# Start on an empty, clean Ubuntu 17 box. # RUN UPDATES apt-get update apt-get upgrade --yes # INSTALL DOKKU wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dokku/dokku/v0.10.5/bootstrap.sh; sudo DOKKU_TAG=v0.10.5 bash bootstrap.sh # ADD SSH KEYS to the server because passwords are bad. # Run this locally: # cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@host "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" # xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # Visit your machine in Chrome. Copy/paste clipboard contents into the box # Bootstrap Dokku, Rails and PostgreSQL dokku apps:create farmbot dokku plugin:install https://github.com/dokku/dokku-postgres.git dokku postgres:create farmbot_database dokku postgres:link farmbot_database farmbot # IMPORTANT: Use real values here. See application.example.yml for info. dokku config:set farmbot MQTT_HOST="" API_HOST="" NO_EMAILS="TRUE" dokku storage:mount farmbot /var/lib/dokku/data/keys:/keys # You're ready to deploy! On your local machine: # On your local machine, within the FarmBot-Web-App directory: # git remote add dokku dokku@___YOUR_HOST_HERE___:farmbot # git push dokku master # # Some deployments have been known to fail unexpectedly on first build (new VMs) # In those cases, you can often run `git push dokku master` to force a re-build. # After deploying, bootstrap the database: dokku run my_app_name rake db:setup # RUN ONLY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A DOMAIN NAME (testing) dokku proxy:ports-add farmbot http:80:5000 # IF YOU NEED TO DEBUG PROBLEMS: redeploy after performing the following: dokku trace on # sets dokku to debug mode dokku config:set --global CURL_TIMEOUT=600 # Prevent timeouts dokku config:set --global CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=30 # Same thing # TODO: We currently do not have setup instructions for RabbitMQ. Please submit # a pull request if you wish to contribute RabbitMQ setup instructions.