jest.mock("../../index", () => ({ dispatchNetworkUp: jest.fn(), dispatchNetworkDown: jest.fn() })); const mockDevice = { readStatus: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()) }; jest.mock("../../../device", () => ({ getDevice: () => mockDevice })); let mockConfigValue = false; jest.mock("../../../config_storage/actions", () => ({ getWebAppConfigValue: () => () => mockConfigValue, })); import { HardwareState } from "../../../devices/interfaces"; import { incomingLegacyStatus, actOnChannelName, showLogOnScreen, TITLE, bothUp, initLog, readStatus, onOffline, changeLastClientConnected, onSent, onOnline, onMalformed, speakLogAloud, onPublicBroadcast, onReconnect, } from "../../connect_device"; import { Actions, Content } from "../../../constants"; import { Log } from "farmbot/dist/resources/api_resources"; import { ALLOWED_CHANNEL_NAMES, ALLOWED_MESSAGE_TYPES, Farmbot } from "farmbot"; import { dispatchNetworkUp, dispatchNetworkDown } from "../../index"; import { getDevice } from "../../../device"; import { talk } from "browser-speech"; import { MessageType } from "../../../sequences/interfaces"; import { FbjsEventName } from "farmbot/dist/constants"; import { info, error, success, warning, fun, busy, removeToast, } from "../../../toast/toast"; import { onLogs } from "../../log_handlers"; import { fakeState } from "../../../__test_support__/fake_state"; import { globalQueue } from "../../batch_queue"; const ANY_NUMBER = expect.any(Number); describe("readStatus()", () => { it("forces a read_status request to FarmBot", () => { readStatus(); expect(getDevice().readStatus).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("incomingStatus", () => { it("creates an action", () => { const stub = {} as HardwareState; const result = incomingLegacyStatus(stub); expect(result.type).toEqual(Actions.LEGACY_BOT_CHANGE); expect(result.payload).toEqual(stub); }); }); function fakeLog(meta_type: ALLOWED_MESSAGE_TYPES, channels: ALLOWED_CHANNEL_NAMES[] = ["toast"]): Log { return { message: "toasty!", type: meta_type, channels, created_at: -1 }; } describe("actOnChannelName()", () => { it("skips irrelevant channels like `email`", () => { const callback = jest.fn(); actOnChannelName(fakeLog(MessageType.success, ["email"]), "toast", callback); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("executes callback for `toast` type", () => { const callback = jest.fn(); const fakeToast = fakeLog(MessageType.success, ["toast", "email"]); actOnChannelName(fakeToast, "toast", callback); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(fakeToast); }); }); describe("showLogOnScreen", () => { function assertToastr(types: ALLOWED_MESSAGE_TYPES[], toastr: Function) { jest.resetAllMocks(); => { const log = fakeLog(x, ["toast"]); showLogOnScreen(log); expect(toastr).toHaveBeenCalledWith(log.message, TITLE()); }); } it("routes `info` and all others to", () => { assertToastr([, ("FOO" as ALLOWED_MESSAGE_TYPES)], info); }); it("routes `error` to toastr.error()", () => { assertToastr([MessageType.error], error); }); it("routes `warn` to toastr.warning()", () => { assertToastr([MessageType.warn], warning); }); it("routes `busy` to toastr.busy()", () => { assertToastr([MessageType.busy], busy); }); it("routes `fun` to", () => { assertToastr([], fun); }); it("routes `success` to toastr.success()", () => { assertToastr([MessageType.success], success); }); it("routes `debug` to", () => { const log = fakeLog(MessageType.debug, ["toast"]); showLogOnScreen(log); expect(info).toHaveBeenCalledWith(log.message, TITLE(), "gray"); }); }); describe("speakLogAloud", () => { const fakeSpeakLog = fakeLog(; fakeSpeakLog.message = "hello"; it("doesn't call browser-speech", () => { mockConfigValue = false; const speak = speakLogAloud(jest.fn()); speak(fakeSpeakLog); expect(talk).