import { locationFormList, dropDownName, formatTool, groups2Ddi, } from "../location_form_list"; import { fakeResourceIndex } from "../test_helpers"; import { fakeToolSlot, fakeTool, fakePointGroup, } from "../../../__test_support__/fake_state/resources"; describe("locationFormList()", () => { it("returns dropdown list", () => { const pg = fakePointGroup(); = 1; const items = locationFormList(fakeResourceIndex([pg]), [], true); const coordinate = items[0]; expect(coordinate).toEqual({ headingId: "Coordinate", label: "Custom Coordinates", value: "", }); const toolHeading = items[1]; expect(toolHeading).toEqual({ headingId: "Tool", label: "Tools and Seed Containers", value: 0, heading: true, }); const tool = items[2]; expect(tool).toEqual({ headingId: "Tool", label: "Generic tool (100, 200, 300)", value: "1", }); const groupHeading = items[3]; expect(groupHeading).toEqual({ headingId: "PointGroup", label: "Groups", value: 0, heading: true, }); const group = items[4]; expect(group).toEqual({ headingId: "PointGroup", label: "Fake", value: "1" }); const plantHeading = items[5]; expect(plantHeading).toEqual({ headingId: "Plant", label: "Plants", value: 0, heading: true, }); const plant = items[6]; expect(plant).toEqual({ headingId: "Plant", label: "Plant 1 (1, 2, 3)", value: "1" }); const pointHeading = items[8]; expect(pointHeading).toEqual({ headingId: "GenericPointer", label: "Map Points", value: 0, heading: true, }); const point = items[9]; expect(point).toEqual({ headingId: "GenericPointer", label: "Point 1 (10, 20, 30)", value: "2" }); const weedHeading = items[10]; expect(weedHeading).toEqual({ headingId: "Weed", label: "Weeds", value: 0, heading: true, }); const weed = items[11]; expect(weed).toEqual({ headingId: "Weed", label: "Weed 1 (15, 25, 35)", value: "5" }); }); }); describe("formatTool()", () => { it("returns ddi for tool", () => { const ddi = formatTool(fakeTool(), fakeToolSlot()); expect(ddi.label).toEqual("Foo (0, 0, 0)"); }); it("returns ddi for tool when gantry mounted", () => { const toolSlot = fakeToolSlot(); toolSlot.body.gantry_mounted = true; const ddi = formatTool(fakeTool(), toolSlot); expect(ddi.label).toEqual("Foo (gantry, 0, 0)"); }); }); describe("dropDownName()", () => { it("returns label", () => { const label = dropDownName("Plant 1", { x: 10, y: 20, z: 30 }); expect(label).toEqual("Plant 1 (10, 20, 30)"); }); it("returns untitled label", () => { const label = dropDownName("", { x: 10, y: 20, z: 30 }); expect(label).toEqual("Untitled (10, 20, 30)"); }); it("returns label with undefined coordinates", () => { const label = dropDownName("Plant 1", { x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined }); expect(label).toEqual("Plant 1 (---, ---, ---)"); }); }); describe("groups2Ddi", () => { it("excludes unsaved groups", () => { const fakes = [fakePointGroup(), fakePointGroup()]; fakes[0] = 1; fakes[1] = undefined; const result = groups2Ddi(fakes); expect(result.length).toEqual(1); expect(result[0].label).toEqual(fakes[0]; expect(result[0].value).toEqual("1"); }); });