Point: API.current.pointsPath, PointGroup: API.current.pointGroupsPath, Regimen: API.current.regimensPath, SavedGarden: API.current.savedGardensPath, Sensor: API.current.sensorPath, Sequence: API.current.sequencesPath, Tool: API.current.toolsPath, User: API.current.usersPath, WebAppConfig: API.current.webAppConfigPath, WebcamFeed: API.current.webcamFeedPath, Folder: API.current.foldersPath, }; const url = OPTIONS[tag]; if (url) { return url; } else { throw new Error(`No resource/URL handler for ${tag} yet. Consider adding one to crud.ts`); } } const SINGULAR_RESOURCE: ResourceName[] = ["WebAppConfig", "FbosConfig", "FirmwareConfig"]; /** Shared functionality in create() and update(). */ export function updateViaAjax(payl: AjaxUpdatePayload) { const { uuid, statusBeforeError, dispatch, index } = payl; const resource = findByUuid(index, uuid); const { body, kind } = resource; let verb: "post" | "put"; let url = urlFor(kind); if ( { verb = "put"; if (!SINGULAR_RESOURCE.includes(unpackUUID(payl.uuid).kind)) { url +=; } } else { verb = "post"; } maybeStartTracking(uuid); return axios[verb](url, body) .then(function (resp) { const r1 = defensiveClone(resource); const r2 = { body: defensiveClone( }; const newTR = assign({}, r1, r2); if (isTaggedResource(newTR)) { dispatch(saveOK(newTR)); } else { throw new Error("Just saved a malformed TR."); } }) .catch(function (err: UnsafeError) { dispatch(updateNO({ err, uuid, statusBeforeError })); return Promise.reject(err); }); } const MUST_CONFIRM_LIST: ResourceName[] = [ "FarmEvent", "Point", "Sequence", "Regimen", "Image", "SavedGarden", ]; const confirmationChecker = (resourceName: ResourceName, force = false) => (proceed: () => T): T | undefined => { if (MUST_CONFIRM_LIST.includes(resourceName)) { if (force || confirm(t("Are you sure you want to delete this item?"))) { return proceed(); } else { return undefined; } } return proceed(); };