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("calls browser-speech", () => { mockConfigValue = true; const speak = speakLogAloud(jest.fn()); Object.defineProperty(navigator, "language", { value: "en_us", configurable: true }); speak(fakeSpeakLog); expect(talk).toHaveBeenCalledWith("hello", "en"); }); }); describe("initLog", () => { it("creates a Redux action (new log)", () => { const log = fakeLog(MessageType.error); const action = initLog(log); expect(action.payload.kind).toBe("Log"); // expect(action.payload.specialStatus).toBe(undefined); if (action.payload.kind === "Log") { expect(action.payload.body.message).toBe(log.message); } else { fail(); } }); }); describe("bothUp()", () => { it("marks MQTT and API as up", () => { bothUp(); expect(dispatchNetworkUp).toHaveBeenCalledWith("user.mqtt", ANY_NUMBER); }); }); describe("onOffline", () => { it("tells the app MQTT is down", () => { jest.resetAllMocks(); onOffline(); expect(dispatchNetworkDown).toHaveBeenCalledWith("user.mqtt", ANY_NUMBER); expect(error).toHaveBeenCalledWith( Content.MQTT_DISCONNECTED, "Error", "red", "offline"); }); }); describe("onOnline", () => { it("tells the app MQTT is up", () => { jest.resetAllMocks(); onOnline(); expect(dispatchNetworkUp).toHaveBeenCalledWith("user.mqtt", ANY_NUMBER); expect(removeToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith("offline"); }); }); describe("onReconnect()", () => { it("sends reconnect toast", () => { onReconnect(); expect(warning).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "Attempting to reconnect to the message broker", "Offline", "yellow", "offline"); }); }); describe("changeLastClientConnected", () => { it("tells farmbot when the last browser session was opened", () => { const setUserEnv = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({})); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any const fakeFarmbot = { setUserEnv: setUserEnv as any } as Farmbot; changeLastClientConnected(fakeFarmbot)(); expect(setUserEnv).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ "LAST_CLIENT_CONNECTED": expect.any(String) })); }); }); describe("onSent", () => { it("marks MQTT as up", () => { jest.resetAllMocks(); onSent({ connected: true })(); expect(dispatchNetworkUp).toHaveBeenCalledWith("user.mqtt", ANY_NUMBER); }); it("marks MQTT as down", () => { jest.resetAllMocks(); onSent({ connected: false })(); expect(dispatchNetworkDown) .toHaveBeenCalledWith("user.mqtt", ANY_NUMBER); }); }); describe("onMalformed()", () => { it("handles malformed messages", () => { onMalformed(); expect(warning) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(Content.MALFORMED_MESSAGE_REC_UPGRADE); jest.resetAllMocks(); onMalformed(); expect(warning) // Only fire once. .not .toHaveBeenCalledWith(Content.MALFORMED_MESSAGE_REC_UPGRADE); }); }); describe("onPublicBroadcast", () => { const expectBroadcastLog = () => expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith( FbjsEventName.publicBroadcast, expect.any(Object)); describe("onLogs", () => { it("Calls `networkUp` when good logs come in", () => { const dispatch = jest.fn(); const fn = onLogs(dispatch, fakeState); const log = fakeLog(MessageType.error, []); log.message = "bot xyz is offline"; const taggedLog = fn(log); globalQueue.maybeWork(); expect(taggedLog && taggedLog.kind).toEqual("Log"); }); }); it("triggers when appropriate", () => { location.assign = jest.fn(); window.confirm = jest.fn(() => true); console.log = jest.fn(); onPublicBroadcast({}); expectBroadcastLog(); expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Content.FORCE_REFRESH_CONFIRM); expect(location.assign).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("allows cancellation of refresh", () => { window.confirm = jest.fn(() => false); window.alert = jest.fn(); console.log = jest.fn(); onPublicBroadcast({}); expectBroadcastLog(); expect(window.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( Content.FORCE_REFRESH_CANCEL_WARNING); expect(location.assign).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });