COVERAGE_FILE_PATH = "./coverage_fe/index.html" THRESHOLD = 0.001 REPO_URL = "" CURRENT_BRANCH = ENV.fetch("CIRCLE_BRANCH", "staging") # "staging" or "pull/11" CURRENT_COMMIT = ENV.fetch("CIRCLE_SHA1", "") CSS_SELECTOR = ".fraction" FRACTION_DELIM = "/" # Fetch JSON over HTTP. Rails probably already has a helper for this :shrug: def open_json(url) begin JSON.parse(open(url).read) rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => exception puts exception.message return {} end end # Get pull request information from the GitHub API. def fetch_pull_data() if CURRENT_BRANCH.include? "/" return open_json("#{REPO_URL}/pulls/#{CURRENT_BRANCH.split("/")[1]}") end return {} end # Determine the base branch of the current build. def get_current_branch(pull_data) pull_data.dig("base", "ref") || CURRENT_BRANCH end # Assemble the coverage data URL using the provided branch. def coverage_url(branch) commit = open_json("#{REPO_URL}/git/refs/heads/#{branch}").dig("object", "sha") return "{commit}.json" end # Fetch relevant remote coverage data. def fetch_build_data(url) build_data = open_json(url) return { branch: build_data["branch"], commit: build_data["commit_sha"], percent: build_data["covered_percent"]} end # on : def branch_info_string?(target, pull_data) unless pull_data.dig(target, "sha").nil? "#{pull_data.dig(target, "sha")} on #{pull_data.dig(target, "label")}" end end # Print a coverage difference summary string. def print_summary_text(build_percent, remote, pull_data) diff = (build_percent - remote[:percent]).round(2) direction = diff > 0 ? "increased" : "decreased" description = diff == 0 ? "remained the same at" : "#{direction} (#{diff}%) to" puts "Coverage #{description} #{build_percent.round(3)}%"\ " when pulling #{branch_info_string?("head", pull_data)}"\ " into #{branch_info_string?("base", pull_data) || remote[:branch]}." end def to_percent(pair) return ((pair.head / pair.tail) * 100).round(4) end namespace :coverage do desc "Coveralls stats stopped working :(" task run: :environment do # Fetch current build coverage data from the HTML summary. statements, branches, functions, lines = Nokogiri::HTML(open(COVERAGE_FILE_PATH)) .css(CSS_SELECTOR) .map(&:text) .map { |x| x.split(FRACTION_DELIM).map(&:to_f) } .map { |x|*x) } puts puts "This build: #{CURRENT_COMMIT}" puts "Statements: #{to_percent(statements)}%" puts "Branches: #{to_percent(branches)}%" puts "Functions: #{to_percent(functions)}%" puts "Lines: #{to_percent(lines)}%" # Calculate an aggregate coverage percentage for the current build. covered = lines.head + branches.head total = lines.tail + branches.tail build_percent = (covered / total) * 100 puts "Aggregate: #{build_percent.round(4)}%" puts # Attempt to fetch remote build coverage data for the current branch. pull_request_data = fetch_pull_data() current_branch = get_current_branch(pull_request_data) remote = fetch_build_data(coverage_url(current_branch)) if remote[:percent].nil? && CURRENT_COMMIT == remote[:commit] puts "Coverage already calculated for #{remote[:branch]}." puts "Using this build's data instead." remote[:percent] = build_percent end if remote[:percent].nil? && current_branch != "staging" puts "Error getting coveralls data for #{current_branch}." puts "Attempting to use staging build coveralls data." remote = fetch_build_data(coverage_url("staging")) end if remote[:percent].nil? puts "Error getting coveralls data for staging." puts "Attempting to use latest build coveralls data." latest_cov_url = "" remote = fetch_build_data(latest_cov_url) end if remote[:percent].nil? puts "Error getting coveralls data." puts "Wait for build to finish and try again or check for build errors." puts "Using 100 instead of nil for remote coverage value." remote = {branch: "N/A", commit: "", percent: 100} end # Adjust remote build data values for printing. r = { branch: (remote[:branch] + ' ' * 8)[0,8], percent: remote[:percent].round(8), commit: remote[:commit][0,8]} # Calculate coverage difference between the current and previous build. diff = (build_percent - remote[:percent]) pass = (diff > -THRESHOLD) puts puts "=" * 37 puts "COVERAGE RESULTS" puts "This build: #{build_percent.round(8)}% #{CURRENT_COMMIT[0,8]}" puts "#{r[:branch]} build: #{r[:percent]}% #{r[:commit]}" puts "=" * 37 puts "Difference: #{diff.round(8)}%" puts "Pass? #{pass ? "yes" : "no"}" puts print_summary_text(build_percent, remote, pull_request_data) exit pass ? 0 : 1 end end