version: 2.1 executors: build-executor: machine: true working_directory: /home/circleci/project commands: build-commands: steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - cache-v1-{{ .Revision }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID }} - run: name: After cache restore command: | git clean -xdn mkdir -p docker_cache ls docker_cache #sudo docker images #if [ -f docker_cache/images.tar.gz ]; then gunzip -c docker_cache/images.tar.gz | sudo docker load; fi - run: name: Build and Install Deps command: | sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose mv .circleci/circle_envs .env echo -e '\ndocker_volumes/db/pg_wal/*' >> .dockerignore sudo docker-compose run web gem install bundler sudo docker-compose run web bundle install sudo docker-compose run web npm install sudo docker-compose run web bundle exec rails db:create sudo docker-compose run web bundle exec rails db:migrate sudo docker-compose run web rake keys:generate - run: name: After cache update command: | git clean -xdn ls docker_cache #sudo docker images #if [ ! -f docker_cache/images.tar.gz ]; then sudo docker save $(sudo docker images ruby -q) | gzip > docker_cache/images.tar.gz; fi - save_cache: key: cache-v1-{{ .Revision }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID }} paths: - docker_volumes - node_modules - docker_cache rspec-commands: steps: - run: name: Run Ruby Tests command: | sudo docker-compose run web rspec spec --format progress --format RspecJunitFormatter --out test-results/rspec/rspec.xml jest-commands: steps: - run: name: Run JS tests command: | sudo docker-compose run web npm run test-very-slow -- -c .circleci/jest-ci.config.js echo 'export COVERAGE_AVAILABLE=true' >> $BASH_ENV lint-commands: steps: - run: name: Run JS Linters command: | sudo docker-compose run web npm run linters when: always coverage-commands: steps: - run: name: Check coverage status command: | sudo docker-compose run -e CIRCLE_SHA1="$CIRCLE_SHA1" -e CIRCLE_BRANCH="$CIRCLE_BRANCH" -e CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST="$CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST" web rake coverage:run when: always - run: name: Report coverage to Coveralls command: | if [ "$COVERAGE_AVAILABLE" ] then sudo docker-compose run -e COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=lEX6nkql7y2YFCcIXVq5ORvdvMtYzfZdG web npm run coverage fi when: always # change to `on_success` for a stricter comparison workflows: version: 2 build_and_test: jobs: #- build - all #- test-api: # requires: # - build #- run-linters: # requires: # - build #- test-fe: # requires: # - build jobs: build: executor: build-executor steps: - build-commands all: executor: build-executor steps: - build-commands - rspec-commands - lint-commands - jest-commands - store_test_results: path: test-results - coverage-commands test-api: executor: build-executor steps: - build-commands - rspec-commands - store_test_results: path: test-results run-linters: executor: build-executor steps: - build-commands - lint-commands test-fe: executor: build-executor parallelism: 4 steps: - build-commands - run: name: Run JS Tests command: | circleci tests glob **/__tests__/**/*.ts* | circleci tests split > /tmp/tests-to-run sudo docker-compose run web npm run test-very-slow -- -c .circleci/jest-ci.config.js $(cat /tmp/tests-to-run) - store_test_results: path: test-results